Other urls found in this thread:


You know what the sad thing is?

In 5 years or so, Nintendo will cave in because they will think people actually want that shit here or because the POZ will have taken root there too.


Nigga, get a grip.

That thing looks hideous


Africans tend to have shit aesthetics.

what the fuck is wrong with these people
stop putting everything that's not straight white and male on a pedestal
it's insulting and patronizing, not to mention racist and sexist


Dark Zelda? What, you mean Hilda?

Not to mention it's boring as fuck. It's a gimmick that fanboys come up with because they lack actual imagination. Making an established character black is the exact same thing as someone creating an "OC" character like Coldsteel the hedgehog or whatever that shit meme is called.

What would be great is if they made a brand new fantasy action-adventure/ open world rpg series based on African mythology, I'd play that. What I wont play is European or Japanese mythology getting BLACKED.

Yeah I'm sure she'd be dope alright.

I am fine.


Fuck you.



So what did everyone think of that chick with the big titties from Treehouse? Not bad.


That's a married woman, user.

knowing tree houses track record it will cost you about tree fiddy

Why don't they just make their own game instead of demanding existing IPs be changed to suit them?

Because they can't and all developers know making game they want would be financial failure?

Because they want stronk black wymyn in their soundless Zeldarim games.

Because they're far better at destroying things than creating them.

Skin color and vaginas are great gameplay mechanics.


1) They aren't talented or skilled enough to develop video games of their own, see the flood of horrid indie games and walking simulators

2) Games developed from the ground up to their standards would not sell period, providing they could even come up with a totally original idea for it and not "skyrim but with wombyn". Turns out people play games as escapism or sheer entertainment and the only people that want a "mature, adult, sophisticated" game are people who sniff their own farts like themselves

3) Co-opting another project or series would ensure success the first time and maybe another time after before sales plummeted and they're forced to jump ship and leech off of another franchise

I only played a bit of Ocarina but isn't Link already a spellsword?
He already got all the magic fairies gave him.
It is literally what link does but with worse backstory and trying too hard to be cool.

Because that would mean you need to have a ground breaking idea with a near perfect implementation that the majority of people would enjoy so a big corporation can hire you and put you to make a AAA title so you can have an actual influence in the gaming industry.

And we all know that isn't going to happen.

It's a culture war.

The primary goal is deprive "toxic masculinity"males of a place both in the future and the past. Create a monopoly for any expression and control it.

Everything is problematic and everything needs to be destroyed and replaced
-t. Anita

You know I remember reading through the thing that Zelda came from and was legitimately surprised that it was a pretty decent foundation, revolving around subterfuge and technique to replace Link's raw battle prowess (you'd still go down way more easily than him in a straight fight so you need to be sneaky about it/need to be flat-out better than the opponent) and using various schools of magic as replacements for Link's items or to get to places where he probably couldn't in the same scenario. The actual setting was cringey and Ganondorf revolving around political coups and manipulating the king's court to his advantage isn't really his style, nor does Link staying in a noble position rather than fucking off at the slightest chance like he has in every other game make much sense, but the core gameplay sounded fine enough as a translation of Zelda to the Legend of Zelda formula.

Then he shat all over himself making Zelda the Ms. Male he proclaimed to hate to the point where Zelda's fucking wearing Link's clothes and using a legendary weapon that's Hero/Triforce of Courage only and his idea actively degenerated into a shitty "Link except a girl" thing. I'm still fucking baffled by it.

These are the people localizing games.

Link being a mage himself depends entirely on the game and typically he's granted the use of certain spells (ie Din's Fire) rather than actually being a mage who learned all that magic himself. He uses stuff that draws from magic power and has an extremely limited repertoire of spells in some games but those always struck me as more analogous to warrior classes in other video games drawing off MP to use some techniques.

Im well aware of the damage 8-4 has done, i did a set of streams where i went through Drakengard 3 with the JP audio on pointing out just how different that game is in JP compared to the english.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
They instinctively recognise they have nothing to add beyond "inclusivity" (i.e. palette swapping).

I'm convinced the only reason the SJW movement isn't considered a serious threat is because it's spearheaded by people you can't take seriously.
One day we're going to find out they sawed the branch out from underneath everyone.

I just noticed there's a grab button at the bottom with others, what is this?

Scameesian is just a teleseminar shill for socjus brand of koolaid. The really fucked part is socjus is actually good at destroying, but can not replace what it destroys with anything but cancer. It sure as fuck can't create. It's as barren as the womb of a bitter blue haired cat collecting crone.

Except that there is ample evidence that the inmates have taken over a lot of the asylum. There are deeply burrowing sjw tics in the media, academia, and politics.

Not to mention she's legitimately a mouthpiece for her boytoy Jon McIntosh, himself a batshit loony feminist who's been at it since the early 2000s. I think there's pictures of him with a bandana being a radical floating around from the time of Occupy Wall Street.

There's also checkboxes next to posts now, check a box and then click Grab and it'll give you a screenshot of that post. I haven't gotten it to work (either my shit connection or Pale Moon, one of the two) but apparently it adds a watermark to it as well.




I don't even know how to feel knowing that most of that thread is just as stupid.

But I want failed movie directors out of video games.

I've been pushing for a Mali empire management game forever, but for some reason black people don't like Mali stuff, despite the fact that were most Black Americans are descended from there.

I don't know why they don't like the Mali. They were the Richest Niggas. One time Mansa Munsa bought so many prostitutes in Egypt he destroyed the economy.


Because negroes prefer to steal other cultures. Earlier egyptians, now redskins.

because they hate others having fun

It's probably like being reminded of a millionaire grandfather who disinherited you.


Wow, this sure is surprising and post-worthy.


They could have drawn a gerudo instead of masturbating to Africa.


And complains about this being Ms. Male Character.

isnt the guy that made this video a fucking fgt sjw now

Kojima is a movie director.

God, that too, he complained about the character who's so far removed from Link himself as to be her own thing being a Ms. Male. Didn't he try to lay claim to the name "Linkle" too, or did he just try to claim he'd thought of femLink first even though his idea was about Zelda herself and porn had already beaten him to femLink by decades?

Yep. Scameezee is the mouthpiece, and IMO more of a mercenary. But Joshboy is a true believer.

Yes, really. Look around in current year. The easy to spot lower level useful idiots SJWs are the ones with the neon hair, crappy tats and piercings. The high level powerful ones don't advertise themselves that loudly, but they also occupy real positions of power, not a weed stenched park playing the bongos.

Yes. We get it.

Since many people think kojima at e3 was a pro apparently not enough people get it.

Underrated post.

I don't live in America, fat idiots with bad haircuts are laughed at here.
That is concerning, though.

How about a Zelda that kills faggots and black people indiscriminately?
Hey, it's just requests.. goddamn fucking faggots

Wait, is it more than a throw-away joke to you? Don't buy into imageboard memery so much, friend.



I wish Melanoids would stop appropriating European culture.

Let's abandon sick Europian culture. Let's bring back slavery, forget human rights, and abandon equality. I'm not even joking.

You're a retard, they're a japanese company making games for japanese.
Japanese have the shittiest of tastes and are into shota but none of those chinks will accept to play a nigger. Less so a nigger zelda.

Doesn't like other themes though.

Wow, that's fucking horrible.
Interesting that the candidate who dared to attack media bias is the one who got slaughtered like a halal camel by them later.

The Jewish problem is a self-inflicted one, honestly. It's basic natural selection.
You take a close-knit group of people and force them to only take jobs involving handling money or starve to death, and kill the ones that are too dumb to play the political game out of tribal aggression, and after a few hundred years you have a race of highly intelligent, manipulative people who fucking hate the goyim.
Hitler even contributed by adding another massive selective pressure. Which Jews survived? The rich, the clever, the ruthless.

For every problem there is a solution.
We might call it 'The Final Solution'.

But it does know if you expanded the image or not.

Fuckin neato.
Just needs that background color fix and it'll be good to go.

well, he was a horrible candidate, but the media is massively biased


Forgot the daughter.

you don't get it don't you?
I'll give you a hint


This why we need ebola

No, I don't, that's exactly why I posted it.

Antibiotics were the final solution for bacterial infections for a century, but now we're seeing the advent of antibiotic-resistant deadly bacteria and no one has any idea what the fuck to do.
We've bred super-jews and they rule the Western world, good fucking luck.

Where did that "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" shit come from? Smells like a calculated hit to me. It was too prevalent to just be some brainless meme. He was never going to win anyway, but every time you saw Ted Cruz mentioned for months, some retard would say "you mean the ZODIAC KILLER??!?"

I miss her.

you already posted that in another thread you faggot.

Yeesh, that watermark is obnoxious.

Apparently the new parasite is weak against lead injections.

Fuck, I'm edgy enough to main Reaper.

The body can't fight a cancer if it can't recognise the cancer cells as hostile, user.
The immune system has been twisted to serve their goals.

black people are hideous. its part of their inferior shit genes.

who's the 6th person taking the picture?

i see an empty food plate there

Jamal's friend, Tyrone.

Was my comment not good enough? I thought it succinctly described political subversives.

Go get Pulse'd, Tumblr.


Give that faggot's name.

No, that's stupid.
The localization agencies will cave.

The head of the table is reserved for the friendly neighborhood merchant who brought them all together.

I'm half black and I wished white people and the occasional black chick would shut the fuck up about this shit.

Even I'm spouting WE WUZ


I is only half sub hoomaN

did you even get the big dick trait?


Learn to read, nigger.

Behold, I am black and white

slave and slave owner

kang and devil


He isn't wrong.
Apparently, black folk tend to have normal dicks. If not smaller.

Why would you do that to yourself?

I was just testing it user.

Kind of
I also like fat chicks too.

I dislike fried chicken and watermelon though and have adopted the white people trait of eating tons of cashews.

I don't see the faggot's name there, user.


It's actually backwards. The SJWs are promoted because they are what our governments want to indoctrinate into the youth.

Damn, Johan. You're fucking crazy.

The governments and ultra rich are happy whether neoliberals or neonazis win, either way it's more power and money for them.

Problem is, the SJW movement is spearheaded by the education system.
And those fucks love to tell your kids what to think.
Which means more and more numbers of little lefty feels fascist dickbags.

I love how every single time one of these SJW faggots try to come with alternate race character it's always the most caricaturized depiction of a black person.

Not every single fucking person thinks they are some mystical shaman with teacup saucers in their ears and bones in their noses, riding around on a flying 20ft elephant.



have fun with that bloodpressure

Even white people like fried chicken and watermelon. Also fat chicks are fucking gross.

Never change japen.

are you fucking gay?

Like? Yes. Obsessed? No.

t. someone who worked fast food and restaurants in uni

My nigga

I'd bone a skeleton.



Fuck me.


Reminder to do your part and call anyone who asks for a race change a racist who is fetishizing blackness any where you meet

Looks like Will Smith's son.

How Can Racism Be Real When Race Is A Social Construct


So we once were as far as recogniszing biological races within the human species and then what?
What the fuck happened that scientific evidence lost it's fucking credibility?


Take a wild guess.


Video games

lmao get the fuck out


We're on Holla Forums, lad.

nevr chnge jpn

That cucking ruined the kingdom.

No shit

There's no fucking subtlety to the shit they pull anymore.
It's as if we're stuck in a bad fucking dream growing more and more absurd by the day, and barely anyone has noticed.
I want out.

This is why the board is trash

Your face is trash.

A Mali management game would be pretty sick.
It would get flak from the other end of the horseshoe, but it would still be an interesting thing to see.

remember anons you're living in the time of peacetime degeneracy but we're on the brink of the rise of right wing national parties again who will nip these faggots and SJWs in the bud when they come to power

just give it time and when they say its time to get the rope and torches, you get the rope and torches

Show where that happened so it can be spread. If we get a name we can start calling him an imperialist racist for attacking people or color.

i want this and bully the neighboring tribals


didnt they changed a character panties into a fucking diaper in some nip game?


Yeah, in Star Ocean 5.

you cant go wrong with those elements.
good luck, friend

It wasn't an actual diaper.



Seriously black people, can't you make your own fantasy or your own videogames? Why are you always looking at the white man and the japanese man to do the job for you?

I guarantee you the people whining for blackwashed Zelda are not black.

Asians are xenophobic as fuck and only make games for themselves, maybe localize them for other asian countries if they care.

The odds of that happening are unlikely.


I hate diaspora, especially blacks and latino who are all AFRICAN/MEXICAN pride.
Go back to your shitty country if being part of it is so central to your identity.


Damn straight

WEll, how about telling those faggots to do their own shitty fantasy instead of shitting in other's fantasy?

Their goal isn't to go back, but invade wherever they go and force it to be their country. Anyone who doesn't see this is cucked beyond all recognition


ITT: White people angry at other white people for wanting niggers in a game.

I hope you niggers know that 99% these people are white

We already know faggot.

i know that feel

But user that takes actual time and effort, as well as research. Those things are poison to SJW because it means they have to stop being faggots for a moment.


It's our history.But they are being exploited by the silent minorities of niggaz and the other PEE-O-CEE

Then what was it, fammo?

I hate you neo/v/

And I love you, cuckchan.

muh native american brother! lets send all those colonials back!

"Muh heritage i’m Native American™” people who refuse to fully immerse themselves into America can fuck off too.

He didn't reply, lmfao

u wot m8

I think you mean

I remember years back there was a teaser trailer for a RPG on xbox based of African mythology. Like you were a tribesman all done up in beads and stuff.

It's because of salt, not the pistachios themselves.

shit taste fam

This seems like the thread to post an uplifting video.


Things are turning around. Trump will save the world.


Fucking broken site.

He's tardposting or genuinely dumb. Or just prefers following the motto "might makes right", but why won't he state that openly?

What a hideous rat goblin, just like real negresses



We will manage themselves, thankyouverymuch. Just keep your noses away, burgers of any stripe.

Every time



What the fuck is wrong with these?
Fucking seriously, i don't even know anymore,

Well, they did, at least one. From Cameroon And it sure looks better than most games SJW are putting in the market nowadays.


I swear this "Holla Forums is one person" meme is the most cancerous shit ever

The land belongs to the colonials after a deal involving shiny beads and firewater was made.



Hylians were always black. The racist Japanese are trying to whitewash Hylian history.


Make the collar green

does he have the triforce of purple drank?

And the hilarious thing is that if they do, there's no way Nintendo will do exactly what the nigs want, and then they'll bitch even harder.

They'll either make it too black and they'll consider it racist.

Or they won't make it black enough, and they'll say they just gave a white character brown skin and are racists trying to erase the black identity.

There's no way they could even attempt to actually do this and not be called racist, no matter what they do.

That's because there is never pleasing leftists and their pets. They only get off from complaining.


Grapes flavored

Thanks doc

welp, now i gotta make an account to answer that it wouldn't be dope. thanks, OP.

every fucking zelda thread
fuck off already

I find it absolutely hilarious when black people complain about how they were brought over to America.

Stop whining and just work, you coon.

It looks like a flash game, but fuck,at least they are trying!

I hope they are successful, like that one guy making crappy movies in his village.

Niggers are vile.

thanks doc

Nintendo knows what makes them money. They are going the way of homosuck and pandering to the lowest common tumblr denominator.

Never said that, you mongrel.


The RWDS can't come soon enough. At this point I think I just smoke to hide the pain of living in the current western world.

Because inventing new content doesn't necessarily destroy things people like. Converting a symbol you don't like to your cause, does.

What? Coon or wishing them success like the guy who makes 2015 the movie and have super aggressive helicopters?

Because they cannot create, only destroy. They don't want a strong womyn/picker of cotton character, they want an iconic strong womyn/picker of cotton character, and since all their attempts to make an iconic and popular character always fail they use one white/Asian men have created and call you racist if you disagree.

We had to put them in chains and whip them for that happen.

I wish they'd try harder so the leftists would fuck off and pester them.

These people don't create they only destroy.


ITT: retarded Holla Forumsposters thinking anyone other than warning-colour turbo-cucked white people are begging for blackwashing of existing videogame characters


Daily reminder. :^)

The ancient Nubians were pretty cool too. Of course they weren't pure black and/or were a different linage from most of the blacks in Africa.



Likely because Mali got rich and prosperous the only way niggers know, by selling their fellows into slavery.

Nignogs don't want too many crackas to become aware that slavery wasn't invented by the white man, and their fellow niggers are the ones the spades ought to seek reparations from.

Your next line will be "I was pretending to be retarded!"

A gerudo then, these niggas don't even play the games

That is a more accurate AND precise statement.

If I saw that I'd start running, but it'd be too late.

Seems like either blacks have really poor genetics, are automatically racist against themselves, or both.

I'm on mobile right now so can't make a webm, sorry. They're the first guests so the comment I was talking about is between 15 to 17 minutes. It's weird because they start off trying to explain it as a cultural difference and then the baldy says that stupid shit. It feels like something someone would say as a joke but none of them are laughing or really even smiling.

I should really find a better site for E3 coverage than giantsjw


Reminder they won't stop until you put a bullet in them.

Meme magic strikes again.


You seem to be suffering under the delusion that I'm criticizing Holla Forums and not the minority of morons from there who actually think anyone but cucked faggots want blackwashed video games

If a black has slick hair then it's not black ya dingus.

Are you an SJW in disguise or something? Are you really trying to dissuade people from using a video on the grounds that "the guy who made it isn't one of us anymore!"?

We're logical rational thinkers, we don't partake in that kind of stupid logic. "Well when they made it, they believed what we do, but now they believe in something else, so we shouldn't use this video anymore!" And don't be like "I was just saying" or some stupid shit, you wouldn't just be saying if you weren't trying to do something there. No one fucking cares if the maker of that video is an SJW now or not, the point of the matter is, you see video, and you're like "Oh, no, not this video again, the guy who made that is SJW you shouldn't use that anymore, it's probl- I mean, he's a dummy now!"

In closing, shut the fuck up.

SJW bullcrap aside, an action-adventure game set in Sub-Saharian Africa would have been pretty dang cool, though…

Niggers sows are the single reason why the hair straightening and extension industry exists.

Niggers are so pathetic they'll give themselves skin cancer to bleach their skin white. In fact, among niggers, the lighter the skin, the more "attractive" you are. The straighter the hair, the more "attractive" you are.

Niggers steal our money, our history, and now want to steal our looks too. There is nothing a nigger won't steal.

(kek'd and checked)


Only if I can mow down Zulus with Maxim machine guns.


nigga toss me a controlla; good as hell with dem headshawts

fuck you and your shit nigga dis game cheatin

All he did was as a question fag.

The guy who made this is a SJW now. He talked about how ashamed he was for making this.

He asked a question that need not be asked, and had no bearing on anything. It was like his motive was to say "hey, the guy who makes this makes pony videos now, maybe you shouldn't use this video anymore because that guy now makes pony videos."

Nintendo Treehouse just showed a new IP, an action-adventure game set in a desert


Wait, who was pepper spreyed? The little girl?

I just love how feral spics attacked a Trump rally and the La Raza loving spic chief of police told the 200+ police under his command they couldn't contain a riot of about 400 people.

The beaners are really proving Trump wrong folks!

There is one thing: your job.


Once they pledged their allience to the evil nazi that is Trump, they are just another enemy. :^)

t. the left


RPG wats dat? nigga I only play dem fighten games.

Niggers love foodstamps, welfare, and pretending they want a job. But they don't want a job.

wenz mahvel


I enjoy street fighter games

They already to it to themselves, pic related is the reality of the situation for blacks.

And any black will tell you, they wish they wuz lighta nn shieet, or beat up the kid who lighta cuz he'z nawt black enugh in shieeet.

brudda gawta get dat wite puzzy no wut im sayin fam???


It's called Ever Oasis



We need more men like Harada in the industry.


I'm still confused why it's so hard to tell the leftists to go fuck themselves.

What are they gonna do? Whine on the internet? Their tantrums are basically free publicity.



A lot of them have wormed their way into the western games industry

I'm well aware of that, but you also see a lot of developer that aren't completely taken over bow down and submit in order to avoid some fat tumblrtard screaming racism at them.

Trump built his whole campaign on letting the leftists and spics hurl abuse at him and then telling them to fuck off.

reminder that they complained about the lack of female soldiers on thie field as well.


I fucking love me some cashews but that shit is expensive.
You either gotta sling multiple drugs or be pimpin' a whole army of bitches to pay for that kind of shit on regular basis.
Or just buy a tub at a costco like I do from time to time


Is this the new "im a gril btw xD"?

Fuck off.

Don't blame this on us, it's white people and j00s who demand it. The majority of us don't greatly care about geek shit like movies, comics, or videogames since most of us are interested in athletics and music.

Not if people like us speak up to drown out the faggots and SJWs. The time for action is nigh.

Sleep snug, smug

Go away devil dogger.


Go away evil dogger.

Never change japen

I dont like the obsession with chaging characters just for diversity of what have you. With that said you faggots will never change anything because you are way too fucking jaded and just complain about everything and insult everyone.


Go away evil dogger.

I wish there was, but its like any conversation about those cultures gets filled with extremes. Its either straight up white supremacist talking or straight up far left SJWs who hate white people. Someday someone will hopefully make a good game based on African myths, its full of great stuff.

go away devil dogger

Sadly this is true, SJW's have produced a reaction that can be stupid sometimes

In a thread yesterday someone was complaining that Beyond Good and Evil was unrealistic because it had a female protag

Aurion sorta fits.

Go away evil dogger

Considering the ones they sold off during the slave trades were prisoners, unwanted civilians, and other tribes, you can play off this fact by having a risky path of getting rich off slaves but bringing distrust from your people and other tribes. Of course, you can also have other tribes sending in foreigners to raid your area, so there's also that risk if you DON'T partner up with the tradesmen.

Yeah I'm very interested in it– looks sort of amatuerish but that's to be expected


… it wouldn't be dope.


It's been said time and again. These things only care about destruction, not creation. All they want is to tear things apart, just like themselves. You can't expect constructive endeavors or thinking from them.
I consider them to be entropy incarnate.

Go away evil dogger.

go away evil dogger


The white supremacist or the white people hating SJWs? Cause to me its both. In that i mean both are shit.



If you're not just shitposting, I think the answer is rather fucking obvious.

Yo hol up! You got some collard greens?
-lips smacking intensifies-
Yaw, den where the fried chickens at?

Begone dastardly canine

Go away evil dogger


he made an alright point here, but that doesnt excuse the fact hes human garbage.
all his arguements are boils down to

Go away evil dogger.


I have never heard of that stereotype

Go away evil dogger

I eat a religious amount of pistachios. That count?


go away evil dogger

I need more "fuck off"s in engrish


Go away evil dogger.


Sometimes I hate Mexico too user, as a white latino in here you have black people that are racist for no having they skin color and if you are educated in the way your talk and behave they feel weird and tell you "you should talk and behave this way" they are minorities but those are kinda annoying and also they tend to be the ones that you should fear in the nights.
I hope Trump win
Make America great again

Also here is not that bad, mostly depend in the place one live in