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trumpfags have been on suicide watch for the past week or so
Donald Trump to Howard Stern: It's okay to call my daughter a 'piece of ass'
Holla Forums likes to jerk themselves off to seeing cops die, but I hope a mainstream media genocide occurs
I actually think this is weirder than him saying "grab her by the pussy" .
Not that it matters, since Americans are so spooked by sex anyway.
the problem was that he implied he does all this shit without consent, violating the NAP
Kill all cops
Evangelicals, Trump's biggest audience, are sticking with him despite being very anti-sexual. The reason why is because hate Clinton with a passion.
From the Washington Post
tbh anyone influential who helped cause the iraq war would be a good start.
Jesus christ.
Just according to keikaku
this but also
lmao, why are Americans such prissy schoolmarms?
Very few people actually care. It's just getting serious play in the general media because they don't want to talk about this resent batch of emails.
How about this: Wikileaks probably has the list of the Trump material that Clinton's Campaign is feeding to the media.
Why doesn't Wikileaks just dump all this material on one day? The material does damage, but is exhausted in a matter of days. While Wikileaks still has plenty of stuff to keep the attacks going.
but what if she's his property? I say we give him the benefit of the doubt
why can't we jerk ourselves to both ?
I do.
Suprised that Holla Forums still sees value in Trump considering his cuckservative VP choice. Pence looks like the definition of a groveling feeble cuck.
I feel more sorrow for dead insects than dead cops. Truly is there anything more worthless than the life of a police officer?
Well, they're right on that. Anyone who takes even a cursory look at Clinton's record can tell that.
Is this how you justify genocide, by dehumanizing your opposition?
What genocide are we justifying?
Could you kindly not use big words you do not understand?
seems like genocide
Yeah, except he's gonna be the one in charge if trump is president.
This just makes me want to vote for the guy even more
Then we are proudly pro genocide. Name one thing wrong with exterminating all cops. I bet you can't.
Cops are just as manipulated as the rest of society, and are people too. Antagonizing the cops only further isolates them from the working class cause.
They are not usually too willing to join the cause anyways.
what a wonderful strawman. The only difference is that the SS officers are directly engaged in the political structure and inner workings of the state, whereas the cops are just following orders like troops. I guess the pilots are also to blame for bombing Dresden too :^)
FTFY. Cops will never support the working class cause. Their very mode of survival is to beat, imprison, and kill proles and violently enforce porky's rules on society. That's how they make their living.
Based Jimmy keeping it real.
It's to keep order so that dipshits won't make a gigantic mess everywhere. If you think lawless places are so great feel free to go to Africa or some parts of China. But there money, power and individual reputation make the rules, not the law. So you're then off in a worse situation. A democracy or any state can't function without a law to hold its citizens to. If there are no cops to enforce that law, the law might as well not be there since it can be ignored.
You speak as if this is how cops always act. Have you ever had any real life interactions with the police? Come revolution there will be no more discourse between cops and the proletariat, but prior the majority of caps are just peace keepers, or peace makers.
oh yeah gee buddy lawlessness sure is bad and all
golly gee mister wouldn't it be terrible if there were no laws
edgy. being cool with killing cops makes you the stupidest childish faggot
Though who the hell even cares if Trump has a private conversation where he shows off, 11 years ago?
I mean every guy must've had some conversation like this once can't believe that people are actually outraged about this, and not other things Trump has said. Both Clinton and Trump have said things much worse than this.
Just pretty much the media making a fuss over nothing. Maybe they got paid to promote these kind of stories by the same donators behind Clinton and possibly even the RNC (considering quite a few republicans moved away support)? You have the leaks of the DNC to go on that CNN is fully behind Clinton same for Reuters / IPSOS. It's definitely just a media hype imo.
Jimmy secret comrade confirmed
Its actually pretty pathetic that this is the 'scandal' the media have decided to try and hound Trump over.
Have you had any real life interactions with ISIS members? Most of them are probably repulsed by rape and torture and would never do it.
The majority of ISIS members are peace keepers and peace makers. They are there to prevent lawlessness and chaos.
Pretend you're the general secretary of the USSR. Would you bend over and let the Nazi soliders pillages your country because "hurr durr they're innocent working men feeding their families" or kill them without hesitation like Stalin did?
Who gives a rat's dick if they're working or feeding their families. The job of a cop is to violently oppress proles. They are literally the attack dogs of the bourgeois state. Fuck every last one of them.
whatever pleb
I'm an aristocrat
p l e b
you're not even doing the spaces text thing right, sad!
I don't need to, I'm my own master
Bombing mainstream media buildings RAF-style has been my daydream for a while.
Cops are fun too though.
Time to leave capitalism behind
So is this what finally gets him?
After everything he's said and done, is it gonna be just some inane bullshit from a 10 year old interview that brings him down?
The dominant ideology is feminism and feminism has decided these ordinary conversations are just that bad (even if they happened 12 years ago, kek)
That would be hilarious
Maybe if a mass shooter targeted one of the MSM offices, they'd be a little hesitant to give mass shooters so much coverage out of fear they'd inspire a copycat at where they work. If you consider the systemic effects of coverage increasing the prevalence of shootings, the net lives lost might actually be negative.
This tbh.
Dude, go watch a male feminist youtuber for a few minutes. There's shitloads of them. It's the same paradigm as when super religious people constantly want to witch hunt others for being "sinners." Those people are just as guilty if not more, and they're desperate to keep attention and suspicion off themselves.
They could have gotten a different job. They chose the job that gives them the gun and society's permission to kill anybody who shakes them up a little bit.
Cops are bourgeois thugs, not armed workers.