Why aren't the mods doing anything about the Holla Forumstards and fascists that have overrun this board recently?
It seems like half the posts on this board these days are pro-racism/Fascism.
Why aren't the mods doing anything about the Holla Forumstards and fascists that have overrun this board recently?
It seems like half the posts on this board these days are pro-racism/Fascism.
if it bothers you enough to make a thread, why doesn't it bother you enough to file a report? Useful Idiotshit is banned, it will probably get deleted.
It is disruptive, but I'd hardly say we're being overrun. Most of what I see is one of
shitposting should be bannable, but Holla Forums should not aspire to be a torture chamber like Holla Forums or reddit. The only way to disassemble fascism is by disassembling their logic, and that can only happen by open and free dialogue, even if they are being faggots.
thanks for putting this much effort into a post
So Mussolini just won all the debates at the time or what?
You haven't seen anything newfriend.
We are actually going through one of the most chill periods this board has ever been.
this famalamadingdong
hey polyp, is this thread what you're trying to slide?
You haven't seen shit, honey.
Yeah, he did actually
when u lowkey kno but dumb polyps doesnt
Because there are not enough mods and the mods that do exist dont care about the board.
Well, honestly it wouldn't really be a problem if that was the case. I just see way too fucking many people replying to (and not fucking saging) shit that is either obvious bait/shitposting or "fellow leftists",
Also, there has been a pretty large influx of "fellow leftists"-style (e.g. a lot of the posts replying to people who don't oppose taking in refugees with claims that they are not leftists reek of "fellow leftists" bullshit.) posting for the past month or so, compared to the past year. But that could just be a couple of dedicated guys.
Really mods don't even need to ban or delete threads. Just be a lot more liberal with bumplocking.
It feels like the board doesn't even have enough mods to just have a guy checking the front page a couple of times every hour for threads that obviously need bumplocking.
Everyone here should elect me mod.
I'll get rid of all the shitposts
What about free speech tho?
t. pol
nah, m8.
I'm legit. been here forever and I'm extremely active.
shit posting from pol would end.
newfag please go
i want oldfags to leave
reddit claims this space in the name of the /r/socialist empire!
long live the women of this world.
prove it.
Okay, have that (You)
Because if we banned them then they'd cry about safe spaces.
Ifeel like saging is quite useless when the Holla Forumsyp can just
his thread with a post.
I would like to know, what percentage of your posts include one or several instance of le open relationship meme in the past 2 years? Genuine question.
We're supposed to give a shit?
I care more about board quality than banning dumbasses who would do the same to us.
I rather acquaint their head with the sidewalk to be honest
(You) Gave me two, sucker.
It wouldn't be a leftypol thread without a LARPing AnCom!