What's the most kino podcast and why is it True Capitalist Radio?

What's the most kino podcast and why is it True Capitalist Radio?

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Ghost why do you hate anime so much?

I miss 2011.


How exactly is TCR normalshit?


are you such a weak-minded fool that you need to spend hours each week being told what to think because you can't think for yourself?

are you such edgelord contrarian that you cannot comprehend the concept of white noise?

since I have a degree in electrical engineering, I probably know a lot more about the various colors of noise than you. what does it have to do with podcasts?

go back kid

what, you want me to post a pic of my degree?


Pretty sure his three hour rant about why anime was destroying the world back in 15 is pretty solid proof old Ghosty hates anikino.

It's been long enough. Be honest, which one were you Ghost?

Yes, timestamp on kikepaper or GTFO.

yeah, I'll definitely post a document with my name and other personal info on Holla Forums. what could go wrong?


So your dad works at kidtendo


capitalism killed WAY more then that kiddo. so did nazism.


name one person capitalism killed

Explain why communism is good, when you are legally obligated to work or get sent to a camp or killed, and you don't own a home so the government could move in 5 breeding age nigger bucks into you are your wife's concrete housing block "home".


Anime is as normal as it gets. Have you ever actually met a weeaboo irl?
Ghost was spot on in his assessment of the Anime Question, anyway. Cartoon watchers need to be purged.



not true communism
not true communism

Those three entry-tier shounenshits you and other normalfags watched - maybe. 99% of the rest of it - no and never will be. If normies found out about all the gore, "misogyny" and loli themes in anime they would start boycotting it like wildfire, but of course you lot never will never scratch beyond the entry surface.
please stop using terms you don't know the meaning of


Normalfags love gore and sexual degeneracy.


No. Normalcy is controlled by Jews.

You might say they are living in your head (((rent free))) :^)

goddamn. I don't remember Hyacinth Bucket looking that awful.

That's Gal Gadot without makeup.

Ghost saying IM PICKLE RICK REEEEE might be the first time the phrase has made me laugh.

why does ghost still do this show? almost every new episode ends with him disconnecting the mic in a fit of rage. it can't be good for his health

Because Ghost isn't a real person.
He's actually some late 20s dude pretending to be a boomer. Sometimes his real voice cracks through. The Engineer is fake. He's a ventriloquist, a master of voices.

He's "subliminally" (his word, not mine) converting kids and autistic teenagers into capitalists.

This. He was born 1993 and his dog is a Whippet.

I am 100% certain Ghost used to be part of the #/2hu/ bestposting crew. He isn't the Slaughtermelon, Dreamcast wasn't clever enough, Bun has that thick as fuck canuckistani accent.

That leaves the Miko who was a former Holla Forums mod and legit smart enough to be ghost, Dork who likes to roleplay, or the Honker who is still a fucking mystery to the world despite being a big guy.

I seriously doubt someone like ghost likes toohoo.

#/2hu/ wasn't about toehoes. It was about funposting and a shadowy cabal controlling 8ch and manipulating public opinion.

The fact that ghost would talk about what we had talked about in channel right before his broadcasts and quote verbatim things we had said leaves me no choice but to be convinced he was one of us.

do you have any timestamps of his voice cracking? and couldn't it just be normal voice cracking and not him hiding a different voice?

wew lad. delusions of grandeur much?

Podcasts can't be kino. Stop being plebs.

Oh, I didn't notice it was an IRC room at first so I thought you meant the board which appears to genuinely like toohoo.
You should make gab names and call in with references to your little meme crew.

Just listen to the show, dude.

13 minutes and more than once.

Lad It's tongue in cheek mocking Swiss Proxy that was convinced we were glow in the dark Mossad agents controlling the opposition just because Wheels, Linear, and most of the major board owners used to hang out and shitpost with us.

Also Ghost is Drunk Reimu

the only thing that was tongue in cheek was your tongue in between admin asscheeks giving them a nice rimjob kiddo


Where do you think the nickname cripplekike came from?

funnier autists than you kiddos

But none more loved.

>>>Holla Forums

maybe I'm deaf but I'm not hearing it, he's always sounded like that when he yells

Nice try but rewriting history is our meme, bucko.




it's not real socialism

it's the only form of socialism that's ever worked for the benefit of the common man


Holla Forums can't into the greatest podcast of our times?

Is this one of those ironically stupid things?

That says a lot

Strasserism would have worked tbh.

Nah, just a great funny podcast. Nick Mullen is hilarious

here's you

Pic related is you.

Ghost got me into day trading last year. I've made about 20 grand so far by using his advice.

How much of that money went into supporting the capitalist "Revolution™"?

If Ghost is for real he is a delusional fuckwad.
Fuck that, I will just vote to take your money you faggot Ghost.

Nice thumbnail fagget

Ghost is Tryptamine554 the former board owner of Holla Forums

I'd believe he's something related to old Holla Forums instead of some fucking "shitposter mafia" weeb faggot.

before I'd believe he's some*

He is both. Before turbokike jim took over to push his zionist agenda and ban dissenting voices Holla Forums used to be fun.

I agree with ghost about net neutrality.
I too would like an internet with less niggers and autist aspie weeb tards if it means paying a little more.