So i found this checklist and I honestly reflected on the actions of the "Skeptic Community" aka sargon of akkad, shoeonhead, blaire white, armoured skeptic and I have first hand seen almost every single box on this list. I did let a few pass because they weren't 100% hard line yes to that action. What do you think Holla Forums?
"Skeptic Community" = Cult
Other urls found in this thread:
The same can be said of the "Atheist Community". Pretty much any group that rallies around a handful of personalities can be accurately modeled as a cult.
Also, do you have a link for that webpage in the screenshot?
The "Skeptic Community" is the Atheist Community… or a spin off where some leaderfag ecelebs talk about how they are the new dawkins, hitchens, ect and people act like they are
The "Skeptic Community" is the Atheist Community… or a spin off where some leaderfag ecelebs talk about how they are the new dawkins, hitchens, ect and people act like they are
Thanks fam.
So inaccurate. It should be "The Douche" "The Liar" "The Potsmoking SJW" and "The banana fucker"
I have not watched any of the mentioned persons and can not comment on details. However I think that this has to be painted with a larger brush as this is seen in more places then politics since any community will create the same worship.
For example why is it that people watch twitch instead of playing games themselves, vlog personalities and so on.
Most people I know (included myself) traveled the "Richard Dawkins owns people on youtube"-road growing up. There were some sense of superiority too it, which reminds me of those communities who view e-celebs. You get to feel good about yourself with minimal effort because you know something other people around you don't.
I have not read Nietzsche but the "god is dead"/existential nihilism could be one explanation to why there is some kind of void to fill, if we assume that human being are spiritual by nature. It is sufficient enough for me at least, as I recently have discovered what really is important for me.
What is the "skeptic community" anyway? All I've heard of it is that it's just something that Sargon of Akkad uses to call himself and maybe some other namefag youtubers. Is it just a nonspecific label or does it actually mean something? What are they skeptical of?
Why complain about them to Holla Forums
The second post ^ seems to have revealed what this is about… the atheist/religion debate.
This isn't going to well I think.
To be fair you could probably fill that checklist out with any random e-celeb or fifth rate blogger. Narcissists just have a longer reach these days.
It's the price we pay in exchange for unlimited world wide shitposting.
Not skeptical on anything. Its basically imagine an SJW in reverse. They just sit there all day, virtue signal about sjws bad, us good, give me money reeee in every video. When it comes to bein skeptical its always in-group out group.
Example. Milo does something wrong they all dogpile saying he dindu nuffin, if you criticize milo (or anyone in the "in group") you get dogpiled as an "Autist" on an "Autistic Crusade" against them and then have them all make narratives about you and try to dox you. It's pathetic.
It's a bunch of old men sitting around spewing sophistry and conjecture to thousands who think they are smart.
Want proof they are morons, watch any debate ANY OF THEM ever get in. It's awful.
because they are normies that are trying to act like oldfags using Holla Forums as if it's their toilet in videos about how "praise kekistan" and all that bullshit. Sends their normie fans here to shit up the boards.
Yeah, me too. I think you're right about Nietzche as well.
The "skeptic community" is a lose affiliation of people who make an identity for themselves by crowding around the "skeptic community" thought leaders. Dawkins is the prototypical example, but various others have sprung up. These are people that watch youtube videos from those individuals weekly, regularly discuss such issues with their friends, attend conferences and whatnot, own numerous books.
I'd say their focus is broader than religion. That's certainly the biggest issue for them, but they also find pleasure in "debunking" shit nobody else wastes their time on. They love debunking flat earth, crystal stuff, shitty kickstarters, etc. The distinction between them and most people who roll their eyes at crystals is they make a hobby out of it. Most people laugh at flat earth and never give it a second though. Think about the psychology of a person who makes debunking flat earthers on the internet their personal vendetta. That's the sort of person the "skeptic community" is filled with.
See also: rationalwiki
Instead of making this a discussion about atheism/religion, I think it would be more productive to limit the discussion to the "skeptic community" and similar social phenomena that are structurally similar to cults.
For instance, one can be an atheist without ever reading any "atheist books", without ever listening to Dawkins or any youtuber, or indeed without ever talking or thinking about religion at all. Such a person would be outside the scope of this discussion.
As far as I know that is correct. He complains that the others dislike the word skeptic. In fact they also dislike the word community. So… Yeah.
I think these kind of threads are made by people within their "community" that are infighting. Either the post is supportive, or attacking, depending on the side.
So based on the second reply you are saying they just virtue signal about low hanging fruit my 4 year old could debunk?
He flipped on that once he realized it would let him establish his in-group bullshit as a community. Now they have their own lil skype group where they cry all day about people being mean to them on twitter.
Same people that have been rubbing shoulders with laci green I see. Yeah figured they were all sjws. Shame, I liked sargon's early stuff. He's a faggot now since he sided with candid shills over reality
all cultures are cults
Culture =/= Cult faggot. Learn english or go back to your shitskin country of origin
This ^
Edgy normies being edgy normies for jewtube shekels
same main players in the "Skeptic" community were the original leaderfags of the Atheist Community before Atheism+ happened. That was the point. Not the same situation, one is current one is ancient history.
Found the braindead cultist faggot
FUCK YOU OP! How dare you talk like that about sargon, skeptic and shoe. They are my favorite fucking shows and do more than you're punk ass ever will to fight the sjws. I don't give a shit about the candid stuff or any of that bullshit. I'm tired of everybody trying to shit on them, they are perfect the way they are. Fuck off Holla Forums and fuck Holla Forums for shitting on blaire so much lately!
no seriously, what the picture in the OP describes is every community that has ever existed.
Wait a minute… I just noticed that the OP added "shoe0nhead" to the list of skeptics? That is quite the strange pick (she seems like a dumb entertainment channel), and this might reveal something about the OP intention to connect them all together. Is this about Candid? First I thought it was just the atheist/religion debate, but don't look like it anymore.
It's not just virtue signalling. That plays a role sure, but they do it as much to satisfy themselves as to impress others. It's how they get a sense of meaning and purpose in life. They follow these charismatic figures to fill a void in their souls.
Fuck you motherfucker you think you are better why don't you go do what they do. You sound jealous as fuck!
fuck you
Stop being so jealous of my senpai faggot.
Quality webm.
Don't you fucking talk about them like that faggot
Cultures are decentralized, cults are not. Cults are formed when highly skilled individuals deliberately manipulate the neurological phenomena in human brains that evolved to make societies possible.
"e-celebs" are cult leaders. Try to keep up.
Also all the recent whores appealing to the lonely betas so they could get some betabux.
What in the actual fuck.
Holy shit, I had no idea it was that bad.
lol butthurt
I think he's being "ironic".
For the sake of simplicity.
If there is much more information prevalent and people take in that information, then once it reaches a certain complexity threshold combined with an emotional/moral tune, people tend to focus on the leaders because it is much easier to follow than to lead. In a way the TV wasnt an "evil" invention with the goal to brainwash people, even though some would want to use that invention (just like with the internet) as a medium of brainwashing, it is what people tend to like. In a way the internet provides a wast "program" with many different groups, and there is also some interaction possible unlike having a fixed program people will go to that. That is why hugboxes are created and filled. THere is also the economic aspect that gets dire for most people since the "merchant" is on steroids right now, also thanks to globalisation, so people are so focused on their existance and the ability to "function" that after work they would want shallow entertainment. The ecelebs also focus on money, and why wouldnt they. It is much more a question of your perception if this is a cult or not, because nearly every group or cooperation or government agency will exhibit these kind of "symptoms".
And yes people crave spiritiual aspects rather than facts alone since people are not machines, which is also an evolutionary advantage. That is why you see atheism on the decline, since religious impetus, minor or bigger will result in better outcomes for said groups economically and in matters of protection and cohesiveness once other variables of society change like "refugees welcome" and "gender is a social construct" which is in essence counterproductive for a society or group to thrive.
Well the internet amplifies and changes the perception of betaness and the "sacred" pussy.
Because betamales get even more beta in that regard and bitches think they are hot shit because male behaviour is working like "gotta write many bitches so eventually some bitch will provide pussy" or fixation on a particular pussy in a more deformed k/r sheme.
The men who are such useless fucks to give women money for sex or for such things in your picture make me absolutely fucking sick.
They should be executed or beaten until they're men. How can you throw away your money and your pride to some cunt in such a way?
Shit pisses me off so much.
Either that or they just copy whatever points another person had already made. They do very little of their own researcn and when they do, it is always against easy targets. For example, you can see a shitload of retards like Thunderfoot debunking some autist that says the Sun revolves around the Earth, yet do not get involved in any scientific debate of their own. Things like dark matter and dark energy are very shaky concepts and I would even consider them to be entry-level, yet none of these supposedly "scientific" e-celebs choose to touch it, instead they go with some garbage like the 9/11 holographic projection theory. And when they don't take low-hanging fruit like that, they either gang up on someone they don't like (for example, their fanatical devotion to defending Candid) for which they also agree both on the points they make and which order they release their own videos for maximum views or they watch someone else's video, steal their idea and sometimes change the words a bit so the plagiarism isn't TOO obvious (like how Jaclyn Glenn simply copies her arguments word-for-word from Twitter and Facebook and pretends she thought of it first).
never go to twitch tv on the league of legends category. Nothing but boob streamers getting free shekels from betafags
Why do men do that? How can you be so fucking pathetic to do such a thing? As many cunts as are on /soc/ on 4chan and random women on Tinder/POF/Okcupid and a 1,000 other sites who will do it for free why fucking pay for it?
Not only that, but the cunts always act like the SEX isn't the main part of what they do, as if "oops heehee my top fell off! and if you want it to stay off, then pay me! tee hee hee".
user I know what you mean. I am getting sick and tired of being dragged into this "culture war bullshit" it's really obnoxious when sargon says shit like pic related.
There is no "culture war" because the fuckers who sperg all day about it never even define who the sides are. It's just used as a vehicle for them to strawman arugments, cry oppression, and blame everything on it to justify their bullshit. AKA Patriarchy for "Skeptics"
worse than that user. They don't even show nips or anything. It's just low cut top, have background footage of LOL someone is playing, sit there and kiss at the camera and offer incentives like "5 dollars and ill twerk again boys" sorta shit. No nudity, no suckin a dick, nothin and all the faggots pay em just to make kissy faces at a webcam and half ass twerk.
There is no nudity or anything sexual?!
I'm so mad I don't even know what to write now
get triggered user, let me hear you REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
My girlfriend did this. I teached her how.
Because it is the "emotional" connection that matters, because the boobanimal is pure and not defiled by other cocks, at least that is the illusion the uphold.
I would assume that once a proud chad meets here in a club or on the street, the only thing the boobanimal thinks is how to get defiled without giving it up to easy.
Not only that but in most cases they don't even do anything, neckbeards simply compete over who can win her over for the most amount of seconds. There are plenty that spend hundreds of dollars just to get noticed and hopefully even get their name said out loud
The skeptic community is anti SJW. They are a stepping stone for newcomers. We turn on them and we close our gates, and our chances of spreading our cause wider. They may not be our guy's but they're helpful. They are not the enemy.
Sounds like the shoeonhead and blaire white effect where they try to act all intellectual & flirty because dudes fap to them and that's it. Watch shoe or blaires twitter. Nothing but look how cute i am shit. Same w/ shoe's old vids she would regularly use the "hot" teacher shit when in reality… she's bald as a cue. It's a wig baby yeah! Fuckin disgusting
Holy Fuck
How can you be such fucking losers to pay for that
I know the hair is nowhere near natural but is she really bald?
user what cause where? What the fuck have the sceptics accomplished in the last 3 years… look at any other Holla Forums thread..
Skeptics haven't accomplished SHIT! Because all they do is virtue signal, never stage ops or do any real goddamn work! WAKE UP FOOL! GAMERGATE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THEM!
Yeah she has some kinda hair pulling disorder that makes her rip her hair out like OCD. It's a wig man
They're getting people started by learning about our cause, through them normal fags can learn about us. We post memes, through both tactics we work effectively. You want real goddamn work go out and spray paint shit on a wall like that one user did and got arrested. The day of rope will come but not any time soon. Until then doing "real work" would be a waste of resources.
Fun fact: Amazon owns Twitch.
It's been…. over 3 years now. Lets do a newsflash about you "movement" they push.
Johnny Fox and John Kelly went and destroyed allison rapp's career at nintendo for trying to legalize CP while working with kids (real work)
Once again harmful opinions and johnny fox rekt the shit outa them and the ceo to the point now they gotta give away 5 free iphones just to use a FREE APP
Gamergate is dead… it almost jack and shit end of day. Why? because when those people were pushed to the top they were expected to actually help us drag ppl in to help us run ops and push shit from the anons.
Reality: They ignored everybody and virtue signaled about low hanging fruit and never pushed an op or did anything to further the cause beyond raising their bottom lines.
Wake up user, Holla Forums does all the work. Fuck sake we found a flag in the middle of NOWHERE during HWNDU bullshit with shia, and got that whole autism shut down in like 3 days?
But you think a bunch of virtue signaling kikes who are in it for nothing more than money can actually help us with increased numbers of cult members who do nothing but shit up the boards.
Well she is cute tbh, i would feed her up 10lbs for tit equilibrium considering her frame.
go to her ED page if you wanna fap, her nudes got leaked. They are nothing to write home about evalion has better tits and ass
IIRC, the only reason Nintendo fired her is because they discovered she was moonlighting as a prostitute.
who do you think found that out and told them?
My point is we wouldn't be so known if it weren't for them leading their viewers on. By doing so we get more members. Of course they do no work at all, but they're useful. If we attack them, we're going to be demonized like SJW's and thus we get less people. It's shooting ourselves in the foot.
Well not quite, it's like shooting our doorman in the foot.
Really Sargon? You thought we wouldn't know thats you. Get the fuck out we already heard this crybitch piss and moan shit on the you vs harmful opinions autism stream.
Seriously you say this on a board where we talk about kikes, niggers, spicks, and everything else under the sun and think any user on pol gives a shit about muh PR? where do you think you are XD
Criticism of your own is healthy, thats why the sjws suck because they never do.
The skeptic community was the first large community taken over by the SJWs when all this shit started happening. It started showing up in the Atheist community on Pharyngula. PZ Myers started showing signs of infection and within a year or so we had the 'Atheism Plus' schism. The skeptic community briefly tried to be a refuge before it went to shit as well.
Holla Forums doesn't need a bunch of normies coming in here to shit up the boards with bullshit you faggots push. We have accomplished more in the last 24 hours than any eceleb ever has PERIOD. Us shitposting alone has done more.
Neither do SJW's, look at what happened to them. So far we're viewed as acceptable by them, don't piss off a potential ally.
As far as I recall it was always centrist faggots, but like I said they're useful. Directly attacking them would be a bad decision.
As much as I hate newfags, without them we wouldn't be able to continue for so long. Once we pass do we all just decidedly give up?
When the hell did Holla Forums turn into Holla Forums out of nowhere? Apparently now children we can't say the word nigger anymore because some black viewers might be upset. Wouldnt wanna upset a potential ally… KEK
Useful how? We accomplish more without than with them.
By bringing in new blood and spreading our ideals by doing so.
Also I never said you can't say nigger, I just said you wouldn't want to piss off centrists who could be potential members. Not by saying "Nigger" but by saying "Fuck you, you're all fags, you're just as bad as SJW's." and trying to fuck them over like idiots.
Think strategically, attacking them would do more damage towards us than them.
Pack of faggots who try to get up on their high horse about how they go around disproving entry level bullshit like homeopathy while being completely taken in by bullshit spouted by a someone with the right credentials. Think atheist but with a deranged obsession that by endlessly ranting about woowoo they're saving the earth.
Nice strawman. Get that at home depot?
Look Holla Forums has been around BEFORE YOUTUBE and has pulled shit ever since. People know us, its like coke and pepsi. They don't need advertising on every billboard for people to know they exist. Plus, they don't even push traffic here. They push waste that's it.
We don't need to be known, god no, we don't want traffic either, we want a spread of ideas.
The skeptic community hate sjw's, their audience hates sjw's, this leads to a road that leads towards our ideals not us. You would be (at best) losing a good amount of help or at worst (turning them against us.)
No we dont, they have a use - serving as babby's first redpill. Attacking the likes of sargon achieves nothing useful and is a misdirection of energy that would be better spent elsewhere. Besides, hes not really an enemy and is essentially on the same side as us in the culture war and in this culture war, numbers are everything. We need our own useful idiots and you have to remember, most of us here were once semi-bluepilled normies, so attacking those on the path to the redpill and those who direct them there, is not a smart move.
Fuck I meant to put parenthesis around (at worst,)
Also this.
It was never anywhere near centrist. Skepticism of any liberal bullshit would get you excommunicated. We used to troll them with race realism and they'd react like the SJWs you know now and shut it down.
Btw also, a lot of it was also just edgy contrarianism following a leader. I was very unimpressed with them.
They're not full 1488, but they hate sjw's too. Thus starting a chain reaction.
Saying that they're the enemy for not being a full on NatSoc or more is like saying "LOL JSUT WAIT FOR HITLER DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE." except worse.
Y'all need to read Marcello Truzzi, the guy saw "scepticism" especially the organised kind for the scam it is and wrote at lenght about the disfunction and issues surrounding the community and philosophy.
Who gives a fuck what skeptics think?! Sargon proclaimed he's never even been on a chan board ffs! He barely can take low level bantz on twatter
Fuck off sargon we know one of your faggots sent you a link to this thread. Grow up!
We get it faggot, you need views. Well make better content and stop fucking with the lower tiers that actually do work and send people here faggot.
This. Plus they dragged in enough tokens to fill up a fuckin arcade. Blaire white (based tranny), shoeupass (Based jail bait), skeptic (based pedo)
Holy fuck lad, gas yourself immediately. Your hateboner for sargon is clouding your ability to see the larger picture.
Do everyone a favor and stay out of strategic planning, in the nicest way possible.
but why does she have that smug look on her face
Totally not sargon…
so, jews are master cultists by that logic
You don't come online often do you?
The problem with Doctor Sargon is he always prescribes that you take two big bluepills to chase the redpill. A bit of humor or a shocking fact are far better at redpilling people than some faggot with an agenda.
Way to ignore the point i made in the first place faggot.
When the sjw left is dead and buried, then we can focus on devouring the "classical liberals", "skeptics" and other semi-cancer. For now, we are essentially allies of convenience. The authoritarian sjw left are a far bigger threat at present than smugfag moderates and the like and all effort must be expended in culturally dethroning them and their (((cultural marxist))) handlers. To do that we need broad cultural consensus and that means numbers. If you cant get beyond your hatred of certain ecelebs to see that then you dont belong here.
Ur saying we really need ecelebs or normies to realize that sjws are retarded as fuck?
Ur saying we really need ecelebs for normies to realize that sjws are retarded as fuck?
Looks like Moochelle obongo
Women need to be banned from the internet
No you doubleposting faggot im simply saying that at present, we have more pressing concerns.
LMFAO "You don't belong on the image board i just got on today because you disagree with me" totally not what sargon does to his own like he did to spinosauruskin not even a week or so ago.
Totally not assmad trying to cover up his obvious sargonism.
I'm gonna go make a sock account now called "Sarcuck of Assmad" just to see you reeee again faggot
Terrifying to see this in action in universities.
Jesus, calm down lad, im just giving my opinion. Its (You) that has the obsession with sargon. You cant stfu about him.
You are the one that keeps defending him, so projection much?
Plus this is a thread about him and his group…. so you want me to talk about baseball?
I have never been on twitch or played any stand alone MOBA game for more than 5 minutes. And I don't watch videos of people playing games.
I pretty much confine myself to about 3-4 sites. I've had experience with dating sites in the past, but that people actually pay for that shit, when you can just talk to a woman for free? Why?!
The same can be said about Holla Forums
Can confirm, Sargon was a stepping stone to my being here and wanting to gas Hebrews.
The SJW left is partially a meme ideology propped up by people like the 'Skeptics' so they can continue earning shekels by moaning about them. Classical liberalism and other 'muh enlightened' ideologies help destabilize white society just as much and shouldn't be taken lightly. They attract young people seeking to attach themselves to a seemingly intelligent figure, but who can't be bothered by the social stigma attached to any opinion that isn't lukewarm in its radicality. These young people then develop and cement their entire worldview around these ideas.
Sad…. jobless…. 14 year old virgins with nothing better to do and mommy's credit card
Im not defending him or any other eceleb. None of my posts express either a like or a dislike of him so dont be disingenuous. Im simply stating that I believe that we have more important enemies to go after right now. Why does that opinion trigger you so viscerally?
The "moderates" are against SJWs because it's the hip thing to do and because it gives them shekels from dumb goyim. I guarantee you they hate us (omg, like, literally Hitler) just as much as they hate libtards and wouldn't think twice about allying with anyone against us if they thought it was profitable. We only have meme magic to protect us from that.
They are not our friends.
If they need to publically claim how skeptical they are, it's only to make dumb goyim overlook that they are, in fact, a cult. It's the same with atheists who keep blabbing about how rational and euphoric they are. Truth shows itself, lies need eternally repeating.
For example, anyone with a brain would see that Holla Forums is incredibly skeptical (and rightfully so), but you don't see that word used here.
If you think about it the SJW's wouldn't grow as fast if the low hang fruit faggots would stop picking out individuals videos and sperging over them. The problem isn't the individual is the fuckers that make these people.
The colleges are a good example. Most of the big "Anti SJW" jewtubers do nothing but pick on the individual lil girls in their bedrooms which prompt them to get HUGE on jewtube since they got the free shill. Bad promo is still promo.
Focus on how to cure the disease not the symptoms.
Why do we have to go exclusively after the sjws? Isn't that what sargon keeps telling everyone? "Dont look at my friends who do sjw shit and fucked yall out of alotta money, thats cannibalism and a purity test"
Fuck off faggot.
This ^
If i would be the government and i would assume they have access to some nice juicy data i would also assume that people would be more prone to cults because cults will thrive in environments with unstable economic and social situations, then i would cultivate a cult and see if i can reveret said effects. Esp. if i would do some research on current cooperate culture that will also make use of that techniques even if they are the soft versions of that.
No doubt atheists an materialists are dogmatic when natural epistemological problems render such extreme beliefs invalid by default
I get that lad and when the sjw left is dead and buried then we can fully focus on eviscerating their cancerous lukewarm ideology, but at the present moment, the threat from the authoritarian sjw left is far more pressing and the 'classical libshit skeptfag' crowd also hate the sjw so for now we are allies of convenience. If the sjw left has its way, the internet will be censored and worse . At least the moderatefags and skeptards agree with us on freedom of expression. The sjw left are the main threat and im of the opinion that all energy should be focussed on them. Attacking the sargons is counterproductive at this point. Thst comes later.
A lot of "skeptics" are just opportunists no different from billionaire/millionaire "leftist"/"liberal" comedians, CEOs, celebrities, etc. They should be ignored like most every other celebrity.
As for Holla Forums, I'll be fair and say 8/pol/ used to be perfect. Almost absolute free speech with the highest level content even the leftycucks and JIDF were allowed here but then the shilling became unbearable and the faggot mod had to choose how many hotpockets to cram down their throats. It was either 8/pol/ serious hotpocketing or becoming shilled worse than cuckchan. Was it the right decision?
No doubt certain belief structures and philsophies will spawn once some people get the idea that someone is trying to sell soyolent green shit to them to make their agenda work.
You know, once i watched a ted talk about a friendly guy that said pointing index fingers is really not really the right body language to do and then i got another video of an "enlightened" lady that talks about changing your inner framework and she just did the finger pointing thing. That is somehow, contradicting isnt it?
"Our" energies are wasted on pathetic SJWs when they could be used on their (((masters))).
Yes, fear of power comes naturally to the Holla Forumslack, with good reason. But that fear runs perpendicularly to the idea that society should be guided. We need principled men to force board quality though and the issue with the chan format is there is no transparency as to whether BOs and mods are principled men.
We don't need them. They haven't done anyone any good in the last 3 years imo. We pulled off the HWNDU flag shit easy. Pizzagate too, and all those crazy hashtags to make feminists jump on.
Show me where even ONCE an eceleb from the skeptics EVER mention an op we pushed before we were successful? I'll wait.
Also i'm never gonna forget when johnny fox broke that candid was fulla CP and all of the "Skeptics" shoved him away and shit on him as an "Autistic crusader" against candid and said things like "If u dont like their content dont watch ignore them" as if ignoring the problem will fix it. They really aren't skeptical of their own…
This ^
It would be fucking grand if we could make the SJW bullshit community jump on the "atheism is racism" train and cause them to start defending Christians.
It would be great as shit to see them trip all over the infighting. Even better if we could cause segregation in the movement by shilling Common Filth on Tumblr.
Well… no. Not literally. Maybe spiritually.
Hate to break it to you, but they are here already, in this very thread. The OP is likely competing with them for viewers, or made enemies with some of them on YouTube. It's clearly an e-celeb war, and they are using Holla Forums to fight it.
Wake up folks, you are being tricked.
I want to compete with the military and/or the intelligence agencies, not with e-celeb shit.
Get us started user.
yet you didn't even sage your post…. moron.
Are they not?
You don't know what you're talking about.
Hate to break it to ya anons but Johnny Fox been long been dead. He isn't coming back, he packed his shit and left along with a lot of good diggers. I guess he saw the writing on the wall that nobody was gonna listen to anybody unless they sucked eceleb dick and parroted shit they already agreed with.
Sorry fam, that pipe dream of his return is just that… a pipe dream.
I have absolutely no idea who that is or what you're talking about. Please exercise more care when replying next time.
He was a rando guy that came along, pushed any op he got his hands on and created a shit ton of ops during GG's middle days. Brought alot of fight back into people from what I saw. Lead the candid cp investigation which kicked off alot of this "Ecelebs vs Everyone that criticizes em" bs you see now. Him & harmful opinions worked on the candid digs together.
Agreed. We should worship the stick Jew without those nagging doubts.
Or maybe you're just here to shit-talk some YT e-celebs? If so, please carry on. This is absolutely what Holla Forums is for.
You can find some open-minded skeptics who actually understand what the term means and who will consider right-wing arguments but at the same time the community is extremely feminized and kosher in its tenets. It was successfully neutered long ago.
If anybody sane is still in this thread, notice how this thread is an excellent example of how cult members take attacks to their cult leaders as personal affronts. Sargon gets called out as a cult leader and what happens? The thread gets shitted up by his cultist lackeys who feel compelled to defend their internet-friend's honor.
Wow, you mean to say that groups defend their own?
Hate to say it but Holla Forums past Trump can be just as cultish.
Why are people using Holla Forums to fight eceleb BS? Everyone knows they're infighting right now, and then we see this thread. At first I thought it was something else, but after reading a little I'm convinced it's all BS.
The notion of being "in a group" and a youtube personality being "their own" are hallmarks of a cult mentality.
It would be nice to discuss internet cult phenomena without the discussion being flooded by the cultists themselves. I guess that's expecting too much of Holla Forums though.
This is a good example of the post mentioned b4
Good luck finding an "open minded skeptic" nowadays. If they ever dare to speak outa line about the eceleb faggots mentioned by op they will be cast out as apostates and unclean "autistic crusaders".
You must have missed the video by sarcuck where he said "Right wing people don't care about poor people" and all he did was deflect why he never will criticize the right.
My guess is… real reason… his arguments are only good enough to debunk snowflakes, not real arguments. Plus he's milo's buttboy
Almost none of those items on that checklist accurately represent the skeptic "community", and you didn't provide a single example to back up any of these checklist items. Yeah, I get it, ecelebs are retarded, but they disagree and fight with each other all the time, and nobody is the "leader" of that disorganized collection of pseudo intellectuals. In fact, most people in that "community" wouldn't consider it to be a group at all, because that would imply a level of centralization and organization that it just doesn't have.
Can you give me an example of people from the skeptic "community" being encouraged or required to only interact with people in that group? How about the "leadership" dictating how "members" should live? Or that "members" are expected to devote all of their time to group activities? I've been on YouTube for a while and have not seen anything resembling this.
Sargon of cuckad and his posse of le enlightened sceptics are nothing but a cancer eating us from the inside. They do nothing but feed on our scraps and then talk shit, only to come back begging for more, rinse and repeat. The only jewtubers worth watching at all are Tarl, Jim, and harmful opinions.
Also, Carl, just as a heads up, if you honestly think posting your collection of interracial cuckold porn triggers anyone but the newest of the newfag Spencerists you really are fucking retarded. The wildest pizzagate speculations were tame compared to the shit i've seen back in the day when the chans really were edgy. Google "the destruction of Daisy" for an appetizer.
No shit. The people who hate some of those listed by OP could be SJWs, Candid concerned folks, religious folks (who hate the atheist "community"), people who think Sargon is too right-wing (lol), people who fight on YouTube over the word "skeptic", and other possibilities. We have no fucking way to know, but it's clear they're fighting in this thread.
You are the problem… reflect on that. On a lot of levels.
This is why the New Fascism must have memes at the center and not a cult of personality.
I have better things to spend my time watching. Incidentally, I also don't take time out of my schedule to attend the weekly hippy crystal club meetings down the street.
This is what it looks like when Sargon trolls himself on Holla Forums.
Study the style. See how he hits all the beats.
Fuck off Sargon. Your wife's kid needs to be tucked into bed.
So every e-celeb minecrafter is a cult leader?
Absolutely correct. Decentralized memetic ideologies are far superior to centralized personality cults.
If they are spewing propaganda to get shekels and crying harassment when someone tells em they are wrong and uses people to push narratives against sjws who do the same shit they do to a lesser degreee….. than yes. They are.
I'm the problem because I don't write off some disorganized, loosely-defined collection of individuals as a literal cult based on no evidence whatsoever?
I mean you haven't provided any basis for cult-like activity besides "some people are total fanboys for Sargon, this makes it a literal cult you guys!"
I mean, fuck, I guess literally any narcissist who had devoted followers on social media is a cult leader now, but I prefer to stick with the proper usages of these terms.
What are you smoking, faggot?
By nature of being an "e-celeb", yes. If they're just some random jackass making minecraft videos that nobody is watching, then no.
"Celebrity" is a cult phenomena.
Not all cults are politicized or monetized. But the ones Holla Forums should be principally concerned with are.
They aren't disorganized. They are highly centralized. Holla Forums is what disorganization looks like.
Why bring up ecelebs to begin with? Why Holla Forums? Which post is Sargon in this thread? Who are his youtube competition? Which are their posts? Why should we care?
You have to go back.
They're not, though. Anyone can start up a YouTube account and be part of the skeptic "community". It's not some official organization that people are a part of.
I'm sorry. The whatnow?
I sincerely doubt that's the case. Wasn't his big break into e-celebrity status the result of doing some digging during GG? And where was the nerve centre for GG digging? Yeah.
"Coz he smash dat pussay but goooood. I be walking funny forever afta dat. Umm-huh."
Before Holla Forums: I didn't know what that was.
After Holla Forums: I know it exists, and that its (part of) the reason we HAVE TO win this war.
(polite sage for e-celeb bullshit)
The "skeptic" community is most of the time irrational and attacks low hanging fruit. All these faggots do it destroy religion and traditions. They need to be shaohed.
Technically yes, but if you dare speak ill of Sargoy or any other certified rational sceptics(tm) they all will mobilize their hordes of braindead cult followers and do everything in their power to convince the accusations against their circlejerk are false, and slander their intellectual opponent until they become a pariah. See: Edgysphinx, harmful opinions, kikeopoullous being ousted as the childmolesting hook-nosed cretin he clearly always was, etc
Official organization has nothing to do with it, de facto organization is more than sufficient. The simple fact of the matter is these people all follow a small common clique of charismatic personalities.
If you know anything about graph theory: The social graph of the "skeptics community" is connected through a small number of vertices. They have a small vertex connectivity. This is a characteristic of personality cults.
It's a bunch of 105 IQ people trying to convince themselves that they're intelligent. Watch Sargon vs MW for example. In a four hour debate he's laughably incompetent at getting his points across.
This is like porn for the beta mind. Betas dont have a gf so they attach themselves to these hoes.
Jesus christ almighty, there's something about showing people what they want but not giving it to them that is disgusting.
I'm not familiar with Edgysphinx but as far as I'm aware Harmfulopinions is still successful and popular. Besides, a larger channel mobilizing its fan base literally does nothing but help the smaller channel grow and make money
I see videos challenging TJ, the armoured skeptic and Sargon on a regular basis. Strange behavior for a "cult" to engage in
Amazing Atheist stuck a banana up his asshole. Who could have guessed that these people are degenerate.
None of those people have th authority or power to determine who gets to be a part of the "community". There are people joining and leaving all the time without riding on the coattails of more popular youtubers.
The phenomena you mentioned are common to any group of namefags. If your definition of a cult is that broad then it's basically meaningless
I wouldn't call it a cult, because the reversal would be to call Holla Forums an esoteric hitler cult.
People have an aversion to cults, yet religion is acceptable.
Is there a cult of Sophistry? because thats what the "Skeptic" community is. i figure that these youtube ranters are essentially trying to argue for the continued existence of western society. They consider themselves moderates, but anything that contradicts their unfeasible ideology is a "spook" even if they dont call it that. The skeptic will say "they dont care" about racism, which is what gives their ideology more holes than swiss cheese.
…almost every group has prominent members spewing a set narrative and manipulating others
most societies work like cults
>>for US
Harmful Opinions is another eceleb that fights with the others. They are in a eceleb war, and it's spilling into Holla Forums. People pick sides and attempt to make an army to fight for them. I think the whole thing is stupid.
The worse part, is we can't tell who is who on Holla Forums: meaning sargon or Harmful Opinions (or both) can be in this thread. It's why it's dumb.
I doubt e-celbs browse hatechan regularly, you stay here to long it rubs off on you. Good normies don't want that conflict.
99% of people watching these videos don't give a fuck about eceleb drama and just watch this stuff because it entertains them.
If you want to join the "community", literally all you need to do is start up a YouTube channel and post content that appeals to that niche. Sarcuck can't stop you from doing that
Sargon's iq is 100 at best. He's just a basic bitch bleeding heart libtard who occasionally parrots our memes to stay relevant. he honestly doesn't have what it takes for intellectual thought nor rational thinking.
That a joke? They even steal from us! They are here in this very thread to sway opinion on their YouTube war. You can even see people saying certain posts are Sargon (true or not). It's obvious this is BS.
the accent adds 50 IQ points for any american that listens
If your definition of cult is so narrow that it precludes large numbers of people voluntarily deciding to follow a handful of charismatic leaders, then it's useless.
That would mean everybody that has a certain reach is a cult leader and by your definition is bad.
Somehow if i would create a framework around this ideology you would be more cultish than those you accuse of being cultish.
It is the same thing with people that think having material wealth is bad because it is all the works of moloch when in essence it is natural for humans to aquire wealth.
It is a matter of distinction and emphasis and i dont think "e-clebs" are cultish they are not even the soft version of cult, that would be cooperations.
That would make every leader a cult leader
hukymudkipz is not a jackass
Not every situation where people voluntarily decide to follow a charismatic leader can be described as a cult. Most of them aren't, in fact. There are many other criteria that need to be met. Some of them can be found in the OP image.
>There were some sense of superiority to it
That's the only reason they do it, the sense of superiority. They weren't popular in high school because they were nerds and they developed a sense of superiority to compensate. It's childish
>You get to feel good about yourself with minimal effort
Bad is your judgement call. Anyway, the vast majority of people in this world have very little capacity for charismatic leadership.
Basically, yes.
As already explained, the difference between a cult and a culture is the degree of centralization. By extension, the degree to which the phenomena can resist fragmentation with the departure of the leaders. When the ratio of the graph size to graph vertex connectivity goes up, the degree of "cultiness" goes up.
On this continuous spectrum, the "skeptics community" is far onto the cult side. They only have a small handful of charismatic personalities small vertex connectivity that bind together tens of thousands of people large graph.
Consider the example of North Korea. You have a social graph millions of people large, yet the vertex connectivity of that social graph is very nearly 1. That's an extraordinarily high ratio. North Korea is a personality cult.
On the contrary, consider America. Again, you have millions of people. However, those people look to a wide variety of leaders. From local celebrities and politicians, local preachers, historical figures like the founding fathers, the ancient greeks, Christ, the Pope, etc. America is not connected through a small clique of charismatic leaders. It is best considered as a loose truce between countless small and large personality cults. From a spiritual perspective, America is in a state of anarchy. Quite unlike North Korea. Does Trump have a personality cult around him? You better believe it, just look at the_donald. But Trump's personality cult is much smaller than the American population.
"Skeptic Community" fits OP's image to a tee.
Well i was like that nerd in highschool, and once someone picked on me i would develop certain retaliations, like putting pieces of sausages in a vial and then drop it into their school bag or program a virus and placing it under their desk writing "cheatcodes for tony hawks pro skater2" on it because i knew he would sit there and install it.
And that somehow stayed consitant with me all my life because i know if someone would be fucking with me i would be really creative and ingenious to get back at them.
America has compulsory education
and it doesnt seem to achieve much in the learning dept
youre forced by gunpoint essentially to drink the koolaid for 8 hours a day at age 5
These lecture notes pretty much sum up his position and give a bit of history with his involvement in CSICOP:
http: //
Mind you, this shit happend in the late 70s(!) when Dawkins just finished The Selfish Gene and militant Fedora-tier atheist was barely a twinkle in somebodies eye. Starting in the 90s and accelerating ever more during the Bush admin and after 9/11 scepticism, which always was a endeavour of progressives/liberals became more and more overtly political i.e. the few remaining libertarians and conservatives were subjected to political shit testing like Penn&Teller having to walk back on global warming or Micheal Shermer adopting gun control advocacy.
http: //
And here's an archive of the journal he used to publish, called the Zetetic Scholar
http ://
Your definition of a cult is basically "large group that can be represented as a graph with small vertex interconnectivity", but this is not the actual definition of a cult nor is it even an accurate representation of how said "community" actually works.
I mean if something like the "Let's Play" community is a literal cult, then pretty much everyone is a cult member and most of us have probably even been cult leaders at some point, making it a pretty useless concept. I guess I'm a cult member for listening to music I like because the "music community" can be represented as a graph with low vertex connectivity, but this says nothing about my attitudes towards the music/musicians, my level of devotion, or anything.
And nowadays i think billy boy gates aka the "global" condom and friends would be someone that aroused my anger. Because i want my shit, and all your ngos will go to hell if smell some of your niggers here.
Skeptics can't handle bantz at all, but act like they're these supreme thick-skinned Thunderdome kings. I highly suggest fucking with them to any anons with twitter or jewtube. Just don't fuck with Sargon or he'll post his personal interracial gay porn stash at you. Truly ebin.
TOPKEK I'd sooner buy an original ChrisChan.
If I had tits I'd do it. NEET 2070.
Until very recently, America's compulsory education was not centralized beyond a state level, and in practice, often beyond a district level.
It's a useful definition of a cult because it eliminates flawed value judgements about the "goodness" or "badness" of the cult, and eliminates self-serving qualifications. If your definition of a cult makes a distinction between a "religion" and a cult, it's a bad definition because it blinds you to the existence of cults that have enough social influence over you to normalize their existence. Both employ the same psychological phenomena. Structurally, they are the same and should be considered that way.
If your definition of a cult requires overt supernatural or spiritual beliefs, it's a bad definition. Such definitions blind you to the existence of cults that espouse materialist philosophies. For instance, the Skeptic Community. These groups leverage the same aspects of human psychology, structurally they're identical even though they dress themselves up differently.
It's true
Im way too angry a person for that shit
in middleschool, there was this fuck huge nig that decided I was a good target (being a foot and a half shorter and all) I get suspended along with him one day when a teacher finally sees him hitting me, I get suspended because apparently verbally insulting someone over them trying to pick you up and throw you over the stairs railing is tantamount of physical violence, I snuck in through an unlocked window into the school administration file room after school hours, dug around and found his home address, skipped a day of school and went to his house mid day like a fucking burglar with nothing but a hammer and a couple cans of shitty colorplace in my school bag and no one home and had the time of my life breaking his family's house's windows in broad daylight then went inside through the backdoor, covered the kitchen and living room in paint searched for his room specifically, after breaking the shitskins mother's bedroom mirror, used the rest of the paint and broke his tv and took his ps2, cause fuck it and ran out through some backyards and into the woods, dumbass though it was a genuine break in
We already have established definitions for what constitutes a cult. We don't have to follow your or "my" definition.
You've yet to provide any examples of how the skeptic community behaves as a cult. The OP makes claims about the supposed cult-like behavior, but doesn't provide a single example of any of them, and I think that anyone who's spent any amount of time listening to that sort of content would know that many of them are flat-out false.
There are no "leaders" in the skeptic "community". Anyone who claims to be one is talking out of your ass. Just because some of them manage to get popular doesn't make them a leader of anything. That's like claiming that Trump is the leader of the cult of Holla Forums, it's based on the exact same logic and criteria that you are using with the skeptics
the purpose of the schooling remains the same through out, indoctrination and assimilation
threadly reminder: 8ch has been taken over by an army of bots installed during the """hack"""
Skepticism is good but then there's the community and skeptic organisations who attempt the worst appeals to authority fallacies.
really makes u think
Cant unsee
They'll fully turn on us before that happens.
Wait user are you saying we aren't currently engaged in a culture war.
Somewhat true? Sargon is diametrically opposed to a lot of what Holla Forums believes and most of them follow his lead.
Anyways this whole thread is eceleb bullshit and should have been never made, OP is a faggot.
Now i know why theyre called menorah-ties
Most people are so domesticated that they wont even consider this or even the thought of what you did, but i always choose my methods on my opponent, and i will always do damage.
THat is what this world lacks, that is why everything works like a fucking clockwork.
That is why they can invade with a bunch of castrated goons, or their not so smart ngos, but at the end of the day some words will stick on their skin and make them visible for what they are, and that in a way is what will reflect in RL.
This is very disturbing. I saw some of this back when the twitch community officially had enough and got these whores banhammered but goddamn this is so bad.
no, im just a vindictive person, and I was a psychopathic cowardly little shit growing up, so If you managed to get me to start seeing red I would take all my low self-esteem, closet homosexuality and daddy issues and make your entire family feel afraid for their life and move out of town
whens the last time you got a family of niggers to move without so much as a swastika or a burning cross?
If i see red the only thing that fits is that you will be afraid for your life.
Aren't we a cult?
A cult of Kek, mayhaps.
Na, because i only wanted to talk to people and not have some government shit on me and other pseudosmart idiots that invade my privacy. And even if you are whisky allen hamilton the fbi or some other shit, i really hope you make up for the lost time nigger, i really hope so for the both of us.
Sargon and his ilk are the ones behind "you nazis are just like the sjws" which is also a favorite talking point with commies. The question is, is Sargon and anti-sjwism a stepping stone to us, or a rock to die on?
Can we bring them farther right if we just give fatherly disapproval and gentle mockery? Will we push them away if we call them boring faggot cucks?
Sargon and most others in the left-centrist skeptic community only have a draw with young-adults and some autistic oldfags because their videos are so boring. I don't think he's useful for redpilling. All they seem to do is attack low-hanging fruit and infight.
People like Pewdiepie and Jontron are far more useful. Kids like jokes, not twenty minute videos on Brexit. My younger relatives complain about "oversexualization of women" when they see me playing Street Fighter and I know they watch a lot of youtube videos, so I try to get them to watch people with a cruel sense of humor and no political bent rather than anti-sjw shit. I think the direction to point the youth is comedy that crosses lines, and not fat quadroons shaking their fist at Jezebel articles.
This entire thread is a fucking joke and the op is a massive generalization and guilt by association fallacy.
There is no skeptic community or atheist community on YouTube. There are just a bunch of content creators that have some degree of overlap.
Tj for example is a money fag but has no illusions of grandeur about instituting a purity test or telling people who to talk to.
TL:DR doesn't give a fuck about anyone
Thunderf00t has burnt most of his bridges because he wants to get away from creators like armored skeptic and undoomed.
There is no community or cult. There is just a large enough common enemy avalible for them to play mostly nice.
Thanks for the D&C faggot
There is a community. You can talk about them as a group because they act like a group. When things like BeCandid happen they'll all talk about it as a community, and followers of the community will talk about it amongst themselves. They'll be in google hangouts with each other and tweet at each other. They'll even "other" people from the group if they don't go along with the mob.
Sargon and ecelebs like him are radical centrists. They're afraid to take a stance on anything controversial (attacking SJWs is not controversial) and still want to claim moral highground and intellectual superiority. They're absolutely worthless "gibs me dat, here's my patreon" parasites. They also steal our memes and then attack our ideology.
Self-checking scum, you've disgraced your family, commit seppuku immediately.
Attacking pseudo intellectuals, that hamper people from progressing towards right, is not D&C. Sage negated, rat fuck.
if people tweeting and jumping into a google hangout constitutes a community to you then i invite you to go find the nearest dictionary.
The only sense of fellowship they share is that they are CREATORS. a feeling that most major youtubers share. That's why they go to bat when for each other over bullshit strikes and demonetization. That's why they signal boost when someones account gets suspended for a bogus reason.
And it is why they circled the wagons when HarmlessOpinions went on his witch hunt against candid and anyone that decided to advertise for them.
It has nothing to do with thair content it has to do with the fact that they all make content.
So your best argument is really just that there is a generalized youtube community. Pat yourself on the back for that grand fucking revalation
You can apply this to anything if you want to. I don't think it's appropiate to box Trump or Clinton supporters (as example) into cultists.
lol nah. They even consider themselves a community. I'm pretty sure I've heard them refer to it a couple of times. They might not be a cult, but they're definitely a group that gives certain voices more credence because of their identity.
Hahaha oh yeah streamer girls. Awful gameplay, usually have some challenger max betafag around on an alternate account to keep their rating in plat / diamond while they play the easiest most braindead support heros.
Now I can understand paying for it if you have a very specific fetish that no normal girl would agree to.
Namefag nigger get out!
Directing people to dictionary is feminist-tier debating tactic. Everybody knows what a community is without needing some fag to define it in a dictionary. It is definitely a community. They often call themselves a community. You arguing semantics doesn't discredit the whole thread, back to 9gag, cuckboi.
Centrists who make fun of SJWs and are jonesing for a right wing boogeyman to make fun of so they don't look "biased".
They're basically leftists and agree with SJWs in almost all regards but don't like their methods. "Yes, I know, I want white nations to become brown too, but can you just stop making a scene about it making us leftists look bad?"
That USED TO BE true, before Atheism+, but it hasnt been true for a long time.
Way back when, skepticism used to be a fun hobby, using logic and reason to combat the proliferation of merchants trying to sell people psychic readings and holistic health crap, preying on the stupid who didnt understand that anecdotal evidence is usually paid for. There were many atheists involved, but when they started spouting off about atheism they were firmly told to take it to an atheism forum and shut up.
Then Atheism+ happened, and Dawkins happened, and rabid atheists overran the "community". There were too many of them, they could no longer be run off. The first thing they did was insist that you couldnt be a skeptic without also being an atheist. They then ran off many fine Christian skeptics (((but somehow the Jews were exempt from this rule))).
They then declared that agnosticism didn't exist, that all people who claimed to be agnostic were secretly atheists who were too cowardly to fight, and drove off a fairly sizeable agnostic community of the "don't know, don't care, and don't need to pick a side" variety.
After that, they declared that it wasnt enough to disbelieve in God, in order to be a TRUE atheist, you had to hold a whole host of OTHER beliefs that had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with SJWism. That was when i stopped bothering to even visit forums and sites where I'd been a long-standing member.
There was also a foofaraw over some of the prominent atheist talking heads being inappropriate with women at their stupid skeptic jamborees, which was a quite amusing shitshow. Either you backed one of their celebs as a God, or you believed all the women who claim to be raped; old-guard atheist or SJW, take you pick, nobody was allowed to be neutral. Im not sure how that one turned out but im pretty sure the SJWs won that round.
Spot on.
You understand that by the same criteria, we are also a cult, right? We tick every box, even if you DON'T count esoteric KeKism.
A little self-awareness goes a long way, OP.
What's wrong with Dawkins, discoverer of memes?
this happened to johnny fox about 100x since the candid shit broke. They would get assmad he didn't tow the party line.
Totally not a community when they all sit in the same skype group planning the shit out. You have to go back.
Citation please for how them sending mobs to attack smaller channels who speak up helps those channels?
they lost too many viewers so they brought em back
assmad sceptic fanboy
Fuck off faggot, there was no witch hunt. He just published shit that was true and leaked from those faggots. Get out.
What the fuck? Since when do youtuber's give a shit about each other by default? It's all about how can they grow bigger. Niggas stab each other in the back daily over muh views there
Yeah there isn't one. Thats corporate speak for users of a thing. We mean the skeptic community where the top echelon faggots work together to fuck the public and each other to keep power.
Have you seen hillary fans?!
maybe the fact he is what armoured skeptic cloned himself after so now we have another 40 years of that trash but even worse REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Videogaming is dead because gamers couldn't name the Jew. Don't let this happen to what you enjoy, we've all lost feels.
The real redpill here is there's nothing inherently wrong with a cult or the word "cult". It has unjustly taken on a negative vibe because of the contexts and ways in which it is used derogatorily by people. Just like how you can rename niggers over and over and no matter what new word you use to refer to niggers that would will become negative because niggers are a very negative phenomena except in this case but if you started calling whites niggers you'd make the word meaningless. Calling everything a cult makes the word washed up.
Even using the broadest definitions and the most liberal interpretation,
Holla Forums does not have a leadership.
The mods aren't leadership, site owners aren't and e-celebs aren't.
Holla Forums is a leaderless, chaotic unorganized shitposting group.
I agree about the self-awareness regardless though, it can't hurt to stay sharp.
well the skeptic community has the 4 horsefags of the shillpocalypse.
Nothing, other than he unleashed an ill-informed horde of fedora-tippers on the public who were only in it because it was "cool". They were easily subverted into SJWs since they were only in it to be edgy in the first place. Most of them didnt even bother to read his books; they just eatched the youtubes and became instant ecoerts on All Things Atheism.
He's an atheist. Atheism implies that there can be no moral objectivity. Moral objectivism is the foundation of Fascism, National Socialism and even Monarchy. Modernism and atheism is what caused the moral decay in our societies, it is what caused fags coming out of closet, being able to "marry", adopt children and then rape them; it is what caused the acceptance of lower races as equals, when we are nowhere near equal. It has corrupted science, archeology, medicine and biology in particular. Phrenology should be real science, but instead it's considered pseudo-science, because its findings are "racist". Atheists are easily manipulated by jews and are highly susceptible to cultural marxism. Nice Hitler dubs though, friend.
This is the most Holla Forums thing i've ever read in my entire life
Life is a wild ride, let me tell you.
I stopped being atheist because i realized that i had something in common with the skepfags XD
wow i like it
I stopped being an atheist when I started actually studying metaphysics and realizing what the fuck God is.
If your idea of God is a judgemental sky wizard then no wonder you don't believe in God.
Once you know what God actually is you can't help but believe in him because the real God makes fucking sense; unlike the concept of God that the normie masses who don't know shit, be they religious or not, have.
God is infinite, eternal, omnisicient, omnipresent, unchanging, etc.
One particular attribute I've been meditating on a lot lately and studying is Omnipotence. I've not been sure for quite awhile now if Omnipotence is actually one of the qualities of God. However, what I have found so far is, whether God is Omnipotent or not it's still an attribute of the fire element and infusing said quality into yourself via the fire element is the simplest way to massively expand your power and blast through all those mental blockings that stopped you from doing psychokinesis and all manner of higher phenomena.
Gas Him
You want to know what the main problem with the so-called "Skeptic Community" is? They're just a bunch of pompous self-aggrandizing pseudo-intellectual pseudo-activists who think they're changing minds by shouting and using the same arguments ad infinitum in a meaningless culture war.
Another problem that is rarely brought up is that these skeptics are nearly identical to the anti-sjws they oppose on both economics and social issues. They both support anti-discrimination laws and other behavioural controls being forced onto other people, which are violations of freedom of speech and freedom of association. They both support Keynesian and marxist economics along with inefficient welfare programs and other government programs.
Some idiots keep saying, "Sargon's redpilling normies and shit. We need to support him." No. Sargon and his economically-illiterate cronies just want a nearly identical political outcome as the SJWs. He just wants one where he can have his free speech. Everything else they advocate is fine in his book. He has no fundamental principles of his own on which to stand on. He's like a pacifist islamist who would rather work within the system than blow himself up.
And as for "redpilling normies" what can those people possibly do to change politics? The majority of voters are either progressives or the alt-right. There is barely any classical liberals to really have a strong voice. Also, they're using logos, arguments from logic, while the progressives and alt-right are using pathos, arguments from emotion. As humans are emotional animals, which is more effective? The skeptics have already lost most people's support to these two groups the from the second they started wasting their time arguing from logic, in YouTube videos no less.
So no, these people standing on their intellectual ivory towers were never the solution. The only things you'll get out of watching their videos is sickness and regret from wasting your time watching bullshit.
So anyways so far I can say about Omnipotence is that it's clearly an actual quality which radiates down from the higher causal spheres to the mind which focuses upon it. What omnipotence means fully I still to understand better. I am very sure about God being omnisicient (all knowing) and omnipresent, this I understand very well. There are also more things for me to understand about God being infinite but I worked through a lot of my thoughts on that already over several months awhile ago.
The more you understand God the more your consciousness grows. The jews must suppress knowledge of God by any means possible, through the twin deceptions of religious misinterpreted and atheistic sceptic reactions to said bullshit where they then assume some other bullshit.
You must transcend the twin deception.
Oh something else, there are 4 ways to know god, and each method must be done to fully understand god. There is God the impersonal, god the abstract, god the manifest, and ummm one other but I need to check my notes again (it's mentioned in some notes related to IIH).
With each step in knowing god there are many potential trappings, many potential delusions. Work your way through it all though and you will come to know god intimately and grow from this knowledge of God.
The religious masses as a rule do not know God any more than the Fedoras do. The Fedoras as a rule also are the way they are because of aesthetic preference or bad experiences with religion that turned them away. They are not true sceptics in the highest and most dignified sense of that word. They are pseudosceptics who apply their scepticism selectively. No different than the Christcucks who deny evolution and say the Earth is flat.
Speaking of the shape of the Earth and of evolution, those things are also arranged in two camps, both of which are fucking wrong.
The jews manage to fuck everything in such an elegant way. Take abortion for example; they manage to get white women to abort healthy babies but at the same time use anti-abortion sentiment to keep brainless sissy retards. You have one camp that wants brainless sissy retards and niglets, and one that wants irresponsible whoring and aborting healthy children, and a third position based on eugenics and euthanasia is shut out of the conversation entirely.
So it is with pretty much everything.
Gas the skeptics
Glad you like it
The old atheist cummunity of the 2000s split into two starting around 2010/2011. The two sides are now atheism+ or some shit and the "Skeptic Community" that pretends to be on our side. I believe the beginning of this split was when some feminist dyke named skepchick made a big deal out of some cuck asking her out for coffee in an elevator.
t. former skepticfag
Now I'm full /fringe/ kek
Just like liberalism, these things become substitutes for religion to these type of zealous, smug, aggressive and pretentious assholes who refuse to flock to religion to scratch that itch because it's not trendy and respected enough anymore. All these fags are just trend hoppers who would be religious fanatics if religion wasn't bullied so mercilessly in the media. so they seek out alternative avenues to live out their holier than though character traits.
I know the analogy has been made before but SJWism really is like the catholic church of old.
witch hunts - check, gotta get that racist fired
original sin - white privilege
self flagellation - diversity is our strength
sexuality is the devil - sexuality is the patriarchy
pittance - donate to my patreon
and so on and so forth. it's the same kind of assholes hijacking a new vehicle for the insane villainy. They just want an official group to join that makes them better than anybody else and a license to fuck people up for disagreeing with their made up bullshit they might not even believe themselves.
My big problem with the fuckers is the fact they are atheist but do nothing but lick dawkin's ass all fuckin day without fail. They sit here and ramble on about philosophers that are a fuck ton smarter than them and preach to faggots who wanna feel smart. Problem is, if those said faggots were actually smart they wouldn't listen to these shit stains. The would be reading the shit the faggots reference and realize it's all bullshit.
Being a skeptic = 99% of the human race. Only about 1% are so retarded they believe everything they hear no matter what. So, being a skeptic means fuck all.
The thing that got me was the concept of presumptive atheism, which i cannot agree with at all. Presumptive atheism is the idea that anyone or anything that does not believe in a God or gods is automatically atheist, in particular, children, but also, animals, rocks, and trees. This argument furthers the concept that the teaching of religion to a child is abusive indoctrination.
My personal belief was that, in order to be an atheist, one must choose to do so, and have the intellectual abilities to understand the concept of God or gods and the argument against. This automatically rules out rocks, trees, animals and a whole lot of silly arguments about atheist cats and buddhist schnauzers. When it comes to children, they would correctly fall into the category of agnostic until they reach the age of reason, being that they are entirely ignorant of the arguments for and against and incapable of choosing.
Of course this went against the grain of the Atheism+ narrative in a number of ways so in order to gain the approval of the Atheism+ clan i would have to kiss the atheist rock and salute the atheist flag, etc. I never saw a group united in its disbelief in religion so fired up to create a doctrine and body of rules for its unbelievers, it was truly insane.
Just would like to say I am happy they all are getting rekt by youtube's advertisers pulling out. Hope they all lose every channel and be IP banned from the site forever. Fuckin useless faggots do nothing but shit on good ideas and push shit to give em shekels
Is that first tweet sarcastic?
This imbecile makes me want to punch him in his smug face. How hypocritical it is to call your opponents normies, when you yourself haven't realized the futility of whining in YouTube videos and pretend you're some sort of intellectual god king when you can't even argue with the ancaps honestly?
In five years when this progressive bullshit dies down, I hope Sargunk of Acuck and all his other pretentious pretend activist lapdogs are forgotten in the anals of history. And seeing how they're not doing a very good job at maintaining that, that might come in sooner than five years.
Shit, I meant sjws there.
Isn't this one of their actual viewpoints?
Hey, they'll be irrelevant in 5 years when everyone realizes how pointless politics is. So why not shit on them now?
He's such a fucking faggot
I know, I know.
I thought it was enough that they've Encyclopedia Dramatica articles on them, but what's a few shitposts more?
Would a pro-life bill actually be this detrimental, anyways?
Amazing Atheist:
Armoured Skeptic:
Blaire White:
cults are pretty fucking interesting
Shoeonhead is AOTN kek.
Why do they all look the same?
Not really, it's looking more like 2007.
Shoe0nHead sucking up to radical feminist JJTalkz
Shoe0nHead vs Johnny Fox argue about why shoe thinks pedos are acceptable since "Being a pedo is just a side kink" ~shoe 2016
Shoe0nHead Supports Pedos
Skeptic takes legit criticism like a 2 year old:
Why does anyone watch these faggots again?
Because they're lowlives who never did anything worthwhile in their lives and can only use sophistry to pretend to be intellectual powerhouses to feed their fragile need for approval from the masses of asses who are themselves just as miserable and wishy-washy.
Atheism is inherently nihilistic. It's a plague on society and should be fought against.
Purge it along with progressivism and this strain of "classical liberalism" so the seed of progressivism is gone as well.
Atheism is just as corruptible by christianity. Stop praising christianity when its origins are jewish. And yes, it came from Israel, thus it is jewish.
I will pray for you, brother.
The skeptics aren't classical liberals. Sargon is a marxist, he said as much on a show with dave cullen aka computing forever. Dave did a 60 minute vid tearing apart his entire argument.
Sargon's reply, cry like a bitch for his own 60 minute thing not address any of the points against em and just scream i dindu nuffin.
He is now a "Justice Democrat" which is that meme Cenk Uygur came up with cuz he was assmad hillary lost. They are all sjw faggots.
Atheism is a useless ideology. It does nothing but weaken a culture against Islam. Dawkins has admitted this himself.
Atheism is also parasitical in it's nature. It requires "converts" from religious groups to replenish it's numbers. (atheist couples don't have enough children to replace themselves)
there's no point listening to or akowledging any of them they are a network of shills
Sargon came into GG by sort-of exposing the BBC, and their willingness to try and jam him up. If that wasn't some sort of double dodge planned from the start it means he definitely got (((their attention))) from that point on as an exposed identiy it's only a matter of time.
Just a matter of time. So whatever, I applaud what Sargon initially did if it was real, but yeah. Only a matter of time till he's in the club you ain't.
A much more useless and destructive ideology is the belief in authority, the idea that gang of thugs and thieves are allowed to extort money and threaten people in the name of protecting them. In that respect, the only difference between a street gang and government is how the way they're perceived.
That superstition is the bedrock of all political ideologies. Islam, communism, cultural marxism. What can an atheist do when he isn't a mindless order follower who would commit acts of evil if given orders?
found the lolbergtarian
Yeah, I'm sure that reciting lines and hymns you don't actually believe will help you stop the flood of radicals into your country, but don't worry, as long as those muds are christian, it's A-okay to let 'em in according to all modern major christian branches.
freemason cult
Here's your fucking redpill. Open wide.
The internet is cancer
Get it? The second e-commerce came into being alongside upvotes and thumbs up we were all fucked. It's democracy 2.0, and if you need the pill on democracy you don't belong here.
You misspelled ancap.
I'm baiting you fuck. Why don't you effort post where it matters
Ignore him, he'll never see the true glory of natsoc.
You are what's wrong with this site.
You're right, but this is why spending too much time on the internet is bad. Honestly, even normies are better than the vast majority of people online.
Story time:
If any of you guys spend all your time online, these are the people you're around most of the time. These guys combine the traits of depression, insecurity and narcissism. That shit really does rub off on you, so to everyone in this thread:
Keep your internet dosage low, or you could be donating to these attention whoring cunts and le skeptics before you know it.
Find me one person that doesn't meet your criteria but also doesn't contribute to social media.
I've been saying the same for a long time. You convert people through entertainment, not education. People, above all else, want a fun life. Give them fun and they will come.
Me. We'll be together in the afterlife, user.
Sargon is a normie that wishes he was an oldfag. He tries to act edgy so the kids will give him and his band of degenerates money. Fuck sake he tried to already feed us horse shit like
Just nothing but lies, faggotry, crybaby bullshit, and dindu nuffin.
All of you are faggots and should KYS.
He did this 2 piece hitpiece shitting all over lauren southern saying she was making some narrative up that he had no evidence of…. then got BTFO by her when she showed evidence and he deleted the vids, acted like it didn't happen, and then flooded his channel with "science" shit to try n act like he didn't do it…
We're going to need a better name for TJ than The banana fucker.
Also, why how did they get there namesakes anyway? And I don't mean the pompous ones in pic related.
I love when they screech DEBATE ME IRL. But when they debate someone, none of them can form any cogent responses off the cuff. Sure they sound decent on recorded videos, but without cuts they are useless. The fucking word Skeptic™ is so cringy on its own. They're not skeptic on everything, ergo they are just biased shills.
Through circle jerks and cross-promotion.
Didn't even know about this. What did he say? I don't want to give either of them any views.
It's meant to mimmick this, i'm guessing some random faggot that follows em came up with it but didn't put any quotes because none of em ever say anything worth a fuck
Skeptic TM was a joke nakedape popularized to make fun of them saying they weren't real skeptics they were just faggots in one of his recent vids.
Idk if anyone mirrored it, i'd have to ask around. I remember he basically said "Lauren southern wasn't in real danger when she went to go see antifa, she egged em on and goaded them to attack people" with no proof. Then he bitched about how they only had ONE FLAG in a crowd of 50 people saying "Well theres only 1 flag, that means the 50 in that group screaming shit werent all antifa… they were just sjws"
Reality was.. yeah antifa had 1 flag, he was trying to act like everyone needed one or only that 1 guy was antifa related. It was retarded as fuck and made no sense.
I'm honestly amazed how much engagement this fat pedophile piece of shit manages to get still.
One would think somebody like Joe Rogans producers would type his name into google or something.
How about pedophile?
weren't the chicks he sent the video of a banana up his ass under age?
What about Sargon's title? We can do a whole lot better than Potsmoking SJW.
The Sophist? The Autist? The poser? The faggot? The False prophet?
The cuckold?
meh…. shorten it to cuck tho, cuckhold is too much, doesn't have that umph
Also, what is that font?
looks like American Captain with a border around it.
Looks too cowboyish to be American Captain.
Just look at the shape of the T and A.
Fuck off Sargon of Mossad. Go wank yourself off with a cheese grater while watching your cuck porn collection.
all obviously sargon or one of his chronies. I am banking on sargon since the word "lad" and other small bits sound just like him. Plus alot of the same verbatim talking points.
Post your rare sargoys laws
Kek, Holla Forums ticks a lot of those boxes too.
what a heresy it's a kek cult
In the days of Ron Paul, Holla Forums often jokingly referred to itself as a deathcult.
I'm guessing I wasn't the only user who checked Holla Forums every day that one September just in case the apocalypse had started. It took forever to eat through all that tinned food.
Just corrected it. Only took me an hour. Enjoy, fam.
Here it is.
Does anyone know why these jewish occult actors wear the winter hat?
The image relies entirely on the ignorance of the reader and the premise that humans are completely incapable of changing their behaviour to adapt to new conditions. For example "Women's lives will be put in danger" makes it sound like abortions as a result of health complications are common when in fact they are an extremely tiny minority, most people getting them are regular customers that only use the option because of how readily available it is as a safety net.
Because people are baited in by having them make fun of the same people they don't like. And so the person viewing their content feels like they hold all of the exact same beliefs.
What is this, more attempted D&C? This is irrelevant to Holla Forums and I'm sure most here don't follow any of them.
Are you fucking serious?! It's the exact opposite.
Atheism isn't a religion. It's just accepting the world as it is. It's neutrality. The norm. The default for all people without brainwashing.
Good work, fam.
Video related
Nice accent spurdo
I consider all collectivist groups and fandoms to be cults. Why do you think Nintendo fans are so emotional?
And here it is.
That's what they always say. They are the normal ones, don't you want to join them and also claim you're normal, you filthy goy?
All checked things in this list seems to be related to the left-wing media in my country and DNC media in USA.
I noticed shills pushing cult heavily as an insult back when the board was getting flooded over the hacking+Trump bombing Syria, so yeah I wouldn't be surprised. Also
I don't care about faggot e-celebs and nothing is going to be gained by talking about them as if they matter for the thousandth fucking time. It reminds me of those cancerous GG threads here back in ~2015.
Wrong. They have the ear of hundreds of thousands of normies/kids and are pumping them full of marxism-lite. We need to expose and hose down even the tiniest sparks or we'll turn around only to notice the west is on fire again.
Atheism is definitely not the norm, or atheists would be more than 10% of the world population. Nor is atheism the "default setting". Agnosticism, not knowing, is the default setting, as believing or disbelieving requires both knowledge of the issue and a conscious choice one way or another.
I suppose that you also ascribe to that sophistry that there's some significant difference between believing that a God or gods do not exist and lacking a belief that a God or gods exist. Nobody believes that there is a difference between the two positions except for atheists; everyone else sees this argument for what it us, nitpicky semantic games. This is why nobody likes atheists.
The same can be said about any community.
The problem here is not the skeptic or atheist part its the community part.
All communities are cults.
The categories are chosen way to broad. Using OPs method, most companies would qualify more as a cult than the Jehova Witnesses
it's his own shitty meme. I have been observing kekistan shitposters, it may be the case that Kekistan is just a gaslighting/misdirection OP.
Go to any "kekistan youtuber", you will notice how dedicated they are to the kekistan meme and nothing else. The fourteen words have been rebranded to be funny and memey instead of conveying a message. Mentions of jews are far and between and generally ignored.
That's because most companies ARE a cult(Complete with cult leaders).
And the same faces pushing continuing degeneracy, which was ignored then(Which caused them to get stronger: See Sarcuck of a Fraud).
On the subject of Nietzsche: Any retards who think he actually advocated for nihilism did not read through his philosophy the entire way. He advocated against it heavily(More so than me).
What happened is after his death, fuckwits who only read half of one of his books decided that's what he said, and carried on with it in their own branch of retardation: Postmodernism.
So a community of people living in a village is a cult? Because they used to be pretty tightly bound over here (back when my grandparents were young), having their own culture and going about usual peasant stuff.
Communities are not inherently cults, no. Companies can be though, complete with agendas they wish to push, rituals they force their followers to engage in, and so on. The main difference to me is they have to pay their "followers" usually in order to keep them around.
I agree that companies (at any level above small businesses ran by a group of friends) are full on cults. One cousin even found out a company he was in was a branch of scientology or something and promptly got the fuck out.
It's not about the money as much as about the feeling of control over people's minds. Top management has as much money as they want anyway, they'll gladly pay the wagecucks their tiny portion if it means they'll be happy and loyal.
See: Patreon for an example of that in action.
why is that hibbilly hick johnny fox shilling Holla Forums now?
inb4 sarcuck makes a 40 minute video calling us sjws.
Agreed. A lot of the old internet's fedora types migrated to the "skeptic community", where they claim to be "classic liberals". Sargon himself is a prime example. They are useful idiots.
Not an argument
They hate christianty and god, because it doesn't allow them fuck horses and engage in sodomy. What exactly are they sceptical of? Nothing. They champion every hoax and every scam that has ever existed from symptom masking medicine to climate change to 9/11. They should call themselves gatekeepers, because all they do is defend the rotten status quo. Vid related.
im afraid there are very few prominent intellectual figures on either side of a political spectrum worth listening to.
you should always be skeptical of leaders with zero accomplishments, and all of these youtubers aren't worth the price of the editing software they use to churn out regurgitated content with.
skeptics are worse than the new age spiritualists they debunk, because one side at least attempts to be an agent for change, the skeptic's only role is to diminish and ridicule anyone standing against power or authority.
we should embrace disruption not the status quo, because civilisation is being replaced by technological feudalism, and this means future generations will be born into a complex and rigorous machine slavery beyond their capacity to overthrow.
As much as I dislike banana-boy and sar-nigger, their followers are clearly not in a cult.
One of the primary characteristics of cults is that they isolate their members and actively prevent them from making contact with their families. Banana-boy and sar-quadroon may be mislead, but they clearly do not meet this criteria.
t. Former cult member who, through experience, has been thoroughly immunised against such things.
Never reveal your true motives early either. The dirty cop I targeted for dismissal thought it was for a bribe and underestimated the fact that I was really going after him for raping his niece.
She lives in Point Grey? I think I'll visit.
Thunderkike is the worst, he got so ass blasted during brexit and Trumps victory.
Apparently he downloaded 40,000 digital Korans onto a HDD and burnt it as free speech.
they don't believe in their ideologies either user, they are just trying to make money.
here's a question for you, if you started getting like 50-60k views per video, then 500-600k, and now ur making 4k a month and it's 2 years later and you've bought your parents a home and paid off your own house and have your dream car, are you still going to keep your original point of view ethics or morality? or will you cater to increasing your income and saying anything to appease your primary money making source (the viewers).
your NK video got over 1k views, were you a little excited when you saw the number? are you tempted to keep making videos about NK and the nuclear situation, to get more views?
by the time you become an e-celeb, you've sold your soul to youtube, their advertising scheme, and your core fanbase.
watch some of mrchicity's videos:
from an era when youtube was real people sharing their lives.
this was his classic viral video back in 2008, and youtube started throwing contracts at him with a lot of caveats and fine prints, he had none of it and started talking about it. (they were desperate for a entertaining black star then, by now they have dozens)
modern youtube 2016+ is drama between e-celebs, one calling out another in fake fights, and edgy normie humor like filthyfrank and idubzz.
this and clickbait is what pays for the bandwidth of videos like yours which only get a few views and make up the majority of youtube content. it's the only way youtube can stay free to use, by creating a tv-show scripted atmosphere at the top, and everyone who draws their living from this is more than happy to fall in line, because its a job like any other, and money buys you personal freedom.
in a sense even you are participating by talking about it, right?
Cults have become more sneaky and complex with time.
No they haven't. They've been there for ages, mostly forming in short spurts, then fizzling out. Despite that, many remain(Even the much derided Scientology).
Smart dumb people always talk about how "Idiocracy is coming true dood" like it's mindblowing. After he saw The Matrix he was probably going around telling people, "in a way, we're in a matrix too, bro. Think about it."
lol, do you have a jewtube account? 1k views aint shit. I've gotten between 5k and 10k a couple times, and went right back to visual shitposting for dem doubledigit views.
nah i don't have anything to say. i know it's barely any money coming in for these people unless they can get a million views a video. that's why the shill patreon so hard.
social media is insane in china, it's about 5 times bigger, but it's so isolated from the west than we never see it.
They haven't. Cults today use the same tricks as the cults of 100 years ago.
hey look its mundanematt coming to sperg. Go home matt nobody needs your commentary on how pedos dindu nuffin.
the followers are in their own cult. The ecelebs themselves are in their own cult as well to each other.
Exactly and absolutely.
This is why they aren't helping us. They're dumbing people down.
Sargon put up a new video on the Syria situation.
He didn't delete the videos, they are on his channel, they got temporarily taken down because some Lauren whiteknights reported it.
Honestly respect they guy because he goes against the circlejerk, Lauren is cancer. His fanbase is cancer and he has balls bebcause he makes videos counter to what his fanbase wants.
hello spino
Sargoy addressing this very thread. He's back to dicksucking mode, but rest assured, the next time Kike Enoch and Richard "dr. Holla Forums, i'm federal government" Spencer throw roman salutes at public venues and claim to have authority over us he'll be there shilling about those evil nazi-rightwingers having a "civil war"
Sad to see the day thundercuck indistinguishable from a cultural marxist, he sure argues like one now. Even sargon of cuckad realizes Trump was the better alternative and avoids insulting his supporters.
He should of just stuck to his experiment videos.
I require the name of this yellow devil.
Fuckin sjw the Skeptics brought in
Holy shit there's alot of dumb right wingers here. Seriously do you realize how effing merciful the rest of the politosphere has been to you far right uneducated rubes?
Seriously on immigration you ignore that different ethnicities weren't considered white. That's just a post hoc term invented after the irish need not apply signs went away and hitler stopped using slavs and jews as cannon fodder. Letting non-whites in (most white ppl have very little in common genetically) is just letting another ethnicity in. Oh I believe in long debunk pseudoscience so i think niggarsz won't do jobs once the labor supply goes up.
Honestly I think I'm going to fuck with you ppl from now on. You rightwingers aren't particularly bright on the rest of the web so I doubt you'll pull some clever tricks or theories that redeem your debunked ideas
*once labor DEMAND goes up
Why don't we jus raid all these faggots on their channels and on Twitter. They get upset when jus one person says something that doesn't lick their asses. If we all go raid the shit outa em imagine the lulz
Plus Blaire… I mean ROBBIE'S video on "addressing criticism" is so softball it doesn't need to exist. He only pointed out light gay bullshit not real critiques to virtue signal how he can take the Bantz but it's obviously bullshit. Tweet any of those pics of robbie and BAM instant block and sperg behind the block
Its a brit/pol/ thing you utter fucking mong
Ok so how many IDs has sargon changed? Is anyone keeping track? He does this every few months.
Pleb, pls.
Yeah, whatever mr. le enlightened intellectual. Now shut up, start lurking >>>/pdfs/, and if you have more than 3 live braincells you might even learn something, you tremendous boy-molesting, prancing homo.
Totally not sargon….
Second paragraph is by far this best post in the entire thread. Making fun of ecelebs doesn't make this any less of an ecelebs thread. On principle even if I didn't despise these fags just as much as the left their practices and trivialisation of politics into internet drama and gossip alone is enough for me to wish for their destruction. Even when they agree with me It makes me disgusted.
What do you propose we do user?
It seems hard to draw a line between a true cult and an enthusiast community centered around any eceleb.
Normally Id say we should spam them with "cuck" and watch the shitstorm but no group saps the energy out of me more than the sceptic community.
Stay anonymous and hope for a race war.
Not talkin abt fanboys talkin abt the ecelebs themselves are so self centered they are in a cult with each other as members and a few sad faggots who want shekels too so they do the big guys dirty work. It's shit.
Today's skeptic is tomorrow's next SJW. The skeptics and SJWs are going to combine into a new monstrosity. Laci Green and Blaire White being buddy buddy is evidence of this. Prepare for that.
Person reading, your not clever, you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
Wow, you watched Fight Club too???? :o
This cultish behaviour is what drove me to the imageboards back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Realizing that the edgy atheists were actually all just pushing their own shit along with trying to monopolize common sense. I wouldn't be surprised if many a Holla Forumsack comes from the ranks of edgy fedoras.
i couldn't find any picture, do you have any source for that?
TOP KEK! Senpai has noticed us and is now cryin to her eceleb cuck friends about the mean tweets. Plus she is sayin Johnny Fox made the Robbie Faggotron (her dead name) sock acct that shit posts anti Blaire shit. That was actually Holla Forums
Yeah, y'all kinda late on this, it's a result of that whole "Atheist+" fight. There's no real "skeptics" left, as the SJs forced them all to pick a side between 'feminist manlet' or 'philosophical MRA beardo'
A couple like Popehat/Clarkhat retreated to being semi-blackpill normies shitting on everyone equally. Or if they had built up their own sites before then, turned them into impenetrable walled gardens with member shittests every hundred posts.
he did a video about this post, i'm dying xD
we can head this off at the pass by just posting this at them each time they tweet at each other and meme'em into generic pornhub ho's
Also if your account/alt is still posing as a leftie since the DNC, see pic 4.
I love it that these communities have such a heighten sense of self-superiority from criticizing nothing but low-hanging of the left this entire time. Now they think they have the upper hand whenever it comes to engaging the arguments of the far right, sort of like engaging in a fight with confidence in nothing but a limp bat in their hand. They think they could put up the same fight from the left to us when the time comes, which makes crushing their egos near child's play (assuming not too many of them undergoes cognitive dissonance).
Sargon released a video awhile ago about why he doesn't criticize the right. It could be summarized to: he doesn't want the right to take criticism and improve from it (I'll take that as a compliment) and the left is far more dangerous in the mean time, so better to scrounge up as many classical liberals until then.
AND certainly NOT because the latter (progressives) are easier to debunk and the former would require engaging in riske material and proper sources that would be harder to overlook or deny, making for very unconvincing rhetorics for your side.
That's because ecelebs make these threads against other ecelebs, then bicker back and forth in a conversation between themselves. I don't think these people are from Holla Forums
So much other good shit going on, but this is what's important to some? It's funny I admit, but also dumb as fuck.
That explains why I was never able to muster the 'tism to join dignons there but got on hitbox just fine.
That's top lulz.
maymays are strong indeed, even when utilised for improper purpose.
A lot of fat ugly jews get betas and wizards to believe they can be like them because they buy these sluts to stay on their arms all day long while shilling "self-help books."
IMO it's a bigger step into the "porn addiction cycle" than actual porn, because you're sitting there stewing "if HE can get that kind of quality ''why can't I?"
You see this often in dudes who are right on the threshold of going failed (for obvious reasons) PUA or MGTOW
Thing is you only notice these guys just as they're entering. There's no telling how long they dropped off the radar and threw money at camgirls before then. It's the emotional content gained from strippers and hookers without the embarrassment of being seen. Key factor in why it's so prevalent/profitable.
If someone does not have the lack of T required to be an SJ beta manlet (though they still look the same otherwise), then they start falling that way instead when everyone ignores them.
So you spend all your faptime with free shit or cheap purchased sets (think "access our entire gallery for a month for only $9.99!" + spree downloading) and then, when a camgirl catches your eye, you go hog wild, 'specially if she does special "emotes" just for you or starts calling out your "name" in streams.
But here's the funny thing about twitch whores vs camwhores. It's not even actually a morality thing, it's just a buncha neckbears fooling themselves that it is. In my bluepill days I noticed a trend, and that is if you're capable of getting it up with just your imagination (that is getting aroused through text or voice, no visuals) then you see those guys gravitate to twitch whores instead of camsluts "because they're not diiiirty like those other girls!" (look up ASMR on jewtube and check the comments. The same shit you'd see during a camraid) so it's actually just a matter of convenience/viability, which would probably immediately torch the ego of any white knight if you could get them to examine it properly. A lot of the SFW camslut fans will generally have erotic fiction or art on the side as a hobby, or perhaps "lewding up" a TV series.
You know those experiments where they lock away animals from social contact and watch them go insane and across different breeds they all wind up having the same mental disorders after a time? That's what happens when you throw normies that're not-quite-alpha yet not-quite-beta into the place the MRAs termed the "US sex prison"
I've probably seen them do this shit literally over 9000 times, going all the way back to Livejournal "Domme" communities where these chubby leather sluts would demand their servants send them $100 outfits or 'toys' as gifts. Some dumbasses sending up to $1500 worth of gifts at once, the masochists amongst them enjoying it more if she finds them distasteful and trashes them.
All goes back to the same conditioning/mentality.
If you ever have a family member you hear others saying is "addicted to porn," skip searching for the porn shit, check their emails, text files, or credit card statements instead, or look for womens' undergarments around their pad way too small for them to be using for any self-degenerate shit. All the above should be right there.
I know some of this was stated above in pieces like
but that should give a connecting thread to it all.
Also after a time, part of the addiction is actually sabotaging their own relationships because their RL waifu is getting in the way of their camslut waifu. Once the first crack IRL appears, the camslut waifu is now more desirable "because she never judges me so harshly" and "she would never criticise me for (random OCD habit all these fuckos seem to have)"
These chubby schlubs transcend race too, an overwhelming amount I met weren't white, but mexicans, asians, and (lighter, possibly upper caste) indians. (think the guy on Office Space)
It's a reaction to being "imprisoned" anywhere, it's just that the US feminists tend to be among the harshest/loudest and have a lot of laws backing them up so the affect is amplified. Some ultra-cucked nations avoid this by their women having figured out the necessary amount of 'positive attention' to prevent it from becoming an epidemic.
Didn't see too many Arabs, probably they had stronger familial ties than the other immigrants that don't arrive in such large batches, and so in a real bind they could pick on a cousin or something.
As far as asians go Chinese massively outnumbered the japs, probably because weebs already chose 2D over 3DPD and because Chinese already don't have enough women to go around.
you werent wrong
Sargon is here REEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Skeptic made it, he admits it in one of his videos said he was "drunk"
He criticizes "neonazis" aka low-hanging fruit. TRS were constantly trying to get him to go on The Daily Shoah and he kept ducking. I think the only right-wing person he's debated was Millenial Woes, and he got BTFO.
are you new, faggot? use the embed or post a webm
I love the sound of butthurt in the morning.
shunka ayami?
Bullshit. The "New Age Community" are a bunch of merchants trying to make shekels off of selling rubes crystals, power water, and enemas, nothing more. There's no bigger Jew than the so-called "psychic" who rakes in money by making up stories for grieving people and telling them what they want to hear, pretending that they can talk to the dead. There is nothing more satanic than talking to the dead if they could actually do it (((they can't))). Fuck the (((New Age Community))) and the golem they rode in on.
Didn't this fag quite his lab job to do the atheist youtube bullshit full time?
Yes because he made more shekels offa low hanging fruit and elementary school science experiments
Holy shit, you definitely don't belong here! I found your post while trying to figure out who sargon is in this thread… I think it was Sargon replied to you by calling you Spino!
After reading your comment, it's clear to me that you're not one of us, and clearly not Sargon either. I know you're not one of us because Spino doesn't consider Sargon left-wing enough (get that in your fucking head), and Spino hates us. His complaint of Sargon is that he won't attack the Right. Spino is a fucking SJW you idiot.
I think I found both Sargon's post, and one I'm replying to is clearly someone on the Left who Sargon replied to.
Two faggots sniped.
You guys made me get into this eceleb BS when I wanted it to end. Well played.
this^ is sargon, for all you faggots that wanted to know. I was right about ecelebs fighting each other in this thread. He might actually be responding to Spino, lame.
I wouldn't lump Sargon with Armored Skeptic, Shoe, Amazing Atheist, etc.
While they generally succumb to ideological tribalism, Sargon generally remains humble.
Most of his videos include him asking for corrections, and he can never shut up about argumentative cheritability.
Doesn't mean he's fucking perfect, but Sargon's a far cry away from shilling sponsors and the collectivist, comunity bullshit that others fully embrace.
You gotta be shitting me…. This is a bunch of lying bullshit. I've never heard so much bs in one post NORMIE GTFO
This is the first thread in 8/pol/ I've really read, and I have to say, you fags are way worse than regular Holla Forums.
the most normie thing there is.
The first thread you read is one about e-celebs, and you call others fags.
Triggered faggot
call me more names. that's what makes you look like the calm one.
Omfg… I just realized my reply here^ was a reply to the FUCKING OP… LOL… OMFG!
This asshole played you all:
OP is LEFT-WING, and definitely not one of us (read the post I'm replying to for proof). What a fucking waste this thread was. You fuckers should be ashamed for falling for it.
I can't believe you fooled so many people with this stupid thread. I'm surprised the mods didn't ban you yet.
Yeah totally believe u faggot. I am OP and I'm far right.
get the fuck outta here
See bunch of cult members coming to derail a thread that was perfectly fine til now. Buncha normies from sargon channel comin to shit up this board and try n hide it. Fuck off faggots
anyone else here from sargon's video? xd
No shit idiot. And Sargon called you Spino. You and your friend kept this shit going well. But hey, if people believe you, it's on them at this point. Have fun with your eceleb bs.
You still didn't reply to:
16 year olds who think they're ebin trolls because they post memes in jewtube comment sections and think pretending to be retarded is the height of comedy.
How gay to you have to be to white-knight a youtuber?
Another fucking lie? I was here from the beginning. Look: dfa75a
Just admit it at this point. You were caught.
Reply here:
You are a special type of retard aren't you. Obviously not from pol. Here to white Knight fuck u faggot.
Here /sarbro/! xP
Reply specifically to this post:
Good catch. Let's get back on topic. We need to figure out a op for lulz. I still say twitter raid or Thunderclap campaign to make #SkepdicksAreOverParty to trend and tag all of em I the campaign
An op wouldn't work since their fanboys are obviously in here, if not them.
Doesn't matter faggot. Who cares who knows. We do it, it happens regardless as if they wouldn't know after it happens. Fuck off. Stop derailing.
Also. This board is public. You act as if Holla Forums is sum secret cabal like Sarfag has. Anybody can see the shit the whole point of an op is to be public so more ppl join to help. Now u can GTFO legit. Fuckin normie white Knight faggot
You sure as hell seem to be projecting alot in this post. You are the one on the wrong board
Low hanging fruit propagandists will always exist in society. They are in a cult, of their own members being other ecelebs. There is a massive amount of in-group out group shit going on with them.
Disagree or pick on any cult member and you get excommunicated and labeled as an "Autist" or some other bullshit. All of the people are expendable especially the channel's that don't boost their own.
It's all about them shekels, the narrative, the hugbox, and "Muh culture war" (which doesn't fucking exist) with these faggots. Nothing more, just relics that leaderfagged GG
Well this thread just proved Sargon of Akkad won
All of you are so triggered lmao
He won what? He was the one crying on his channel about how much he doesn't care after he came in here, sperged, then went to his alt channel talking about how much he doesn't care about /pol saying we are all autistic sjws… nice strawman faggot
The only reason none of them will debate a right winger is they can't win. It would be too damn hard for those idiots to do anything on the fly.
Watch a live stream of a skeptic vs a pre-recorded vid. They have a script, can do all this prep, and use bullshit arguments they can craft to win against an opponent that can't argue back. Put em in the ring with a real opponent, lose every time. Even sargon lost to variloh and john kelly on 2 separate occasions BY ALOT. And those two are the beavis and butthead of /ggrevolt/
6 minutes in:
Watch this if you have any real doubt about armoured skeptic and shoe being full blown sjw faggots. Seriously "practical feminism" "Bearing just shits on feminists in their bedrooms (projection)" "Bearing sends his audiences after people (more projection) it's a hell of a watch.
christians in pol? Oh vey, sons of the jew god vilifiying a pop culture mass influencer that supports the vital idea that feminism is cancer
Back to the '40 we're not falling for that again
Sargon fanboy here. I don't think it's really fair to call him a cult leader as he doesn't keep his fans locked up in a compound working for him dawn to dusk. I mean the analogy just doesn't really work because cult members are basically financially and socially isolated, becoming completely dependent on the cult and their status within it. If you think that this describes people who watch someone on youtube you should probably have yourself tested for the downs, sorry.
WTF, when did I mention christianity? I have never promoted any juden religions, stop assuming, faggots.
What I typically find, no joke, is that anyone who does not worship a god often ends up worshipping anything else they can find with an even greater zeal than most religious people do. Its also very apparent here on Holla Forums in regards to Trump.
That's what made me realize that religion is truly important, humans simply instinctively desire to be religious. Those who do not desire to be religious do not function like a proper human being.
I think belief in something greater and more important than yourself is enough. That something can be God, gods, Race, society, family, etc. It shouldn't be a person or a political ideology, though. Atheism, materialism and solipsism can be dangerous, because there's no reason to thinks the world doesn't exist for your pleasure and satisfaction of base instincts. Religion is not what's important, it's spirituality and devotion to a higher cause. I'd like to think that most Trump worship here was ironic, with hope that he would become a decent president, with exception of migrant redditors, who didn't notice the irony.
Literally the only thing my post said is that in the absence of a god, man will find something else to worship. It doesn't have to be anything greater or more important. It can be Justin fucking Bieber.
You misread my post. I didn't say it can't be Justing Bieber, I said it shouldn't be Justin Bieber.
T.sarcuck of a fag
110% this. Marxists worship their retarded political ideology ans "equality", atheists worship their willing slavery to hedonistic pleasures and "individualism". Humans need both God and a strong state to keep us on the right track. What has individualism given us except a degenerating genepool, a dying, broken society, and "democracy" where weak minded fools look up to youtubers and frog memes to tell them how to think and vote? The French revolution was a big fat mistake, monarchy now!
Did you just discover YouTube?
Can we actually bash Sarcuck and the skeptic community now, conspiracy theories are the exact reason this board has no legitimacy and you played into it.
If you ask real nice, maybe pic related will let you join. Then you can all worship the Jew together. That will be nice. After all, every human needs this, goy!
yeah but if you worship a skeptic you are just a faggot. At least god does shit.
and skeptics worship faggots like dawkins and hitchens which were more full of shit than a port-a-poddy at woodstock. FFS they were just pretentious wankjob "thinkers" too as if nobody else ever thought about shit b4 them KEK.
also Thundercuck has noticed us. Get ready for fanboys
This shit too
She is the smuggest, most arrogant, shittiest person i've ever seen on the planet and everybody handwaves every fuckin thing she does. She is supposedly one of the "Skeptic™" now and is just a vapid cunt who needs to go back so bad
lol fag.
You sound like a fucking manlet lmao
Also top kek on the "irish need not apply" part, ever bothered looking it up whether it was as widespread as you think it is or did you just believe it blindly the very second someone told you it? The idea of "No Irish need apply" being a thing came as a result of an attempt to incite unrest among the Irish community in the North, not because of discrimination. The idea came from existing signs in the UK, which weren't made on the basis of ethnicity, but there weren't any actual cases of it in the US, only songs by the Irish and references to Catholic-Protestant conflict.
Even more. Apparently self awareness isn't his strong suit
Looks like blaire faggotron white wants us to give her some *cough* criticism *cough* well i never turn down an invitation to trigger a pompous useless degenerate. How bout you Holla Forums ?
t. Pence
Just wait for right after the video. The more boring the video is, the better, since he is doing it for attention. After the video is better because you can trigger him without giving him any benefit in return.
This faggot isn't lying. Not even a real opponent. Put them in the ring with a vague shitposter. They still lose.
Does harmful opinions qualify as a "skeptic" in this context? Because he's actually alright.
He largely thinks for himself so he wouldn't really count as part of the community, which is one of the reasons why established "skeptics" suddenly feel the need to go against him for something as simple as social media sponsorships
It's already up, i'm not linking that trash here tho. It will give this board even more cancer than it already is + no need to give it more clicks.
The video literally entailed of
It was trash, it wasn't funny, it wasn't even criticism. It was more like questions you'd get in an interview setting.
Nope. H.O. I guess he would be a skeptic in the literal sense of the word but as for what the "Skeptic Community" is, nah complete opposite.
Harmful will actually own up to failings and say "hey fucked up, whatcha gonna do" and move on. Plus he hates the skeptics™
They went against em because they were assmad he told the truth and debunked the claims they were trying to push on their audiences for more shekels.
He was shunned because he didn't shill for their lootbox. Seems like a chill dude, but I don't think he's full Holla Forums.
Come home, white man.
He's definitely not Holla Forums. But he's far from a deadheaded libtard.
I watched it for you faggots. Summary here.
This video literally gave me a headache. His voice through the entire video is like a wigger trying to talk black. You're not a woman.
Don't say you wouldn't totally hit that… right in the face….. with a fist.
I'd hit it with my truck of peace
Fucking cringe at the "skeptic" community. They churn out countless videos on the flavor of the week with no quality effort & nothing new or interesting to add to any conversation.
B White is a good example. Nothing to new to add but getting popularity for not being a completely insane tranny. The bar is set low.
I would give it a pass, that video at least. If someone wants to laugh at something stupid like reddit happa at least that sounds original.
If you've EVER identified as "alt-right", you do not belong here.
"I need a label so I can solidify my beliefs into something that can't be a flexible anarchistic force of the disenfranchised and instead be attacked", lol its like you're fucking retarded.
If you follow any E-Celeb shit besides youtuber that purely archive pol antics in comedic fashions you also DO NOT BELONG HERE.
If you can't think for yourself, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE.
TFW…. You are the problem.
This seems to be pretty common among liberals in general. Regardless of whether they're the SJW type or the "skeptic" type, they always have certain catchphrases or ideas that they default to.
Obviously, the SJW breed is the most obnoxious in this regard. When asked if a certain attitude is good or bad, they default to to this relativistic "it's neither good nor bad, just be you" unless that attitude can be associated with some form of bigotry. When discussing art, they are the first to drop the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" bomb unless that art is overtly political. When discussing politics, they uncritically regurgitate whatever their college professors told them which is almost always the same drivel which basically equates to "whites are responsible for their ancestors' misdeeds but not for their accomplishments; other races are responsible for their ancestors' accomplishments but not their misdeeds." And to top it off, they will reject any statistical evidence they disagree with by saying "correlation does not equal causation" as if that completely invalidates said evidence. They're perfectly comfortable pointing to correlations they agree with though.
The "skeptics" do the same but are a bit more subtle: everything ties back to this sort of staunch individualism to the extent where they ideologically reject the notion that group psychology works fundamentally differently from individual psychology. This not only makes their stances on any given issue absurdly predictable (everyone should be treated as an individual, certain divergences between those in this community apply in that the lolbergs are against government entitlements while the lolberals support certain entitlements to aide the disadvantaged) but this dogma also blinds them to the influence of their group mentality. They assert that all of their stances are logically informed and disregard how interconnected their views are with others in their group. When you point out how they fetishize "logic and reason" in this way, their response is "lol what? you don't like LOGIC!?" and completely ignore the issue being addressed. They are seriously under the impression that, when their naive realism is a subject of concern brought up by their opposition, their opposition is somehow against logical thinking.
I agree with your rejection of labels, but one should always follow those they disagree with. Based on your statements, am I right to assume you know very well how most people will tend to recite catchphrases from their favorite e-celebs? I myself have come across many people who will recite current year man's "arguments" almost verbatim. When discussing politics irl, it helps A LOT to already be familiar with the statements they're about to make so you can have a succinct, easily understandable response prepared. Even if you're quick on your feet to realize the flaws in an argument you're not already acquainted with, putting it into words takes a higher cognitive load than identifying the issue. And any poor wording on your part will always be the first thing people latch onto if they're not arguing in good faith. They will deliberately misinterpret what you say and if you clarify the misunderstanding they'll accuse you of goalpost shifting.
You should listen to these e-celebs, failure to do so will only be to your detriment.
Dafuq…. Yeah let's all listen to snake oil salesman who cry about mean tweets but "are totally not sjws goys"
It's a hell of a lot better than brushing off any reasonable argument they make because of some stupid shit they do.
If you spend any time discussing politics outside of Holla Forums, you should see the parallels of what they say and what these e-celebs say. Like I said: it helps to know what people are gonna say beforehand.
I listen to their arguments, but if the argument is bullshit it's bullshit no matter what dumbass said it. I don't factor in who the hell said it, I take the argument for what it's worth. Hence why I'm on Holla Forums not jewtube or reddit
Good. That's all I was advocating for.
Back in college, before the Redpill, I was told that I needed to take a (((Critical Thinking))) class because I wanted to study philosophy. I was told that that was the class that changes lives and sets you on the path of the philosopher. I thought I was going to be taught logical thinking patterns and Socrates.
I got a proud member of the skeptic community as my teacher. He came in looking like shit, eyes sunken in and obviously on copious amounts of some upper, because he couldn't stand still. He was always moving, especially his eyes, which darted across the room rapidly.
The first thing he did was explain the skeptic society and how great it all was, giving names like Penn and Teller or Dawkins.
He went on for the entire term to shit on religions. All religions. All the while literally claiming the class has nothing to do with conversion or bashing people's beliefs. I've never seen such a large fedora in my life.
It was an obvious indoctrination center for making liberal atheists. That's what the philosophy department of the American education system is.
Back in college, before the Redpill, I was told that I needed to take a (((Critical Thinking))) class because I wanted to study philosophy. I was told that that was the class that changes lives and sets you on the path of the philosopher. I thought I was going to be taught logical thinking patterns and Socrates.
I got a proud member of the skeptic community as my teacher. He came in looking like shit, eyes sunken in and obviously on copious amounts of some upper, because he couldn't stand still. He was always moving, especially his eyes, which darted across the room rapidly.
The first thing he did was explain the skeptic society and how great it all was, giving names like Penn and Teller or Dawkins.
He went on for the entire term to shit on religions. All religions. All the while literally claiming the class has nothing to do with conversion or bashing people's beliefs. I've never seen such a large fedora in my life.
It was an obvious indoctrination center for making liberal atheists. That's what the philosophy department of the American education system is.
Sorry if this double posts. First time in a long time I've seen a flood detected error.
I have watched said E-Celebs in the past for this very reason. When they start repeating themselves after literally two 10m videos and drag on with asinine pandering I do find it insane how anyone could watch them other than to reinforce their own thought process.
I'm very lucky that those I discuss things with will allow me to fully complete the deconstruction of their arguments while they're on the other side of the fence doing it to me. Being confident in my abilities and never giving up until I've successfully argued for and against myself, I've thus become relatively adept at verbally countering new arguments relatively fast. I do understand what you mean though, and will take it under advisement. Thank you user.
Sargon is a good free speech advocate but nothing else. He is a sjw of his own kind and he seems wise to people with IQ below 110.
Can confirm. A half-nigger I used to know watched him. He was a real oldfag and should by all means be better than that, but, again, half-nigger. He couldn't quite break out of his lolbertarianism free market capitalism pill because he'd have to fess up about race.
Sargoy of Cuckad? Eh. eh?
Sargon is a great guy.
Shit… never knew the skeptic propaganda shit was taught in colleges.
What do you think about sargon's constant assertion that fans are "purity testing" others and its "cannibalism to criticize our own"
Unless it's against his friends which then its an autistic crusade purity test burn the heretic. Watch him vs Johnny Fox, Him vs Spinosauruskin, Him Vs Harmful Opinions, list goes on and on.
*Sarcastic sigh* pic related
Sargon is so blind to his own sophistry and bullshit it's incredible. Pic related and it's the most honest to god truth i've ever seen on the internet at this point.
Purity testing? I haven't watched any recent content, but I'd assume it's a rewording of purity spiraling? Nothing wrong with enforcing ideal onto groups you associate with, nothing wrong with allowing new ideas either. Both are required for a sustainable and healthy ideolog. Unless a suitable mind worm is embedded in which case a more resistant ideal would be required for its survival, it all depends on your means, opponents and end goals.
In-group cannibalism? You mean ostracising outcasts? Sounds pretty normal to me, does this make them normies?
Personally I have no tolerance for liars, selfish opportunists or stupid people, the rest really doesn't matter to me.
There will always be conflicts of interest within our sphere of politics, but I feel those that are less mentally challenged are already bored of complaining about muh SJWs muh LGBTAFUKQ++ genders, and all he does is go after low hanging fruit instead of challenging himself.
I haven't heard the term "purity spiral" before, but the best definition of purity testing would be an example:
remember when the Huffington post showed off the fact that their editors were all female and then SJW's criticized them because they were all "white?" That's purity testing. Basically when you try to make a statement to appeal to your demographic and said demographic finds something else to bitch at you about.
In Sargon's case, it's largely the fact that other "skeptics" shit on him for rarely criticizing the right wing.
Same lines TRShills tried to push. Nice try.
I stopped being an atheist after I discovered the iron pill and Evola
anyone paying these girls are retarded but a few of them are pretty hot. Most cam whores and porn stars are sloppy as fuck.
Nice contradiction.
PRETTY FUCKIN MUCH…. pic related
This is what I do every single time I hear an eceleb playing in the background of youtube's autoplay function
Remember that time that thunderfuck and ana kasparian from the young turds had this interview that was nothing other than thundercuck drooling over how pretty she was and how Anna was TOTALLY NOT ON TYT cuz he was a woman who dudes thought was fappable.
Worthy of a screencap.
Fucking wew
Butthurt fedora detected.
I'd sooner befriend a normie than a redditor
Atheism is not incompatible with moral objectivity.
Atheist moral structures tend to revolve around "what kind of world would be best to live in?"
The two frameworks I would call most "entry level" would be Bentham's "Utilitarianism" and Kant's "Categorical Imperative."
Bentham: Generate the most happiness for the most people and the least unhappiness for the least people. This has the benefit of having a well defined goal and the logic surrounding it is easily comprehensible. However, some criticize it because acts which are immoral at face value can be justified for the "greater good."
Kant: More or less an extension of the "golden rule." Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In all of your actions presume you are the highest moral authority in the universe. All of your moral judgments must apply universally. Before making any judgment, imagine a world where everyone followed said judgment all the time. Everyone is to be treated as an end in themselves as opposed to a means to an end. This has the benefit of disregarding notions of a "greater good" so moral aberrations cannot be justified in its name. Though this has the drawback in that even Kant said it's imprudent. There is no real goal to it other than giving everyone a set of rules to live by. Similarly, it demands staunch adherence to its rules regardless of any detrimental results which may follow.
There's a metric fuckton more to look into but these two are a good entry point.
Well then you're either new or not a common regular here.
They're the same thing, however purity spiralling is more the slow culling off of potential supporters until you have none left. Back during the Wall Street protests they wouldn't let white men who had something to say speak on the speaker because they "had power already"That would be an example of it.
I regularly saw sargon shitting to the right, the amount of times he maled snarky comments about those who dislike Muslim rapists or don't follow his vague philosophy. He perhaps doesn't do it as much any more, but trust me he fell into the "I'm a moderate those guys are crazy and dumb lol" camp back when I watched him.
Except it isn't, both of those at the top require lack of thinking, not thinking for yourself. So yeah, nice try homeboi but you're not as clever as you think.
Now that's some hardcore e-celeb faggotry amirite?
The most intriguing fact about the picture you posted, is that there's obviously 4 jews on it.
Just as atheism can be said to have no goal, it can be said that in christianity the existance of an afterlife does the same thing as people aren't so bothered by their impending mortality. Moral relativity is just philosophy, it does not reflect the real actions of agnostics and atheists in the real world as their philosophies aren't what drives them, either desire for learning or dopamine does just like you.
Anyone who has dopamine goals can form this modern system of laws to live by, christianity is not required, stop pretending christianity is anything more than people trying not to be mortal.
And how does that help atheists deal with durka durkas who think a global caliphate secured through jihad is the best world to live in
I'm sorry but most of the pro Islam faggots are psuedo-christians. Reminder your pope kisses their feet, Christian governments let in refugees, their women follow the "we're all the same in God's eyes" and spreading christianity to justify releasing black slaves in the America's.
The existance of atheism has always included criticism of all poly and monotheism, Islam along with kikestianity.
Between the idea of a capricious god who goes back and forth on whether he wants to deal with human beings at all being a plausible basis of an objective morality or people's sense of pleasure being one I'd say the god is probably the safer bet even if it doesn't exist.
I'd say you're still pulling at straws. Most modern lawful philosophies stand up without christianity, with exceptions to asinine things like marriage of course. But even monogamy is not restricted to monotheism, nor polygamy restricted to agnosticism.
The whole idea that to form rational ideas, to live as a society working towards meta-genetic safety require us to restrict ourselves to the philosophies of the middle ages make me laugh.
You could lash out to any number of moral relatives and form an objective just like that, but the real problem there is lack of legitimacy to such claims, no power to back it up and thus it won't hold itself up under scrutiny because it's subjective.
Christianity has succeeded because of its viral ability to keep its numbers, not because it's a superior ideology.
You can hardly accuse me of pulling at straws when you immediately assumed I was a christian
I spend copious amounts of time here daily. I guess we just spend our time in different threads.
because nobody but Sunnis wanst that.
Well user. I hate to burst your bubble but sargon is extremely PRO ISLAM. Watch his streams with kraut and tea.
He literally said "Well we need to stop bullying iran and think about how they feel about the sanctions we put on them" then Vee Tardroe his lapdog who needs to be old yellered said "But DAH SAUDEEEZ DINDU NAFFIN" fuckin super mario sounding fucker.
Then you have armoured skeptic coming out talking about how theres "Rational Feminism" and how it's needed in the west today and all this fuckin sjw bullshit. People need to wake up, smell the bullshit and realize the skeptics aren't skeptical of shit. They are skeptic+ at this point. Fuck sake they are hanging out with laci green all the time now and sargon even fully supports the justice democrats which was made by…. wait for it… CENK UYGER OF THE YOUNG TURKS! The biggest sjw news channel EVER! That want's to literally drain all the democrats we have now out and replace em with progressives and faggots, and sargon supports that shit.
Just how the fuck do people put all this shit aside or ignore it just because a fucker has a shitty british voice ffs.
This, and both movements are, and have always been, infested by Jews.
Christopher Hitchens
Sam Harris
Lawrence Krauss
Peter Singer
Steven Pinker…
even going back to Spinoza!
'Jewish Atheists' are pretty much ALL subversive Materialist, Hedonist, Internationalist, Leftist, Commie scum.
Congrats for pointing this out, but I hope that this was obvious to most of us.
KARL "Don't call me Marx" BENYAMINE
is a
It figures–his 'mulatto' father probably had ancestors who took their JEWISH LAST NAME, Benjamin, which means 'Son of the Right Hand' in Hebrew, from a prior slave-owner.
(Remember that the slave trade was a very Jewish enterprise historically).
(Check out his name!)
You're either one of those MGTOW faggots, or else just a degenerate
PZ Myers is literally a fat Kike, so no surprise there.
Said that many times about the gatekeepers analogy instead of "Skeptics". They all grew together, pushed each other, started the same bullshit narratives. Even sit in a skype group called "Youtube Blackout Group" Where the plan videos and narratives together. It's been BTFO on twitter by Harmful Opinions not long ago who got in and leaked some shit. There are some leaks in here too like notice the post is from inside there where blaire is screaming about Johnny Fox who rekt the shit outa him a few weeks ago for being an sjw douchebag.
I love it when leftists use Idiocracy.
"Stupid people are out-breeding the smart people"
Show them welfare statistics and rising minority birth rates
Suddenly its racist.
Maybe we should edit the trailer to show a future America with only niggers, beaners and sand monkeys.
1 Million Views = $1000 to $5000 depending on CPM so they aren't hurting tbh with patreon being insane + merchandise + Sponsorships
the thing is modern "right wing" is left as fuck compared to say, 50 years ago. This is a noticeable trend.
How is it left as fuck now?
For more assmad watch this
Can we get an ISIL parody thread going? I'm gonna fucking kill myself anyway, but many I can get a couple laughs before I do it.
Wow…. user is drunk thinking replying to a thread is the same as creating his own TOP KEK
You all seem very confused. Go take a walk in the park. Get some fresh air.
Blaire white is getting shit left and right because she is starting to call other trannies "Imitation Women" while she is the one true tranny…. need I say more about robbie faggotron's ego…
Its all in a new tag under the names #TrannyGate and #BlaireWhiteLogic
Blaire White vs. Theryn Meyer Drama :
Blaire's Tweets :
blaire is showing her true colors and its all archived. Let's have fun with this shit.
Theryn's Tweets :
sorry for double post, link limit was exceeded