Why do you leftists do this? You realize you're alienating the real proletariat, right?
Why do you leftists do this? You realize you're alienating the real proletariat, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Until they become class conscious they're reactionary rightist scum and deserve to die.
literally who is for outsourcing ?
I think that a socialist would respond to Jethro by pointing out that it's his boss who is depressing his wage, not other workers. It would be in the self-interest of the white working class to unite with foreign workers in labor struggles, Jethro's wage would not be depressed by immigrant workers if they weren't paid substandard wages. It's pretty clear once you spookbust your mind of petty tribalist fee fees
I know the term "strawman" is overused but jesus
But foreign workers are even more apathetic about "labor struggles" than white workers, since anything they receive in Western nations is still better than they'd otherwise receive at home - not to mention how dependent they are on their employer's good graces to not be reported to an immigration service or kicked out as part of the contract
99% of 'socialists' 'anarchists' etc I knew fit this depiction.
That's like saying 'but that wasn't real capitalism!'
The left has a problem with smug liberals infiltrating your ideologies.
No, it wouldn't. Foreign labor will flock to america because of better living conditions which will cause a suppression in the value of labor due to the abundance of laborers. This will let the capitalists have their pick of the litter at meager wages. Which is why the capitalists are supporting open borders.
jesus christ this boards keeps getting shitty everyday
Lumpen proles are career criminals
Anyway, since the point is to get rid of wage-labour, the first person was never socialist.
Moreover, buying into the propaganda that immigrants whether legal or otherwise are lowering your wages works well for the capitalist to offshore your job. This has focused business concern on tax levels and heightening the demand for "free trade". At the same time high unemployment and lack of union mobilisation have undermined safety nets. Employers now have "greater flexibility" paying wages and can move offshore more easily, thereby reducing the benefits of having a super-exploitable migrant work force in industries like textile, clothing and footwear, et c. Thus the old benefits to business of high immigration have declined and the costs have increased. The result is a structural bias on the part of capital against immigration.
The problem with the socialists you've met is not that they weren't real socialists, is that they weren't real at all. Your shaping your worldview through imaginary interactions with how you think socialists are probably like.
No, that's quite the assumption. I've met many self proclaimed socialists. Everyone has. And almost all of them fit the caricature.
It's no one else's fault you're a retard, mate.
No you haven't. First of all you got all the ideas wrong, second of all your perception of them is as stereotypical and ignorant as you can get, just because that's convenient for your narrative. If you have met many socialists, you weren't listening to what they said in the first place.
Your frame of reference for what socialists preach is what Holla Forums told you.
I met men pretending to be women. I guess the only thing left is to respect their pronouns…
Guys, why the fuck are you not saging shit that is obvious bait?
The only thing is that the retard who made this figured out that people know "SJW" is a Holla Forums-bait dogwhistle.
To the OP in case serious:
Yes, we have discussed this bullshit every fucking day for years. Lurk more instead of making shit threads.
Which is why unions should be organizing for housing and feeding of scabs (and their families) who can't afford to stand in solidarity.
Yeah sure, those people are also straight assholes if they actually say the shit in the OP. Not every person who belongs to [insert group] are assholes just because some faggots are.
Point being that he's right that Jethro should stand in solidarity with the immigrants. It's just that saying to Jethro that the reason he's not standing in solidarity is because of spooky racism rather than the fact that there's no proper union support, is buying into spooked liberal propaganda (while also being an asshole).
Well sure, except
except in cases where it just so happens that imperialist wars have made their homes a literal hellscape torn by war?
People like living and working where they're born, just not when the choice is between living and not living. Welfare tourism is a right-wing meme.
Move to Europe.
Just ignore all the historical immigrant labor struggles.
Under current conditions, yes. But a powerful labor movement would act as a counterforce to the bourgeois 'having their pick at meagar wages'.
First worlders can't be proletarians
t. Jason Unruhe
It's almost like you have never had any real interactions with people from either of these groups!
Trust me, it's easy to spot when someone lives an insular lifestyle and is treating the entire world as some type of Other.
fucking genius you are
and his boss has to depress his wage because of the market forces at play.
I will, because H1-Bs and illegals don't possess anywhere near the levels of class consciousness that the earlier waves of Irish and southern/eastern Europeans did
>don't possess anywhere near the levels of class consciousness that the earlier waves of Irish did
I wonder 🍀🍀🍀who's🍀🍀🍀 behind this post :^)
Because the idyllic image of "the worker" has no use to us anymore.
Even among Marxists, the central focus is no longer "the working class" but *anti-imperialism* or anti-colonialism. White, native-born workers in the west have proven themselves again and again to be pro-imperialism. Actual revolutionary potential is far greater in immigrants, ghettoized blacks, Muslims, and such.
Nice strawman you got there OP. Not a lot of people support your hipster you drew there. Most of us are against economic immigration.
Hey Holla Forums whatcha doing lately?
Nah. Don't forget iTunes right-wingers who have been undermining the nation state relative to capital
Here's a (You) as an award for this shitepoast
Like half the people in the thread do. See
You leftists don't give a shit about the white working class, sorry. That's why they turned on you. Communism was extremely popular in america in the late 1800s but then you shat on all the workers for this whole "MUH WHITE muh privilege" "IMPERIALISM" thing.
Even if you have a hyper union, you improve your bargaining position and thus your wage if you prevent more labourers coming in. In a capitalist system, preventing competition is always better for you. The only solution is the abolishment of wage labour and the capitalist system as a whole, but in the mean time, importing third world workers is bad for us because they suppress wages, break unions and cause the natives to become reactionairy.
I care more about my volk than you do you fucking cancerous bourgeois nazi.
All this
Make a coherent response for an answer next time.
In that case you're making a concession and you should rephrase your original position to a new one.
Yeah dude, just go ahead and pick the ONE RESPONSE that coincides with your preexisting view and ignore every single other post. Fucking retard, stop expecting people to take you seriously.
I don't fit that description OP, but I have to admit I was at the Co-operative Party conference in Cardiff back in September and there was some idiotic Q&A with a bunch of neoliberal career MPs offering their bland platitudes and at one point, the Fabian idiot on the panel said something like "immigrants do the jobs that we won't" and got an applause.
It pained me very much dearly, as I have worked for cash in hand in the past and for less than minimum wage amongst illegal workers in the UK at the mercy of unscrupulous employers. I wanted to speak but they didn't have time to get around to me.
ok Holla Forums
Well, you said how what I was saying was a strawman and how hardly any REAL SOSHULIST thinks that way. Half the responses in the thread have proven you wrong.
Marxism and anarchism is now about the poor brown people and white muh privilege, while preserving some form of capitalism. It isn't about 'the workers' anymore. 99% of your cohort have turned on classical marxism and are bourgeoisie open borders types.
The lower classes are embracing conservatism because you turned your backs on them. Immigrant and minority groups are very actually reactionary, they just vote along the neoliberal lines because they get government benefits. They have zero revolutionary potential. They are lumpenproles.
Okay fam, now look at the two replies it has gotten
I see your point, but I think that migration is simply a fact of life in today's economy. The left will have to adjust to it rather than resort to nativism for short-term gains.
I'm not trolling or strawman sockpuppetting at all if that's what you're accusing.
Take a look at the world today and tell me who benefits from ongoing imperialism? White people. Capitalism is European. Colonialism's system of domination is strictly European. Now tell me who is fighting imperialism: Muslims. Blacks. Immigrant slave labor.
Damn you sure must hate white people if you try to scare people away from helping them and try to get them to kill whitey.
Why would we have to adjust though? There is no long term gain in non-nativism and thus short term gains are overall a better strategy.
Because one major tenant of socialism is the free movement of labor, duh.
Yeah, and how do you do that? By
Both seem like much better solutions than
for both improving worker conditions and spreading class consciousness, which should be your primaries goals as a leftist.
I agree that mindlessly taking in refugees and immigrants make life shit for workers, but
1. Sending people away at the door is a huge Fuck You to a shit ton of people. Even if the receiving country isn't directly implicated as the cause of the conditions people are leaving from, it's still not that big a problem for a society, compared to people dying in the streets.
2. Talking about this (And spending tax money on this) is just much worse (And actually directly antagonistic in my view) compared to actually fixing the problem.
Reading problems?
Reading this thread, it seems like while opinions are split on whether or not 1st world countries should receive refugees, it doesn't have anything to do with Racism or any other spooky shit in your OP.
Also, you haven't really responded to any criticism of massively generalizing an entire political ideology, based on college students.
The rich white people and jews benefit from imperialism. Again, you're conflating all whites into one group. Some white carpenter making nothing doesn't benefit from some war thousands of miles away.
Most of the lower class whites don't want these senseless wars. It's the upper-class that supports them.
Those immigrant groups are lumpenproletariat. They hate homosexuals. They hate women and beat them. They commit tons of crime relative to their place in the populace.
It's also the major tenant of anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism. All the big banks and corporations that you clueless rubes say you're against… they all support open borders and the free movement of labor.
It's the same reason, in physics, when you have heat concentrated in one area, it reaches equilibrium. Likewise all these immigrants will FLOCK to the west. They will depress the value of labor due to abundance. And they will have fealty to the neoliberal parties. They're not going to be revolutionaries.
You are playing right into the capitalists' hands. Mass immigration is a massive boon for them. It's terrible for the working and middle class.
The bourgeoisie, who are be indeed mostly white when it comes to the "Western states" and who fuck "white" proletariat in the ass too. Just look at Eastern Europe as an example.
Originating in Europe, not exclusive to it.
Ahh, yes, thankfully Sheiks from gulf states or Chinks are not doing any imperialistic stuff, amirite?
Fuck off Unruhe
Bullshit. Even large scores of black Americans supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
According to whom?
Also, even if that were true it only applies within socialism, between socialist countries, because they would make sure they are roughly equal, and both would benefit from the free movement.
We dont benefit from free movement in capitalism, the capitalists do, so we should oppose it.
I think you are projecting some kind of image on me friendo.
Great ideas, which every socialist should support. We should improve their living conditions, not import a handfull of them.
Not sure why you think I support a wall? Pretty sure the only wall currently in existance is in israel and on the us-mexico border, neither countrys of which i live in. Its a retarded idea anyway because its expensive as fuck and you could solve lots of the problems in mexico by simply legalizing drugs in the usa, which could make you guys money to fund public projects, rather than building a useless attempt at being china.
Fuck off Anglo scum.
Why would I sabotage my own life to put 5% more money in the pocket of some third worlder. What happened to socialism being in our own self-interests?
I'm not going to harm myself to benefit people nothing like me thousands of miles away, through capitalism.
It's hilarious. You all said what I was saying is a strawman. But it turns out I'm right. You're virtually all open borders supporting SJWs.
you people are retarded
I thought it was about destroying capitalism, not benefiting international finance capital, and hoping the capitalists will save you, which is what open borders does.
and I'm not Holla Forums btw. You're just all playing into the hands of the capitalists.
I think this is the best meme of all times
will Holla Forums ever improve?
Read any actual economic literature on the effects of free trade. Extreme poverty in the third world has been greatly reduced by free trade.
t. national chauvinist
Compared to what? Colonial times? Or compared to pre-colonial societies.
Read marx
t. Burnie "the slick entryist" Sänders
This is empirically inaccurate in the modern, post-colonial generation; the populations profess to be rather isolationist and would rather be left alone than deal with any of the crises that implode and depend on even more external markets to sort them out, with investments, overhead, then debt. This is a symptom of the ruling class ideology that has always sought to suppress really democratic measures. And there are arguments for this from the higher-ups: if the people were to rise up they could seize the inequal distribution of property as they see fit; therefore they must be constituted to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. The Law, and all its derivative institutions, then must answer these purposes and have permanacy and stability. This is how to concentrate enormous coordinated power against egalitarian efforts, with business interests, fiscal policy and tax manipulations, and so on and so on; the real owners of the society are the ones who have flight. Maybe you haven't really been paying attention, or are just plain lying, but the essential paradox of today's global capitalism is that on the one hand it’s global, free flow of capital but the free movement of people is more and more controlled and more and more we get new forms of apartheid. How ironic then that you critique "European Capital" precisely when Capitalism no longer needs European values: were you even prepared to explain how Capitalism with Indian characteristics, which is more Capitalist neoliberalism than Indian, came about?
This is the opposite of true. Why are there so many "illegal" immigrants, then?
DAILY REMINDER Marx and Engels had racial theories.
Well, do you at least understand why the working class doesn't support you anymore?
Maybe it isn't because they're clueless idiot redneck rubes. Maybe, just maybe, it's for the exact reason you seem to implicitly be agreeing with- that open borders will make their lives WORSE for the benefit of people that are going to demographically replace them, and despise them.
How does that make ANY sense to you?
You want globalism because maybe the capitalists will help kunta kinte in africa. I want to help him too. But the thing is, you are eating up the capitalist dialectic. To damage the capitalists enough to destroy capitalism we must close the borders immediately. They are depleting the value of labor by increasing the supply.
It's just irrefutable basic economics that the abundance of something with no change in its demand lowers its price. Labor is no different. You have all played yourselves for the capitalists like the koch brothers, who support open borders.
You want capitalism to save you… from capitalism. Because m-maybe some third worlder will have better living conditions because porky will throw them a couple more pennies!!!!
Again, how is it in the 'best interests' of the white working class to vote along your lines? What kind of sensible person would vote AGAINST their own best interest to benefit a foreign group.
>coincidentally it fits your every strawman
I understand that you must resort to making those shitposts yourself since your preconceptions about dem gommies were shattered, but in case you aren't doing this for the sake of shitposting, then I really recommend suicide.
>for a rich 1st world society, compared to leaving people to die in streets
Except this
despite poverty being rampant in most of the fucking world.
Idk, most of the immigrants I've spoken to have been either pretty apolitical or leftist. The ones who haven't been have been some spooked to the bone guys who wanted full on theocracy.
Nobody here says this isn't the case.
You're right I am, sorry, too many Holla Forumsaks around.
My point does still stand though, with regards to spending money/energy/media attention on halting immigration in general, which I just assumed you were in support of.
Sure thing dude.
As a response:
Communism is not only hardcore moral anti-realist materialism. Marx himself was not a moral anti-realist afaik. Most people here are, though, which is why Stirner is a meme and why a ton of people in this thread are against immigration (In case you actually are going to read the thread).
Extreme poverty in the third world is not in the interest of the bourgeoisie. It's in the interest of the bourgeoisie for them to work in factories providing import goods for the 1st world alá China.
They also probably had a favorite color, which of course naturally will also be the favorite color of every commie.
"Illegal" immigration laws are laxly enforced at best.
1 illegal immigrant doesn't have as much of an impact as one thousand.
One drop of water doesnt weight as much as a bucket of water
not sure why you state the obvious in response to an explaination as to why illegal immigration goes up when you make it illegal to immigrate.
Its like if you made the age of consent 25 and you suddenly have an increase of underage sex.
Again, the LAW! Reread what I said again. Today, across the globe, while the nationalities of the migrants may be different, governments in developed nations are facing huge local public pressure to increase border enforcement and security, even as they welcome legal immigrants to help combat a shortage of skilled labor, such as in Canada, or to back-fill a rapidly declining population, as in Japan. Where else would you have been hearing those initiatives that require one of the most ambitious expansions of government power in modern history: securing every nation's borders against
"illegal immigration."
Semantics doesn't matter. Any flood of immigrants, whether it's countenanced by the laws or not, will adversely affect working conditions for the native nationals.
Eh, yes.
Why did you think I said otherwise? Not everyone who responds to you is per se the person you think they are.
If they don't, isn't it the very job of socialists to educate them?
Yeah sure, that's why they should do the following:
1. Despook
2. Unionize with the immigrants, rather than deliberately alienating them and giving bourgies scab labor for free.
Well, that's what people here are saying. The point is that
Is the wrong fucking question, because no matter what you do you fuck somebody over. The real question should be:
Which both have pretty fucking obvious answers. It just happens that American democracy doesn't ask this question. The media focuses entirely on this fucking spooky bullshit that in the end is just the question of what color band-aid you want on your gushing wound.
Fucking unblind yourself. We can't fucking show you the world if you insist on keeping on looking in this one direction.
Its hard to educate them when the streams wont end. In dutch we call it "Mopping with a running tap", you cant ever get it dry. Close the tap and then mop up the water, you might actually finish one day.
Point being that the people who say
Are focusing on issues of major or minor importance (That I really wont get into), but it's not the leftist answer to the question. And just because you keep saying it is, it doesn't make it the case.
What does the supposedly "endless stream" have to do with educating them?
The simple fact is that there will be too many people. We lack the resources to take all of these people and turn them into revolutionaries, etc.
Deal with the domestic labor first, then the rest of the world, instead of your idyllic fantasies.
so is crime, rape, female genital mutilation, AIDS and honour killings
Shut the fuck up eh?
nobody cares, leave.
This tbh.
Muzzies should be reeducated.
Damn what great debate skills you're exhibiting.
You're never explicitly refuted anything I said. Just ad hominem attacks and deflections.
Make yourself deserving of refutation by saying something that's not either completely irrelevant or fucking stupid.
OP is somewhat right and everyone's brains are just shutting off, smh.
they already are revolutionaries
for an Islamic Caliphate
look up how Islam spread from the deserts of Arabia 1400 years ago
the method hasnt changed a bit, they move into an area as the minority, claim persecution, get support from powerful groups, grow in number til tipping point is reached then have violent 'revolution' in the name of Islam
they take all the women and girls as slaves, slaughter the able bodied men and elderly and castrate all the boys to serve them
when the numbers are big they invade in mass numbers, when they are inferior or in relatively small numbers they use plan A, migration and subversion
nice, dude. You rekt me.
Eh, yeah mate. If theres fewer people we need to convince we're done earlier and the workload is lighter. If theres only halve the capitalists in my country I only have to neutralize half as many. If theres only half as many workers I only need to convince half as many.
How do you plan to unionise or radicalise everyone when every time you are almost done, more people come in who don't speak the language, know about the union, feel comradely and know theory? Its literally how strike breakers worked, they moved around chinese people in europe to break strikes of the native workers and it worked really fucking well.
Gas yourself kulak.
I didn't tell you to agree with me, I told you to actually state a position that's related to the topic at hand. Include arguments if you wish, rather than just going
True. This is why I'm saying these people are inimical to revolution and a classless society. What they want is the promulgation of their perverse religion, political power, etc.
They're not revolutionary material. Hate to say it, but right now the white working class are the best revolutionary material there is. They created the soviet union and the labor movements of the 1800s/early 1900s. Can't think of anything positive muslims ever did unless you go back a thousand years.
He's right in a few cases that do not even apply to this board
You're not the guy who posted ?
Then why are you responding to me?
he's obviously being facetious
Im also not the other guy who agrees with me. We are talking about this chain here.
which includes 3 or more people
I have stated many of them. You ignored them all and started memeing and fuming. Chill brah.
And I am too. Stalin was too smart for his own good. Tragic character, really.
is it not a revolution when the masses overhaul the state and instigate their own form of government?
just so happens these dunecoons prefer feudalism
sure if you count looting texts preserved in East Roman libraries and claiming them as your own, destroying a shit tonne of the ancient monuments of the middle east like the Grand Library of Alexandria and turning a horde of goats and camels across North Africa turning Roman Algerian and Morocco grain belts into a dusty wasteland productive
muslims never did a single good thing for anyone and I celebrate the return of a Hulagu Khan to come back from the East and remind them who they really are
Sure, it's a factor, and it's had historical relevance. But class consciousness spreads in culture, not in individuals. The difference between spreading class consciousness in 50k individuals and 100k individuals is not twice the workload.
And it's not a fucking never ending stream of people, it was a ton of people a year back sure, and more people are coming in sure. But it's not enough to trigger a complete culture change every other month.
Link me, I'll gladly concede to being too dumb to figure out which ones are yours. You can take that as a victory.
I didn't respond to you in
But from reading the thread I think you're the one I'm responding to at the top of this post?
This thread is a clusterfuck of people responding illogically to shit unrelated to it.
I realize that when saying this I bring in the concrete example of current year Europe, and stray from the general talk of borders vs. no borders. But I assume it's not too unfitting, given that we're discussing current year western world policy.
Not every coup is a revolution.
but you will admit you would not support an islamic coup right?
because in that scenario the christian right wing fundamentalists go into chains while the socialists get the headsmans axe
why i dont understand a prevailing attitude among marxists to increase immigration of the third world to western nations
because whatever de-stabilization does occur as a result of these people, these people will not tolerate socialism like western democracies do/did
and socialism cannot replace an omnipotent god in their backwards dark age minds
Oh, I even managed to fuck up linking to my earlier posts, whatever.
In fact, it is crucial to the understanding of any "modern" revolution that the idea of freedom and the experience of a contingency should coincide. Only where this pathos of novelty is present and where novelty is connected with the idea of freedom, this repeated insistence that nothing comparable in grandeur and significance had ever happened, are we entitled to speak of a revolution. This means of course that revolutions are more than successful insurrections and that we are never justified in calling every coup d'etat a revolution or even in detecting one in each civil war.
Uh…historically wrong. Who is Mao (et al)???
I don't know if anyone "supports" or doesn't, but to sufficiently explain such a phenomena without condemning nor endorsing it is part of materialist analysis.
dont compare the advanced civilizations of East Asia to the living in tents sheikdoms of Arabia
thats like comparing cream to feces
another reason you'll never get on with the true working class
you're doing that thing again that pisses people off
you're talking bollocks
I understand what you're saying but reducing it to a simpler sentence turns it into gibberish
When people say this shit, I think of working as a cashier talking about random shit (read: about getting fucked in the arse by people in power) with the middle eastern guy working as a cell-carrier seller till late in the evening.
I think of the Iranian guy who delivered bread to the store, talking about working upwards of 70 hours a week (And he was even self-employed), smoking a cig outside as the first and last break of the day, talking to him about structural problems with the immigration process in the country we live in, which resulted in him having to work those ridiculous hours to keep his family alive.
And I think, have Holla Forums ever spoken with somebody from the countries whose people they claim to have mind-reading capabilities over?
Both of those things happened this week.
Okay, I'm not, but that sentence fragment is just wrong.
Not what I'm saying at all. Every Object is a Material but not every Material is an Object.
Isn't "self-wanking" a bit redundant? Besides, everyone of my sentiments has been wanking, if you haven't been paying attention.
Yeah, and capital does "get on" with the the working class. In fact, that's precisely how it works, exploiting labour. So I guess it's really a compliment you're giving me.
those two guys who had jobs put two native workers on the street and on welfare
my country sends foreign aid to africa to prolong the lives of malaria and AIDS riddled babies in a country with a national average IQ of 56
meanwhile I have my own people freezing to death on the streets or in their cars because they cant secure council housing because Muhammed and his wife have shrewdly tricked the state into giving them and their 20 relatives an entire street block to themselves
you give me an example of a westernized lapsed muslim because theres 10 more beardy rapey illiterate savages for every one of them
I'm not an american, america can have their multicult experiment but all immigration causes for my nation is suffering and conflict
So you literally, blatantly admit you're a psychopath or a narcissist?
You'd do it if they were more like you (read: more perfect)?
Dude, you're dogwhistling so hard that I think I can hear it, and I've got permanent damage on one ear.
Luckily, while actual leftist politics are relatively irrelevant in the political mainstream, even here in Europe, fascism is even less relevant, so I don't have to bother with you.
Anyone who speaks in the name of others is always an impostor.
your retort in gif format
Feudalism is an improvement from capitalism
gimmee a break you people are always speaking for the 'proletariat'
They are not other from or to us.
I don't believe so, we never claim to say what the proletarians want, merely what we believe is in their best interest.
Pandora's Box has already been opened on that one. If you wanted to stop globalization, you should have done something 40 years ago. What you're asking us to do is alienate one section of the working class just to feed into right-wing demagoguery.
didnt a famous rabbi say that about the goy one time?
Doesn't everyone say about it everything in politics? Isn't it what you say about muh whitepeople?
Nope I want democracy to run its course and die and reenter the cycle Polybius foretold over 2000 years ago
The labor movement in general don't possess anywhere near the levels of class consciousness that the earlier movements
probably the only good point 3rd worldist have ever made:
sucks that your job is getting harder and harder, buts thats how it has been for almost a hundred years for the rest of the world
so unless you want to keep defenbding capitalism, shit will continue to get harder and harder
Shit taste tbh.
What the Marxists call the Proletariat are actually the weak. Darwinism is the truth, the weak must die in poverty and filth, as the powerful grow ever more.
Darwinism refers to survival of the fittest, the most fit for a given situation, it has little to do with "weak" or strong"
I'm sure people totally say that
Basically op, we want to fight the source of the problem and you want to fight symptoms
Exactly. They, the so-called Bourgeoisie, are the most physically fit for life on this planet, while the so-called Proles are consanguineous, and thus become workers in the hive of Humanity. I say the "Proles" should be removed from the gene pool lest it becomes a cesspool, and the Bourgeoisie should rise and conquer each-other.
this isn't very self-evident. most of the adverse conditions they face are purely social ones, and certainly a revolution would be a situation where proles are much better for fit for survival.
If you determined that through some sort of intelligence testing, it would be a fairer system and you may be able to make some case for that however retarded, but as it is now the wealthy are there because of nepotism, corporate welfare, and bloodlines rather than actual talent. I bet there are thousands of trailer park trash that could easily do the work of a CEO, no joke. However they weren't from the 'right' backgrounds or the 'right' college.
Essentially wealth is inherited for the most part.
Human society is not separate from the species, it's a form of natural cohesion. The thing is, ancient man did not know Darwinism, so their society developed to cherish the weak, and it spread. I say that the coddling must end, the weak must be kicked out and either die or be made strong.
Just like genetic and physical traits. So with this we have produced a question: are the wealthy more physically fit than the poor? If wealth is measured by number, then rich banking dynasties like the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers are the so-called alpha males of this society, the leaders of the pack, and they deserve all the breeding rights. Unfortunately, such a Darwinism has been stamped out: the schools across the world teach that only the fittest animal will survive, but forget to mention that mankind is itself an animal species.
This shit meme needs to die.
The state smashing unions is the cause of shithouse wages, not migration.
The unions have been coopted into the bourgeois apparatus and now function as little more than arms of management presided over by well-heeled executives.
It's literally both, though. Supply and demand.
You are indeed in competition with workers of other countries, like it or not. But this results from the capitalist mode of production, not some inherent law of nature.
What the actual everloving fuck are you on about?
Natural selection is a mechanistic process, not a philosophy or social model, and it in no way applies to economic achievement
kek, this.
But also fuck the liberal in that picture as well, they claim to be a socialist but are not. A socialist realizes the bourgeoisie are responsible for his struggling to feed his family. Artificial unemployment is the problem. Johtro should join a union and a worker's co-op to fight for shorter work days so there will be more shifts and thus less unemployment, and also he should work for monetary gains without surplus value extraction so he reasonably obtain $15 an hour or more
>The socialist blames all his problems on an outside influence spook, a conspiracy of the wealthy who in their mind work together to keep him oppressed, poor and miserable
Can somebody please explain why immigrants are not class conscious like they used to during the labor movement?
The answer is extremely simple, lets see if you can guess it.
How are our relations to production and contradictions of class an "outside influence"? They affect every aspect of our lives?
Meanwhile the patriarchy or Jews are definitely not an outside source.
Because the left in general is literally less than 5% of the population in any major western country?
I'd say that was pretty simple.