Describe your ideal society in one paragraph or less.
Describe your ideal society in one paragraph or less
eyyyyyyyy you ain't playin this trick on me mr goodold porky
Star Trek.
Humans have been replaced by software that can inhabit any body and we explore the universe by sending self-replicating bodies throughout the universe and then beam copies of ourselves to those bodies.
Kittens everywhere.
Everyone is dead.
my opinion is the only right opinion. also catgirls
no coercion. we all work by choice, not for the sake of getting food and security. No getting screwed for the rest of your life because of dumb mistakes, heritage or upbringing. We will be free to pursue our interests and learn rather than being workhorses for a broken system.
im happy
A Satanic 4th Reich that will one day conquer the stars and rid the galaxy of scum
There will be post-scarcity production where no one as to work and can instead pursue interests in science and art. We will have genetic engineering that removes manlets and turns us all into chads who fulfill our destiny as the aliens that spread communism throughout the stars. Sam Harris will no longer be alive.
free gfs and bfs
you pay for your waifus?
smh fam. Just fuck some slag for free it ain't hard.
The galaxy is for the commies bitch, you can stay in the gulag pretending fingering yourself is getting fucked by a demon.
Uh, you've already lost on earth. You've lost since the 70's or so. It's only the matter of giving the final push and waiting for the Antichrist to take power here on earth.
The earth is ours. As we speak our ayy lmao comrades are consolidating power to transition us into space communism. The antichrist ain't real and your fantasizes are your only refugee against the inevitability of communism.
Yeah, I've done my share of astral projection, and know that's not the case. Good try though.
show us your tits
Your astral projection is a virtual reality trap designed by our allies. Have you ever wondered why it always showed you what you wanted to see? Because it's like the Matrix.
We've won, you've lost, your only future is in a gulag or being used as a practice girl by commies. Deal with it.