Explain yourselves.
Why are Americans so racist?
Islam isn't a race
It's a shitty religion for goat fucking pedophiles
Based kids tbh
nice shitposting
this could be YOUR kid, you heartless bastards!
false sense of self-superiority
I've seen worse from muzzies
Besides, there could be plenty of other reasons he got beat up for. This only shows the afterwards.
mudslimes btfo, based nazi's
But that's the America of Obama
Islam aint a race though.
Well, that's kind of a leading question, isn't it?
muzzies cant shoot
Not really, I would never indoctrinate my child with something as shit as religion
Holy shit, are you a liberal soccer mom with a room temp IQ?
I'm really sorry the kid got beaten because his parents are indoctrinating him with their patriachic iron age theology.
Living around niggers does that to you. When you experience their crime rate, low IQ, and lack of humanity firsthand you're less likely to try and explain away the statistics on the subject.
Frog worship was better than these kid fuckers on it's worst day
Too answer the question Americans have never stopped being racist and always have been. Though its heavily consentrated in the South for obvious reasons.
Also Islam is a religion if the man in the picture mentioned a place in the Middle East then yes. That would be an act of racial violence. Remember any one can be a Muslim so it does not really help the argument being Muslim =/= race.
Islam =/= race
It sucks that the kid got beat up though.
Literally all this proves is one in three muslims dont even like sharia in theory
Also ignore all the nazbols
honestly because it's full of white people, the same white people that say 'why are you holding me responsible for the actions of dead white people, i mean sure i still benefit from their actions and your oppression but come on, in an individual' but scream 'THOSE MOOSLIMS/NIGGERS NEED TO BE KILLED' whenever a black or muslim does something they dont like
typical white bullshit
islam is not a race but it is associated with people of middle eastern descent. While islam itself is not a race it is tied to a race, and you know this, stop with the white naivety
eh, thats white people for you.
hell you still have indians getting beat up because whites are too stupid and racist to tell sikhs and muslims apart
Those children were acting in self interest, and they subjected the weaker one. How is this a bad thing?
Fuck off back to twitter.
"The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
-Adolf Hitler
I know several white muzzies.
kill yourself feminist shit, your entire ideology is a joke.
the abrahamic religion islam is exactly the same as christianity in every single sense, if you don't see this then you are a complete and total moron
If you believe that, then you really haven't been paying attention. Not theologically. Not historically.
wew lad
It's shit
"Christians" are nothing but betas nowadays.
And Christianity, that wicked faith of the weak, rejects biological truths in favour of their tyrannical stupidity. All faiths must be destroyed save for the faith in the scientific method, which is a faith that always changes.
Oops, forgot to change the flag.
lower pic shows Christians vs non-Christians
even had you pulled more than the crusades the rate of wars is still higher between Muslims and others
Epic meme, go back to worshiping that leprous, sheep-herding, rock throwing nomad Jesus.
no shit.
but to sit here and pretend like muslims are ungodly creatons when they have the exact same set of moral principles as orthodox christians and jews is a joke that is in porky's best interest. islamic violence and terrorism is politically motivated. If you even remotely studied history you would understand this.
these are people escaping a war we created, in 100 years we are going to look back and feel like giant assholes that we treated war torn refugees like "enemies of the working class" simply because of right wing fear mongering thats also seeping into the left
What is this sentence supposed to convey? Islam is a religion with a political dimension.
There is a major difference in that comtempory Christianity has been fucking neutered to the point of ridiculousness compared to Islam.
"Islam" and "Christianity" are not fixed, immutable objects but dynamic cultural superstructures. The actual content of scripture is an absurdly moot point.
This is wrong.
This is partially right.
Political and economic considerations have major influences on these superstructures.
The cultural differences that emerge are literally the only evidence that politics and economics exert an influence. It's literally how we know they do, epistemologically speaking
What the fuck
wow, your reading comprehension skills are low, even by leftypol standards.
1. stating that a group is associated with a religion is not the same as stating that a group is a religion or a religion is a group
2. pls point me to the robin hood like black criminals whose actions benefit black americans.
your point? I never claimed that only people of middle eastern descent are muslims
where's your argument?
My ancestors never owned slaves so you're wrong.
Poor kid. Same thing happened to me growing up in America post 9/11.
No one was talking about blacks.
And blacks aren't the only one's to be enslaved. Every race has been.
Hey hey hey, not all white people are intolerant religious fanatics. That post was racist.
I love seeing Muslim kids butchered/beaten/tortured
pls point me to the robin hood like white criminals whose actions benefit white americans.
never claimed they were, also not an argument
the actions of random white criminals do not benefit white people, pls stop this playing dumb meme
or maybe you're not playing
you're a moron, shut up
why are you pretending you have no idea what im referring to? If you dont have an actual argument then stop replying, faggot, stop being obtuse.
So, point blank, do these magic white people who benefit me by doing bad things exist or no?