Why do you guys hate social democrats/social democracy so much? Isnt a mix of capitalism and socialism the perfect system? Look at Scandinavia they are the happiest counties in the world.
Why hate Social Democracy?
kill yourself 1st world babby
they indirectly exploit 3rd world countries in order to sustain themselves
Because it can't protect itself from the interests of capital.
Social Fascism
I don't *hate* it per se - it's an upgrade over what we have now. But it leaves the bourgeoisie intact and they inevitably use their wealth to roll back pro-worker reforms.
It's a step in the right direction but it still has rich people, so it doesn't go far enough.
Could you not use this meme? It's welfare capitalism, no need to pretend otherwise
Socialism doesn't fucking mean high taxes, welfare and state ownership, lurk moar faggot.
I agree with you OP, the left should take a good HARD look at itself.
When was the last time the socdems had any news ideas or passed any legislation. Everything they set up after WW2 is dead or being dismantled.
I would LOVE some reform right now but apparently that isn't real leftism.
Social-Democracy is good if it's pushing the political consensus to the Left, as S█████ and Corbyn tried to do.
Social-Democracy is terrible if it comes in lieu of revolutionary activity altogether
Ok but ya'll have done a piss poor job of explaining that to people, so there's no reason to expect people to understand this.
The left is currently too preoccupied with identity politics (-ism vs ism vs ism vs ism vs ism vs ism) and the loudest people are the craziest (tankies and M-Ls).
Start silencing and ostracizing your tankies and M-Ls and maybe people could get to know actual socialism.
Also, of course I'd rather live in Sweden than a failed socialist state.
They're the jews of leftism
Why don't people start trying to make serious arguments against social democracy for once if this is such a strong opinion. It's all
Considering 99% of this board supported S anders (who was a textbook social democrat), and more than half support Stein, the sentiment against social democracy (another textbook social democrat) here is laughable.
read produhon, tucker and carson
Simple, leftypol secretly wants social democracy so they can pay back the fuckton of money they spent on a useless college degree.
I've actually joined socdems in our country in order to push the overton window to the left. They seem to be sightly tainted with liberal idpol, but I can live with that for now, since our rulling party almost banned abortions recently.
Law and Justice did nothing wrong. They good boys.
Fug u
has it succeeded anywhere else but Scandinavia? It is not doing well in the us and uk
People can talk all the shit they want but I don't hate it. I think the recent socdem push by the Sandman is helping to erase this "SOCIALISM IS EVIL" propaganda here in the US. Now that they don't think it's the devil's work, they can maybe start learning about what it actually is.
I think taking steps to ensure social welfare is just common sense, which is why this is a "controversial" issue is testament to just how backwards the US is. I also think this is a fair way to do it. Is it socialism? No. But it's hard to start anywhere when people are spooked, uneducated, and dying. I just don't think the US currently has the revolutionary potential of the past a la revolutionary workers unions and Black Panthers and such because too many people are distracted, disconnected, and insulated from the "reality" of labor. We're about "service." If nothing else it's a move in the right direction and bringing the topic of class up to the public consciousness. I can now redirect "liberal" people to the problem of capitalism and not be called a commie gook.
Yeah, Iceland
No. I like *actual* social democracy as a means for heading towards socialism. That's about it.
oh jeez…
Social democracy doesn't seek to end class antagonisms or class struggle at all. It is only concerned with suppressing the antagonisms of capitalism rather than abolishing them, and when push comes to shove will betray the worker class interests for the capitalists.