It's a predict the exact year that capitalism finally collapses on itself thread

It's a predict the exact year that capitalism finally collapses on itself thread.

Bonus cool points for:

Exact day.

Date when the revolution overthrows the broken system and implements socialism.

Date when we achieve full communism.

My turn:
Capitalism will collapse in 2037. The effects of neoliberal economics will prove irreversible within our current structure at this time, and the environment will be degraded to the point where we see it impacting our daily lives.

I base this off of mere guessing.

June 9th 2069
September 6th 2069 if you're a europoor

2069 on Hitlers birthday

I think it will be around then too

Eventually the gap between capitalists, skilled labor, and unskilled labor in the West will grow so large that capitalism will have to collapse in the face of rising anti-inequality sentiment

However, at first the transition will just be universal basic income and make-work programs (the thing about UBI is that even very spooked economists like it too). I think it won't be until 2060 at the earliest that we will see Western countries embrace true socialism. So my estimates:

2020s: first Western government embraces UBI (probably a northern European country: either Scandi, Low country, Germany, or France)

2030s: widespread UBI adoption

2040s: China has a per-capita GDP rivaling some of the richest countries. India is like the modern day China, Africa is like the modern day India except there's a new corparitist scramble for Africa sponsored by the CIA in the same style as the corporatist scramble for Latin America during the cold war. Western countries have to deal with the repurcussions of rising global labor costs, and economic development stalls outside of the poorest countries. Asset bubbles pop everywhere as growth goals are re-evaluated.

2050s: In reaction to the currently tanked Western economies, da revolution and da socialism in Europe

how would one actually claim their points and what value would they have in a communist system?

Stop misusing "spooked." Class is just as much a spook as muh free markeds.

Oct 19th 2016

UBI is a good transition to socialism though

Socialism is never coming back

pretty accurate.

You're underestimating the massive propaganda that there will be against UBI though.
My greatest fear is that Musk, Gates or some other pig will take the burden of feeding proles "voluntarily" and kill democracy for good.

Revulution will start unorganized and fueled by popular revolt in the 30s-40s, will probably be crippled by propaganda and fought by old people and die out, Communist parties will rebuild and organize as reform fails once again, all legitimized authority will be permanently discredited and there will be full blown war between Communists and the now completely authoritarian old liberal democracies.
I'll go with 2117 for worldwide Socialism because of a few decades of guerrilla warfare.
2200 for communism because Patent rights will cripple technological development in the following years, TPP and all.

December 2030

2050 or so. Growing tired of managing the proletariat in the age of automation, the bourgeoisie takes the role of revolutionary class and exterminates the proletariat, with society after this effectively being Communist.


M-maybe marx was wrong and capitlaism will never collapse?, everytime it "collapses" it strenghtens itself and keeps on living.

after 10,000, at least

I'm not very optimistic

Bad post.

November 7th, 2017.

ITT: Religious morons that think their magical revolution will happen this year or next year.
Or even in the next one hundred years.

You people are so naive, so optimistic.
What makes you think governments will implement basic income in the 2020's?

I love how stupid you are OP.
This strikes me as a "tap your red shoes Dorothy and believe in magic" type of thinking.
Capitalism will outlive you all.

it was never here



No it won't.


Early 2020's is when the singularity happens. So we'll know if we're locked in for doom by then or start heading toward FALC.

Have you seen the NVIDIA demo of the car that drove around by itself and the AI learned entirely from observing the driving of humans. The AI revolution is coming.

There is no such thing as a technological singularity, it's a masturbatory delusion of futurists.

This. If anything we've seen a significant slowdown in technological advances since the 60s, and we're nearing the end of Moore's Law anyway. The idea that we're going to make an AI that will somehow solve all our problems is downright religious. It's not a matter of not knowing what to do that has retarded our progress, anyway.

It's ridiculous to think we'll never reach that point. I don't see it happening for thousands of years, but it's bound to eventually happen.

The technological singularity has different meanings. What I mean is when AI become strong enough to do menial tasks in natural environments.

We're already seeing it as I stated before NVIDIA just demonstrated a self driving car that was not programmed but learned to drive by observing humans.

Very soon like in the next couple of years computer vision will be good enough to do things like pick fruit.

AI doesn't have to have a consciousness to be able to start a revolution. Just cheap and good enough to do menial repetitive labor.

Moore's Law barely has any impact on potential computing capacity in the future

Your definition is quite different from someone like Kurzweil's who sees the tipping point of singularity as being the point when computing power outruns that of all human brains working with computers.

Not a bad thing, its just most futurists I hear talking about it have a much loftier measuring stick for it; those are pretty reasonable near-term expectations/predictions. I can't see them bringing about the collapse of capitalism in themselves though, just the acceleration of downwards pressure on workers wages and the increase of exploitation in those areas where human labor is valorized.

off my board pls

if you can't make it collapse by force how can you build communism afterwards? you won't have a saying if capitalism collapse by itself. so fuck that.

agitate, educate, organize. stop wet-dreaming.

It's going to happen, and gradually but steadily feudalism will return.
In 2077 King Gates II merges his consciousness with the machine, gaining omniscience on earth and becoming the first Godking. In response Lord Musk declares Mars to be independent, thous starting what was quickly dubbed the war of the immortals.

Can we get a transhumanist-monarchism flag?

wait, no need, I found it.