700 dollarydoos in murrka

Just kill me fam, tbqh.

Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709 600487565&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&SrchInDesc=750 ti&Page=1&PageSize=30

Move out of your shit hole then.

I can't.

I have a job, a wife, a kid, a free health care and a free dental plan, a house, an apartment, a mistress and a cat.

I can't move. I'm stuck.


Go to facebook, you'll be more welcome there

Isn't there coming out a better one soon?

I thought the founders edition was the one that was nerfed and overheated?


Where do you live. Kazakhstan.

I'm glad I stopped giving a shit about modern video games past 2007, and just spent all this time delving into the classics and forgotten gems of old, save for the one-in-a-million modern release that was good enough to warrant playing. Modern video games are a massive fucking cancer, from the shoddily-developed and mind-numbingly shallow software to the pointlessly-iterated and cheaply-made hardware, and on any platform imaginable so that no one can claim theirs is any better than anyone else's. Everyone and everything is equally-fucked.

Welcome to the Age of Trash, motherfuckers, we're nearly 10 years in, but you haven't missed much if you're just joining us.

its 900 in the US to because they only way you can get one is on ebay and shit

isn't it like that for most things? Like those beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO headphones. They are made in Germany, you would expect them to be cheaper here right? Nope, cheaper in the usa.

It's like you want to get jewed or something


Something's a bit strange here!

If you have all that free shit, you're saving enough money to compensate for the extra. If you moved to America you'd get cheap GPUs and cheap hamburgers, expensive everything else, and have to pay literally all your medical/dental expenses out of pocket.

That's how it should be, and it would be cheap as fuck too if medicare and health insurance didn't exist.

It's it more like $850 or some shit because of scalpers?


lol, oh the irony.

Why not just get a 480 so you have a good card at a reasonable price?

I'm really curious about how much a 480 is gonna be in Canada I want one but I am very poor

Get a second hand GPU. Prices are going to plummet. The Pascal cards are geared towards high fps VR and 1440p/4K. If only looking for 60 fps 1080p, there's not much preventing the current gen cards, for the next 2-3 years provided you tweak settings and overclocking.

Cards from 2012 like the GTX 680 and HD 7970 are still okay for new games today on medium-ish settings.

I have a gtx 750 that has held up stupidly well, but I do want to upgrade. Any advice?

Wow, the state really does provide.

I'm happy with my 960 2GB, thanks.

here in brazil the price goes up like 3 times because it goes up 70% before it even gets to the sellers

btw what kind of mongoloid buys a 1080 when nowadays every game still looks like shit from 2007

So what IS the card to get in the near future? Once the aftermarket 1070s begin popping up, it seems like you'd be set for playing everything on ultra, 1920x1080 @60FPS for a few years, and if there ever comes a VR game worth getting a HMD for, it should be comfortable reaching sufficient framerate there too.

How strong will the AMD 400 series cards be? I haven't seen anything suggesting anything near the jewing of NVidia's founder's edition crap, but i'm under the impression that they won't even be able to max out games from last year. Will excisting cards drop enough in price that they might be better buys? Will crossfire solutions with 400 series cards be smarter buys than getting a single 1070?

In general, how do i chose graphics card?

From my understanding, the 490 is supposed to be a heavily refined last gen card, hence the pricetag. It's not meant to be something for doing massive amount of power with, but if you missed out on a graphics card in the past 2-3 years and want one that is more efficient, that's the purpose of the 490 I think.

I missed out on the newer processors and the newer video cards, this year is one of those years where I can build a nice current gen computer for dirt cheap.

You're some kind of cunt, huh.

I had the cash and wanted rid of the 670 so I went "Fuck it" (and used my staff discount) to buy a 1080. It's really fucking powerful, but what really threw me is it's very quiet.

Reading around, it seems the 1070 is more powerful than a titan. Just, but it is. API 980s have a bit more power than the 1080 for gaming.

If you're got a 970 or 980 I wouldn't bother tbh. If you're like I was and you're sitting with a card that's five years old then it's worth the jump but I'd wait for the inevitable price drops as the non nvidea versions turn up.

why did the GPU market become a Jewish duopoly again?

Wait for RX 470 or 480.
470 is basically at 970 power with a extra 0.5 gigs of VRAM, and 480 is nearly as powerful as a 980.

That's how you should do it.

Went from a 560 to a 970 and it was great

490 isnt even announced.
You might be talking about the 480. The 480 is about as powerful as a 980 and the 490 will be their top of the line Vega card. Vega is the high end, Polaris will be within the 80 to 300 dollar price range.
I personally am interested in the 460 and 470 the most. The 460 will be about 80 euros according to a leak German webstore and expected to draw very little power and be as powerful as a R7 370. The 470 will be as powerful as a 970.

And no, Polaris is in no way glorified last gen. Polaris will draw VERY little power (~120 watts on all of them) and be strong in the process.

Why do people buy jewvidya again?

Why do people buy discrete graphics cards again?

Get out of my country.

I dunno, my A10 7700K has been the most economic build ever. It's mostly retards thinking they can "future-proof".

Lisa needs braces.

Enjoy your retarded baguette-land VAT.

Presumably because the cost of developing, marketing, and producing new high-end video cards is too expensive to support more than two companies.


can produce 12,792 graphics

If you don't buy a 1080, you're a fucking peasant that does not deserve the priviledge to play video games. Thanks for holding games back you fucking asshole. I mean, it's not hard to take out a loan or borrow money or work overtime you fucking goy

You can just die.

Daily reminder that the 750 TI is the best bang for your buck card you can buy. It's less than 100 dollarydoos and can play basically anything, even if not at the highest settings.


newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709 600487565&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&SrchInDesc=750 ti&Page=1&PageSize=30
I'm not seeing it, user.

AND it's 150 EURAFAGGOT moneys in my region.

what's the point of a new gpu again

ATI is here and it's queer.


You yanks don't know how good you've got it.

tell me about it

I like AMD as a company. Too bad they don't make reliable cards.

I mean for fuck sake, I just looked up every part for the "Modest" tier in one of the best local computer shops and the total was 446 EUR (~$500) instead of $368.

700-900 dollars for a vidya card is exactly like buying big speakers for your car.

overcompensation for an inadequate manhood.

ATI's been dead eight years.

There really needs to be a new ARM company of sorts for GPU design licences. I mean, there kind of is in a way with AMD since they acquired BitBoys. That was over a decade ago, though.

>no guns either

750 Ti is pretty nice. Runs everything I throw at it with no problems at 1080p.

There haven't been any good games that'd require an upgrade for years, what the fuck is your problem?


Are you Indian?

And you need it for?….
Your snorefest denuvo game? Good for you.

I don't need that card.