Yandere Simulator

Challenge Accepted.
How can you defeat a Banchou with a bucket?

hahaha! meme game amirite V? XDDDDDDDDD

Why would Yandere-chan be carrying around a bucket of water in the first place?

The concept of learning moves looks interesting.

I can't imagine being able to fall over without injuring yourself unless you have special training or a higher physical stat though.

I'd be interested to see if you could simply just fall over and take injuries as Yandere-chan begins to become covered in more and more bandages, abusing falling too much leading to a stay in the hospital.

Then I'd assume the ability to fall without hurting yourself would come from some student who wants to be a stuntman or someone in martial arts club.
Reasoning being that one of the things you're generally taught in martial arts is how to fall without hurting yourself.

And where would that bucket come from?

Don't Japanese schools have no janitors?

Yeah, students clean the class but I'm pretty sure classmates would be able to recognise when something isn't right, if she doesn't have some fake excuse.

Forgot to complete, students take turns to do the cleaning on each day of the week.

Oh fuck what done'd

terrible game
>balance in a single player game
the sound is not on sync, come on

That bucket looks comically big and I have no idea why the "wet" students have this weird blue texture on them when it's obvious that they're drenched in water, but the pretend tripping is comedy gold. I hope I can pretend trip down a flight of stairs and seriously injure someone. Or get wet t-shirt pictures and sell them to Info-chan.

I think it's a bit annoying that you have to learn these things but I'm okay with it if you don't have to unlock the manga with anything that requires effort. Better than buying tips from Info-chan.

So Yandere has assigned a particular day for cleaning, but can take other students' cleaning job and gain access to bucket, be a ditzy bitch and drench opponents.

But then students wouldn't trust her for cleaning when it's not her turn if she trips.

I love how he thinks the weights require strength, but no the water which probably weights around the same or more than those five weights combined.
That looks like it can hold at least 40 liters which basically means 40 kilograms, and in that position it would be physically impossible for her to lift it.

That could be used in other ways to effect your rival. Let's say take a dumbell and trip to injure a rival's leg. This would affect their route, but at a cost. Not only would it take a lot of accuracy to land the dumbell on them without looking suspicious, it would cause a massive drop in reputation.
So how is she going to find that one out? Watching ISIS videos on the internet? With gasoline, the student should react in a different way than with water. It is flammable, so she would rush to get changed rather than just walk to the locker room when covered in water. I'm assuming you got other plans for the gasoline, so I'll wait for when it gets more use to discuss it.

Nice little addition, hopefully it didn't take much away from the matchmaking.

I don't think tripping is a cause big enough to non-trusting someone. More like childish - "Onee-sama, let me clean, I'm the best cleaner in the world!!!" "Fuaa…I dropped it, I'm such a ditzy girl!!"

It would be lot of fun roleplaying in this game as anime tropes while murdering.

Until I can pour gasoline everywhere to my hearts' extent and satisfy my pyromaniac urges like in Postal 2, your job is not done.
And being able to pour water everywhere like a janitor from SS13 as everyone trips and ends up with a concussion.

You guys don't do this in America?

My highschool specialized in electromechanic technicature and the older students were even tasked with installing the circuitry on the new buildings and such.

The only thing I like about tumblr is that they make some killer Manny Pardo reaction images

Wew. I think this could work better with both of them counting as a murder attempt but also destroying the corpse for you. Burning alive would be fucking gruesome, so atmosphere would take a major hit. Maybe you could also combine this with traps, so someone doused could be lit by a malfunctioning light switch, for example.

Serial killer manga, duh.

No in America we hire shifty drifters with checkered pasts to clean the school poorly and do next to no maintenance. I went to a shitty public high school where only 2 stalls in the boys bathroom had doors, they never changed the toilet paper and only two sinks had working faucets, one on each side of the room and only hot or cold for each.

That's a damn good scream.

What's the name of this mongolian wallpaper?
Looks interesting.


fuck off


A malfunctioning light switch takes out a drenched person already. Heck perhaps you can take down the Banchou with a malfunctioning robot.

But really matches are just begging for arson and petty trash fires.

Can I have a source on this?
Reverse image search gets me nothing.

You do know that the game is pretty much still in alpha stage, if that, right?

I just hope the game doesn't look so mediocre by the time it's finished. If it's ever finished, that is. If only Yandere Dev would stop planning all these new features and work on getting rid of the obvious placeholders, including the player models, I'd have more faith in this project. I can understand why he may not, though, since he currently doesn't have a budget or a proper volunteer to handle this sort of thing.

muh jewish cuckchanners are trying to drive out le poor yanderev dont forget to donate to ou- his patreon and do his homework

also here's 300 tumblr images to bump the thread

Ah yes, alpha stage.

I'm sorry you grew up poor user.

At my high school the janitors were all hard working older guys who had been with the district for 20+ years and did a great job. I got lunch detention once and had to help clean up the cafeteria the head janitor was a pretty cool dude, ex marine hispanic guy in his 50's.

yidf pls go and stay go

Holy fuck the scream of the girl being burned alive was amazing.

shit game