Infowars interviewer asks questions to a young socialist on the streets.
Interviewer: What's the red star on your hat? Socialist: It's the symbol for socialism, communism. Interviewer: But you work for a living, though. You hold two jobs. Socialist: Yeah. And I go to school. Interviewer: That's very anti-socialist.
Sooo, you have to have a lengthy period of heavy exploitation of the workers before you can seize the means of production. The workers can't build factories? If socialism can't facilitate the change from agrarian to industrial society why could socialism facilitate future changes?
This seems like a conclusion you can only draw by reading Marx like a demagogue. Correct me someone if I'm wrong
Ryder Wilson
Recognizes infowars interviewer, pro-gun, "scientific socialism", definitely autistic enough to be one of us. I'm glad faith cut him of before he could say that he supports North-Korean anti imperialism and thinks Duterte is a good boy. But he did a great job, and infowars where good to put up the video. I'm betting a lot of the libertarians could be good comrades if they knew what we actually want.
Isaac Robinson
I think it's more that capitalism was a logical step after feudalism given the historical circumstances and material conditions present in Western Europe. It was more unavoidable than necessary. Marx actually denied that he implied it was necessary in response to a Russian critic.
the argument is that you can't conceive of socialism before the concept of wage labor and capitalism even exist you couldn't have had a slave economy like rome's without first being able to conceive of large settling populations and agriculture either