Going back to WoW

Actually it's pretty comfy. Weird how you can legally buy gold now though.

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There are still some private servers around, with old expansions and probably old players

kill yourself already

i went back to wow at the start of wod and it was entertaining for exactly two weeks. exploring the new lands was fun. the end. literally everything else about it was counterproductive mmo-wise.

can you really call it exploring when there's so much phasing and handholding that you can't actually discover anything the game isn't just going to show you on its own?

You can pay for your sub with in game Gold now, It's been that way for a while.

It's like 45k gold a month for US/AUS, easily sustainable. It's basically F2P at this point.

I have access to the Legion beta, by pure luck, and I'm letting my friend play it because I don't want to spoil it for myself.

He's fucking loving it so far, and it seems that the sentiment is echoed by other beta players.

So far it looks to be better than fucking WoD at least (the only thing I liked about WoD was the questing).

I'm actually glad I quit now, because now that the end of the expansion is here there is stuff to do.

I can't imagine paying for the last what… 2 years for two patches? Jesus

If it was actually worth playing you wouldn't be posting here instead of playing it.

Confirmed for shit then.

Newsflash: Blizzards cherry picked beta players with a massive investment in seeing the game succeed and living in a massive echo chamber think the game is 'good'

For more on this breaking story we turn now to Cuck already at the scene, Cuck?


Thanks Tom, right here I'm watching my wife getting railed by a big black nigger and goddamn it feels good to just sit and watch…
Oh shit right about the wow shit. I'unno, who gives a fuck by this point.

A truly inspiring summation of how shit the game is. Thank you Cuck.

Coming up in the 11 o'clock hour, does feminism cause cancer? We'll have the answer after a word from our sponsors.

I could understand if WoW was f2p
but don't you still pay 15 fucks a month for this game? Like Jesus fuck dude, play BDO instead or something

game is free to play but boring as fuck



But I guess people don't want to play the best MMO in current existence right now.

I don't really like the crappy ping and idea that the country could decide to block my IP at any time.

You're probably (absolutely) right, but I got in because of a gift from a mod of /r/wow.

Only thing to do is solo old instances to grind mounts.

Shit computer.

Has literally and never will happen. That rumor was started by butthurt xenophobe jap players and dismissed by the actual developers.

If you're on windows 10, go into the task manager, hit details, then go into the details tab and knock out Tabtip32. The game doesn't like Windows 10's popup help functions

I haven't really played much lately (What little time I spent playing WoD ended up being wasted in the Garrison anyway), but I tried out the PTR yesterday and so far honestly I'm actually liking what I'm seeing, especially the new combat animations and the changes to Arms Warriors.

Doubt the actual expansion will be that great but maybe it will actually be better than the current expansion at least this time around.

Also some of the new UI changes are pretty neat (like the revamped nameplates and higher resolution damage font).

At the very least 7.0 will be a great quality of life patch.

But my fucking game is the wotlk expansion


Meanwhile, FFXIV keep making content more harder and will fuck your shit up if dont master your class to the fullest

Anyone who owns the game has been updated to Warlords of Draenor. I think they made it work like that in Pandaria or something.

It's split between starter edition (f2p, lv20 max, other limitations), game without latest expansion, game with latest expansion.

Still I need to spend 50€ to play that legion shit

Where is the F2P

It inst F2P, someone HAS to buy those tokens with real money so technically you're still buying time.


Also, Legion is gonna just as terrible as WoD considering the lead dev in Legion was in charge of Diablow 3.

I got legion as well, and my last communique with Blizz was, let's say, less than friendly.
Not that I'm ressubing mind you. Fuck them for what they did with the game.

it'll be worse.

What the fuck is this? Are new players so retarded that they can't level through a few basic zones first? The Death Knight "Starting Experience" made it such a chore to start a new one that it largely wasn't worth the effort. Is this the norm for starting areas now? Because it sounds like cancer to me.

honestly it's what they deserve for obsoleting most of the game after every expansion and replacing it with less than a quarter of the content to tide you over until it gets trashed again. they're less expansions and more serials.

Gonna say FFXIV is more about handling the minimum basics and remembering fight gimmicks then "Master class to the fullest" outside of "Savage" Raids.

Then again, i had people fail with basic gimmicks like Demon Book and letting Neurosquama stare at the other party members.

If I wanted to do nothing, fall asleep from boredom and be comfy I'd go to fucking bed idiot

It probably refers to all the important NPCs that are slated to die from the expansions' start to your arrival at the Broken Isles (the new continent).

Thrall, Vol'Jin, Varian, Tirion and probably more that I don't know about.

I guess we Game of Thrones now

more like DBZ because you know half of them will come right back or get replaced with the same thing anyway.

what's the difference?

The order hall campaign for Death Knights apparently has you getting another set of Four Horseman for the Lich King (all I saw was screenshots, this is all I know. It's fucking stupid).

When you're out to get the fourth Horseman, you're sent to retrieve Tirion's corpse beneath Light's Hope Chapel in the eastern plaguelands.

You fail at it, though.

Orgrimmar is empty on weekends.
No reason to interact with other players until you get to end game raiding.

Therefore the game is bad.

Play vanilla.

Dragon Ball is better.


It really is aggravating how good Warcraft was before the LFG function was added, removing any and all reason to actually communicate with people in the area and form actual bonds with people on your server. I was considering signing up for Nostralius but then it got shut down, so even vanilla isn't safe. What an awful time to be a shut-in.

pic related

Yes I did that 12 years ago, guess what, no one cares how amazing I was, or if I was top 3 on the server, I am still nobody today.

I'd rather just relax and kill monsters now.

did she died?


shes drunk

Blizzard occasionally gives me a week of free WoW to play my old characters in the newer expansions that I never got. That one week convinces me that leaving WoW long ago was a wise decision.


Nice blogpost faggot- I mean, you couldn't ACTUALLY be making an argument for Blizzard's mind poison. You're just letting us know you decided to waste your money, time and life-energy, right? Good.

Because the alternative would make you an absolute fucking waste of flesh in addition to a hopelessly addicted loser.