What went wrong goys?
A Very ANGRY Roach Speaking
get the fuck out of white European countrys then maybe we'll talk about de-roaching you
Because most of Holla Forums believe in (((armenian))) genocide, look for "muh constantinople" instead of Jerusalen taked for jew, and love some NEET greeks.
The golden islamic age is a myth. Slavery is still a thing in Saudi Arabia and was especially brutal and widespread back then. The atrocities were major, and despite fighting dozens of battles in Europe, roaches only managed to capture Spain until they got BTFO.
The crusades were justified, 10/10 would slay cockroaches again.
0/10 for this shit bait.
kys bug
Indeed, kikepedia denies that a whole host of other (((Young Turks))) were jewish. Those are just the top of the iceberg.
Hi Roach, actual fallen Roman Crusader here. You fuckers have been sending viciously hostile hordes against us for millennia and still are while the only semblance of civilization you retain - even today, is the one you inherited from us.
We gave and are giving you still everything, you take and give back only destruction. This is why the reconquista happened in the first place and why your shitty civilization has never held onto vast territory or even limited territory without genociding other ethnicities and dissenters.
Islam is not conquering the world, you fucktard; the jews will turn on you as they turn on everyone.
They promised Erdogan Turkey will be "United States of the new Eurasian muslim world", while really they're creating a new "great enemy" that will overshadow the memory of "the evil nazis" - then it'll be day of the rope (or the gas chamber, and many goy lives will be lost).
Yiros here,
Get fucked Roach. You're not a 'good boy who dindu nuffin'. You are scum on par with the fucking kikes and should be hauled up to the trees with the rest of the shitters come the Day of the Rope.
You went with the ((civic nationalism)) of Kemal and are now being further dragged under by Erdogan's Islamism.
Why didn't you listen?
no amount of randomly blurting out "DEATH TO ISRAEL" will change the fact that you're a semite
Turks are ok in my book, but what's going on with the Islam thing? Turks need to get back on their own track.
Never trust Nazarenes, they are literally Jew-worshipping cucks
I pity the grand Messiah everyday, what a poor destiny he had been handed by Satan… Fucking Jews, I hope Paul of Tarsus is burned every microsecond
They're originally mongoloids, now Anatolian.
Turkish is from the Altaic language group, has nothing to do with semitic or any other afro-asiatic languages
The US has been doing it's thing for maybe 80 years TOPS. Imagine a half Millennia of that shit just with twice the rape.
JIDF detected.
The Turks didn't take Spain. >>>/out/
True, they just took Spanish Jews in :^)
Give back Constantinople.
You mean like when a tapeworm is feeding off of someone else's intestines is akin to it hunting down its own food?
Your shitty roach brain can't function properly because you're genetically inferior so you made a shitty thread.