Can you even begin to imagine how fucking Amazon the online Walmart is going to handle Lord of the Rings?

Can you even begin to imagine how fucking Amazon the online Walmart is going to handle Lord of the Rings?

Posting a couple webms for a total of like 10-15 min section of Fellowship of the Ring.
Just imagine the step down this is going to be in terms of casting, acting, sets, principal photography, cinematography, pacing, dialogue, soundtrack and direction.

Just the direction alone I can't see them hiring anyone worth a shit in the television industry or whomever they would have to hire on their shoestring budget since this is so massive. Think of how the elves will be portrayed for example and the forests. If they don't completely nail it, it is going to be so fucking bad. Not even counting the shitskins they will possibly feature.

Other urls found in this thread:



And by "Lord of the Rings" I of course mean Middle Earth in general.


It will be filmed entirely in front of a green screen, be filled of shitskins, has some pop sings in it, and directed by JJ Abrams

He would cost them too much, they are gonna get the guy who JJ influenced

I forgot how good these scenes were

We all know it will be shit. They won't have the budget to it as well as the Peter Jackson movies. The articles from earlier in the week suggested a 100-150 million dollar per season budget. A typical season these days is 10 episodes, maybe 13. 10-15 million per episode is what Bezos wants to commit. New Line Cinemas probably spent roughly 100 million for each individual LOTR movie.

Since Bezos wants to position it as a GoT competitor then Minas Tirith will be the Red Keep, I guess Angmar will be "the north" with Bree as the main city, the Riders of Rohan will be the Dothraki, and Arwen will be the Dragon Queen. Expect lots of discussion about Gondor's tax policy because that is so realistic and relevant.

That's what television plebs cannot see including those who both know game of thrones is shit and whom think its nothing less than good. Stretching the 150 million dollar budget at best to 10 episodes that are an hour long really stretches the budget.

I would 10/10 times rather this money be pumped into actual films. At least they have the possibility to be good or decent, but tv shows always have the same bloated shit side stories and characters and inserted plebness.

George R.R. Martin ruined the fantasy/swords and sorcery genre. Tolkien himself hated allegories and denied that LOTR was a about WWI or WWII or anything else.

Fantasy/Swords and Sorcery stories were never meant to be political. They had messages and morals but they weren't overt. They were intended to be like the myths and legends of old with arch-typical heroes and villains. It was basic Joseph Campbell stuff. The whole "hero's journey" schtick. GRRM pretty much said "Fuck all that storytelling nonsense! Let's make TMZ with dragons!"

Nah I think game of thrones fans ruined it, they could make an actual adaptations of good fantasy out there and king arthur if they wanted but they dont

I know but I think his subconscious betrayed him. The one piece of evidence I can level use is the great eye. The great eye is either telling us about ((( them ))) or an eye above a pyramid or tower is an archetype symbol of evil and always has been.

And who enables the fans?

And they already made the best adaptation of King Arthur. Image related.

Yea I know that I mean something like a presently filmed adaptation of

Bored anyone want some webms?

you say Walmart like it's a bad thing

Do you want McDonalds in charge of kino?



not all of it obviously, but I don't see how them making some movies and tv shows would be bad






I don't get it


In all honesty, throughout the three books there's no reference to a fiery eye on Barad Dur. That was Jackson's addition for greater clarity/menace and possibly as a snub to NWO since he ain't stupid.
The books refer to it as a "metaphorical" eye WITHIN the tower that never sleeps. Eye of Providence basically in it's pure symbolic form. Sauron didn't have the power to manifest as he did in the movies. That eye was in proportions really big if you consider the size of Barad Dur.
Pic related is how Tolkien pictured it and as did I as I read the books.


That makes Peter Jackson /ourguy/.

yeah just look how Hobbit was fucked and it was under Jackson

seeing Lotr movies Appendices really explains why it was so well made.

LOTR has one of the few interesting "behind the scenes" documentaries. A big part of it was strong usage of costumes, practical effects, puppets and on location filming.

LOTR looks better than the Hobbit for the same reason Jurassic Park looks better than Jurassic World.

LotR isn't even that good, you're just seeing it through rose-tinted glasses. The only way I can explain it is nostalgia. I never saw it till a few years ago and it was nothing. Kingdom of Heaven is a far greater movie.
LotR is just another dadcore trendy thing to like like Star Wars.

For comparison, here is how it looked in the 1979 adaptation. It was more something, that hovered in the sky, rather than an eye stuck to a tower.
You can see it at 4:20

The thing that gets me is how Amazon, an online retailer, is doing entertainment like this.
What's next? Halliburton doing developing vidya?

The owner of amazon is almost as rich as Bill Gates, he can afford basically any project, including movies and TV shows.

It's good on it's own but it still fails the novels in several regards. It's fine that they cut stuff out, but having frodo push gollum defeats the point of frodo being the hero never killed, and also failed to destroy the ring himself.

That and they made denethor way too flat, they should have shown his good side too


If this clip were just a little bit longer it would be the best in the thread.


I'm dreading it. They will likely butcher the lore, the characters and setting. There will be token non-whites and stronk womyn. The themes and spirit of LOTR will be crushed for dark and edgy, swearing, violence, sex fests ala GoT.

why does that midget look like Don Vito from Jackass?



JRR is farting in his grave

Only the first movie was good, Two Towers and Return of King were dumb super hero movies

Unexpected Journey is the only Tolcuck film worth watching.

It's funny to see people pretending the movies were good adaptations when Tolkien' son hated them

Sure, you can like them, but don't try to argue that Peter Jackson understood Tolkien and his books

Oldest dustiest chestnut in the Tolkien tool shed.

Fuck off cuck.

Except they were good, the Extended editions were grand, small quibs and humor bits aside, but Tolkien books also had jokes and humor.

Two Towers was good, only in the thick of the fighting at Helm's Deep did it devolve into capekino tier shit. Sam's speech at the end is one of the greatest scenes of the trilogy. Fellowship is ofc the best though. Return of the King isn't too bad but idk why it's so bloody long, there was no need to spend so long on the Pelennor fields battle. It essentially is just some action film for most of its runtime unfortunately.

The films actually do show Tolkien's spirit though. The end of Fellowship and the Two Towers being a good example. Even the end of Return of the King now that I think about it. They're all deep with meaning. Chris' problem was that for much of the trilogy, you didn't get that, instead you got battles and action heroes and shit. Even in Fellowship there's plenty of action. The films did a much better job at portraying Tolkien's spirit than was expected, but this wasn't enough for Chris and he has that right. I believe a large part of his complaint was the commercialisation of Tolkien anyway.

At the end of the day of course, it's the scenes that are virtually unchanged from the books that are the best in the films.

That they were. The ending of the Two Towers is better in the theatrical though, seems to flow better.

All I want is for JJ to do for LotR what he did for Star Wars: bring it back and make it relevant for today. My dream is a kind of "Lord of the Rings: Episode 7" film that reunites the original cast, and tells the story of the "old guard" passing the torch to a vibrant new generation of heroes (and heroines).

We don't need any original cast! Besides Martin Freeman as bilbo he was great!

Frodo - Donald Glover
Sam - Daniel Kaluuya
Merry - Ice Cube
Pippin - Kevin Hart
Gandalf - Djimon Hounsou
Bilbo - Martin Freeman
Legolas - Taye Diggs
Aragorn - Jamie Foxx
Boromir - Mahershala Ali
Gimli - Forest Whitaker
Arwen - Bella Thorne
Saruman - Christoph Waltz
Wormtongue - Trevante Rhodes
Theoden - Lawrence Fishbourne
Faramir - John Boyega
Eomer - Anython Mackie
Galadriel - Emma Watson
Haldir - Ewan Mcgreggor
Elrond - Tyler Perry
Eowyn - Keira Knightley
Lurtz - Idris Elba
Gollum - Maisie Williams
Mouth of Sauron - Daisy Ridley
Treebeard -Whoopi Goldberg
Denethor - Denzel Washington
Tom Bombadil - Chris Tucker
Cave Troll - Kirsten Dunst

I want nu/tv/ to go away

the book ending of Two Towers is unbeatable, though for pacing it is hard to put in.

anyone got direct links for 56 hours of LOTR Appendices?

Why do this? How can a miniseries even remotely work when this ground has already been tread?

It's new

>The Stranger reveals he is the Great Wizard, Gandalf (who is played by Idris Elba in drag)

His grandson wrote a holocaust play. its over. Tolkien line is pozzed.

Simon Tolkien notably disagreed with the policy of his grandfather's estate in regard to The Lord of the Rings films. When Christopher Tolkien issued a statement that the "Tolkien estate would be best advised to avoid any specific association with the films",[11] Simon Tolkien broke ranks, offering to cooperate with the filmmakers, stating "It was my view that we take a much more positive line on the film and that was overruled by my father."[12] Following up a 2001 interview with the Independent, Simon in 2003 gave interviews to the Daily Telegraph and other media in which he discussed his strained relationship with his father, describing it as a permanent breach.[13] However, they have since reconciled.[1]

Simon Tolkien currently lives in southern California with his wife Tracy.[1] Simon's son Nicholas is a playwright and director[14] who debuted with his first play Terezin in June 2017.[15]
Michael Kaminer (26 June 2017). "A Tolkien Takes On The Holocaust". The Forward.


J.R.R. Tolkien’s grandson Simon warmly remembers his famous grandfather reading The Lord of the Rings to him as a child. Yet as an adult Simon went his own way, marrying an American Jewish woman named Tracy Steinberg. Their son Nicholas is Jewish, though as a child the family had little to do with formal religion. Nicholas attended a posh school in London where he was bullied when he told his fellow students that he was Jewish. The school didn’t teach about the Holocaust; as a Jew, Nicholas felt like an outsider.

Like a pottery. bloodline is done for. bravo.

Nicholas Tolkien is inspired by the beauty and timeless wisdom of Judaism.

Nicholas also realizes that learning about Judaism and maintaining a Jewish lifestyle is a way to honor the many Jews who died for the sake of being Jewish. “What I find so horrific is that the Nazis banned Jewish tradition. They banned Chanukah, they banned Shabbat, they burned Jews after their deaths instead of giving their victims a proper burial. With the Shoah, our traditions were taken away, and every time we do these rituals, we honor the memories of those who were killed.”