

wow. Looks pretty good.

Thanks for sharing user.

Big improvements and more options over M&B:Warband for siege. Nice to see the defenders actually retreat into the back tower. Only complaint is the AI bottleneck at that one ground floor door.

I'm so glad they kept the old voice acting.

It would be wrong without it.

Cant wait to conquer a Fortress/City and bash the Lords and his minions heads in as they make a last stand in the Court.

I just hope it's still toaster friendly

Probably has low settings.

This is probably the only game im legit interested in, looks pretty good

Needs limb dismemberment. You swing a 2hander like that, people just falling over breaks immersion.

They said on the stream that this battle was 250vs250, and considering the framerate is smoothe throughout, it's looking better optimised than Warband is. Warband begins to microstutter once you're over 400 or so men no matter how good your CPU is since it only really uses one core.

This looks so good. Having those options and stuff to do in a siege is exciting. This has me more hyped than I already was for this game.

Shit, I sure hope that's the case. It's a fucking miracle I can even get Warband running on my own toaster with everything set to look like shit and the bare minimum of in-battle troops to remain enjoyable for myself. If Bannerlord can somehow run ever better, that'd be a dream come true.
Mods, however, would be a different story altogether. It's always a case of some running better than others on a toaster it would seem. I could run Brytenwalda or that one Old West mod for Warband okay, yet Floris or Clash of Kings wouldn't even bother working properly or at all.

this looks neat and all but whatever happened with that viking expansion?

That was a separate developer and as far as I know it was patched heavily and had a 're-launch'.

Fuck off shill

I thought that catapults with spoons are historically inaccurate?


They weren't big circles but they had spoons

i just want to have battles with more than 150 troops
my toaster fucks up the framerate if i set it any higher



Looks pretty hype. My complaints would be the jerky animation and sound quality. Those screams of death sounded like they were ripped straight from M & B 1.

But if they can keep this framerate going at launch? I'll buy it for sure.


Am I the only one that really just wants to hear about all the extra features, I mean we've seen the combat and it's fucking excellent and we've seen troop commanding and holy shit you can actually perform a charge or order troops to capture the high ground without having to jump through hoops.

I want to hear if they've overhauled feasts and tournaments, and how in depth nu town management goes and how subterfuge works and about the new politics system and how marriage and bloodlines intertwines with it. I think these are the areas that were really fucking pathetic in the first games whereas the combat itself was actually pretty good and now it's just looking rad as all fuck.

What text file holds the number of soldiers that can spawn during battles?

Huh, it actually looks kinda fun.

Also, why don't they just go full on fantasy? Flying monsters, magic, stuff like that.

because the game supports mods.

Suicidal filth like you have no place in MY army!

Yes pls.

value "battle_size"
in "%userdir%\document\warband"
1.0 is worth 120 battle size (0.0 = 30, 1.0 = 150, 2.0 = 270, etc)
i think mines on seven or something


So what's the best new thing they're going to add?

You realise Two-Handers can cow hit multiple units again?
Were you not paying attention to the part of the video where he literally killed 4 people in one swing?

That's Wyrverns

Thanks user

2handers are still suicidal, i wont be the one burying you when you get an arrow to the knee

The flaming oil pots looked pretty piss weak down the murder hole TBH. I was hoping for some more truly murderous murder in said hole, perhaps by living the inner portcullis door open until the front gate is breached, then letting the enemy in and then dropping the portcullis and getting a nice big roast going, seasoned with caltrops as they roll on the floor with agony.

Don't you start that shit with me.

They are remastered from the original games I would suppose but those cries were iconic anyway. Where is the problem?

Can you give a link to the stream?

Wow, these devs need to step up their game.

I don't know about you but it's 2016 and I expect the screams of deaths of my enemies to be in high fidelity.

I can see the fidelity in keeping hold of that iconic roar. You don't hear them like that anymore.

How can you have a toaster that bad holy shit

Looks pretty good.

As long as it has confirmed skull drinking and harvesting season I'll buy.

My only concern is that the interface looks like it's been designed for consoles - see how the inventory screen is laid out to fit a console controller rather than a mouse and keyboard. Actual gameplay doesn't seem to be have been dumbed down at all, however, at least not from the standards of the (vanilla) first game.

They were also clearly using a controller for this demo. Notice how stiff his movements are?

All they need to do is sort the economy system. Fancy graphics, siege features, new weapons and armour are all fine, but the real way to improve M&B is to create a deep and complex world economy system in the manner that some mods for Warband tried to do.

It would open up a huge range of possibilities, right from the management of your tiny villages to diplomatic relations between the factions. Think of how much more nuanced the game would be with a real supply and demand mechanic, resource wars, food management etc. It would make the game something much more than just a 'build an army and conquer everything' sort of thing.

Oh, I attached that video instead of this image because I thought this image was showing off an old version of the inventory screen, but I think it's actually just identical between the two sources.

It's pretty cringe.

I'm really just hoping for them to deliver on their promises regarding mod support, I think. No matter how much is missing from the vanilla game, judging by how it's worked out for the last ten years, if the mod support's good enough the sky's the limit on how the game will turn out to be.

They do have an economy simulation, they just turned it off for some reason. You know how you can build Velvet works in every city for maximum profit? It used to not be like that. Doing that used to clog up every city with Velvet, causing you price of Velvet to drop along with your profits.


That's what plate is for.
Two-handed swords are weapons for master warriors, not peasants.

Mods normally sort that bit out if it's still shit

I have to agree. Warband single player gets really boring because the only things to do is battle and fetch quests. I'd like to see more diplomacy, trade, politics, intrigue, religion, etc. A bloodline system where lords can die and their heirs can take over would be excellent as well.



you're a lying nigger

warband engine shits itself utterly if you have more than 350-400 units in one instance, it literally can't handle more than that even if your hardware could

I think if you're able to run Viking Conquest on mid-high setting you're fine.

You can play as a girl? Are there any downsides though?

Like lower stamina, strength, etc.

kill yourself

Fuckoff, it still sounds great.

You have always been able to play gurls, and we heard girls in that siege battle.
The downside of playing women was always social with people not wanting to hire you, laughing when you tell them you want to be their vassal and stuff like that.
The main advantage to playing a woman is that when you marry, you always have a perma ally lord you can boss around.

The game is already fantasy.

why would they get rid of the grid system
its literally the most perfect inventory system when developers have the foresight to make larger items take up more space on the grid

and even when they dont do it that way its still pretty nice when it isnt silly hurr i can only carry 12 eggs but i can carry 150 grenade launcher rounds

No its not, is pretty much eurasian countries mashed together in a medieval setting.

Are you retarded?

It's 9 years old and uses Vista, that's how.
At least I don't have to worry about it automatically upgrading to Windows 10

Too bad there's no full plate in bannerlord, nigger.

Only superior chainmail.

Also, why not both?

the fuck

he cheated so he could properly show off the entire siege, start to finish

No, it's realistic fiction. Fantasy implies that there's magic or fantastic creatures. It's a fictional setting based on medieval history.

Cheats, user

You should look into the meanings of words before outing yourself as a retard.

Just stop

Honestly, that's just going it too far. The time you spent trying to get Warband to work on that old 80's toaster you could've saved enough money getting a better toaster.

Honestly, when I still tried to get Skyrim to not be shit I failed like everyone else I made sure Dragons had about ten times more health and about 200 more armor points, get their AI improved and everything and it still was underwhelming.

Is there magic?
Are there mythical creatures?
Do you see ahistorical weapons or armour?
Do you see people doing things imposible for a human?
It is not fantasy, you faggot.

Jesus user, I'm not THAT much of a poorfag, give me some credit

im not lying, you just have to wind down graphics a lot