Weekly reminder for Nazbols to go back to Holla Forums

weekly reminder for Nazbols to go back to Holla Forums

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nazbols are fine most of them are just new to the concepts of marxism-leninism and have been long time stormfags

and nazism is something that kinda sticks to a person so they become nazbols for a little while before realizing that class is the main issue not race

t. ex nazbol and fascist

No worries, you'll become a social liberal in a few years anyway.


they need to be physically removed.

Forget the autocorrect on the parenthesis kek

I wasn't, I simply moved on to a belief that is a little more applicable and hasn't got the weight of history on it like orthodox Marxism or Fascism.

It's about finding an anti-thesis to global post-liberalism (many European NazBol movements have been Maoist before)

one more proof that Maoism is total garbage.

One step at time, i see.

I think they should be allowed to be here :3

You should be more appreciative of contrary opinions.

I think we should let them stay. I mean, I'm probably just as racist as they are.

OP is doing God's work. Fascists must go!

People move from Marx to Nazi, not the other way round.

Nazibols are cute, leave them alone. Useful Idiotites are cute too.

You on the other hand are disgusting.

do you feel in charge?

Wanna join? youtube.com/watch?v=8bkO6LimH4k


The National Bolshevik Party is so irrelevant that their PR people feel the need to resort to pin-ups to try and gain attention.

This is almost sad.

You don't make sense, boyo


t.Post-fascist accecolarist entryist neo-communist

then explain why more Holla Forumsacks are coming here


read Dugin.