Guise, i wanna get into the leftist anti-"zio" thing...

guise, i wanna get into the leftist anti-"zio" thing. how do you reply when a hymie tells you things about the hummus movement being barbaric or asks you about y u don't care as much about taking sides in the things immediately around the border? at this point i usually get violent (furor teutonicus - google it!) shouting "relativization, relativization. get out of my country, kike!".

Other urls found in this thread:

Tell them that IDF is as "barbaric" as Hamas.

How old are you?

Neocon memes, never again.

I swear there was a Spurdo of that somewhere.

the dead sea pedestrian usually goes with stuff like this "they're lynching gays; they're teaching the protocols to the children; they're using human shields; they pay pensions to terrorists; they're the ones starting wars; they don't acknowledge israel; if you're an atheist you're dead etc etc" So far I have been telling "LOL. that's what a healthy nation DOES, I guess. Man, hitler was right about you guys. I think I could hit your nose from here if tried. Man, it's so LARGE. I guess palestinian land isn't enough for you. Wanna get all the air, too, huh?"
Ageism? I know how to reply to that:
"Man, snap out of it, kike. The Aryan civilization is much older than yours. Why don't you go learn some sanskrit?"

huh. So what should I tell them, exactly?

I missed that because it was greentext. I thought you were quoting me.
Well, how do you express it right? I've read Lenin but it has nothing on the Jews. And it appears he is against all kinds of "chauvinism". So, how do you turn this imperialism book of his on the ZOG Occupied Government? "the way you talk reminds me very much of Kautsky with his chauvinist opportunism. Or should I say Kikesky?" It's not what I'm looking for. I wanna sound LESS like a nazi!


Then you might want to say less retarded things like the above or just about all of your previous posts.

yeah. what should i say instead? i know it's retarded, right? that's why i started this thread, buddy.

Guise, Guise, I really want to learn about your anti-Zio discourse. How do you answer a Jew without saying "YOU JEW!"?

So you won't help a comrade out, huh?

Fuck off, fascist scum.

Start by wearing a swastika on your shirt and then walk into an anarchist neighborhood in Greece.


That is a good idea. I will wear a Jewish flag (or an Arab flag or whatever you don't have a Jew flag do you? this is very good!), and then I will walk into a Greek anarchist neighbourhood to make my previous point on the ZOG Occupied Government. And then we will pick up some stones and sticks and draw all the necessary conclusions!
My next point are the Greeks. (Hellenism and Hebraism is a very good essay if you want to get acquainted with Western Civilization. I didn't read it! I'm more of man of the deed!) Well, I found out that they are a very lazy nation. They will have the Germans, the English and the French pay their debts! I know you guys know your history. Is there any truth to that they've been using men of the northern stock (People Of NO (!) Color, PONC) as slaves from the cradle of history on? Is it true that even the great ancient Greeks enjoyed drinking, fucking dudes and fighting but considered getting a job to be something way below their dignity?
You are the labour movement! You're ought to know, right?! Now, back to the topic. I'm no fash no more. Teach me how to speak about the Jew correctly.


The rhetoric surrounding Greece's debts and everything else regarding their presence in the eurozone is pure neoliberal ideology. The whole thing was a ploy by the IMF and the EU people to force market liberalization in order to create a better environment for European TNCs. The fact that they were under the Euro at the time meant that they effectively couldn't increase the money supply or fiddle with interest rates in order to give the economy a boost, forcing them to either fuck labour or deal with stagnation. Sankara was a smart guy to avoid the IMF, and there's nothing wrong in telling them to fuck off. They can fuck right off.

And there's no such thing as a lazy nation, you dumb nazi. There's a lazy class - the capitalists - and a non-lazy class - the workers. We don't speak about the Jew because the Jew is of no concern to us. Jews are not a monolithic hivemind that share all the same interests. The state of Israel, on the other hand, is an authoritarian fascist shit show, one that you'd probably feel quite at home in. If you really want authoritarian ethno-nationalism, you may as well convert to Judaism and go live there; it's probably your best shot at getting what you want.

Yuh. Ageism!

Let's ask the Greeks themselves, shall we? Hmm…
Well, I am a… uh… "Baathist" now. And I am trying to learn! That's what makes me the wisest of them all! Greek logics!
Anyway, like, what's up the Zios? Do you really have no dirt on them, on Arabs and on Greeks?
Ah, Greeks! pfft. What happened to the money Norther blue banana Europeans gave to them with zero interest?! If someone takes something that was yours and you attempt to get it back, is THIS a neoliberal ideology? Ahahahaha. Now, let's get to the Zios. I do see you guys enjoy your helot existance too much to say a word about your Greek slave drivers. Let us get to the Jews. Give me some good argument for them to chew on! I know you can bring them to a meltdown!

Oh, that I missed. I will make a copy pasta out of it. Here, have iron cross! So, I'll walk up to the Greek anarchists and I will shout just what you said there about Jewish Fascism Ethnonationalism. Man! Thank you! You're the best of this bunch. I bet you're Corinthian!


Who do you think built all those columns? The Greeks? Nope! Their slaves! Their NORTHERN slaves! And you be a Marxist, then money to you is just jellified labour and the Greeks haven't changed!

I don't like those names! I don't like them at all! Do you have something written by a certified Western thinker like, say, Wolfgang Schauble or Nigel Farage? If not, then I am waiting for proof that these two aren't Zionists. By the way, Antiochus has really been great! This is the leader that they need in Palestine.

Are you under the impression that slaves built literally everything in Greece or that all slaves were non-Greek or Germanic? Hell, I doubt Germanics were even a noteworthy minority of all slaves in the Hellenic world. On the other hand, they had sub-Saharan African slaves - does this mean that Blacks are hardworking and industrious compared to their indolent and lazy masters, whether Greek or Southern?

As it happens, it just so happened that every place where the dominant mode of production consisted of a military landowner class coercing the alienated work of a labouring class happened to also exult fighting and drinking while denigrating crafts and labour! Who would have guessed? I guess medieval Europeans are lazy too. Let's not forget the Norse and the Rus, either. Boy, is there even one nation on this planet that didn't base itself on forcing other people to do work?

And money isn't jellied labour. Perhaps you should learn a little bit about what you're talking about before opening your mouth. The exchange value of money has very, very little to do with the socially necessary labour time that goes into its production. It is a commodity whose exchange value is maintained by the state creating a demand for it (in requiring legal tender in payment of taxes) and manipulating the supply (by printing new money.) Its exchange value has nothing to do with its actual value derived from labour time.

That's not how proof works, my dimwitted friend, but that's sort of besides the point. Perhaps if you had fought your Nazistic impulses long enough to read further than the authors' names, you'd have found that the article has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or Zionism and is in fact entirely about monetary policy.

I'm sure you'd prefer something that contrives some racial explanation for economic forces, but unfortunately the entirety of peer-reviewed academia doesn't put much much stock in that. Call it a Jewish lie if it makes you happier.

Of course it does. Are you a klansman? You sound like a klansman. The northern Barbarians were living in tribes, just waiting to be "harvested" by some lazy gang of Greek anarchists. Of course the situation was the same in Classic Era Western Europe as it was in Western Africa when agriculture was spreading to the Americas. How did Romans learn to fight so well and how did they attain all of the cultural commodities from the Eastern Mediterranean? Guess how! By selling slaves! The same applies, in the Early Modern Era, to the Dahomey, to the Japanese and to the Duch.
There is one, stretching from England to Northern Italy. Google "blue banana".
Going by Marx money refers to actual real-existing gold who has to be delivered and smelted. This is why the bourgeoisie will never, i repeat: NEVER, abolish the Gold Standard.
Exactly so! And that's not what I was asking for! Least of all I was asking for Zionist articles on monetary policy. Come tell me "Barry Bergberg and Abe Abramkin" doesn't sound like the names of two "authoritarian ethno-nationalists" and I will laugh into your face.
You're a racist yourself! America was BUILD on slave labour of the Africans and of the Native Americans. I am opposed to Israeli Authoritarian Ethno-Nationalism and to the Racist Slaver State of Greece. I'm not a racist! (r8 my lefty discourse, on a scale from the zios to oppressed germans.)

pardon me, i meant the "proles".

You are sliding into complete incoherence. Marx was referring to money as a commodity arbitrarily chosen as a means of exchange because he lived during the time of the gold standard. The definition obviously doesn't apply to fiat currency.

Furthermore, are you unaware that the people living in your Blue Banana started out under the feudal mode of production just like LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET WHO WASN'T A PRIMITIVE HUNTER-GATHERERER? The economies of those places were built on serfdom for the benefit of a military landowner class, just like everywhere else.

Are you under the impression that there was no coerced labour in Britain, Switzerland and Germany?

Not everyone with a vaguely Ashkenazi-sounding name is a Zionist, Holla Forums. Zionist isn't code-word for Jew and not every Jew supports the state of Israel. Furthermore, you have no proof that these two people are Zionists.

You are really fucking stupid.

There is a good reason to suppose someone called Romanov-Von-Habsburg does support feudalism isn't there? And if you pay attention to both people with vaguely Zionist-sounding names irl and left leaning boards you'll realize they really to prove first that they are not Fascist Authoritarian Ethno-Nationalists before we can trust. Of course this doesn't mean "Jew". I'm no antisemite. I am a leftist.