How do we get rid of cuckchan crossposters?

I want youngfags shilling nutrash to leave.

Seriously everything released worldwide in the last 7 years is generally agreed here to be absolute shit, but that doesn't stop the kidshits shilling garbage here.

Born in the wrong generation isn't a fucking meme guys.


I'm afraid we can't, and it keeps getting worse.
More and more newfags by the hour show up, this may be the end this website's quality.
pic related, it's the only description for this empty feel

Shame, I didn't fucking come here for cucked shills and literal bots exported from cuckchan coming here to shill shit that we universally hated for objective reasons.

For example, there's a thread in the catalog for the shitty nuDucktales reboot with 300 fucking replies. Sickening.

I was thinking relentless bullying, but I'm not really feeling it.
Just leaving doesn't sound good either, I have good memories of this place and nowhere to go to.

We could do good old-fasioned raids on blatant shill threads.


At least it would be more redpilled.

If I wanted a fast shit board I'd go to half/co/.

Gee, I don't know, you assholes could try starting more quality threads, OC, and intelligent comments in the threads you like, instead of shitting up the whole board crying like bitches.


Your Calarts show #275656 shill thread called, they want their mindless drone back.

Jeez I sure feel more redpilled for knowing an idiot hate the current president

I'm not just talking about the twitter shit, it's that everything within the past few years is pure unashamed SJW shit yet it still garners a following here. The downturn in quality of pretty much everything is the reason why we don't do OC anymore.

Nice samefag by the way.

Samefag as who? Me? Christ, you're obtuse.

Nice try faggot. But outside of actually good thing nothing here get praised. Stop D&C like the faggot you are and go back to your shitty political board whichever it is….

As it should have been. Not the case now it you look at the catalog.

But it's the fault of faggot like you that the catalog looks like this you moron. One user tried OC aid face of Holla Forums and some sperg kept shitting up the thread. One user just storytimed a comic I still have to read, drawfag for officer Coon is doing his part but being solo isn't as fast as if there were more drawfags. you instead make shitty (((meta))) thread and bitch about the political idology of a comic drawfag from DC because he said he doesn't agree with gun laws

Making OC is a good idea. Comics and animation threads are always popular and everyone can participate.

Although there's been some faggots trying to be clever in the faces of Holla Forums thread (I still don't know what the fuck was the fetish thing about) it still had a more than decent participation. It was pretty harmless shitposting.