What's the most acheivable ideology on Holla Forums? Let's take the U.S. as a starting point...

What's the most acheivable ideology on Holla Forums? Let's take the U.S. as a starting point. Which ideology would be most likely to manifest into American government, or lack thereof?

Some form of market socialism or democratic-socialism I suppose.


Going by flags, Burger Bux, followed by Nazi

third worldism

Capitalism. Boom, already done.

Terrible thread.

accelerationism probably


Full Co-op economy + nationalizationof large industry + direct democracy at the city level and slow municipalization of co-ops


Full military draft to Establish early primitive socialism and end unemployment and poverty


Socialism. The actual kind.

US achieving socialism is as likely as the South rising again to establish communism.


AKA, destroy fucking everything, because we're pretty much screwed and WWIII is gonna kill us if global warming doesn't ;^)

Bunny Saunders would be 20 points ahead by now had he been given a shot.

Shit, just like all those Scandinavian countries with the exact same model Barnie was proposing who have already achieved full communism, right? :DDD

what does scandinavian countries not implementing shitty unworkable policies have to do with the fact that quite a lot of americans can tolerate """"""""""""""""""""""socialism"""""""""""""""""""""" given the right contributing factors

m8 do you not realize that B████'s policies are considered pretty vanilla in pretty much every other developed country in the world? The only thing he would have achieved is bringing America out of being a backwater hillbilly shithole for a few years before fascism took over - like socdems have always allowed for, and what is happening right now in Europe.

True but these things happen bit by bit. If Berndt Sauber wasn't screwed over, and implemented things like free uni and healthcare and generally ran his administration without fucking up it would have broken new ground.
The only thing stopping it happening is the media narrative, but that would be forced to change with proven results.

If that's the case, then why has socdem literally never gone anywhere other than fascism?

I have no idea what you're on about. Please explain what you mean.

Historically, the only thing social democrats have done is enable fascism to take power (see: the Spartacist Uprising and the rise of the Nazi Party afterwards). Social democracy and reformism have never come close to achieving socialist societies, so why should it be any different with Bernardo?

Literally LMAO.
Yes user, those two examples are the only times social democracy has ever happened. And yes they ended in fascism. Well spotted.

Grow up you LARPer retard. Reformism has never worked and never will work. We're not going to achieve socialism at the ballot box. Get over it.

well if it's not happening at the ballot box it's not happening at all, and you should accept your neoliberal future and stfu

This is what happens when we try to appeal to the Facebook crowd, everyone.


There's been people like you dreaming of a socialist America for 100 years now.
Nothing's changed


Good luck kids

Uphold Marxist-Obammunist thought

good luck retard, enjoy your shitty little protest group

Coming to a town near you!

I'll enjoy dragging you from your bed in the middle of the night and executing you in the street like the dog you are, crypto-fascist.

dis comrade gets it

looks like you've missed your meds lads



social democracy


Social Democracy. The fact that bunny needed to be fucked over to be knocked out of the race shows what potential there is.
Hopefully Hillary croaks it in office.