Warcraft 4(0K) SAY NO


Look at this this travesty. What is this? This is Warcraft 4(0K) do you want this? I sure as shit don't want this and you know what? We should do something about this. I'm thinking of starting a e-mail campaign to SEGA to send this shit back to the drawing board and not come back out until we get a Dawn of War game.


Ok so the cowards at sega don't have a single damn email address for the public but I did get this request page. If we fill this thing up with enough complaints sega will have to say something and acknowledge our complaints.

Other urls found in this thread:


You are in for some major disappointment user.

They won't care when they've got shekels.

Besides it will just crash and burn like the last 40k MOBA Dark Nexus Arena

Fuck people here who defended this

What's the issue?

die now. it's nothing like the other two games

It's got base building back, it's got much more units in. It'll be better than DoW2 at the very least.

The biggest offence so far is the all too bright artstyle and the retarded bubble-zone cover shit replacing the perfectly workable cover they had in the last games.
Either way it's nothing to get your panties in a bunch about. Wait and see, if it's shit, just pirate it.

Well now it matches the aesthetic of the source material better.


Sweet fuck, I hate that people want this game to be ASSFAGGOTS and Starcraft 2 just so they can make it more "Accessible".


How can you fuck up 40k this badly?

But this is better because it fits the aesthetic of the source material. You know those plastic kid toys neck beards play with.

DoW were like the only good 40k games and even then it's questionable which of the expansions and/or sequels qualify.
Also i'm pretty sure the spiritual liege and that other guy produced worse garbage is book form.

before you starts screaming shill DoW3 still looks shit and there is no indication they intend to unshit it.

That map looks like fucking shit. Apart from it being ugly there seems to be no cover or anything to give the defenders an advantage over the attackers. It's literally just a bunch of groups standing in place, not moving when they're being attacked, and letting the Space Marine player just take them out one by one.

It also looks too colourful and I'm getting sick of shitting snow maps Relic.



Watching the hardcore DoWfags cognitive dissonance and slow realization of how badly this game is going to dash their long held dreams is going to be painful to watch. I like the games but I haven't lived and breathed it like some anons. I'm not looking forward to this.

Sometimes you guys are alright

What the fuck are those Space Marine running animations?

I don't give a fuck if this is bait, but theses "toys" are based on the Warhammer 40k setting. The settings aesthetic is suppose to be dirty and gritty because the world is a grim dark future. They shouldn't be using the miniatures as the look for the game, it should be using the many pieces of artwork that has been drawn over the years.

Won't be buying this unless there's significant changes.

Which I doubt, thankfully I had already given up hope when they said they wanted a wider audience soon after it was announced.

Jesus, that looks like complete shit

Short of the map they showed being kind of flat and empty, which makes some sense if it's a tutorial/testing map, and the Eldar not seeming to have any AI at all, which they could just not have gotten around to making yet, it looks fine to me. The art style makes it very easy to tell units apart and easily parse what's going on. Some of the healthbars look a little overdetailed, they probably don't need quite so many subdivisions in them, but other than that they look fine.

Sorry if I'm being retarded, I only casually dip my toes in 40k from time to time but what is wrong with this game aside from how it looks like Starcraft 2? It seems like it plays pretty similarly to the original DoW. Genuinely curious, not trying to imply this game is good or bad.

this remark is our only hope

So far the only thing really bothering me is some of the animations and the graphics. Seriously this map looks like it came straight outta League, I just hope your able to mod this game's graphics.


Am I the only one who can't see shit? There's too much bloom I can't tell anything apart

I just want this game to be good…

The visual effects are all over the fucking place, that's one of the main problems
If feels less like an RTS and more like a MOBA

40K is now saturday morning cartoon-tier.


The movements of the spess muhrenes doesn't look authentic, it looks like they straight up copied the Terran Marine animations so there's a lack of weight to every step a terminator makes. I think the cartoony graphics for "clarity" is an asspull as you could already see units clearly in the past games and the new art style doesn't fit the grimdark setting of the game at all, making it appear like a 40k reskin of LoL/Starcraft 2. There's also the super bright abilities that actually DID impede my ability to see what the fuck was going on in the video but that's far easier to fix than the previous problems.

This pisses me off more then anything because it was never hard to figure out what your units were in the games. It sounds more like they are using that excuse to make the game look less grim dark for that wider audience.

It's more about what is being said rather then lore wise. They already said they want a wider audience meaning they want to detach from fans of the the previous games so they can score in big bucks. They also want move away from the grim dark look and give it this cartoon appearance which is only a slippery slop if they continue on.

jesus, my condolences

Sauce on this ?

Hey, for all we know these are just unpolished models and effects, look at how the marines in eternal crusade looked at the beginning of the beta (they looked like legos) and how they look darker and dirtier now.
I loved DoW1 and hated DoW2, but this looks more like the first game than the second, so thats good, besides, theres no imperial guard yet, wich makes it suck by default.

In yo butt, i've never had any hopes after dow1 and
that i'd make any excuse to any shit is gonna be bretty big over exaggeration.
You see what you want to see, ya grot.

Retribution wasn't that bad tbh.

DoW2 wouldnt have been bad if they squad base game was only for elite armies like space marines or eldar, but the fact that someone pretends that i play the guard, orkz or nids with only 4 squads/heroes/vehicles is just beyond retarded.

Multiplayer and the campaign of Retribution allow and use way more than 4 squads though, the only places you're restricted to 4 things is the campaign of vanilla and Chaos Rising which coincidentally are exclusively Space Marines.

Neither i've said it was, don't have picture with:
No hopes - game good (or not bad at least) - surprise pleasure
Has hopes - game doesn't fullfill them - great letdown

I said that they are making it cartoon like because of how it looks. The devs explain that it is about unit responsiveness and making the game faster, which is total bullshit because computers now can handle unit details easily and in large numbers as well. There is no reason for this simplification in art style.

Here's link to an article and archive

please use archive.is/articles/2016-06-13-dawn-of-war-3s-new-art-style-explained


They better fucking not make DoW 3 into a MOBA.

What i dont understand is how telling your units apart is something difficult now, all units are different in their own way, that has never been an issua in any of the games, except with orks, but the difference in weaponry gave away what they were.

That and each unit had a symbol telling you what type they were.

I'm not disagreeing with you man, I'm just wondering if the mass complaining to SEGA will make them abandon their retarded choices.

Which is why I'm saying it's total bullshit and they want to get rid of the grim dark future look for a more friendly appearance for that wider audience.

I bet, because that wasnt an issue even in DoW1, you had the guard, who had uniforms, yet you could tell the differences between guardsmen squads, heavy weapons teams and kasrkin by their helmets, armours, weapons and unit sizes.


Ok thats funny, did you draw it?

Geez, when I first saw that picture I thought it was going to be a Strife thread, then I read the thread subject and was disappointed.



My hope for the game is gone. Unless they show something which actually looks good, fuck this.

If you want them to change people should flood their Youtube videos and social media telling them it looks shit, but people here probably won't do that.

Please, user. Those are theater toons.

We're talking real low-quality "buy-my-shit" garbage.

They would more than likely try to twist it as fans being entitled if that happened. It would be better if you join in discussion with them calmly and if they still say no then the best one can do is not buy the game and hope others do the same.

Why can't they just remake dawn of war 1 and all its expansions with modern day graphics, and more units?

Im interested in space hulk though.

muh appeal to the wider audience
read: we want the LoL kiddies

Wow Uther can jump now, way to go Blizzard, you finally implemented that heroic leap spell your programming team had trouble with.

On those aspects which worry me, the map graphics look like Planetary Annihilation, which is to say they look shit in this context for being oversimplified. It arguably worked for PA because the style was very simple in general, but PA wasn't a great game from what I hear, so it's not something one ought to crib from. The MOBA references are highly worrying, as it speaks to Relic becoming disillusioned by the success of said games and also smelling the money, although this direction will only spite the core audience and fail entirely to attract a profitable new base as, surprise surprise, MOBA players play MOBAs. They do not bother with RTSs, with the possible exception of Warcraft 3 players stubbornly sticking to the original DoTA, who might bother with other custom games or ladder now and again.

On those that do not, the pip-based special abilities are peculiar, but I reserve judgement for when the system is thoroughly tested on-hands. I will break from the OP video and the general opinion in saying that the animations are not weightless in the least; it's very strange to hear this, as in Dawn of War I, space marines moved at a brisk jog and terminators lumbered sort of like they had backpacks full of helium. I didn't pay much attention to the tacticals, but the terminators are moving like a huge, power-armored freight train, head & chest forward with plodding, rushing steps. The fact that they're moving relatively fast or leaping is a quibble I can't agree with, as 40k often plays fast & loose with the capabilities of its technology, and while I can't say I particularly care for this, in this case it is depicting huge suprahuman soldier-ascetics kicking the shit out of things at speed, which is fine by me. It's thematically correct and arguably acceptable; I suggest figuring out the average per-turn speed of terminators by upscaling their movement from 40k's scale to 1:1 if this is especially bothersome. The 'modern' Indomitus Terminator suits are not so chunky and slow as the Cataphractii and the Tartaros is downright spritely.

On the points that could go either way, the Elite Point system is intriguing. It's more or less a requisition system equivalent to the old requirement for a Relic to construct super units in DoW1, and presumably used for units of the same class. One could imagine that this system was a revisal of the original, where, if my memory doesn't fail me, one did not need to hold a relic point all through the construction of a relic unit, only long enough to start the construction, at which point it could not be interrupted. I may be wrong, however, but if I am right, it is a sensible system on paper, having a third resource for particular units. On the other hand, the way this system works might lead to some very weird gameplay with a stark contrast between those who rush the early elite point units out to try and achieve a rush win and those who wait for the later ones; depending on whether or not these units take requisition & power and how they are balanced, games could boil down to an oversimplified mess of who can get the right murdermachine unit out at the right time to start a steamroll, seeing how monstrous the Imperial Knight was in gameplay. This was in a mock-up campaign mission against poor bloody infantry with only a few tanks, sure, and was likely all flair, but there's a very real chance that the balance might get dickered around by these units. Alternatively, the 'elite units' could be a cost-ineffective mess used solely for flair or for concentrations of force when one already has the upper hand, and thus irrelevant in the face of better solutions, like the almost inevitable new equivalent to the old Defiler Spam/Fire Prism City business. Time will tell.

And then they'd look stupid. Either way it would be beneficial.

It was dogshit.

On release, definitely. Supposedly it got better over time to the point that it's tolerable to enjoyable, but mostly played by a kind of semi-esports crowd of autists who really like whatever it does right. Was the Titans expansion any good, or do you have any experience with it?

Movement and cover system are FoW2 only fans bitching.

Id much prefer them of course, but I would trade them for big fucking battles and mayhem.
Instead we got DoW MOBA edition

Never got the expansion so I can't comment.

Oh, right, I completely forgot the cover system fuckery. They dickered around with it with those weird shield bubbles, didn't they? Are those the only cover objects available? That would be absolutely awful. I could stand a return to DoW1 hand placed cover zones linked to non-destructible objects over the more flexible DoW2 object-linked ones, but I really hope they don't make cover some kind of glorified listening post buff.

No worries, I just thought I'd ask.

Yes, that is their fucking cover system.
So that its accessible for retards, because changing the cursor is too hard.

Smh tbh

Jesus. All you had to do was port over the old system of yellow half cover/green full cover, with objects giving directional benefits and craters & strongpoint interiors giving all-around cover. They even had an idiot proof little system where it showed where the men would stand as near-primary color dots. Why?

I'm confused, what about this is triggering everyone? Everyone is just saying "it looks shit" and the comparisons to warcraft are just confusing me.

I'm not saying it looks good but considering all warhammer is always herohammer having hero units and shit only serves to to fit the themes of the tabletop and setting. Is it just the hero units?

The lack of cover compared to DOW2 looks shit but i remember a lot of people from DOW1 hated cover. The gameplay we've seen so far is very limited and I'm not sure i get why this thread is so freaked out. Please enlighten me so i can feel stupid about having missed something.

If it's pre-alpha I can see some of the graphics improving, but fuck, that Angelos looks like acartoon character and I hate that. He is supposed to look like he is barely holding on to life, fueled only by hatred, pain, and augmetics. He looks like a prancing fairy when he runs.

What the fuck.

TF2, ASSFAGGOTS and Overwatch
I want this fucking fad to die

They added some units including the titular titans, that are sorta what SC experimentals were, but i don't think anything else has changed.
As far as i remember they had the decency to give it for free to the backers and preorders and having the base game gives a discount so you pay expansion-tier price instead of full price again for a couple of units.
Considering that they just switched development to titans (at least back when they still released patches not sure if they are still doing it) and it still didn't include what they promised was supposed to be in the base to begin with it's pretty clear that the expansion is standalone only because PA has 14,251 revives at 61% positive giving it red lettered "mixed" rating, while titans has 2,249 at 76% giving it nice blue positive "mostly positive".

I think that the boxy graphics actually worked for PA, but it was bad in pretty much every aspect. It sets itself as successor to SupCom, and supposedly at least some of them worked on it, i don't really keep track of those things usually, but it's nowhere near it. The game just felt …off. Maps were small and flat, units were slow and short ranged compared to their size. My biggest complaint that contributed to the feeling is that it doesn't matter if you tell me the map is 100km or whatever if the super artillery maximum range is apparently 5 barrel lengths, tanks take ages to move their length and in mass battles can't hit enemies if they are in the third row, it's gonna feel small completely missing the point of SupCop it's supposedly a successor to. Maybe i got "spoilt" by SupCom and Wargame where ranges were (at least more) proportional to their sizes and can no longer take an RTS where tanks and artillery fights at spitting distance.

Mechanic simplification, awful arstyle, lore raping unit actions, pointless micro thats there because if MOBA fans like choosing the direction of your units abilities in a cone, the devs and journos have confirmed that they are going for the Starcraft/MOBA crowd and are trying to turn it into shallow gookcliker.

Read the interviews/info thats popping up, its terrible.
And I was the faghit defending the screenshots in the first thread.

Simple: Matt Ward. GW has been shite since Matt Ward was there, and it's still shite without that jack-ass.

Serious answer: GW doesn't give two fucks about their properties anymore, so they let developers do whatever (look how Age of Shitmar is tanking).

The animations are shit. Just look at how the terminators walk and swing their hammers. Terminator armour is supposed to be the heaviest shit an infantry unit can wear. The other units look odd as well.

In an interview they said that they wanted to make the game more like SC2 and LoL. They think than 'modernizing' the game like this will lead to people playing DOW 3 for a long time.

The cover system has been simplified to a ridiculous degree. Enough for it to have no fucking nuance and be boring as hell.

Those are my main problems. Other anons complain about the graphics but I'm willing to wait before commenting on that aspect because we've only seen pre-alpha footage. I'm sure the graphics, if nothing else, will get better as development goes forward.

Please, please don't be shit. Fuck me.

4th pic

Is that S2's third attempt at a moba, since HoN and Strife did so well (end sarcasm)?

looks good to me

Well it's nice to see you didn't enter denial like I'm sure so many will.

We'll have nothing but "le Holla Forums hates everything" in the DoW3 threads leading up to release.

Oh yeah, also Imperial Knights function like any other Heroes of which you pick three before each match.
One is bullshit due to stopping you from building these units as a Legendary endgame unit and the other is a MOBA mechanic.

Anyone thats defending this game likes to play ASSFAGGOTS.
Check the forums.



No, its Volitions nee Open World game and it looks like ass.
I was expecting Deep Silver to be a half decent company but they have put out nothing but shit, even worse than when THQ was on its deathbed.

4AGames will probably be shit considering that they are made of incompetence.

Especially with all the summerfags and crossposting banned cuckhaners that came here from E3.
The game is looking like a total fucking disaster and if they dont change it Id rather have no game than this travesty.

Ye, its anti-shills trying to anti-hype 40k so they can boost the value of their science fiction themed IPs.

Just like they tried to do to dark souls.

sage for off topic.

They've confirmed that the graphics will be simplified.
Its over user.

I agree on the boxy graphics, it was kinda charming, but without a doubt didn't take much effort.

user, the maps can't be flat. Sure, they have very little identifiable terrain and few to no chokepoints, but they're spherical. SPHERICAL. PLANETS. Do you see that moon? You can turn it into a kinetic kill weapon! Will anyone ever bother to expend the resources except if they're a spiteful dickhead who rushed to space after things started going awry? No! Fuck you! Look at this death star no one will ever allow to be activated because it takes too long and is obvious as sin.

I'm sure it's better in practice after some patching now, but watching a little gameplay & looking over the singular unit list, everything seems to boil down to a war of scale, with no real tricky dickery that can be realistically done beside maybe rushing a nuke if you aren't being paid much mind. Also heard that the Titans expansions' non-experimental space units were fiendishly good and sort of obsoleted planetside operations after a certain point, which while realistic, maybe didn't make for the most fun gameplay.

user, what the fuck are you talking about?
40K has been popular in imageboards since the Holla Forums era,

What? You understand it moves itself right? I agree there might need to be some dents in the ground as they walk but terminator armor is supposed to move as easily as your skin because it moves itself.

Didn't hear that stuff about SC2/lol, thats terrible and sso is the cover thing.

Tell me those weighty shield bashes, menacingly slow hammer wind-ups and crushing sync kills aren't satisfying as fuck.

Dude, it's a fucking mass of ceramite and plasteel with legs.

Terminator armour grants tremendous strength, not agility. Hell, space marines are already superhumanly strong and still move slowly in termie armour even though it's power armour. It's just that heavy.

You're thinking of regular Power Armor. Astartes have a kind of organic nerve uplink system grown over their ribcage which doubles as a flak vest, which serves as the framework for cybernetic implants that let them link with the armor. This lets them move with power armor as an extension of their body. And while Terminator armor is equipped with the same nerve uplink system, regardless of whether it moves naturally and with its own power assisted servos, it's still a collection of huge armor slabs. Some depictions have been overly cumbersome, but there is an argument to be made for how easily they move around in DoW3, even if I disagree with it quite thoroughly.

Correction, an argument to be made against how they move. Garbled that up.

wh40k manbabbies think their game is super special and will cry if any game isn't exactly the way they want it. face it, your fanbase is no different than the sonic fanbase.

you know what? I wholeheartedly agree. They should be using the official artwork as an aesthetic guide

of course, what you don't realize is the aesthetics were intended to be heavy metal, same as WHFB. It's only 12 year old faggots who insist on brown and black everywhere


nearly all of the shit under the Deep Silver label is absolute shovelware, with shit like Nail'd and Risen 3 somehow being the 'best' of their shitpile

I'm getting C&C4 flashbacks from this.



What? It moves itself. Also what do you mean "strength not agility" it is the strength of your muscles that allows you to move. A rhinoceros isn't a slow animal despite its weight. No space marine anywhere can move anything beyond a snails pace in power armor of any sort, the physical strength of the marine under the armor is only just enough, so if your suit gets fucked you can usually barely stand up.

The argument is the argument from all the books, comics and lore in general. The slow clunking terminators is a weird dawn of war thing, the only argument that terminators should be slower when their armor has far far more powerful servos is "muh feels, muh dow".

They are perfectly satisfying when done well but dawn of war 2 just made me question how the enemy ever gets hit at all by something that slow.

If we are just going for rule of cool over truth to the setting why have a modern warhammer 40k game at all? Why not have 80s warhammer 40k? That was a thousand times cooler.

You forget all of the space hulk games.

Sorry, I amended that at and my earlier post on my thoughts had me disagree with the 'terminators too fast' sentiment. The other user is sort of right on the Space Hulk point, but it should be minded that that's in Space Hulk, where the marines in question are constrained by very narrow corridors, potentially debris and hull damage that could be tripped over at any pace brisker than a slow trundle, and an operational necessity to stick together due to swarming genestealers, there's a lot of meta reasons unrelated to the armor for the player's pieces being slow.

What is the tabletop speed of terminators versus regular marines, if you don't mind my asking? It'd put the matter to rest, I'd think.

Let me get my 6th edition out.

Somebody played those?

They have exactly the same speed and initiative, or at least they did the last time i played.
I played Dark Eldar until i misplaced my box full of models.

Ok, so they move 6 inches, just as all infantry and have the same initiative as tactical merines (4).

I did ;_;

That's that, then. Terminators are certainly not very dexterous, but they can move and strike as fast as any marine, no matter how heavy their footsteps are.

Yeah, but we will probably still see everyone wanting thunder hammers to take an hour to swing because "look their arms are bigger therefore it must be harder for them".

lmfao this really fucking sucks. but how hilarious is it that warcraft ripped off warhammer and took it in this kiddy shit non grimdark direction. and now games workshop is ripping off warcraft and making their grimdark kiddy shit

Honestly I know I'm shitposting, I really just wanted an excuse to post these gifs

The in game rules are not very reflective of the actual lore.

Tactical marines and terminators both move 6 inches sure. So do the fast and nimble elder. And the very human and much slower guardsmen. So do the hulking greater daemons of chaos. Clearly this is a game balance thing rather than a lore thing.

The striking thing about the power of terminators, is that a normal tactical marine could get run over by a tank and still be fine. However a tank would stop in its tracks if it hit a terminator. They are infantry sized dreadnoughts (which is why it is called Tactical Dreadnought Armour) and thus they are clunkier and slower than their less armoured brothers.

Stop talking shit, GW is as grimdark as always, if anything this is relic's work.

I think Warhammer Fantasy would like a word with you.


Just to add

The only good wrestler is Ophidian.

The eldar have fleet of foot mate. Read the books, they really aren't. Hell even dreadnaughts themselves aren't slower or clunkier than their "less armored brothers" because all of the movement is done by the armor the larger better powered armor's let them MOVE FASTER.

It's like comparing your mom's vespa to a motorcycle.

They fucked it over trying to make it a squad based game for the malifaux/warmachine public.

You say that like if they did something more than adquiring shekels.

Power armour, when interfaced with a space marines black carapace, allows him all the dexterity and strength that he would have normally.

Power armour is effectively just slabs of ceramite covering electrically motivated fiber bundles, what exactly these bundles do is unclear bid is stated that they aid the movement of a space marine in some way. most likely acting as a form of muscle that suplements the users strength, allowing him to use power armour without hinderence.

Terminator armour on the other hand is never referenced to have the same bundles as power armour. My guess is that there is no room for the artificial muscles to function correctly due to the thickness of terminator plates. and instead relies on external hydraulic systems to aid its wearers movement, the extent of this aid is minor considering the sheer weight of the armour and is the reason why terminators are slow in comparison to a space marine in power armour.

Regardless, a space marine, fully armed and armoured weighs a lot, the power armour may weigh nothing but his equipment and power pack does. This would be doubly so for a terminator, who's standard equipment would be very extremely heavy. storm bolter, magazines, power fist, and power source for armour, hydrolics, power fist, and force shield.

Space marines in terminator armour shouldn't be any where near that fast.

Have a pic for your explanation.
Also, i remenber reading somewhere on /tg/ that terminator armour was some kind of protection for workers doind maintenance work inside reactors during the dark age of technology, so if thats true, they werent even made for combat, but are just so reliable and tough they can face off milennia later.

I may be mistaken but I thought not all eldar units have fleet of foot. At least not when I played. Regardless that doesn't address the normal humans moving the same speed. I'm not sure why you are trying to argue against 40k autists but you are incorrect.


I think Dawn of War 1 nailed how the units should move. Terminator armour should be slow and hulking. See



Hey lets not lump Malifaux in with Warmachine and Age of Sigmar. Malifaux has its own thing going on.

You pulled that out of your ass. Terminator Armor does not have "lesser aid" in mobility compared to power armor, you literally just made it up. Lets not forget the main defense of a terminator armor is its forcefield, not that its plates are literally as thick as tank armor.

Thats probably a theory more than fact.


it looks great, where's the problem?


Just saying, age of sigmar exist to cather to that audience.
Never said it was a fact, but that i read it on /tg/.

Read that entire page.
The page is also organized without citations so its near impossible to actually narrow down which piece of source material was used where or even if a particular piece actually has any basis.

Kobashi never wore a mask.


How? Age of Sigmar is for fluffy "its my story" people who want asymmetric killy matches.

Malifaux is a character based objectives focused game with a huge focus on competitive play and balance.

Yes terminators are slow and clunky as you've just pointed out. Glad we agree.

In these games there are barely any times people sprint so that's completely irrelevant. The only time in any dawn of war game people run is during a special ability or when closing into melee.

It has some sort of movement assitance. It does not "move itself" it's heavy as all shit.

Would you say that being strong is the same as being fast then?

It's not very maneuverable, though. It can go at reasonable speeds but that doesn't mean it's agile.

Source? That seems like a pretty critical flaw, to be so vulnerable if your power system gets fucked.

Don't use the wiki, it includes headcannon mixed in everywhere. Use the lexicanum, it actually cites its sources.


How'd those goalposts end up all the way over there? Weird.

The point I believe he's making is that Terminator armor specifically makes running difficult, not normal movement, and a Terminator walking should be about the same speed as a marine in power armor walking.

Its heavy as all shit and it moves itself, the same way a tank is heavy as all shit and moves itself.

Being strong is the same as being fast within the same muscular framework, yes. Unless you intentionally use an inferior technique for movement or alter your biology then additional strength for your source of locomotion is more speed.

Nobody is discussing agility. Yes, Terminators don't turn around that fast and they don't dodge bullets.

It is a bit of a flaw, i first read it in the book "Space Marine" which is somewhat of an outdated source, but GW canon is always "whatever isn't directly contradicted is canon" and the modern power armor descriptions still all state they need the machinery that the black carapace is hooked into to move, which is why if you look at the pages for human sized power armor they reference a loss of agility because humans cannot give orders to the armor with their mind, so the armor is slower to react.

Because we are discussing all of this in the context of a dawn of war game? The goalpost hasn't moved, its about how they should be depicted in dawn of war.

And do the marines in this or previous games walk around? No they run around shooting stuff. I'll say again. Dawn of War 1 did it right. Terminators lumbered along and Tactical Marines ran.

This interview is pure "we want the wider audience" cancer with a dash of "get on with the moba times".

Compare a truck to a formula 1. Truck has a much larger engine, but it's certainly not faster. The truck's engine is engineered for torque, not speed, and the extra bulk of the truck slows it down considerably.
I get what you are saying, but terminator armour is not simply upscaled power armour. It is proportionally heavier and it is more torque-focussed.
Also, a space marine's muscles are actually stronger than a similarly sized mechanical part. The reason (most) spess mehrens are supersoldiers instead of cyborgs is because replacing their limbs with prosthetics would actually weaken them. As the other guy said, the squishy person inside does a significant amount of the work.

And I thought DoW2 was garbage. At least they're somewhat honest about what they're doing.

Why is Warcraft 4 a bad thing?

Have you played Starcraft 2? Or Diablo 3?

Yes. SC2 is a good game other than the story and D3 is a good casual ARPG after RoS

And they both suck compared to the games that came before. Blizzard spent a decade doing nothing but WoW and they forgot how to make good games.

Because the dawn of war series is completely different and it kills what people like about it.

Also in the age of ASSFAGGOTS you get more ASSFAGGOTS and less RTS out of an RTS game.

Does this mean a new Company of Heroes will probably use this new engine, or is this a modified version of the CoH2 engine?

I don't want CoH3 to look like this…

I think I'm going to throw up and go back to bed.

I had forgotten how bad plebbit was.

It's difficult to call it a good game at this point. It went downhill in too many ways. What was a solid strategy before is now a game where nothing seems satisfying.
The focus on speed didn't help.
The 12 starter builders didn't help.
The *give every unit a skill* approach didn't help.

Termines are kinda slow and sluggish.. by SPACE MARINE standards. We are talking about people who slap bullet out of the air.

For your normal human being, a teminator is not slow at all.


IGN just released a new vid with gameplay, it seems they slapped a grimdark filter over it compared to last gameplay vid but they still want it to be MOBA shit.

What are you going to say about space hulk deathwing and all of the older depictions of terminators then ?
Just throw them in the trash to make room for new generation sprinter terminators ?
What is next ? Sprinter necrons ?

Realistically most of the things space marines face are as fast or much faster than humans.

like wtf, they are supposed to be burst damage type weapons that fire one big beam of death afterwich they have to recharge.Not this gay "charge up the longer they stay on target" shit. its like theyh havent even played the last games, or read the lore.

Termie armor doesn't have a integrated force field. You're thinking of a rosarius or Iron Halo.
What it does have - IIRC - is admantium frame and reinforced ceramite plating.

Correct. Artificial muscle that functions like muscle (contraction)

You are wrong on several accounts.
ALL space marines are fast.
Terminators are not as fast as marines in power armor, due to the sheer bulk of the armor. Higher mass is more difficult to put in motion and also more difficult to stop.

But space marines move at superhuman speeds. I want a game that does them right, by having them move fast, strike fast and strike hard. I want them mowing down enemies in the thousands.

Where's the mass complaint campaign to Bethescucks for making Quake into yet another goddamn class-base shooter?

They really are making gaming like Hollywood because it's churning out a billion of the same fucking thing any time they sense any semblance of a trend & they just don't fucking stop long after it's been driven into the ground. IE. police/court dramas

I hate how overpowered the heroes look in this. They were already strong in DOW1 but they couldn't just solo everything and scaled badly into the late game outside of useful abilities, they were there to support the army. Now it looks like they are all fucking MOBA characters that just murder everything while the army is only there to support them rather than the other way around. Having this one guy just tank 5 squads shooting at him in the open like this looks so stupid and completely takes me out of it, I can already see myself setting up a nice formation to defend a chokepoint only to have some fucking MOBA hero charge in while ignoring all damage and then murder everything with some "skillshot" aoe ability.

The graphics don't bother me as much as I thought they would but it doesn't really look like it has the kind of charm that DOW1 did at all. I don't understand why they decided to use this cover system at all either, now units only get cover when they go inside this specially placed set of walls? I don't mind them not using DOW2s cover system if they are going back to bigger battles but at least use the cover system from DOW1 or preferably an evolution of it now that technology is better. You could even make your own cover in DOW1 with heavy artillary so I don't know why they can't use that simple system in this and maybe add some things from DOW2 like certain units being able to deploy a small wall to act as cover.

The cover system isn't that big a deal but if it's a sign of things to come then it's not looking good. I want to be optimistic but them talking about MOBA esport shit and Starcraft 2 while having these shitty heros and elite units in it is not filling me with confidence.

No fucking game gets 40K things right.

Thunderhammers are inert until they strike. There is no lighting dancing about.

Space marines are tanks.
Space Marines are fast.
The others are not bullet sponges.

I still don't see what's so bad about this, gameplay wise. Maybe heroes are too strong but otherwise I'm not sure why everyone hates this so much.

It looks more like Starcraft 2 (with Warcraft 3 heroes) than DoW. Both graphics and gameplay.

Looks so god dman cartoony.

Chaos is going to be DLC yet again. They're only shipping with Orks, Spess muhreens, and Eldar.

Being Chaos is suffering


Not just jumping but doing ludicrous fucking flips.
God it looks so stupid.



Eternal suffering is better than you deserve, heretic.

At least you get tp play Chaos eventually, try being Necron. OLD Necron of course, fuck that new shit

My nigga.

I never believed it, but now I think that this will become true, overcoming an impossible feat of becoming far worse than DoW2
Everything will be messed up. I fucking swear if it's some new team that never knew about W40k lore or even played DoW once.

Honestly this looks so awful I think they should just scrap the whole thing and start over with developers who have played a DoW game before.

It's not so much that what we have seen looks that bad because we haven't seen much, it's that what we have seen shows signs of the game being bad and sets off red flags. Two posts above yours I talked about cover, this is just the cover system that was never that big a deal in the first game anyway but it's the fact that rather than evolving the system or even just keeping the original one they have instead streamlined it into the shit it is now.

On it's own the cover system isn't so bad it's going to bring down the game but it's a worrying example, if they have streamlined cover than what else have they streamlined? What other mechanics have they not only failed to evolve but actually regressed and streamlined?

I'm not that bothered about the graphics myself, I don't think they look that bad and don't mind the colours but the heroes and cover system have me pretty worried. The tendancy for modern sequels and remakes to dissapoint along with the fact they are talking about Esports, MOBAs and Starcraft 2 which are what killed the RTS genre is enough to make most people here cynical.

People here are also negative because they are probably not allowed to be negative anywhere else without being drowned out by fanboys claiming that it's perfect and just like the first game that they probably never played.

At least DOW2 did try and do it's own thing even if most fans disliked it, I enjoyed the campaign even if multiplayer was shit. This just looks like they are going to chase the gookclick/MOBA audience and streamline the game while focusing it on micro to try and appeal to casuals despite this very thing failing for every other RTS series that tried it and crashing the genre.

Crons in Dark Crusade/Soulstorm was my jam man, playing with friends and showing up with an obelisk teleport in the middle of their battles was a favourite. God damn I miss fun.

Don't forget about losing a few squads in a big battle, getting to your army limit again and then reviving your dead troops.

Playing Necrons was the best.

No fun is allowed anymore, user.
There is only dev time allotted to particle effects and cinematics.


It would be funny if it wasn't so widespread. Read the comments on any video or article about it

If someone likes how the game looks, ok I don't get it but it's their opinion. But this is the most retarded defense you can do, if they thought it's finished enough to show, it's finished enough to be criticized. The whole fucking point should be to criticize it when it's pre-alpha so they can change it.

I remember when Space Marine was announced and they had shown what you could truly call "alpha" footage.
Everything was grey and nothing but the marine himself had textures. When he threw a grenade and it exploded, there was only a shitty effect that looked worse than what you could see in Half - Life 1.

By doing it on purpose.

What do you expect me to say.

Lore sez one thing, games present it in another. In a FPS it could be problematic, since SM's have super-human reaction times, reflexes and accuracy, while the player does not.

I'd reckon a proper Space Marine FPS would play more like the original Doom, except you're even mope tankier and your weapons are even nastier.

That was a leak, I think? Companies don't show anything unless they think it's good enough to show.

In movement speed the terminator must absolutely be slower than a space marine.
As such he should not demonstrate the speed seen here.

And in game the space marines aren't made 3x or faster than imperial guard for the very simple reason: it would break the game.

I honestly can't say whether it was a leak or not, but I do definitely remember it said "work in progress" in the corner.
So it might not have been.

I think it's because there was a lot of initial interest in the game so they decided to show something.

You guys crack me up sometimes.

Tabletop rules usually don't reflect the lore or make much sense in general.

This is how retarded you are.

In a good way.

At least WHF is safe (cuz it's ded).


I knew the series would become MOBA garbage ever since I saw Last Stand in Retribution.

At least Warhammer Fantasy is getting some cool games. Vermintide, Mordheim, Total War…

While we are on the topic of 40k, how is Eternal Crusade going? Shit? Fun?

buggy lagfest

The AI in Mordheim is so stupid that it ruins the experience. They have one tactic, beeline directly towards your troops. No flanking, feints, ambushes, or anything besides the suicide charge. Shame because the rest of the game is actually pretty decent.

I know. I overlook it because fucking Mordheim was one of the best things GW made and abandoned, but I can't play it for long sequences.

I see. Do we have an ETA on when F2P opens for Ork players? I wouldn't mind being cannon fodder amongst other F2P casuals if I can go WAAAAAAAAGH and shoot nonstop at spess mehreens.

I wouldn't count on it much.
Drones are saying it might come out, but you shouldn't trust drones. The devs don't plan it for launch and don't even want to talk about it anymore.
I'm not sure they can even make the orks in time for release, which is supposed to be this summer.

I haven't played it though. I'm just checking on it regularly.

All these pics together actually hurt my feelings a lot.

And dropped. The concept of f2p orkz was the best thing ever because it fits so perfectly with the world of 40k. Barely skilled casuals who charge shooting nonstop with terrible accuracy but whose tide cannot be stopped who enjoy the eternal war with no ties and no patience to organize was one of the things that made me hold out hope this might be worth a shot.



The whole game reeked of idea guys. They promised everything: terminators, open world, pico tech - lag free 1000 people battles and etc.

There is a decent mod fo Mountain Blade - Warsword Conquest.
And what you listed is fucking heresy.

The thing is, there is already a 40k moba in production. And they said they want DoW 3 to be more RTS than 2. And they brought base building back. Not that it matters when everything about these videos screams "we want the moba audience" but there's something fishy going on here. Could be that Sega or GW forced them into that direction.
At least we still have DoW1.


Wait nevermind they cancelled it.


If you can guess why this is retarded, you get to delete this thread.

Somehow I feel they're being insincere and not really taking my advice to heart.

So get a jerrycan with gasoline and douse the Lead Dev's car, I mean why not the western world is totally FUBAR

Not giving a shit.

what did you even send them.


For space marines players, not at all for IG players.

What the hell did you all expect? They're selling dow2 standalone mode as a separate game. MOBA gamemode is popular = make more like it

Why are you all so triggered anyway? Nothing good will even come in CURRENT YEAR, just install firestorm over kaurava if you want new stuff

There is still space hulk deathwing. Might be a mediocre game, but we will love it just for exploring something less overdone and not following fads.

Based frenchies and slavs, are they the saviors of vidya?

First examples I can think of, wakfu and the witcher. So probably yes


You say that like if i was murrikan.

Why does it look like a fucking shitty moba?
Straight out of the cancer called LOL


could care less about the art style, could care less what ebin grimdark 40kfags want
but by all means, amuse me with your cries


WH40k is an older ip than warcraft right?

Yes, both of them.

Warcraft/Starcraft were originally going to be fantasy/40k games



Yeah, but the last update that I played completely fucked every factions' shit up, save for the 'Nids.

Yes, but I wanted gud graphics and polish.
But instead of being dissapointed by samey but ok/mediocre shit like COH2 Im getting pure shit.

i have always wondered this, since chaos gate

like, for real. 40k is the kind of ridiculous universe that basically has anything anybody has ever thought was rad. how can they manage to fuck every single fucking game up?

UA is crap. They just add whatever they can get their hands on, they don't even pretend to balance it.

Apparently the next update's primary focus is balancing.

You haven't played to many Gw games have you?

I have never actually tried this, but is this that one mod that added Arbites, pdf, and rebel guard as their own factions right?

Let us know how this turned out for you.



The only thing that implies is that running is more difficult. Nothing else.

So work around it.

Reduce the number of SM's in play.
Give the guard more troops. Cheaper troops. More artillery.

I want the 40K universe. Multiplayer balance can go fuck itself.

In fact, why not have completely different unit stats for multi?

No, they're taking the shekelgrabbing too seriously.

Those 3 tiny tubes for upper legs….
Those non-existent upper arms.

Are there seriously people in this day and age that expect quality out of GW? Even after age of simgarines?

But this assumes space marines are on the run all of the time.
Which is wrong and not lore accurate either.

I didn't say they are on the run all the time. Especially terminators/devastators.

But SM's can move REALLY fast when necessary. Assault Marines should be blizting.

And running speed / acceleration is not the same as slow movement.

Space Marine is the game for you then.

Firestorm >>> Unpolished mess of units and ugly skins