Someone posted this on FB, how do I respond?
Someone posted this on FB, how do I respond?
Don't. Internet arguments with the politically illiterate is a waste of time.
neither victory nor defeat is important, but the beautiful shining of our eyes in combat
The thing that people honestly don't understand about this is the implications.
Sure, the US military could probably crush any number of American revolutionaries, even if they got Russian backing. It would take seriously millions of people taking arms against the US government, in a coherent and unified group, with some level of actual training. to take on the US Military.
However, consider the implications of this for just one second. What is going to happen to the US economy once they need to start parking tanks in the middle of New York streets? If they're stuck patrolling men down Miami? Are they going to commit drone strikes against shopping malls where people took up residence? Sure, they can do these things in other countries, where the US doesn't suffer all the financial implications. But how long do you think a consumer and service driven economy is going to last like that? You can't have a giant thriving economy when your main economic centers are getting blown apart in rocket strikes.
Now, despite everything with the US military's technological advantage, it can only back this up with the massive fucking logistics train behind it. And where is this logistics train going to get funding when a country saddled down heavily by debt it's stuck constantly generating and repaying suddenly loses a huge chunk of its income?
Socialist revolution will only happen in the states if the large majority of people support it (kek), and if enough people supported it to form a socialist society, enough people support it to have a totally peaceful revolution.
Armed revolution is a delusion in the states
True, and your picture proves it.
What's going to protect the Yanks from just that? Their rights?
At that point it's just a matter of chance that the military refuse to execute govt orders, and soldiers defect
What makes ching chongs so good at this, anyway? How can imperialists even compete?
Internet tough guys. Remember your last LARP?
look at this man jaw lmao
Military people are not free actors. Any of them who have been in for more than a year are probably married, and after two they have kids. Their homes and their families are either on military bases or being payed for by BAH. Their medical care, their groceries, and all of their bills are payed by the military.
They can't leave. Even if they did, where would they go? The military will chase them to every corner of the planet with an extradition treaty, and there are a tiny few left that do not.
There will be no mass defections until the command structure begins to break down, and that will require a nightmarish quagmire.
i'd rather be a beautiful martyr than win and have franco's jawline
assuming revolution/a civil war happens in the states then then the communist faction that rises in the states will probably be supported by cubaand maybe russia trying to one up the united states of america
there will be no hitler and mussolini to back up the american government
Revolution ain't gonna happen overnight comrade. The first thing you should do is convert the liberals to far left commies because they're already somewhat critical of capitalism somewhat.
They only won because the USA didn't follow through on its treaty obligation to provide arms to South Vietnam because of a budget showdown.
will only exist in concentrated hotspots, and there's plenty of tomahawks for those
Did they forget about Vietnam? lmao
They won because of geology and US hubris. You ain't gonna beat the US military on their home turf unless you can get everyone in the military industrial complex to stop working.
Protip: The Vietcong lost every battle with the US.
These are the only reasons why the Vietnamese won the war.
ahahahah. like 20% of people in the military supported B████ in the primaries. 10% Hillary. The rest Republicans. the American military is full of fascists.
this is what dumbfuck liberals really believe
Actually, what made the Vietcong effective is going to be even stronger in a prospective revolution/civil war. The United States isn't going to be willing to carpet bomb, napalm or agent orange itself.
On a large scale, maybe. I can easily see them using it on "high priority" targets or utilizing it sparingly to try and scare people into submission.
Not to mention that you'd probably start seeing large-scale defections the moment civil war breaks out. Hell, half the milfags I know are fuck the government muh freedom types. Which probably doesn't bode well on the grand scale, honestly.
Come on now
t. dying by the millions
It's what actually happened. Porky is aware of the danger of an armed uprising and has secured contingencies against it about 100 time over.
You gotta be a white softy suburbanite because only someone like that would believe the US Military wouldn't carpet bomb it's own people.
I was an army brat, and worked for the military industrial complex for 12 years. I can tell with certainty they would.
I have a funny antidote my father told me. during the 80's my father was put in charge of doing evacuation drills for bases in Germany.
Every person on a Germany/NATO base back then had what was called a 20 min bag next to the door. During the start of WWIII you'd grab the bag and be on a bus headed toward the airport in 20 mins no matter what.
Dad told me the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) on these drills was a stack of books several feet high because of all the logistics. Last chapter said it was all bullshit, all the freeways would be jammed, and NATO expected to loss the opening battles so they had planted explosives on every freeway overpass to deny the enemy from using them after they lost the open battles.
*expected to lose
*opening battles