
What is Holla Forums opinion on her?

Love of my life.

Marry me

strip naked

Sweetheart :)

Probably looks good in the buff.

Created for porn.

Had potential as a character. Never used to the fullest. Should've been the main villain.

Why are people so obsessed with her? It's been years since the movie came out. People should just let it go.

She is so hot.

Bro, look at her. She's gorgeous.

You mean should have been naked

Can't tell if it's samefagging from the Frozen autist that kept asking for shitty fucking tie-in books for months or halfchan niggers from the mobile app.



How can anyone look at this woman and not find her attractive?

Wew, it actually is samefagging. Neat.

She should take her dress off

I love her

Sweet, sweet girl :)

She had a hard life, okay…

Low quality thread is low quality.

Her shoulders must be smooth as silk.

user, wh6 are you samefagging?

All me, tbh.

Hey Holla Forums


goddamned niggers.

So sexy.

Waifunigger character from a meh movie.

She was going to be the main villain, as in the story Frozen is based on. They mass rewrote the plot to make Elsa more of an anti-hero but still needed a villain so they shoved Hans into the role. Hence the awkward scene where he goes full Bond villain to Anna.

user, don't give this shitty thread any bumps.