Terraria Hardcore

Alright Holla Forums let's play some Terraria multiplayer again but with a twist this time.

Instead of just playing on normal mode this time we'll only make hardcore characters, this means that when that when you die you're out of the game for good.
Ideally we'll get 4+ people at which point it'll become a match to see who can live the longest and get the furthest in the game.

Be sure to join the red team when you enter the game.

Pass: videogames

Other urls found in this thread:



What version are you running?

tfw op is me

Multiplayer Hardcore is already a shitfest as is but you want to do it with faggots from Holla Forums to boot?

You're just asking for pain. Tediumcore would be enough I'd think.

It's actually pretty fun so far.

The latest, not sure which one that is, 1.3.3 I believe. is the current version, at least according to my game.

I wish we had a server where we actually did cool stuff together working as a team. Mining, exploring, killing, building etc and we all shared in the spoils. I've seen that shit in those LPs and I have to say it looks super comfy.

Aaaand the second person is dead. On the other hand, there's still people connecting which is cool.

We could definitely think of a way to improve teamwork in future playtroughs to make things less chaotic. I was thinking of improving communication somehow.

The problem is that anyone could join from any time zone so there can't really be any consistent teamwork. You will get people who are never off and reach late pre-hardmode gear within the first three days.

Maybe we can use the team feature and what colour you are depends on when you will be on day to day. PVP will be enabled so stragglers get bullied by the other team.

What the fuck is the point?

Since it was the first time I think most people were alright with others coming back. But next time we can just say people aren't allowed to come back. I mean if most people are ok with that.

serb down? i can't join after being on the server just a couple seconds ago

damn it op you got me invested.
now i will be salty when i die.

Why not just go mediumcore?
Or do hardcore with 24 hour bans or something?

Can't connect.

Server is broken.
My guess is that only OP can connect right now.

Died with platinum worth of loot west of spawn at meteorite. Grab it while ya can, lads.

Speaking of Terraria, will there be any more major content updates like 1.3? I know there was one just recently, but it pretty much added a small handful of decorative stuff and some mechanisms, which I don't have much use for. I hope there's more biomes, events, armors, and weapons.

So what happened


Op went to bed and left the server running. But somehow it went offline. If you guys want we can play again in 12 hours.

How long from now until server is up?
timezones confuse me

Holy fucking shit, this is amazing

Terraria is probably the only game that's gotten better with annual updates. Most games stop being recognizable after so many updates.


Cant connect for some reason.

How far are you guys in the game right now?

Wait. Is the sever still broken?!?!?

OP, you are one shitty excuse for a host.

Delete your account

serber up when

and then op never woke up again

Change to mediumcore pls, hardocore is too hardcore for me

Terraria has changed drastically with its updates, certainly. Daily reminder that when the game first came out, health didn't regenerate and killing Skeletron was the end of the game.

Server still up, by the way? I can't connect.

Or: Did the server ever come back? I can't connect.

Terraria has certainly been a great ride


Americans asleep probably

Half a decade.

It was better when health didn't regenerate, because with regeneration they hit the ceiling with boss difficulty and every subsequent boss relied on spam rather than actual difficulty.

So they had to compensate and turn it into numbers game.

That's the worst erotica I've ever read. -0/10

OP here, first of all sorry to everyone that tried to connect after our first run, I had work IRL so I couldn't play for a while.

In the meantime if there's still anyone that wants to play I'll be hosting a softcore server under the same IP and pass till we get enough people for a second run.
Second, thank everyone that joined the first run and made it a great success.

what do you guys think of my zero suit Samus char?

Hardmode run pls

It's on expert yeah, and we'll go hardcore once we have more then 4 people

please do a hardmode run soon.

meant to say hardcore actually, fuck

You guys able to connect by the way?

it a lil bit

I cant connect damn it.

Why OP? You had one job.

can't connect.
op when will you unfuck your shit

Working on it, it's odd because it did work last time

i just joined

I am in as well


Kek, no worries. We're still waiting for 1 more untillwe do an actual hardcore run so come back.

Ok, restarting the server.

Say when OP


dead already fug

My terraria wont start fuggg

join red team faggots

Would anyone like to make opponent factions?

something tells me faggots are bringing in weapons instead of starting from scratch. Could be bretty bad

Nah, we just had one person who still had his char from last run

server restart?

op what happen to serber


Wow i finally get back from getting my chinese food and now the serber ded.

At least i still have you chinese food.

op dead gg

Fucking end my life

Dunno, I'll restart

livin the hardcore life

Server should be back up

Can I play with version

of course not

What's the sky lake thing?

After finding his burrow gone Elf's dad goes left.

After much getting his revenge on Tyrone for fucking his wife. Elf's Dad goes underground.

Cannot connect

What's the point of a server if you shut it down every couple of hours OP?????

Opening a new server

This time let's make all characters mediumcore with a large world on expert mode

I laid out a minecart track to speed things up and the first 5 people to enter the server get some items to help in the beginning

Server: 7777
Pass: v


You can make a hardcore character if you want to, in the hardcore server nobody reached 200 life, most of the heart crystals were found and used and everybody quit soon after

make a new one then

Good way to survive is luck out and get pinky, kill pink and make peace candles and place em along the world to reduce spawn rates on the surface and key mining areas

You only want to increase life when you're ready to take on a boss since one of the flags to start spawning bosses is a character with 200 life on top of 3 NPCs

Or just play the game normally but carefully always ready to save&quit, instead of being an autist


what happen?

cannot connect to either servers…
someone make a new server with a large map plz.

If I could only figure out my fucking router-open port-bulllllllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt

Oh look cannot connect…. Again


It fills me with a sense of pride

What fuckin server? What difficulty character do I need to make?

Is this shit still even going on?

Import tombstones from other games to scare people

are both servers still fucking dead

Looks like it.

Post a type of weapon you really want to see in Terraria.

Is there any type of weapon that isn't in terraria already?

More types of magic than just "fancy projectile". AoEs, PBAoEs, glyph traps, chain lightning, etc.

a melee weapon that's good end game that's not ranged

…I just posted it. Fetid Baghnakhs aren't the same thing if you're wondering.

Inferno fork and others are AOE
Bee gun works exactly like chain lightingin bouncing from one enemy to the next

Tihs would be orgasmic.

I'd also be partial to an actual support class. You can kinda do one with spectral hood set, but they nerfed that into the ground hard.

I just really enjoy skill healing.

There's very little of variation, though, and bees are just an autoaim weapon to begin with. And also not made of lightning. Appearance of a spell matters almost as much as its function.

Are there any good mods for Terraria?

I mean, I'd like a new boss in the Underground Desert. Something to give you a bit of an edge on Duke Fishron (or make the desert boss just as difficult as the duke, so they both act as "optional" bosses).

Seems you might be able to accessorize NPCs. Question is, can you give them armor so they don't die? What happens if an NPC dies WITH gear you gave it?

As for the new event, no clue.

And Clowns actually destroyed blocks you placed.

Terraria Otherworlds is "soon", and its allegedly closer to what the devs originally planned.

Terraria 2 is also in the works. (I hope they keep it low spec so they can focus on features. Being it's own thing and not trying to be Minecraft or Lego Worlds).

IIRC the dev team is like 6 or 9 people, with a 2/3 working on the new games, and the last third focusing on base Terraria.

I did that with NPC deaths.
Before I wired the houses to be blocked off at night.
And I built my arena kind of close.
The Destroyer and Pirate Invasions nearly wiped everyone.


I also found this:

Apart from one boss and some questionable sprites, looks pretty good.

Seconded. Guns got all the fun, and some late end-game Melee.

Where's my charm ability that lets monsters fight as my minions for a short time?

Where's my "nuke" style spells like the charged arm cannon? (can use a little magic for a basic attack, or all MP for a fuck huge attack)

Where's my reduced gravity AOE?
Where's my increased gravity AOE?
Where's my summon that creates barriers, heals me, or distracts all enemies and take a beating for me?

That last one is only reskined equipment
no thanks enough of this bloat

Shit, I actually thought it was stats and new bosses (same AI, but tougher and different projectiles)

My bad.

Tried out some hardcore for fun on expert. Thought I was safe for the first night until a zombie and a demon eye spawned from my house. Any way to render more shit so that don't happen?

remove dirt and background dirt, also stone blocks too

Sounds like a fix, thanks.

Alright, I was thinking of opening a server again. Anyone have any ideas this time?


You just shouldn't dig directly from your house.
Make a little shed beside it to dig from.

i'm fine with expert mediumcore or normal hardcore like before

but i'm morbidly curious about how expert hardcore would go

Expert mediumcore it is for the time being.

Server should be up

Making some flaming crosses to welcome our fellow niggers.

whats the server port


Woops Jack, I have no idea what the unban command is, but that was a joke ban.

Nigga yo lyin

google it nigga, i want in again

i wuz a good boy

Can't seem to connect

This fucking thing took forever.

Why didn't you make it out of flesh blocks?

Cause he is a fucking casual.

Gonna stop hosting the server for the next 12 hours since I use my gaming desktop with an AMD gpu as a server and I don't want my house catching fire.

but I was just gonna get back on…

at least post the world file so i can host, we had a thing going there.

Bring the server back…!

Server should be back up, also Jack the Nigger should check if he can play without a proxy again.


There ya go

server down?


get it up before i cut ya

bump looking to play


It's been up for a few hours again my niggers


this thread is more dead than it ever was huh

We might as well try to keep it alive, the other Terraria thread is 6 post away from autosage so when it dies we can just consolidate into one thread.


Server went down for some reason, but it's back up now. Also loggin into hardmode was quite the surprise yesterday.

I have a VPS I use for hosting a website. It's not the beefiest rig but I could host a server on it for you guys if you'd like.

As long as the connection is decent it shouldn't be a problem, I guess.

Should this be vanilla or tshock?

Yes please.

I'd be fine with vanilla.

Op here with a question: Since we are in hardmode what's the protocol when new players join? Do we let them in with their obvious frost wyrms and rainbow rods they took from their mains or do we force them to die over and over again? I'm not entirely sure myself since I would appreciate more players but the entire purpose of the server would be lost if everyone was just farming Duke Fishron with Flairons 24/7

Honestly I wouldn't care much if I had to give up my cool gear. I just think whatever makes the server fun will be good.

Try join
password is 'cuteboys' without the quotations.
I don't know how well it'll run, it might not be able to handle many players. If not, I'm sorry.

That's 7777, not 77777.

Not even enough memory for one player.