2017's Sexiest Men

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i don't know fam, i'm not gay

Wow, what a problematic list, this is what Drumpfs America looks like people!



back to reddit or cuckchan faggot he looks like a fucking freak his eye is lower than his other eye

go back to Holla Forums emmafag

back to >>>/r9k/

Fucking amazing.


They're kidding, right?

What the fuck?


I know that they have to shoehorn in diversity, but:

Seriously? I think he's the least egregious, out of the ones you listed.
Does he look worse in other pics?

Haha no

where's the one with girls that starts at _0s and ends at 10s

Dude, what? Even if you don't count Jews there, there are 16 that I see. Three in the 20's, five in the 30's, six in the 40's, two in the 50's.

Well I've seen video clips of him. He looks like any 6/10 Pajeet, which means he's still pretty unattractive.

Blonde qts love him

I'm not in there, so no.


Christ. I just looked up "28 year old actors" and Daniel Radcliffe and Joe fucking Jonas look way better. Even Chris Brown could have taken that spot. They couldn't even pick the better looking minority for it (although recreating the Vulgar Display of Power album cover on Rihanna probably hurt his case.)


Holy kek. Of all of the slam dunks there was by age to get a non-white in there, they do this.


How did that trigger you?

The "music" of Pantera triggers me pretty fucking badly I will admit.

That's fine but pointing that out had nothing really to do with the point of the post. I was just simply using the album art to make a joke.

Sorry it's not your fault and I see the joke. It was just one of those hidden landmines that got tripped is all. No worries.

Stay mad shitskin

Ah, it's cool.



Pantera's biggest fans are the spic community, what are you on about

Viggo's looking sharp I'll say that much

sexiest men, you say?


That harry styles looks like he's balding lmfao.


If they made one it would be a lie for every woman over 25.

im visibly whiter than that dude and IRL i would be all the fuck over a girl like that and have been all over much darker girls who have beauty like that

It's called a white hairline