WebM Thread: DR1 was the only good one edition


Also I have a soft spot for christmas themed media. Sue me.

Other urls found in this thread:



my preorder list just got longer, fucking E3.

what has this place become

Only Dunkakino can cheer me up after E3

Actually the only bad Dead Rising was 3, and it wasn't even that bad.




I took the bait hook line and sinker but goddamn fucking jesus cuck.

Is that your mother in the background user?





Theres already a thread but who cares






that shit was glorious

From Last Thread

Roma and Romanians are essentially the same thing

Its similiar to how the Indians Dont like to associate themselves with the casteless, one is just better looking because they dont live on the shit covered streets that cover 99% of the country

Roma and Romanians are exactly the same in all aspects except one is called Roma and the other Romanians and as a result the Roma are cast out of society like the castless

I wish the Romanians would learn to be more tolerant



That looks like fun . What is that?

what did he mean by that?

The closet next to him

You should've seen some of the other webms

People getting stuck in ladders with zombies being unable to hit each other, Another guy altered the sliders to make himself so fat he rolled around

That one person who turned himself into a tank through shoving a series of boxes upon himself


Its the prequel to sul generis
Exanime is a dungeion crawler while sul generis is open world

Currently its unfinished, Exanima just being a method to rake in money early before they release sul generis

I'm still waiting for magic
Think with this hilarious combat with wizard throwing fireballs, all those webms that will come out

its $20 at the moment, but i dont recommend if you dont like buying Early access
Also its got a steep learning curve although its no dorf fortress


I found it

You're welcomed.

I found it already.


Source? I want to encode a higher quality version.


I wish this would happen to every COD player, which the fan base ultimately consists of ~10 Year old screaming cunts



anyone got more of these??

DR2 is not a bad game.

Every thread until you like it

Are you 15?

It truly is summer here.

Are you that fag that went nuclear the Cawadooty thread earlier?



fuck off every thread until you post video games



It was pretty good. I hear though OTR is better?

DR3 was just lackluster. Though I think the only really bad DR was the Wii port because it had the DR name on it



user fuck off, your clearly a pretentious faggot
I never stated i liked COD or played it
I Said quite the opposite, that the entire Series is only played by ten year oldish children

I dont know what the Cowadooty thread was earlier and i dont care,

You call me a summer fag, yet you actually admit going into COD threads

What the fuck? Isn't this audio from a minecraft video where the guy deletes the kid's house?


I was wondering why it was so familiar


Sure do. These other two anyway.



But I always loved it you silly user.

Look at this post:

Now, compare this anger and underage ferociousness to this post

Tell me, what is the difference between these two posters?

What? I don't think you know what that word means.
Yes. Because you randomly brought up a specific title to point your anger. Despite the fact that most video game fanbases are made up of cancerous children.

Or I saw you going nuclear on the main page of Holla Forums and went to what all that anger was about.

Not the same format, but I'll throw this in for kicks.

What that guy's doing is obviously an exploit. You can argue that the game's bugs are retarded, but implying LOOK IT'S SO EZ is just being a clown. Not to mention

I need a webm of this


WebMs of that video has been posted at least 10 million times.

That one deserves a "lurk moar."

is that frank west?

Okay guys,

Moments after I made this post

The thread I mentioned suddenly came back to life after being dead for a bit and this was posted

with his post in this thread coming moments before


Coincidence? I think not.


Demo said it best "Yuri undertones? My cofee maker has a single job, to make cofee, and it doesn't just make cofee undertones. There are animal eared cuties in this anime, why aren't they doing gay things to each other?"

pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
As in pretending that COD discussion is so far below your level that any discussion of it automatically makes the the discussant lesser or of under age, regardless of their opinion in the matter
I was merely pointing out a similarity which angers me, however if your implying that the topics are so unrelated that it was random you would most definitely incorrect
Children who are incapable of using an inside voice whilst playing online shouldn't be online in the first place

Correct, However most game fanbases aren't discussed here and i was referring to a highly popular one

A moot point, Whether you went into the thread to see the shit storm or not cannot be proven, same can be said of me participating

However i can say without a doubt that the sentence structure of our two posts are entirely different
What Kind of faggot types entire sentences out in such a reddit tier format?

However i can compare to own opinion, even if a shit topic had alot of replies, i wouldn't click on such a cancerous thread in the first place regardless of if there was a shitstorm or not

Please fuck off back to cuckchan if you keep making these retarded comparisons to try and below those with opinions you disagree with
I've never played COD and I've never been into COD threads
All i know about it is the webms people upload here and occasionally embedded youtube links
I have better taste than going into a shitstorm about a shit topic just to get off

Also If i was in that thread i would've been avatar fagging my Ika and using proper filenames

Which autist made this?

You're supposed to spoiler porn.


That's the joke


Thanks bro.

Oh boy, that's a well preserved face.

Fucking thank you.

These weapons and weapon combinations too goddamn ridiculous. A super ultra power suit, a dinosaur mask that breathes fire, in 2 you had teddy bear sentry guns, now you have candy cane crossbows

It's like everyone missed the point of the first game and all they saw was 'WOW WACKY ZOMBIE KILLING!!1' There wasn't even anything that goofy about it. The goofiest gun you had were the mini chainsaws or the mega-buster/laser sword if you got those achievements (and those were real powerful, but you actually had to do some hard/tedious shit to get them). The game never went out of its way to be wacky or dumb.

Please dont compare me to the faggot going nuclear
Stop linking threads there might be a better opinion

Still in regards to the post you've linked Wouldnt it have been better if he made two separate posts instead of that wall of text in reddit tier format?

Also I'm pretty sure thats some kind of pasta

Are you done avatarfagging and shitting up the thread? Only newfag here is you and you're trying too hard to fit in. Also don't post soundless webm faggot

Someone post cr00zing4aB00zin2
I would but my internet connection has hit abysmal levels and theres a screaming 10 year old in the background screaming at me every time i try to upload anything more than a mb

I didnt get it for the sound user
It was in the ika thread
Personally I think they intended it to be a gif and hence they didnt add sound
regardless because its in webm form i thought it was fit to post here

You need to try harder user if you want to stop me posting
I've been posting Ika since they started Translating the manga

Ika is life, Ika is love

filter ID, done

name of the remix?

I wonder how her dad feels, knowing that his daughter pretends to be an underage girl for money.


If he was in any part of her life, she'd be a respectable woman.

The story was pretty serious, I just think people remember the gameplay more where you had a variety of ways to kill zombies and the two were seperate.

You've really out done yourself faggot

The only reason to ever filter someone is spam or CP
But of course, if you just want to sit in your safe space because you cant handle a discussion then fine
Have fun turning Holla Forums into your very own hugbox faggot
You probably had shit taste in games anyway

Both of these are already bannable offenses


I haven't even talked to you at all
in your little teary eyed sissy fit that was your reply to me, the one thing you should've done is to check IDs, of which yours I will filter

I did check my ID user
You clearly didnt read it properly faggot
You clearly disagreed with my posts and chose to filter them
How is that any different than what i said?

because my post wasn't aimed at you, you self centered, avatarfagging, illiterate of a cock sucker

No, filtering makes cancer go away.
cp is removed fast as fuck, so no need to filter it. You however, you should leave or stop spamming that moeblob all over the place.

I couldnt find the fucking original video to webm nor could i find out which fucking episode it was
However i did get it during the cuckening, which was the final time i ever looked at 4cucks

Still we need more webm posting in this thread


Remember to always bully squidposters

It is from Blazing Saddles. Find a better quality than embed related and keblam

How was it not

I was referring more to those shitty CP threads that keep popping up in the catalog
the one that links to turkish games websites? honestly i've never clicked on the link
Ika isnt Spam you degenerate faggot
Go fuck yourself with a sauce pan you gigantic faggot, i hope you choke on a sexdoll's cock whilst becoming cucked by your faggot lover(s)

Insulting ika is haram
I cant forgive that

Thank you user
i looked for it for half an hour trying to find it before giving up
The faggots in the thread said it was the vicor of dibley or some shit, CUNTs

But that's the thing, you had a variety of weapons that weren't weapons at your disposal. Anything you can find in the mall. Skateboards, bowling balls, benches, golf clubs, guitars, toys, CD's, etc. The dumber, goofier stuff was usually really ineffective and the novelty wore off pretty quick. Eventually from beating psychos (Sure, most were made to be goofier and played for a bit of a laugh, but they were still somewhat believable) you'd get better weapons (mini chainsaws, Molotov cocktails, access to the gun shop, etc. The weapons all made some kind of sense.

And Frank was never mutilating zombies for fun or doing dumb shit like taking selfies. IIRC, he got really mad at the final boss for not recognizing the humanity the zombies once had.

Instead of contrasting light humor against a serious backdrop, they went all-out bananas in every aspect.

Did you seriously record your dad banging your mom?

I'm more concerned with why he posted an audio file instead of a webm
Even swf and embed are better than that

I rest my case

Its degenerate user
Poo jokes arent that funny to me anymore

Avatar fagging is only spamming if the posts contain no other content within them related to anything in the thread or Holla Forums

Stop trying to derail the thread with lies faggot

fresh from e3

I actually thought the sound effects of the original things until the MUDAMDADMADAMDAMDAMADADA


fuck I wish I saved the leaderboard. it showed him at last place with snoop dog

Was e3's battlefield any good?
I havn't actually played any of the battlefield series and not that many FPS's
Quake duke nukem 3D, lo wang, EYE and half life as well its related mods are the only ones i've actively played
all on pc thank god

God i fucking hate how console games make all there shooters have auto target
Still even if they have it, PC players still end up with more power than them

Personally my preferred genre is RTS, or just strategy
I cant really get into Grand strategy

Why do all of my posts always Cut off like that?
I've stretched the reply box and everything but every fucking reply comes out in that retarded sentence structure

it looked alright at best, nothing new, nothing spectacular

that nots a good thing
One of these days a new crysis is going to come out

Fuck, crysis was such a good time for its game, then crysis 2 was made for console and crysis 3 i had already given up hope for

Anyone got the Crysis webm where the guy throws the frog at the car and plays that moon song?

How about you save shit instead of requesting it ?

please have mercy user, i haven't slept in two days because of exams'
Uni exam times are terrible
For some fucking reason they have all the drinking parties and also sell beer cheaper during them and not after

Thats probably why combo weapons in 2 were added, so make useless shit more useful.

As for the change with Dead Rising, I dont know. They probably were worried about getting overshadowed by RE since Inafune thought the two series were competing, so Capcom thought the only thing to do with the series going forward is going balls to the wall.


sorry user, i just remembered it was actually an embedded youtube video
Got it from my history

Sorry my OCD is kicking in, found the original video and I'm fixing all this shit before it drives me insane


I thought this was concerning akaburs new game
i was sadly disappointed with furry shit

All I care about is Last Guardian, Space Hulk Deathwing, DoWIII and FFXV. Everything else is garbage. Also here you go :)

More like Mechwarrior Living Legends is what made Crysis great.

Holla Forums loves furry when they can fap to it

Otherwise they don't give a fuck

Every time


Would you happen to have a source of the song as well user?

【東方ボーカル】 「不思議の国のクリスマス」 【SOUND HOLIC】 【Subbed】

what a shame.webm

Its cool, the shit I got going on in my life I'm openly combative also

Anyways here is that video with the audio all cleaned up and I made it a WebM for you also

Wait I misunderstood, I'm a retard nevermind

Thanks for the convert, I'm real bad at making them so I just repost old stuff I never see anymore

I really need to get around to playing The Bard's Tale.

You will never know what its like to be ausfailian



Mods help

The posting times dont make any sense

i know it's not vidya but does anyone have that webm of a sad japanese girl walking in the rain, she sees someone dressed as miku dancing, and she gets closer and it turns out it's a dude and he fucking throws the hell down?

pls post it

Wouldnt the actual fight with bloody mary make a better webm?

how new are you?

Quit flying that halfchan flag so high, newfag.

I've never had my posts act like fucking retards, normally i'm the one doing that

How do i post more than 1 pic?

If you've never had it, then you're really fucking new

I've been posting here since the first exodus arguably the second
I've never had multiposting occurring more than twice
4 fucking times is too many

Shit wierds me out

I mean I've never had it happen that I can recall, but there have been plenty of times where my post gets eaten or it just doesn't post properly.

didnt they fix that?

Which one of these mech battles are more degenerate;
The touhou one with the kikebot or the lesbian yanama kanako?

This is fucking gold. Great work user.




I cant see this being any less degenerate than the cleveland show

Holy shit did that look terrible
But i caught the underlying abstract concepts

Its starts off on a barren land, covered in crabs, this is obviously referring to a whores crotch
Secondly the man appears signifying the victim of said whore whilst the whore crawls around without him seeing her, signyfying her hidden true self all women are by definition evil

The baby is the child that never was his or was taken from him, take it what ever way you want, the man was meant to have a child and it was stolen by the whores filthy true self

Finally the man faces the dried up whales on the sure and the screaming, signifying the end of his search and the beginning of his suffering
The whore had become a dried up whale of a whore and the man must fight to save his child

\AS the ending come by the titles look like they're dripping into the sea, clearly they must represent the filth of society that the whales (dried up fat whores) survive in

did i do good Holla Forums?

Oh yes i forgot, the dead fish is the stank of her crotch

Yeah they fixed it a while ago it really only was happening when Josh was fucking up.

what a world, eh?

Its impossible to make a good resolution webm of this with good sound so im just gonna embed it

tbh my webm skills are null


wew lad

I wish i saved that argonian that kept spamming the MEMEMEMEMEMEME sound

What was the significance of the crude oil everywhere though?
Also what about the handprints all over the man's body- the sci fi handcuffs? Anything come to mind on the scar on his torso? Also the umbilical cord was attached to the guy for some reason?


Oh look, the animes got into my video games again.


Isn't Frank too old for that to be him? I know OTR isn't canon, but he was still aged by the time DR2 took place.

You make me sick.


The oil was the degeneracy of society, the pungent filth of mans desires and greed, the hand prints on the mans body were the childs as it left, this is due to the mother corrupting the child and turning it against the father

The sci-fi handcuffs were the law, specifically the cuffs forcing him to pay the whale money
The man was naked due to the having been ass raped by the law, The scar on his torso was when the whore tore out his heart

Finally the umbilical cord represented the fact that he was the true father by the nutrients that were given to the child, aka alimony and shit because shes raising a child by herself

Triggers me every time

Which dead rising is the best one to date? I haven't played any but want to try one of them out.






lets get slav in here

Off The Record

It's not the same one. I have a degree in Austistic Phonetics, its not the same scream.

Man, thank god my university has none of these assholes.



Fuck ppl are finally reposting them

This makes me happy, ppl were asking for it so I made them and then nothing for months




1 is probably the most interesting story-wise, but 3 had some pretty tight crafting and combat

I prefer 1 but I also played it extensively during a time in my life when I was really truly happy so it's probably "nostalgia" or at least as much nostalgia you can have for a game that's like what, eight years old




show by rock was garbage.

I hope RLM finds and kills you.


what about 2?




That's one huge… Those are balls aren't they?

I think he may have somehow fused two of them up against each other?

realistically, it's just an absurd fucking "puffy vulva"

or it's meant to be one, anyway

puffy labia. i dated a girl a long time ago who bought me one and she laughed for months about how "customizable" they are


I sure hope so

user explain this, with pics if possible

I don't have it anymore but basically you can buy these from a lot of sex stores, they're just an ass and pussy. you can get them in different "flavors" so to speak - bigger anus, smaller anus, with/without dick, big clit/no clit/dick clit, puffy labia/virtually no labia/just basically two holes, different colors, you name it

i never fucked it and in fact i put it on my mantel and would give that ass a slap as i entered the kitchen, it was oddly fulfilling

This depresses me so much, because I feel like I know you guys and the whole community that really plays games together, then these people with a shit ton of money and power somehow were able to manipulate not just the gamer base but our entire American infrastructure.

Within like 3 years from us mocking transchildren getting meds, we now have gender neutral bathrooms, videogames openly mocking us, political nominees talking about white privilege and how whites don't and can't possibly know about it. Like holy fuck how has this taken so many people so fast, why wont they listen either. They're just in their own world, which is actually our world and we've been forced out, ignoring anything else besides what they want to believe in. And the thing is that they have power too. They have fucking power and are effecting the outcome of this election. They are openly rioting and talking about forcing Marshall law and no one cares. Fucking Hillary has a 10 point lead over Trump somehow. She's fucking indited by the FBI and has a massive email scandal, she lied to the American public and the families of those who died in Benghazi. I just don't know what the fuck anymore.

Anons it's a fucking western hip. Japan sells these in tsundere and loli sizes- meanwhile western values make them into big phat asses with huge vagoos
Funny enough the western huge hips I heard were very loose and felt not nearly as good as the loli ones from the /jp/ threads and guides.

why aren't they killing blacks?

This webm gets so much better when you mentally convince yourself that it's Gary Busey dancing.

Because there are other races on this planet.. you obsessed cuck.

Should I get windows 10? Is the amount of exclusives worth it?

bullshit, this game is hard as fuck on death march.

that's why we're killing them.

It's not hard, just unfair.



OH god please no.

I have this.

Last Train
These two are best
Rest is mediocre at best

Was posted in the E3 thread yesterday

Only thing that surprised me was Resident Evil becoming a walking simulator. All the rest is crap like expected.

looks like they're turning him into nathan drake ;_;

dead rising 1 is the only game i actually want a remake of

nobody cares what you 360/ps3 babies want, your generation is cancer



Gonna need less video game webms

Baby got back

I mean I miss my windows 7, but when programs and shit start not working on 7 because of lack of support I felt I had to swap to 10, plus them united windows games brah.



that guy was me. even after I showed difficulty slider, my skill tree etc witcher 3 fags still called me "cheater", "bug user", exploit.

it's not. even dragon age cisquisition is harder

The scar was on his stomach and not on his chest though.

The quickest way to a mans heart is through his stomach
ffs user its clear as daylight



Not shown, that balloon was covered in pepper spray a few seconds earlier.

Sweet jesus, that looks like appleseed. What is it?

That's not even a metal gear! It's not nuclear equipped


what the fuck is this from??

It needs a 'You deny your weapon it's purpose' line.

best one


please tell me there is a video of someone fucking this thing

What? Who was recording the helicopter shot of him on the car? It doesn't even make sense as a joke.


objectively wrong







Frag movies are cool.


What's the music in this video from?
I feel like I recognize it but I can't tell what it's from


Her voice is weirdly satisfying to listen to. I like this

Where is this from, it's spooking me

lol why the hell is that kid playing online if he can't even take a little bit of griefing?

Like idk if the paid version is different, but I played the cracked version online with a friend and you just have to expect people to shit on your stuff.



yeah, it's appleseed alpha

I didn't like it that much

this comes from the vid embedded



Why would someone shoot the last person that said that, before throwing him out of a plane?

Cr1tikaL is the best.

You mean the sellouts who took disney movie to not talk shit about the latest star wars bullshit?

Cmon now

I can't describe the feeling I have, but it's oddly pleasant.

I don't want to live on this fucking planet anymore.

Which hitman is that from?


Finding Russian Machinima is like opening a gate to hell.


Only thing I really want is
For honor Tip Tip
and Ghost Recon wildlands

But Ubishit is making them so I dont have my hopes up

Fuck wrong webm

A guy recorded himself talking about the "intricacies" of Smash for over 20 minutes then out of the blue he gets up and he isn't wearing pants or boxers.

I ripped it and webm'd it before it was taken down, and sorry, I don't remember the channel.

Nah he's 111 off from that.

Does it have to be vidya?

Its from the new Hitman episode 3 I think

what in the fuck? She happens to have a weird fetish or is this some weird drug addicted person that somewhat got forced into it?

First the finns now the russians, whats with frozen hellholes and autism?

Fucking mongols…

Not at all disappointed, because I expected nothing. Actually, I'm happy because they're finally making a new Berserk game.

idk, but the music is legit and the people in traffic don't seem to notice

Reference to anita then?

What game is that

Probably just to show a nice 4th wall breaking


Try reading the replies before asking next time



No. Its a bunch of leftist propaganda. Yes, in a World War 1 setting. The game is about the Harlem Hellfighters, the only negroes in the entire war which there was a few dozen of. Lets just ignore the fact that millions and millions of whites fought that war, and make the game about the 20 negroes that did and were of no use in the war effort because of their squads infamous discipline problems.

Also one of the main characters in the campaign is a female Moslem bedouin cavalry warrior (???) even though the Turks didn't let any women fight.

if someone could give me a name for the damn thing, I could look it up.

what game?

Hahahahah jesus the kikes who made that movie are fucking stupid. What went through their mind when they thought "race war" sounds like a bunch of people racing cars.

The irony of BF1 is that there were actual wars where black people and women were a bigger factor than WWI……..but nobody cares about those (not even women and blacks themselves) so nobody will play the game

But they have to inject that diversity somewhere or else they are misogynists!

And thats the problem you see, women and blacks plain don't care about this shit nor their own history which most of them not only ignore but actively avoid learning about it. Compare this with asians who constantly make games inspired in their own history and legends, because they do care

I found some dude fucking a smaller one that has balls.


Does the hip shaking need to be so sensual?
**It's funny how much better that game looks compared to mighty scam number 9. Everything about it looks better, not just the overall art style. I never played the original Shantae games, but this one is showing some of the elements that made Megaman great, enemy placement acting as dynamic obstacles in conjunction with the level design, something MN9 failed miserably at, the enemies are mostly there to chain that stupid dash thing.

It's a movie… seems like it would make for a great game though. The name is appleseed


Trump better have McFarlane arrested for treason

I think you don't quite see the real cause of this shit. It's Jews. EA, Ubisoft, Bioware, DICE, these big companies have been hiring Jews lately and it shows in their products.

They don't actually care about blacks. The goal is to rewrite white history and make future generations think our countries were never ours. If we don't win, 30 years from now everyone will legitimately believe that Julius Caesar, Bismarck and George Washington were black.


none at all because im a cool poppa who doesnt like watching commercials

Then stop buying that shit you dumb faggot

This is the problem with you idiots, you keep giving these assholes money so of course they are going to keep fucking things up because thats where the money is!

"look at all these faggots paying us more for shitty games! we should keep making shitty games"

You are more likely to find WASPs shilling this shit, actual jews are also getting tired of this shit because much like asians they are being let out of the oppression racket

Reported. I know this is Holla Forums, but you’re reported, you fucking kike shill.

why didnt you stop it, user?!

give them a try, there are some gog installers and the rom for the gameboy floating around here. and if you like them vote with your wallet goyim!


The autismis in that webm is a person who would invite people to join his server, go into a death pit, kill them, then hoard all their stuff and keep their severed heads and such.

Eventually, complaints arose and an admin with a sense of humor went in to see if he could get the kid to knock it off. Needless to say, autismis did not like having his power taken out from under him.


why even bother?

The only thing worse than a b-tard, a pol summerfag

How old are you kid?


My fucking nigger


post sexy squid loli


did NISA localized bayonetta 3?



hebe is gone forever


jesus christ that giant mermaid boss




This looks like Shadow of the Colossus but without the cool boss battles.




That might make sense if this were a movie trailer


is this supposed to annoy me? am i supposed to find it cool? all it does is get me aroused


I came here just to see if someone had posted this.

It looks like it's gotten much farther then when I first saw it back in May 2015. How much does it have in the way of gameplay now?

What? Temmie Chang didn't do the programming for Undertale.
Forget I said anything.

This actually makes a lot more sense because Finn and tr8r were in the same squad (they only wrote this in after the popularity of a meme character)

I don't have the name for either of these but here are others I found from the same guy apparently


No much from what i've heard from the people in the general
Just a few weapons and they've started on skills

They've yet to touch ranged weapons or magic

Gone home has great recycling mechanics.

pls tell me these aren't the minimum sizes

WTF HAS Holla Forums DONE

Magic. That's the Thule Society's work.

anyone knows anything about those butts?

I would like one