Guys, Guys, they did it
China has officially make the best orignal game ever….those crazy chinese game devs
Guys, Guys, they did it
China has officially make the best orignal game ever….those crazy chinese game devs
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Looks like a ripoff of a shitty game
Literally what
I bet it's better than the original.
I was kind of hoping the game would have had licensed characters like how the LoL clone from China had Shrek
I don't know how they did it but they made reaper edgier
I don't know shit all about Overwatch but wait.. isn't that just straight up Widowmaker and Bastion? Especially Widowmaker, I'm pretty damned sure that's just a straight up copy-paste job.
And I could have sworn not-Tracer sounds just like Tracer at 0:47. I wouldn't be surprised if they just copied the voices as well.
Couldn't be assed watching the rest.
All they need is to put Master Chef a it will be a 10/10 china bootleg game
Oh boy their website
There is apparently an interview with the producer on here if anyone you can translate it id love to hear his justifications for this shit
Looks better than the original
t. google translate
I have to wonder, do these people honestly believe have the shit they say?
Are you SURE that it isn't a localized Overwatch OP? I refuse to believe that it's a legit standalone gain.
user, you don't seem to know China very well
let me tell you about 300 heroes
The Chinese are a legit nation of people who don't give a shit about laws that govern the west like copyright or human rights. There have been so many ripoffs in every form of media in which they even claim the west copied them. Madmen, all of them.
The sad thing about this game is that the characters will be better than the original Overwatch.
This. Bastion and Widowmaker have the exact same models while the other characters are just slightly different but still retain the same elements. It's Overwatch with mods resold as an entirely different title.
Well at least you have to admit they have good taste
Yeah but they won't keep black rolerblade man or the butch dyke heavy. That is why the characters will be better than the original.
Chinese hate the SJW shit that plagues Overcuck.
They'd make the dyke heavy weapons guy and roller blade a character from Air Gear most likely
Never forget Final Combat and the depressed clown
i love when China shit on games i don't play
The trailer for the clown guy was actually really good, way better than the other ones.
holy shit dude
The US should be replaced with China they do everything better. It's time for the empire to fall.
I see absolutely nothing wrong!
at least they are doing something right.
they did one thing right
All its missing is 'Unregistered Hypercam 2' in the corner and it would be complete.
Nothing to see here.
Chinese internet is censored so I wouldn't be surprised
China takes plagiarism to the next level. When they invent something new they are simply plagiarizing the future.
Why are the Chinese the worst fucking people on the planet? They have a cool history, but now they're unbearable.
You rike fun game? You buy fun game here! Not overwash, this just fun game! No refund, sale final!
Mind sharing the source?
The kids on the internet in China have really clever ways of getting past that.
They call events different names, if I remember correctly; they refer to the Tiananmen Square protest as "internet maintenance day", because on the 20th anniversary of the event pretty much everything shut down due to censorship.
how did does Team fortress 2 rip of it's prequel
New York Times circa 2006. I got a bit wrong though, it was a Japanese company.
I said it was a sequel to TFC.
They give that little of a fuck.
Jesus fuck, China. Get your shit together
Man, that's smoooth!
Has anyone here tried to play this game yet?
These Chinks are fucking shameless.
go ask Holla Forums about those Adventure time and Gumball rip-offs that were kinda better than the originals, at least the Adventure Time one had actual adventures and shit
None of us have Chinese SSNs, which are actually required to play their shitty online games these days. It's ostensibly to keep the number of bots down, but the black market is so huge there that they have no trouble getting loads of alt accounts.
Legit question: what's the deal with China? Are their businessmen actually smart? The whole country is a poverty-stricken shithole, but they buy entire companies on the regular and are actually forming a gold-backed yuan to challenge the dollar. Something just doesn't add up at all.
There is a small community of very smart chinese business men that run everything but the majority of the chinese seem to be borderline retarded drones.
Chinese are the asian jews. It's a well known fact
capitalism at work
I bet this will be f2p but pay2win where you can buy costumes that give stats for real money and level up the heroes for more stats
those animations are so fucking shitty
0 quality control
Fun fact, there is no term in their language for quality control
That's nothing, you should see Crossfire.
Is Crossfire really a pure clone or just similar to 1.6? I think it is the later
It's mostly funny for basically being a 90's game that millions of people still play as an "esports". Also, the ads for it are hilarious. I can't find any now, but I remember seeing one 2 years ago that was a bunch of plastic Korean-y actors doing some fucking James Bond LARP, then they cut to this game looking like it's a bad CS 1.6 clone.
It have more players in China than LoL for some fucking reason. It is pay2win with RNG boxes for better weapons
Here you go, enjoy the cringe
Can you believe that it is the same company that is making this
Damn, these chincks are fast
Also if you want to read the interview:
There's a lot of things you people don't understand about China.
Basically, the value of your life is how much money you make or how 'top of the line' you are. If you aren't a top tier artist or athlete(i mean like olympic tier here) or extremely rich, you are not worth anything and you exist to be executed by people more rich than you. This is accepted by both rich and poor.
Pay to win is an extension of that. You pay to prove you are rich, or you are the absolute best and can make due with huge disadvantages.
Guys… look at this Zarya redesign.
The blood spurts are nice. Makes me remember how much of a pussy little bitch every western shooter is now. When did something as simple as actual blood become rare in online shooters?
Why did you assume I didn't understand it, fam? I was just saying Crossfire is a thing and it's funny.
Did they redesign it as a dude with a touch of zika?
Is that horse penis?
Why do they have communism then? I dont understand that because that is not communism at all
Real communism never tried.
t. leftypol
It's another character's arm, not benus.
user, that was a cool joke, don't ruin it like that.
Here's are hieroglyphs if you want to search more stuff about this bootleg:
I know it is meant as a joke that some seriously say but this form for communism that China have feels really weird. North Korea and Soviet is what i think is real communism China is just weird
I can't help it, I knew it was a joke, I couldn't unsee it after the horse penis mention, it was an automatic response. Apologies. But no refund though.
If you understand then that's okay, man. I probably misread it.
because it isn't communism it's hypercapitalism and corporatism
By the way i have to agree. What makes chinese people based is the fact that their communism isn't real.
It hides imperialism behind silly commie aesthetics. Best communism is not communism.
Because the mainland Chinese cut themselves off from their cool history. During the purges of the communist Cultural Revolution, bourgeois enemies of the state (ie: everyone who was cultured and educated worth a damn) were killed or fled/exiled to Taiwan or British-controlled Hong Kong. So all that was left on mainland China were either dirt-stupid primitive hicks, or intelligent murderous psychopaths with no regard for China's history and culture. The "real" Chinese people are Taiwanese or Hong Kongers. In contrast, mainland China itself is nothing more than an empty shambling reanimated corpse with only the most superficial resemblance to its once-rich culture.
And for what i know there are not many SJWs in China. That is weird for a communist country
Dont they have low taxes as well?
There is not many opinions period in China, so that shouldn't be surprising.
Guys. Unlike overwatch its also coming for phones.
Heard from a guy that spent some time on business there 7 years ago, not sure how real it is but eehh. Dude said it really is hypercapitalism to the max. Some factories have 3 different levels you can choose if you want something made there, the really clean legal and legit made, then a very good clone, then a shitty knockoff. All in the same factory, like a menu.
Taxes are low for the rich. For anyone not rich, the taxes usually involve you being randomly and viciously murdered and your house stolen and resold.
Did you know that mainland china has 3 separate police agencies dedicated solely to killing random people in the street? All of them have been acting more carefully, but back in like '08 I think they had a big scandal where they ambushed a mother and child in a McDonalds, beheaded the child in front of his mother, and then beat her to death with iron pipes. Caused a riot and everything.
Yep, it's hypercapitalism. It just has no communist qualities.
Do we have more information on this game? Some translators who know chinese?
Would you say China is proof that pure capitalism dont work and/or AnCap? Just like pure socialism also dont work
That's because China never really practiced it after Mao. They saw the benefits of Western Business and tapped in it.
Too cool for rules
China is truly a dystopian society.
Obviously we need a meritocracy and to purge bugs in space to live a good life.
pure capitalism works if you get a nation of people with no sociopaths
pure communism works if you get a nation of people with no leeches
unfortunately sociopaths and leeches both exist and we are still working on a way to filter them out of a society please wait warmly the sociologists are preparing
Hella meme there honestly.
One more thing i found weird about China is that while there are no real free speech like in the west you are allowed to say that the holocaust never happend in China. I found that to be weird myself
honestly feels pretty bad
China is actually a paradise for asian loving weeaboos. If you travel to it, even if you are ugly white man, chinese sluts will be over you just to make children from you.
They won't even care about your income. All their parents want is for them to get on the west and increase their numbers.
Only Holla Forums mindset can protect you from chinese virgins.
Revelation Online looks fun and is coming to the west soon
Some more gameplay of the swordsman
It dont look bad at all
This is how you make video games
Fuck, i love how chinks and koreans do the animations for their sword fighting mmo games (like Tera or B&S).
Too bad they will never make singleplayer game with such aesthetics, gameplay and animation, and without grind.
The few original creations they do make are actually really impressive.
Age of Wushu was one of the few games that actually made it over. Definitely a hella unique MMORPG, still has a playerbase even though it's pay to win.
btw this game is literally Blade and Soul clone.
I'm just a shitposter user, personally I tend to look at things from a practical and material lens. I know that while pure X can and does exists, in most of our everyday world things usually exists and works in alloyed or in combination.
China is hypercapitalistic, the other combination I'd say is totalitarian state control with a superficial veneer of "communism". If the analysis is true, supposedly the people and the chinese govt made something of a handshake deal. The Party will make China prosperous, the people will sorta look away at the occasional broken eggs that wasn't supposed to be broken, as long as tasty omelettes are made.
If the omelettes stops though, the plebes can get cranky.
An other game series that even have a game in english on steam is this:
For the price The Gate of Firmament is a good jrpg that while not being perfect is still pretty good
Unless the music are ripped off for a game that i have not played (i dont think it is) there are some good music here as well
even animals on chink clothes have fake shit
look at the shoes
im not sure it's gonna run on a 3G/3GS, they should make a better image
I can't describe how bad it is. He tries to copy that "I slowly say one meaningful sentence in every two minutes to sound cool" style you can often hear in English trailers of action movies and games. Half of the problem is that he is a fucking terrible actor. A quarter of the problem is that the grammar of those sentences is weird to say the least. We don't say shitthat someone "loves excitement" when we try to describe someone professionally. And an other quarter of the problem is that Hungarian is a language with a constant flow, we don't wait this much time between two sentences.
cringey as fuck/10
At least they had some nice close ups of statues. And Budapest is still Budapest.
I'm very impressed by their ability to rip so many things and re-create them (animations, models, skeletons look almost exactly the same) unless other, western modders have done that just as easily
Blacks are not really liked in Chinese culture, an elderly Chinese woman told me that she was taught that marrying a black man meant seven generations of bad luck for her family.
There are bad chinese ripoffs and then there's this. I find it funny that Widowmaker has better boobs in this though.
That's because most chinese are hypocritical jews who can't into original or creative thought. Maybe at one point pre-Mao china was alright but now the average chinese soul is a piece of shit. Everything good considered about china was originally from somewhere else. The only people improve the quality of life there are those who are tired of that bullshit and learn from better people. And even then, other chinks will attempt to exploit that person after seeing their success. The only thing is they know how to keep their head down when they see a superior force, that's why china is the sweatshop country of the world.
This not that game, different! You don't rike? No refund!
The OP video was taken down by Activision.
I don't want to believe the chink overlords of bootleggery could be in actual, immediate danger.
why is the url just random numbers and a letter?
I can't believe these soulless yellow monkeys are going to inherit the Earth.
They have SARFT. SARFT censors content in every single entertainment medium. Since a lot of films get banned for being immoral, you get a huge amount of films that praise law enforcement. They also prohibit historical settings too. You also can't have violent films anymore.
They're capitalist (unregulated) towards domestic companies since they can easily punish them. However, they highly regulate foreign companies. It's why Baidu has a monopoly over Google.
Can confirm, there was one woman with my friend's 78 year old father. They want your visa though.
it was taken down, help
For one thing the chinese culture has very different views and opinions on intellectual property and copyright like the west.
Which is probably driving the amerilards crazy considering they value property rights higher than human rights at this point.
So China have the worst parts about socialism and the worst parts about capitalism without any of the good parts. At least there are no SJWs that is the only good thing i can say about China. Anyway how shit is Revelation Online? It looks good for what i have seen but i fear it is super pay2win
what could this mean?
Video is removed due to copyright claim, what'd I miss?
Do chinks even value human rights?