So this is straight up The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Pain huh?

So this is straight up The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Pain huh?


*only it will have an ending this time.

Isn't it wierd though? the elements it borrows from modern metal gear are elements that come from kojima taking inspiration from monster hunter that had its inspiration from '4 player zelda boss fights' back in its first ps2 incarnation.

Talk about a full circle.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Phantom Game*

Like selling them into slavery?

All for revenge Navi.

Let's just call it what it is: Trash.

I think this zelda game has been in development before TPP. Looks like it was inspired by skyrim.

Marking, dumbass.

For now, the world looks so fucking and empty and the combat feels indifferent, like it has no weight. The graphics and art direction are abysmal too. It's pretty much like MGSV. Let's see if nentendo will improve it or not.

Just why the hell do you want a huge, empty open world? When will the open world meme end?

The only recent game that made it right was the witcher 3 because it was full of enemies, treasures, secrets and whatnot. Plus the world was well designed, not just empty spaces between encounters

Also, why did they make Twilight princess enviorment but used Wind waker characters? Looks really stupid

The people have spoken and twink link wants it in the stink.

Dont forget wolf link as D-Dog


So does that mean Sheik is Quiet

You guys are getting sloppy.

Is the budget 80 goziollions?

Can you snowboard on a shield in The Witcher 3? No?

Honestly If you think the new zelda looks shit, I don't think you enjoy actual video games. Messing around with all the different mechanics and physics looks like a blast.
Did you even watch any of the actual gameplay footage?

Gotta spend the amiibo shekels on something fam

I like the part where it use physics engine a lot.
That does give it a great potential despise the "open empty world that you will return to point X or Y just to get random resources you need to point Z".
But nintendo is quite keen at wasting potential sometimes.

Nice template reply.

if its inspired by skyrim then the final game wont have spears in it

so is this shit gonna have crossing over worlds in it? Either collapsing universes or timelines crossing? We gonna get more Cia?

A shield? Are you some kind of faggot? Just snowboard with your feet.


Whatever faggot, this game is going to be great.

You have to go back.

Even Fallout 4 did the open world decently too. The world isn't very big, but are like 400 locations to be discovered and there's so much verticality in the level design.

So, it's going to be Mario 64 all over again, but with a bigger emptier world? Shit sounds boring fam.

Like it's anything new. Farcry 2 already did this.

I'll admit that Zelda BotW looks better than 95% of modern games but that means it'd be substandard if released in 2003

settle down Holla Forums, you promised you would keep the sperg to a minimum this time.

Do you even know what that fallacy is, you dumb cunt?

It looks as if it was inspired by everything that was midly successfull in the past couple years, shoved into one game without any kind of direction.

Is nintendo hiring shills now? Let's just think you're not one:

Why do i want a huge open world with anything on it? Why do I want a super developed walking simulator if there's nowhere interesing to go?

At least skirim had more detail put on the wolrd, not just empty spaces with grass and one enemy.

IF the dungeons are alright, then it can be good. But if the game's main feature is walking, crafting, world manipulation, then it's just a cheap attempt to get the minecraft audience


Oh yeah, minecraft too with the survival shit.

The Nintendrone has spoken.
Time to pack up and go home.

I do, but the key "Holla Forums forgot whats board hes on again" bingo choices are usage of "no true scotsman", "moving the goalposts", "letypol did it" and "Holla Forums was always Holla Forums".

Combined with the fact you are going nuclear over words on the internet hurting your feelings i think its safe to say where you are from.

Calm down, its going to be okay.

You can go back too.

shit it's real

that's such a dumb name for so many reasons, not least because it just reminds me of Calamity Jane


You forgot "day of the rope", did you check your complete starter pack chad?

shit maybe i should actually watch some e3 footage for once

Who gives a shit what you want, what are you a special snowflake? Not every game has to be for you. Just accept you won't like this game and move on.
Sick opinions fam.
This is based on what? seeing 1 tiny area of a preview? lel fucking autsitic as fuck.
Grow the fuck up.

Wew, go back to your Kratos, the White rape culture enthusiast, cis father, and literally hitler, is a terrible person for forcing his son to kill and be masculine" press X simulator.

It's not my fault no one here makes OC anymore, or actually wants to discuss games. Their too busy posting twitter ecleb caps and complaining about "Shills" in every thread.

There are claymores and shit too, pic related.

You were doing so well, why did you have to ruin the bait

The Witcher 3 was still shit, though.


Bethesda mouthpiece now? Disregarding the fact that it wasn't an rpg it completely failed at being an open world game, it ended up being closer to Borderlands but even more boring.

Pick a direction, explore. All you end up doing is loot with maybe an interesting thing every 5 hour or so.

Wew had my own post quoted ->

I thought it was a cloning machine.

I don't get why people have a hard on for the Fallout games these days. 3 was a piece of garbage. There's nothing exciting about them whatsoever. Just a bunch of bland bullshit.


So I see you're new at the job.
You should first lean about the difference s between cuckchan and here, before you make it so damn obvious who pays you.


I'd like to fuck that Audrey girl.

I enjoyed Fallout 3 when I was 14 but I can't be asked to go through it again, atmosphere faggots can go fuck themselves. Meanwhile another playthrough of New Vegas is always there further down the line.


Very good.

Well, nothing a paper bag can't fix. Overall: pretty good.

I'm not talking about the RPG mechanics. I'm talking solely about the open world design. It's excellent, like I said it's full of verticality and variations. Even RPGcodex that shits on everything in this game praised the level design.

NV's mechanics are a vast improvement over FO3. Too bad the level design is fucking garbage. I'll never back to Vault 34, ever. If only there was a mod for Tales of Two Wastelands that can replace the dungeon design of NV with the ones from FO3. Sounds impossible, but that would be excellent.

To be honest , fo4 world design was really good. If I was to remake fo4 as I wanted (but I was still forced to set it in boston) I'd use the same map. Maybe it could use some extra textures but it was really detailed. Sadly, it's the only good point of the game

Just to be clear, with world design I mean the world itself, not the encounters, npcs, dungeons…

Mark or any hotpocket can see my IP and post history, I think it would be pretty easy to determine if I was actually a shill. Just report me instead of shitting up this thread with your paranoid schizophrenia you fucking autismos.

Honestly I wish they would do a scan of your post history and ban shitposters like you who don't even attempt to contribute anything to this board, maybe I wouldn't have to resort going back to cuckchan to actually get content and game discussion from time to time.

cant wait to see another empty open world

Theres a version of that second webm with sound

You have to go back

Most of the damage I've seen the players take is from the environment. The monster do far to little damage and you cant kill yourself with a bomb anymore. Those bombs in the demo were remote controlled, weren't they?

Now you can carry hearts with you at all times, they need to make sure you're constantly losing them. The enemies look like pushovers even when you're carrying a stick for fuck's sake.

I'll give you the verticality but that's it. I managed to play 7 hours exploring East when the game wanted me to go south with just a few lines of dialogue and every time there was a hint of something that could be interesting it ended up being garbage (the foundry gang). That's the opposite of interesting open world. All I did was loot new gunz and crafting materials, almost couldn't believe it.
It's even worse when you see potential and know that your retarded half asleep brain would have done a better job, you just know they didn't even try. But muh verticality and picturesque unique locations.

The shills who went "It's like skyrim with guns" can go fuck themselves, at least there I could pick a direction and be somewhat entertained.


Here's a cuckchan compatible webm for your trouble.

I didn't even mention shilling.
Why don't you stay there.

Seed people from windwaker already confirmed.


I'm sure all your anonymous friends are real impressed with you user.
Irony is, you don't know who I am, I could even be one of those anonymous friends you're trying to impress.

Who knows, we might even have a friendly exchange of idea's in another thread tomorrow… you might even like or agree with something I posted! how will you know!?
How can you trust anyone here anymore? Everyone could be tainted by the forbidden cuckchan!
THEY MIGHT BE AN OUTSIDER! whatever will you do?
What would anonymous think of you, he who consorts with their enemies! you will be outcasted! for heavens no user!!


You have to go back, the bull isn't going to prep itself.

This game will suck. Where are the towns? The NPCs? Link's green tunic and his hat? Where the fuck is Zelda?
This game is fucking shit.

I don't get why you keep posting these webm's. I see nothing interesting about them. It plays like your average gamecube era zelda.

I didn't say anything about finding interesting loots, this game almost has jackshit nothing. I'm just saying that the level design is really interesting and full of potential. Maybe the most detailed open world design I've ever seen. Beth hired two dozens of designers to design the world and 8 more for the level design. Yeah, I think it was a wasted potential. All the quest design team should be fired.



Everything that i know up to this point has been nothing but a pile of propaganda and LIES.



What will i ever do!?!??

Perhaps doing something crazy such as…
Talking about and enjoying videogames

But that's the thing, you said it had good open world design, when what you meant was world building/design. Figuring out stuff to do in the world you have built is what open world design means, and we both agree that it failed at that.


Open world games are inherently inferior to linear games.


I saw them, but they seem to be more of a red herring as opposed to everything else.


I changed my IP! Now I have a different ID! they'll never catch me! I'll always be freeeeeee.

I'm pro soundless Webm's, Gamergate BTFO. Get Triggered nerds.

Don't forget 'Link' has been sleeping for a hundred years. He is awakened by a calming sound; rise and shine. The game is about surviving against the evil onslaught that apparently has already won.

This game is half-life 3.

Maybe if cultural marxists and women would leave them alone user. :^)

Yeah I guess.

Well, technically things like crafting and building settlement gives you a lot of stuff to do, but like minecraft it gets stale quick. It's still an improvement over FO3's "even less things to do" open world and NV's horrible indoor exploration you know.

I agree that this game needs more hand made goodies instead of random quests and garbage loots for crafting. It failed to meet my expectations, but it's still one of the better open world experience of recent years, maybe only behind Witcher 3. Other games, like MGSV, has an even more boring open world design imo.

All I wanna know is:

Why the fuck is Link right-handed now?

Truly Nintendo hates left handed people now

NX is Nintendo Kinect?

You mean Dodongo eater

It's the Squidward Sword Link, and if the "goddess" has shown anything, she knows how to work stasis, and since this is the "first" Link, she probably iced him shortly after SS ended to keep him around in case the "bloodline of the hero" ever ended.

This would mean he has to be in a timeline where the heroes have been killed off and so she needs to wake him up to kill the bad guy the right way.

1 in 7 people are left-handed. That's not insignificant, but it's far from mass-appeal.

But left handed people are proven to be smarter, and have deeper thoughts than right handed people. I want to relate to Link and now I can't.

Link's left-handedness is has much of a defining character trait as his green hat or pointy ears.

On average, sure. In the same vein I can say that introverts are smarter than extroverts, but they are also more likely to be religious.
Because atheism is just a fad people copied because of simplistic arguments

Next Zelda theme.

It's still subject to a million variables. My dad's a lefty, and I'm smarter than him in an academic sense.

not sure what you're trying to do by just hurling random shit and hoping something sticks

I dont get it, this new zelda looks exactly like one of the many indie titles released these days. All it has going for it is more polish. At this point you can just take any third person game, slap "the legend of zelda" on it and people will lap it up


But seriously you have to go.

How many people are ambidextrous?

The graphics are great with one huge exception. The trees look like complete shit.

I think its a step up at least from Skyward Sword.

It probably won't be GOTY material but I like what I see. If they just make the world not empty then I might buy it

- Large world to explore
- Difficult boss-type enemies can be encountered in-world, not locked behind progression path in dungeons
- You actually can climb that mountain
- At least attempting to depart from the formula of previous games
- Environment system that works with stamina

- Large world seems extremely empty, but that might be the specific area we were in
- Weapon durability
- Garbage weapons everywhere to compensate for weapon durability
- Chests are filled with garbage weapons, defeating any reward for exploration
- Magic iPad (nitpick but it's gay as fuck)
- Infinite bombs
- Everything but bosses are cakewalks
- Terrible graphics, but that's nothing new for the series

- Cooking
- 100+ shrines (only as good as the shrines actually are, puzzle and reward-wise)

If this wasn't called LoZ I'd think it was utterly uninteresting generic action-rpg shovelware, but LoZ is a big enough name that I'll at least pay attention to future footage to see if it improves.

I'll be fine with the open world if it has no waypoint markers.
Dungeons should be organically discovered through eye-popping landmarks, not an NPC marking your map.

Ocarina of time already did a great job, dungeons came aout through quests you did on the overworld.

If you just trip over a water temple in this one then that will suck.

It has a minimap, so it'll likely have waypoints.

It was confirmed you dont have to finish the story in new zelda to beat it.

The fuck.

Oh shit, this Link is YOU! THE PLAYER! just like Venom Snake having some quirky shit that made it a bit obvious you weren't the real Big Boss, this time you're not Real Link!

Pretty sure Zelda games actually have gameplay.


Dark Zelda: Prepare to Breeze Through Combat Edition

And there is gonna be a literal Basement Goblin that will betray you! and a female character that talks with Voice Acting! oh shit, ITS HABEENING!

So OP, now that your butthurt over Quiet not being Chico is over.

Do you admit yet that the argument over language in TPP, is the most deep and avantguarde theme in vidya of the 21st century?

I liked in Zelda 1 how dungeons were hidden on the map; when I found a dungeon I got excited because I could actually advance through the game.
We've been having Zelda games introduce dungeons through quests for quite a few games now. I'd like to see no hand-holding like Zelda 1, though I highly doubt Nintendo has the balls to do that.

It's already been shown the player can create their own waypoint markers that show up on the minimap, that isn't a problem.
The problem would come if NPCs point you exactly where to go for the next dungeon

Hello Downgrade My Old Friend…

Nigger what are you saying

Pretty sure the first 2 are CG and not the actual game

Link has been right handed for Wii products since Twilight Princess when they flipped the entire map of the GC version for the Wii version to make Link right handed.


Hello "Target Render" my old friend…

I'm confident Zelda will do it right too. They've got serious talent working on it, and it already shows.

The second one was pretty clearly CG, but the first one looks very similar to the initial gameplay of the game we were shown, as opposed to the stuff we saw at E3. There was clearly a downgrade, but I'm not at all surprised in this case and even expected it. However, it's a shame they weren't able to get longer draw distances on grass and went for the orange, afternoon lighting. And the trees are nigh-unforgivable.


You can just run to the end boss and fight him from the beginning. But i guess you would have to known where he is to do that.

Those areas werent shown at e3.

Wonder if I can blow him up instead of fighting him…

No, you can talk him into self destroying

You're a big bait

The gameplay looks good, but nothing about the footage suggests the world will have anything interesting in it, which could very well end up being the deciding factor in whether the game is good or not
Skyward Sword doesn't exactly inspire confidence in their ability to adequately populate a world with stuff


post yfw you got over your childish fanboyism until this user.

Truly, it is the deepest-seated discrimination in gaming that exists. Left-handed gamers make up over 50% of the videogame playing audience, yet how many left-handed protagonists exist?

Unfortunately it does (8:47)

I-I-It can be turned off, right? And the game will be designed to work without waypoints, right? Nintendo won't handhold that bad, right?


Doesn't sound like it, user

My post quite clearly said I wanted notable landmarks.

Im hoping you can just disable the minimap, get the main map for general guidance and go with that following basic landmarks

I mean, going to death mountain isnt that hard it's a huge volcano above the other peaks

Look on the bright side: it looks like the old man is Ganondorf

What landmarks?
"Go to the point on your map" isn't exactly descriptive


Oh look, another sony movie, what are the odds.

You can subtly influence the player to go where you want them to without a single waypoint or text box. Players will go towards higher points, players go towards things that look out-of-place, there are a ton of common practices players use.
An open world game could actually encourage exploration if they used these techniques. But when you have a waypoint or text or anything blunt, players tend to get as narrow-sighted and treat it like a FFXIII corridor

If the world is that huge, notable landmarks would still be useless.

If the world really is that huge, then I might be able to budge with "Here's a large section of the map where something might be"
But fuck huge map, forced waypoint markers, and hand-holding is the worst.

link has a village/origin
it just wasn't shown because they don't want to spoil story elements right now

As far as I could tell from the trailer it doesn't have a story to end.

does your dad work at nintendo too?

In fairness, they specifically said they were avoiding story for now.

Unfortunately modern gamers are literally retarded since the majority of the population plays games now, and the majority of the population are mouth breathing morons. These people do not have the mental faculties to think like that and will end up just getting frustrated without someone telling them what to do, just like with every situation in their pathetic lives. Everything in the world must cater to these people because their idiocy drives them to complain about everything that isn't instant gratification.

About every single other game somehow manages without spoiling the story

Possible, but they have only shown us, what 6 enemies and a few more drops, two shrines (~2/100) and no dungeons (0/x | x€N, x!=0). They have shown us 2 npcs, although the Korok may not appear again. They have been running around one area and avoiding everything relating to the story, meaning content.
I'm feeling pretty positive about this.

That's pretty cool
That's pretty stupid


Oh shit, that's the kind of shit vidya's been missing these last few years. I hope there isn't a tutorial telling you how to do that, and it's just something they expect some players to figure out.
You gave yourself away, though


I fucking hate this half fantasy half technology shit they are doing.


Skyward Sword had full on robots in it.

So triggered you use an ip switcher.

Thank you Commander Shill for your informative input and webms with sound.

The little Nintendo shit's fanboyism is an incurable disease.

New Zelda looks like a boring mess.

u wot?

The first 3 Zeldas all had open worlds, although the second one had it serve as more as a hub than something meant to be explored. This isn't new for the series, but they're clearly putting a greater focus on exploration of the world this time.

Zelda's been doing this shit for a decade now, there's a reason the best games in the series are from 1987-2001 and why the series has been on a constant decline for years

make it 2

You'd think they would bother to learn from past mistakes considering how empty the Great Sea and The Sky were, and actually bother to make this new land seem more lively and inhabited.

Open worlds are great if they are done the way classic styled JRPGs did them with an overworld, since YOU had to open up the world yourself.
Purely linear games that disallow any back tracking or exploration generally aren't great. Exceptions to that rule would be games that can be completed in an hour or less (roughly).

Great Sea had lots of little islands to explore and small treasures to find. I also just enjoyed the sailing in general, because the time it took to get places made the place feel genuinely huge unlike most other open world games. The Sky was pretty shitty though, since it was really just an oversized level hub.

Here, I can nitpick too

I hated the ocean because it was so predictable. It was graph paper with an island in each square.

Not seeing why that's a problem though, I don't think each island was exactly in the center of the quadrant

90% of islands were directly in the center.
It's fine when you start out. But when you've got a few squares under your belt it becomes like a tedious predictable checklist rather than actual exploration.

They've got a long wait until the NX comes out, and I doubt they'll release this before then. They don't want to blow their hype a year before release and have nothing new to show.

I've only played through it once, but if memory serves there isn't an island in every single square, nor is there a pattern to their placement (aside from the 3 you need to go in the tower).
It doesn't seem like there's going to be a lack of things to do, with there being supposedly over 100 shrines. My concern is that they'll have the same problem as MGSV side ops, where it ends up being the same 5 or 6 challenges for the whole game. I'm also worried that since the game wants players to be able to go anywhere from the start, shrines will be designed to only make use of 1 of the "runes" at a time, with no clever combinations. This is a problem the Zelda games have had since OoT.
Overall I'm skeptical of the game, though I'll probably buy it anyway despite that due to my desire to use my Wii U for something other than watching Star Trek.

Yes there is

The placement within the square is random though

"My Shitty Gay Opinions"

I geniunely cant tell anymore if its summer, a shill or just bait

Child monster soldiers son, a new age.

Fuck exploration, exploration is, and always should take a back seat. Look at the good 3D Zelda like Shadow of the Colossus, all that land was meant to be travelled first, explored second. You need to travel to get to places, you need to have places the players wants to go, like challenging dungeons.

I guess I wasn't counting the small islands that are easily missed. My mistake

pic related

I just had a horrible thought. What if they throw in a crafting system that forces you to make items necessary to complete some dungeons or progress through the game. Forcing you to make the hookshot from materials, or making the giant bracelts. They wouldn't be that stupid would they

There is a crafting system, user

But what if it forces you to make items necessary to complete dungeons. Like having to craft fire arrows as another example

I honestly don't see what is wrong with that idea.

Then you obviously have never played a game with one. It will greatly hinder the flow of the game by forcing you to have to go and farm rupees and materials to progress. Sorry I want to play a zelda game not world of warcraft

Fire arrows and items like the hookshot or giant bracelets are completely different you idiot. That's what you were worried about right? And now you're too lazy to collect some wood make a fire and create fire arrows?

I actually ran out of bombs and arrows to progress thru the dungeons in ALTTP.
Didn't bother me one bit going back using waypoints and replenish supplies.
Also they'll probably add some inane pictograms at the dungeon entrances to indicate what items are needed before progressing, with plenty of sources in the vicinity for needed materials.
That's the nintendo way.

You nintendrones will defend anything. The crafting system adds nothing to the game, it fixes what isn't broken. Instead of having such a system they should devote resources to dungeons, enemies, npcs, and basically anything else. It only takes away from the game, it adds nothing but tedious farming. Get some taste

-but Ganon gets killed in Windwaker. For realsies.

-and they stuck with that, it was basically Ganon's corpse possessed.

Take your pleb tastes and jump off an eldin bridge

And biggest retard award goes user

And this is why game developers can't make good games anymore, because of people like you who can't take constructive criticism. Please kill yourselves

What, you mean say getting an item blueprint and maybe having to scrounge up those parts from the dungeon (though some parts are common)? That would be dumb and uncharacteristic to Zelda but for another game that sounds pretty cool.

You made none

Fuck off loser, your not adding anything to the conversation. And OP is right, this game is just going to be The Phantom Pain again complete with sandbox missions and you are going to buy it no matter how shit it looks. And when you have finally have it, you complain here about how shit it is even though the rest of us told you it would be. So I reiterate, please kill yourself


Trying way too hard to fit in, reddit.

It's okay to admit you're 12, user. We'd just appreciate it if you would get the fuck out afterwards.

None of the items we've seen so far had anything mentioning weapon crafting, and I recall aonuma saying that the mini dungeons primarily contained new skills and upgrades, so it looks like upgrades come at the end of a short puzzle, just like the standard. He also said that almost all the mini dungeons were optional so I'm guessing that the ones that aren't are more prominent, easily accessed and are found in or around the main path of the game. If there is weapon crafting what makes you think major items would be made from it, and what makes you think it won't be for niching equipment like in Skyward Sword, it's still Zelda, you know go to dungeon find key item world opens up, how honestly hard is it to not extrapolate that to an open world.

According to nintendo the whole storyline is optional

What does Holla Forums have to do with what he said? Are you retarded?
Get out

You can snowboard in The Witcher 3 though… with just your feet, you will slide very fast down hills and can maneuver as you like

This is literally the only “argument” that leftists have against anything that Holla Forums says, and they’re wrong every single fucking time.

I thought you guys were less retarded.

No it means sheik is my waifu

webm very much related


Isn't Sheik a dude though?

from zeldapedia

Sheik (シーク Shīku?, Hylian SHylian HHylian EHylian IHylian K) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Sheik serves as Princess Zelda's alter ego in the game; to escape Ganondorf's capture, Zelda passes herself off as a male Sheikah known as Sheik. Throughout the course of the game, Sheik aids Link, who is initially not privy to Sheik's true identity, by providing him with information and teaching him teleportation songs with a lyre.

gee wiz that sure sounds familiar. I remember some blue-haired lady saying the same darned thing. What a coincidence right?


I'd like to see you try exactly that when the game comes out user.

I bet if you're creative enough you could glitch the fuck out of the game

We have political discourse there. We just win every time.





what a faggot


Holla Forums has become nothing more than radical conservative SJWs. You guys have made more of a joke of yourselves than leftists ever could.

remember September?

No such thing exists as nationalist SJWs. SJW ideals are based on lies, while nationalism is based on truth and laws of nature.

[Citation required]
We have literally made the pendulum swing back towards nationalism. And here you are, some triggered leftist cuck whining about us because we are more productive than you.

What about september? Are you really as retarded as a shill, or were you one of those hired back then? Everyone knows happening fags are outsiders coming to slide actually important research threads.

They're soundless because no one here wants to hear normal-fags screech over the footage.
webm unrelated

shill or only pretending, you too have to go

They mentioned they removed all NPCs and any super-important storyline events in order to keep the story under raps.

Plus it's not even a finished game. There's no way the overworld is fully populated yet.


When I played Ground Zeroes I got the impression that in MGSV they would go on almost 24/7 about Sacco and Venzetti like they did with Che in Peace Walker, but in the main game I don't think they were mentioned even once.

I thinks that is the King

I'd play it but graphically it looks like shit, those undetailed textures
and nintendrones will defend it

It's obviously the old man that says "it's dangerous to go alone!"
