Alright Holla Forums it's 1989 and you have just become the chairman of the communist party of the soviet union

alright Holla Forums it's 1989 and you have just become the chairman of the communist party of the soviet union

you're going though a lot of problems economically as well as a lot of angry people because of glasnost

what do you do to fix these problems ?

market socialism

inb4 assmad leftcoms, marxists and leninists


Launch all the nukes. All of them.



And at least half on them on middle east including israel.

Hack Reagan's teleprompter and get the senile old fart to capitulate to the Soviet Union.

Not even a market socialist, but considering how bad things got by 1989, this would be one of the few ways to preserve the USSR.

You can talk about how central planning was slandered until the cows come home, but by the end of the Soviet Union, there was a very clear disconnect between the state, its apparatuses, and the workers. And that's not even going into how the state monopoly allowed quality to slide further and further down the shitter.

Do you happen to be called Deng Xiaoping?


1. Purge (as in jail then execute) every pro-perestroika pro-glasnost party member. I would call this the inter-party class war.

2. Heavily crack down on all pro western and anti-communist dissidents and agitators.

3. Rehabilitate Stalin and officially denounce Khrushchev's policies and lies.

4. Abolish all markets and strictly reinstate 30's era policies of central economic planning.

5. Revamp propaganda to inspire the masses to advance socialism and push towards communism rather than degenerate back to capitalism.

USSR was civil warred after an months

Implement socialism.


I'd train a secret army of Russian nihilists to overthrow me and destroy the system in its entirety.

order the working class to revolt against us

I dissolve state controlled industry and establish large worker unions to control the economy. With this decentralization in place, workers can finally fight back against markets and seize the means of production once and for all.

Stop creating deficit artifically in order to make people angry
Don't implement jewpigalism.
Don't sell country to kikes.
ITT morons who think anythig in the process of USSR deconstruction came from "angry people".

Gorbachev also started with implementing "market", you assmad Holla Forums retards. Stop drooling on the keyboard and read a book.

You can have production for market without private ownership of the MoP. If you're going to liberalize, which is what they did, it would have been a far preferable alternative that probably wouldn't have turned Russia into the shitty oligarchy it is today. I'm all for pure socialism, but it's better to give when you have to in order to hang on to what you have instead of trying to cling to what you had before and end up losing it all before. The problem with Russia is that they gave up on socialism entirely.


1989 is too late. I mean, you can save the USSR just by counteracting the coup and gulaging Yeltsin for working with the US easily enough, but to really fix the problems with the USSR, you need to go back to the 1960s, 1950s.

Personally my views is that there should have been much more focus on creating a Socialist "pop culture" and cultivating artistic freedoms in the USSR. The USSR should have been exporting it's culture, instead, everyone just imported western culture then the USSR did it's bad knockoff 5 years later.

Revamp the party structure. Nomenklatura needed to be done away with and Party's appointment authority and Patron-Client Relations inside the party structure completely scrapped. These systems were literally just institutional nepotism, which saw talent lying at the bottom of the scrapheap while those who sucked dick of the right "patrons" made it to the top of the party. There needed to be more democratic measures implemented within the party itself.

Market Socialist reforms in the 1960s. No large Capitalist enterprises, but I would allow small businesses of say 10 people and then beyond that worker cooperatives. Have a regional development bank in every Oblast to fund decent small business and Cooperatives.

Better trade deals with other countries such as Japan who were manufacturing power houses and right on their fucking border.

Far more investment into consumer goods and IT. USSR computer technology was a decade behind where it should have been. The USSR had some of the best scientists, including computer engineers in the world, the USSR should have been a tech-power house, instead they relied too heavily on post WW2 Heavy industry.

Lysenkoism needed to be purged much more quickly, there is no reason why this nutters ideas hung around until the 1960s.

Also Soviet politicans just needed to listen more to experts and scientists. They actively seemed hellbent on sabotaging the country sometimes. Look at Khrushchev's corn disaster, completely ignored agricultural scientists and experts telling him Corn required warm climates, instead he tried to farm it all in Siberia, The Baltics etc. The fuck?

Change this and the USSR may survive. Too bad 99% of the party will oppose you.

so purge the party ?

USSR needed to learn in like 1930s what the West does.

Controlled opposition.

Have multiple parties and elections, but they are all Socialist parties and they get 99% of the media cycle and have the media actively shit on anybody who dares challenge the major parties from a non-socialist viewpoint.


you do know why trade with the ussr and japan was strained right? japan was under direct us occupation in the early 50s and was an bulwark again the sino-soviet alliance.

I agree with most of your analysis though.