If he made a film, what would it be about?

If he made a film, what would it be about?

literally who

a nice guy taking revenge on the chads

Tryhard "witty" Pratchett shit like his books

It would either be a Sci-Fi Comedy Red Dward/Hitchhiker's Guide ripoff or Lovecraftian Horror like everything else he's ever done because those are the only two ideas he's ever had.

Reddit, and all the negroes therein who want to ream out his gf/bf/tf.

Red Dwarf with Lovecraftian influences.


no clue

Based on his books, who gives a shit it would suck.

At least Pratchett was entertaining.

I'd Zero her Punctuation starring Maxxx Payne

I thought it was Doug Walker's brother.


Ashens made a movie.


The Amazing Atheist really lost weight. I guess the film would be about Bananas

When will this fag reunite with Gabe? his bitchy, feminist wife and unfunny coworkers are cancer and he was only funny alongside the Australian cuck.

When will TJ sudoku?

An awful critic that rises to fame not on talent but on memes. His struggle to maintain respect by his peers or doing it for profit to keep his relevance afloat as the place he works for nears its end.

he should get this man to direct. I guarantee an Oscar.

Wasn't this fag against Brexit and mocked anyone who supported Brexit?

Nah he wears a beret and is bald.

When he goes to jail for posessing child porn.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

In February 2016 during the last Half Life video on his let's play channel, he said he wasn't following the whole Brexit movement or cared much about politics, then suddenly afterwards he acts like he was following it for a long time and he cared a lot, he's just another virtue signalling phony who jumped on the anti Drumpf anti Brexit bandwagon for easy views and jokes.

I enjoyed the Consuming Shadow. Good little cosmic horror lite game with some decent rogue type gameplay. He should stick to that instead of running his cock holster about vidya.

Listening to Gabe give him shit for all of the cuntish things he says, while he gave Gabe shit for being an effeminate navel gazer was the only thing that ever made him entertaining.

Yahtzee is one of those people who's entire political philosophy was formed by watching too much Star Trek and being bullied as a kid. Something something racism bad. Something something don't be mean. That's it.

Gabe was always better. he was a real bean

Gabe was just a good guy, even if he was a bit of a pretentious dullard.