Its time for more Jimpact!

These shills think they can continue. I think they need a reminder of why they ran and hid. Fash the Nation and TRS clearly didn't get the message.

NYPA. Sage

Why do you think we attacked them?
They shilled their bullshit here after being warned several times.
They really haven't been back since. They learned their lesson. OP is a faggot.

hehe yeah lets go after some evil racists instead of SJWs.

Did they?

What was that again?


There's another one.

Who do you think has been making those threads kvetching about how the mods persecuted the poor TRSodomites?

Kys, Schlomo. The lesson they had to learn was to not raid pol. It seems like they learned that lesson. It wasn't to not produce content.

These TRShills just keep pilling on.

You're only going to make it worse. So FTN ran and hid because they were spooked. There had to be a lead on the dox. We need that lead. Namefags need to understand.

Well that didn't work. Guess you'll have to start false-flagging as TRS instead. Gotta make the alt-right eat their own, right?

No, YOU need to understand. FTN is quality work and you're a faggot.

No.It isn't. None of the TRS brands were ever any good, and you're fucking dumb for thinking that they were.

Holla Forums isn't alt-kike.

Whatever you say kikes.


Kek. Go back to where you came from. The only problem with FTN coming back is that faggots like you will try to dox them.




Doesn't sound like a threat to me. Our issues have been over for months, who cares what they do now? The only way you would misunderstand what happened is if you weren't there, and fuck off if you weren't. It was controversial enough what we did, but it was right. Attacking them now is just bringing up old stupid shit.

And that's why all Lolbergs must be ovened.

Its inevitable. It is going to happen. Now go tweet this thread to him. Disappearing like they did indicates they have quite a bit to lose from being doxed. They need to remember that.

A third of Holla Forums were TRS listeners before Enoch got doxed. Only about half of them actually turned on TRS. The other half understood why he was still with his wife, whom he married ten years before becoming red pilled. That means a sixth of Holla Forums users are still like TRS. You can call these people Jew shills all you want, but they're just anons who disagree with you about muh ecelebs.

Okay, Chaim.

Okay, Hershel.

Okay, Moishe.

But we produced all the memes that ever came out that were funny or worth remembering. All TRS did was join a honeypot led by a chump kike married to a Jewess who's only slightly less creepy than Lena Dunham.

Death to TRS.

Who is this faggot in the video?


Death to TRS.

They are Jew shills. The purity spiral must continue so that the only ones left around are the only ones worth a damn. Anyone who falls outside the purity spiral was damned and lost to begin with.

Do you get it yet?

You will not; you son of a bitch, make slaves of Anons!


They are at this point the highest quality regular content since WLP's broadcasts.

You can scream all you want, but there is nothing else you can point me towards.

Why do you need content when there is work to be done?

Answer that.

I don't see you saying anything about degenerate NEETs who go on on for hours about their Japenese cartoon waifus. But I guess thats muh board culture and the body pillows are ironic.

It's like you faggots want to get jimpacted again or something. If you're fine with what Eunuch did, you should be involved with White Nationalism or be posting here.

Fuck off.

*shouldn't be involved


Why do you need content when there is work to be done? Why do you need podcasts? Why do you need media? Why the fuck aren't you, the ubermensch, leading the (((movement))) right now?!

Because you're not pro-white. You're just pro-you. You want to sit on your ass and donate your way to victory because you think that TRS was effective in anything but scamming shekels.

I do. You just haven't been listening.

Go back to >>/trs/

They must be JIMPACTED!



Why do you need content? Why do you need podcasts? Why do you need media intake when there is fucking WORK to be done?

Answer this.

Why do you need content? Why do you need podcasts? Why do you need a media empire when there is work to be done?

You got pretty Jimpacted on April 1st, though, didn't you.

How many days was it before you could go back to posting about who is best girl? A week?



Why do you need podcasts?


Why do you need podcasts? Why do you need content?

Filter all you want. The question still stands:

Why do you need content? Why do you need podcasts? Why do you have to have media intake when there is work to be done?

Why aren't you a leader? Why do you need podcasts?

There's a lot of sperging going on here.



Why do you need podcasts? Can you answer that question? Why do you need the opinions of Kike Enoch and the rest of them? Why can't you just work?

Why does it?

Seriously. Why do you need podcasts? Why those particular podcasts? Why did they betray their base by lying?

Why do you need podcasts when there is work to be done?


Why do you need content? Why do you need podcasts? What good did it do you?


Why do they need podcasts? Can you think of a reason why they have to have media content all the time in order to not shill here?

Why does there have to be a podcast? Why is content important?

Why do you need redtext for everything?

I'm not defending hobbyist internet wannabe radio.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. TRS especially so. Why do you need content?

Answer this.

Jewish wives are the last stand of implicit white identity.

Different people become red pilled in different ways. Is your goal honestly to have all the white men find their way to Holla Forums?

Media matters because it's one way to reach people. It's one form of propaganda. You can't just fucking hit the streets in an SS uniform tomorrow. You need to create a culture that promotes white identity and interests. Doing so likely involves the need for some kind of media.

I understand the dislike for namefagging but honestly when anons are desperately aligned with anti-fa like this user, you start to wonder how many shills are here.



It's part of my posting style. It just comes out that way. I've been doing it that way for a while now. Anyone who's seen my posts will recognize it.

And I didn't expect you to defend it. It's a question they nor us can answer.

Why does there have to be a podcast, Holla Forums?

I can redtext -and- bold. Your argument is invalid.

Oh look its Zon Khuthon again. Still psycho I see. Could you speak into the microphone and describe what you mean by "work?" Yeah, you're being monitored. Heavily.

Antifa pls.

One of the doxed ones.

Most of their traffic and many of their podcasts went to DS.

Do you know why they have to have podcasts?

And I wonder how many shekels Peinnovich lost in that?

Sinead is a coalburning whore. Everything about her sucks. Just because we hate TRS doesn't mean we like Sinead.

Why does there have to be a podcast? Why do you need media content? Why can't you just work?

You faggots haven't learned anything.

Asses and Dildos

So why do you need a podcast?

So which one are you? And why do you need a podcast?

Can you answer that? Why do you need a podcast to survive? Why does there have to be a "content creator" and why does it have to be TRS? Especially after the Kike Enoch debacle?

And yes, I'm always around. And no, my crazy doesn't work that way. There's nothing you can do to activate it. Who knows? Maybe I was playing you all for fools the entire time?

Either way, I'm right and you know it!


Can you answer the question? Can you tell me why there must be a podcast and why it must be TRS that does it?


Why do you need a podcast? Why do you need content? Why do you need a media empire owned by some kike and his kike wife?

Why do you need it? Why can't you just work?

How do I "work?" What should I do?

Just filter that faggot.

Don't even bother with him. He could as well ask "Why do you need Holla Forums LOL"

Fuck off, nigger.

To think I was actually subscribed to this guy cause I liked his music stuff
Fucking unsubbed HARD

Thanks for the heads up guys

no u

You do a job. That makes you money. And then you pay taxes and try to acquire property to pass down to your kids, if you have any.

Why do you have to have this media? What about it do you need?

Nah, I need this nutjob to say something actionable.


FTN offered nothing but quality content during the election season. Fuck off

He realized fedora tipping has gone from edgy to cringeworthy and jumped ship.

This isn't even an argument. You can, and should, both have a job and support a family and form/join/perpetuate pro-white communities and movements. There is no reason why a podcast with 100k listeners cannot be one of those communities.

This isn't a fucking choice, faggot.

I seriously doubt that was the "Ashes and Echoes" guy. That was more blackpilled and nihilistic.

And they're ALL like that. Every last member of TRS is cucked.

I did. You work. Pay taxes, pass property down to your kids. Start businesses. That sort of thing.

Normie shit that you all like to do, but you can then be racist while you do it. No need for a bullshit artist podcast.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

No, they didn't. FTN was never good. No podcast has ever been worth a shit. You fuck off.

Yes it is a choice.

It was led by a fucking Jew with a Jew wife.

TRS cannot be one of those communities because it was led by a Jew. It was a cult. Deal with it. You got scammed. Deal with it. Richard Spencer is a faggot. Deal with it.


Oh, how little do you really know of me.

Did you think that the utter blackness of my nadir was ALL there was?

You haven't been observant enough. Now get back to saging.


But he's still like that. Just about different things. You cannot take the cancer out of the namefag.


The Syria strike is going to make it even worse for him. Regardless of what Trump's motives were, the outcome is bad for them.

The video was made by Renegay, but it's Eunuch the moment he learned his shekel farm was about to dry up.

Knew it

Fash the Nation was always pretty good. It was Daily Shoah that wasn't. They've separated from Daily Shoah and have gone their own way, to my knowledge. This is a non-story.

You are actually fucking stupid. Why would we need "content"? Because that's how any political message get spread. Through fucking "content", i.e propaganda. What do you mean by "work". The most important work that has to be done is in propagandising.

I get the kike wife thing, but this whole "hurr durr TRS sux cuz they shilled on our sacred board, they must be destroyed for that" is nothing short of insane.


I'm right and you know it.


Here's something actionable:

Mike Enoch should get fucked in divorce court and shekeled for everything he owns for the rest of his life.


Why do you need a podcast? Why does it have to be TRS? Why can we not criticize TRS? How were they anything other than edgy, racist lolbergs?

Answer this.



Hey, mods, BO, whoever. Stop harboring shit threads like this or lose your site for another week. You didn't fix everything.



Are FtN returning to TRS or going somewhere else? This is important. Their content was at most times wholly separate from TRS at large and they never took sides or condoned what happened with Enoch.

Just so I'm not called a shill I will say that I stopped listening after Halberstram or however you spell his name, the co-host, said Tila Tequila was a 'real American' because she was born there.

But there's absolutely no reason to attack them unless they've returned to TRS.

No. They weren't. They have never been good. Ever. FTN was always shit. TDS was always shit. Fatherland was always shit. Nothing good has ever come out of TRS and you fucking know it.

Okay. Thanks for answering!

So, who must spread that message? Does the medium also matter? Can a corrupted person or compromised person spread a pure message?

And was TRS effective in this? Did they sustain their efforts? Did they do it for free?



I'm right and you know it.

But it can. And it did. Hell, I infiltrated TRS at one point. Many people have. Why does it have to be TRS? Why does it have to be a podcast? Why can't it be someone who's not compromised?

Answer this.

Because you didn't want any of us on TRS forums. That's why. Do you want to post with us or do you want us gone?

Do it. I dare you.

TRS has always been shit.

Fucking. Liar.

Nobody has ever wished me well. Ever. Nobody has ever been my friend. Ever.

I see a reason. It's called:

They praised Tila Tequila who is a dumb whore who should have been shot upon her first TV appearance.

The outcome is always bad for all of us. Where the fuck do you think you are?

It's like you think that the world can be tamed or molded and that fate won't just strike you down when she feels it's convenient.

You know nothing.

Last I heard, they were separating from the site. We'll have to wait and see I guess. TRS is a dead horse. Has anyone checked the amount of comments they get on their articles nowadays? Before the Enoch exposure, it was in the hundreds; now they're lucky if they get a dozen or two. Fuck everyone who just calls people shills for voicing their opinion. You're cancer incarnate or just kampfy also cancer incarnate.

And no. Renetards are all shit too. Everyone Sinead has ever associated with in person is guilty.

All things are cancer user. What else is there? It's always cancer from one angle or another.

And again: They played nice with Tila Tequila and Dicky Spencer. They should be assumed to be compromised and anything they say assumed to be worthless until someone can comb over every moment of their entire lives for black marks.

They are.

According to multiple people, McFeels was with Eunuch and Spencer in DC just days after the Jimpacting.

FtN is not Holla Forums content and should be spammed out like you're kindly doing here, but attacking them and getting their dox is unnecessary unless they're TRS. If they're TRS I'll do it myself.

TRS forums died a very quick death as well, I had an account that missed the purge which I deleted a month or so after. Less than 100 posts a day, most off-topic, none of the 'pool-party' groups survived from what I saw.


I dare you. Do it, motherfucker. All it does is make Holla Forums leak out into the rest of the internet.

You ain't shit. Nobody is.

I should have known we were going to hear about the sodomites again when that article came up and it made excuses for kike enuch and the TRS fags covering for him.

Yeah I don't know what was up with the way they coddled Tila Tequila. It seemed at odds with literally everything else they were doing.

You realize Trump isn't actually a white nationalist, right?

Sinead has posted on Holla Forums.
You posted on Holla Forums.
You obviously have to go.

And thus they should be targeted and Jimpacted from the face of the internet forever.

See the above statements andposts. They are TRS. They're the core Talent of TRS, the only thing that people listened to during the heyday of it.

Do it.They are the enemy.

I will always love you, and count you among one of my closest online friends. I will always wish you great joy every time I see your beautiful postings that only fill me with happiness.

I agree with the sperging user you should stop listening to them but if you enjoy listening to kikes say something you occasionally agree with then whatever more power to you.

I said in person, you fucking mong.

And they coddled Tila because they're all simps who are so hard up that they'll consider racemixing if it got their dick wet.


I'd gladly go if someone could actually clear the conditions of my suicide. But nobody's willing to do that, not even the rich twits that run TRS or the rest of the alt-kike. If only they had put up the dosh to set my family up so they wouldn't need me, I'd have shot myself live on periscope in downtown Birmingham.

But, like everything else TRS does, there is no substance to their beliefs. Just edgy lolbergs.

So much fucking red text. What a bunch of faggets.

That's not good enough.

And no, you cannot create that culture at all. If you try, Jews and faggots infiltrate. I have never been aligned with antifa. Ever.

Everything about TRS was shit and you know it.

You can't even spell faggot right. Why should we take anything you have to say seriously. Remind Svenpai that we have his home address.

Spelling it properly might offend based fags.

Fucking. Godsdamned. Liar.

You can't even get my callsign right. Why should anyone bother with you?


Ahh. Forgot they owed so much money to Dicky Spencer that they had to blow him at every NPI.

Reported. Filtered and now we've know that we've started winning.

TRSodomites reduced to posting racemixing porn.


If is true, be on the lookout for the dox threads once FtN returns to TRS. FtN was by far the most popular podcast on TRS and them leaving likely caused more damage to the cucked userbase than the actual Enoch scandal.

To reiterate, TRS needs to die. It's currently dying and shouldn't be allowed to come back, which it would do if FtN returned. Enoch knowingly committed fraud when he took donations for his podcast and site with a Jewish wife and represented himself as a moral authority. He ran a community where people were banned and ostracized under similar circumstances (non-White spouses, etc). They're hypocrites and Jews.

Reminder to report and block Shareblue threads.

Don't get sucked into slide threads.

Gtfo my board, faggot

My grumpy, grumpy, friend, what should I call you, then?

That's not what they seem to think, to them, we betrayed white nationalism.

That'll do.

You're trying too hard.


TRS deserves this. For every time they fucking come back around.

They're TRSodomites what did you expect?

This. I was banned and ostracized because of my issues, but Wyatt was kept around and every other degenerate that was doxed there was worse than me.

No. Never.


Go back to TRS.

You don't have to call me anything really. That's why were here and not anywhere else.

And you're not my friend. Nobody has ever been my friend. Ever.

That's because lolbergs always project.

That's not actionable faggot.

Because I'm going to send him a free Torah. To promote reconciliation with Mike and his wife.

And you're not trying at all.


Remind Svenpai we have his home address. That's not actionable or illegal. That's called research.

Ashes and Echoes

Threadly reminder that TRS and all TRS podcasts must be destroyed.

Daily reminder that ID ab8207 is a faggot.


TRSodomites using "good goy" as a compliment will never stop being funny.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. TRS was always shit and you know it. They have never produced good content and you know it.

Kike. Wife.

They're retarded. What did you expect?

Just flood him with carebears every time you see him.


If you want to do a poor imitation of ponyfaggot CIAniggers, go ahead. I won't stop you.

It just makes you look gay.

And you claimed to be a friend. Heh.

They love to point out our mods and forget that they're ran by a jew. I just hope we won't have to rekt them again, why do they have to come here ?


They come here because this is where they get their memes, their news spin, and they hope, our support.

We must simply deny them.

Why do you have to be such a fag with your redtext ? Just speak normaly.

I am your friend, and I want everyone else to be yours as well, thus the suggestion of carebears for you. it is a bit cringe though posting these; I do it for your benefit.

I don't think they come here at all anymore. As was pointed out earlier, their site is dying. The forums get only around 100 posts a day, and their news articles get only a handful of comments.

It's just part of my posting style. Be glad I'm not screaming blackpill vitriol and screaming even worse. It's a formatting trick that never really went away.

It's for when I want you to read something before you read anything else. Notice how you have to fight your eyes just a tiny bit to not pick out the red text?

You look like a faggot when you do that. There's no point.

There isn't any benefit it could have for me. Do you get it yet? It's not working. All it does is make me hate everything that exists even more.

Don't get me started on this shit…

I see we're already getting closer.

The doxxings really cut their nuts off, didn't it?

They still come here whenever someone mentions them. Maybe we should ban all discussion on TRS so they leave…

No. You're not. There's nowhere for you to get. None.

Do you get it yet?

One would think. But I don't think so. Too many IRL networks and meetups were made for these fucks to just quit.

The only thing I have to fight is the urge to filter you due to having troubles reading your messages properly because of the horrid mix of redtext and the way you jump a line between two phrases.

Stop Posting In COINTELPRO Threads.

We are still being raided unless you forgot

Then just filter me then. If you don't care, you don't care. If you're going to read my posting, you've gotten used to my posting style.

Why do you even give a fuck?

De-Politicize ourselves then? That's nice Gideon.

So you're mentally ill and all this hyperbolic shitposting against imaginary enemies is a cry for help.

Okay then.

I never said that.

I merely said that you didn't have to have a podcast network run by a Jew with a Jew wife who scams your shekels to be political.

I'm actually okay with this, Ash-chan.

Nobody was talking about them for months, yet they were still spamming those articles about "compromised mods".

Autists are incapable of admitting they were wrong, they're never going to give up.

I don't like to filter.

You're obviously not from around here if you didn't know this already.

Why don't you go back to wherever you're from?

Someone with mod-powers would have to do it. And we know our mods won't do anything that's actually good for us.


But y tho?

Seriously, why? If you hate my posting style, you hate my post content, you hate my tone and rhythm of speaking…

Why would you not filter it?

It's an imageboard, unless it's CP or cuckspam, filtering is faggot tier behavior, and I don't hate the content I'm just annoyed by the way you post what you have to say.

The mods are compromised, and while that user did defend TRS in part of his article, that wasn't the meat of it. His main point was self-improvement threads, Ayran idealism, and NS threads are getting deleted or anchored and turning Holla Forums into nothing more than endless shitposting about news stories. I doubt he's a part of TRS. I've seen him posting on .pl as well, where he originally put up the article. I think he just had a different opinion than others about TRS.

Just how it's going to go, man. This is how I post. It's somewhat similar to the way I talk in person, but considering that nobody who's here has ever met me in person, it works out.

Threadly reminder that TRS must be destroyed.

I have not seen any proof that Enoch left his wife.

Also, I have strong reason to believe 'McFeels' is a Jew.

Do you get paid to do this?

That's just how it's going to go. .pl is probably compromised, endchan and any other board are probably compromised if not outright monitored.

And honestly, the self improvement threads and all those other things aren't really going to help anyone who's here. If you're here, you're either someone with enough agency that you can do those things on your own, or you're like me and beyond all hope of improvement so such discussion is useless and only serves to demoralize.

That's why I shit up women threads so hard. Because nothing in it helps, it's just demoralizing. Holla Forums should be about digging threads and cyberwarfare against the Jews.

No, I post what I think. And I do it for free.

Now go back to TRS.

I some what agree with you there, but we can't just throw around the Jew accusation without something to go on. It took a bit to gather that Kike Enoch was Kike Enoch.

The whole enoch divorce is a scam imo, she was in on it, some user explained it a while back in this screencap.

Care to elaborate?

why? there are 1000s of podcasts out there that are actively promoting marxist agenda. go kill these 1st, then we can purge TRS. I enjoy my weekly merchant minute, tyvm

Reported for spamming.

Nah, it should be about cyber warfare against the jews AND self-improvement. That's what anons, for the most part, want, as evidenced by those types of threads filling up extremely quickly with positive posts. I've learned so much from those threads over the years, and I'm sure many others have as well. It is also essential in forming a sense of community, which is probably the main reason they've been banned: jews don't want whites to have a sense of community ANYWHERE.

Why does there need to be a podcast at all.

You enjoy the merchant minute?

Then you're a cuck. Morrakiu is a shit and you know it.

Why can't we just kill all the podcasts?


I'm right and you know it. Call it spam all you want.


You don't get it. I don't think you can.

There is no way to form a sense of community. How do you form a community from threads that illustrate how much you've fucked up your entire life and how you'll never be able to fix it or catch up to your peers so any improvement is pointless?

I can't really do the self-improvement thing, fam. It doesn't work for me. I'm not saying those threads should be banned. They shouldn't, because others might be able to benefit.

But don't be shocked if I don't thunder into that shit to tell you how everything is fucked and nothing can ever get better. Just saying…


Reported for being a TRSoddomite.

Morrakiu is entertaining and is actually redpilling normies.

Your sperging is kind of entertaining as well, but it gets old fast.

Why shouldn't there be a podcast? Why do I care. Why should I exert myself to kill a podcast that goes against the narrative from time to time when there are 1000s of them out there that are activelly pushing marxist agenda??

This is why I know you are a fucking kike, faggot.


I don't get how that works at all. How do you find a community from self-improvement threads? How do you gain a sense of community from literature threads or other things like that? How does it not just demoralize the shit out of you and make you hate yourself?

Because I can't even try to start into those without feeling suicidal.

Whatever. Morrakiu isn't redpilling anyone who isn't already here. Everyone who is going to choose a side, has already chosen a side. Anyone else, is useless.

And we can shut down marxist podcasts and TRS too. Deal with it.

Morrakiu is a shit and you know it.

fuck off my board, kike.

I don't go to TRS though.

Then go back to wherever you came from, because it certainly isn't here.

Pretty much the nail on the head there, user.

They're not all about fuck-ups. It's also about learning new things or viewpoints you never would have before, or learning what National Socialism is really about, which is being censored now. And besides, some anons need a lift-up from time to time, being completely alone in their views and feeling isolated. It does help.

there is nothing wrong with TRS, I would go there if I had an account. There is a lot of wrong with spergs like you, though.
Plz eat a shotgun.

I've been here since the first exodus, newfag.


Some people feel inspired hearing about stories of other anons or ways to improve. Some people become inspired when they receive advice from fellow anons on their life situations; they feel like they're being heard and understand for once in their lives and actually talking to someone who gets them. It's not that complicated, Ash-chan.

You're not getting it.

It is all about fuckups, when everything is a fuck up for you. There's no lift-up to be had, man. None at all. It doesn't help me, but it might help others; so that just makes me feel worse.

That's not how it works. That can't be how it works.

But, maybe that's why…

And nobody gets me. And nobody cares. And nobody can really help. And nobody is hearing a damn word I say.

So, it doesn't do any good for me.

Then just filter me and move on.

All this transparent shilling from the kikes makes me think that you are very afraid of TRS, makes me want to find out more, since they are obviously doing something right to instill such a fear and concentrated shilling campaign.

Get out of your head for a while, Ash-chan. Go run in the woods or do something physical.

TRS is kikes.

I can't. It's not possible. That doesn't get me out of my own head. I cannot get out of my own head. It's a constant running, screaming thing that never stops no matter what I do. Running or any kind of heart-rate increasing thing makes it worse. And then the voices start. And the flashbacks.

Sorry, not an option. Suicide would have a bigger success rate than trying to get out of my own head.

You're here forever.


Why am i not suprised that TRS faggot are sliding along with the /leftyfag/ and reddit?
Could propably be because they are paid by the same kikes.

That's why we're saging.

Are they DDoSing again?

Christ, this thread is a dumpster fire.

I don't have any lag.

I was getting the cloudflare 504 page.

I just reloaded my page a few times to test but still nothing.

You're the dumpsterfire for using the nu-pol meme.

Probably. Knowing that faggot Wyatt and Weev the Jew..

I would like to congratulate us, Holla Forums, together
Wew lad, filth has been purged

Now I'm going to have to cuck here
IMHO Jazz and Mcfeels did nothing wrong. "They should jewy" isn't enough to merit a dox. They abandoned ship when it was time to abandon ship and want to have a radio program again, that's their prerogative. IIRC from january-december purge McFeels was fucking livid and jumped ship immediately when he found out - what's the issue?

That being said
ok dude i'm sorry you clearly have some kind of vendetta

Not really. I just hate TRS. I red-text because it's how I post. Deal with it.

The issue is that they're going back to TRS. But, if they don't attack Holla Forums again in their media or try to farm us for clicks via shilling, we should just let them be lolbergs somewhere else.

Ok so this Enoch guy married a Jew and you guys went after him like a swarm of piranhas. OK. So why have you been slobbering all over Trump's kosher cock for over a year and continue to do it?

And this was before he put fucking missiles on Assad's air base. Explain this shit to me

That was shilling. He was with Eunuch in DC days later, and now he's back on TRS.


Wanna know who the true enemies of the white race are?
People making white nationalist podcasts.

this shit is getting old

Deal with it.

And they aren't white nationalists. At all. They consider Jews white. They have based Jews and faggots. They promote racemixing.

TRS is trash.

And you can call it getting old all you want. I'm right and you know it. Why does there need to be a podcast? Why can't you just do it on your own?

sure thing pajeet

Whatever. I'm still right. You still know it. TRS is still shit. You still know it.

And it'll keep going…


All they're doing is restarting a fucking podcast, kill yourself OP.

E-celeb drama thread.

Honestly, I'm getting tired of this. You fags all need a containment board.
I just want all of you to fuck off. All of you. How many thousands of fag e-celebs are there out there ? Are we going to go after all of them until the only people left are anonymous keyboard warriors ? And are we going to spam the fuck out of Holla Forums until we just stop talking about politics and news and become the autist anti-eceleb crusade ? Because that's what happens every fucking time we do this. We just drop everything and sperg out over some unimportant youtube channel or some gay internet radio show.

Stop shitting up my Holla Forums with your aids autism.

And you can hop IDs all you want. And you can write it up all you want. And you can post screencaps on the 504rums all you want.

I'm right and you know it. TRS is shit and you know it.

Hop IP's again. They're not just doing a podcast. They're doing a subversive podcast that farms money from people who would otherwise be productive members of the race and sinks them into faggotry.

FTN Dindu nuthin

Then report it to the mods and see if they delete the thread.


Burn Them All.

Every last one should be purged. No namefags.

No. They didn't. They never produced a single piece of good content and they've always been shit.


Apparently not.

Wow, this thread is a shitshow.

It's strange, VERY STRANGE, that "we" suddenly care about TRS again after FTN says they'll come back
really makes your almonds work
nah, I guess it's time to go back to sleep.

Can someone explain to me why what a guy did before he was redpilled has anything to do with what he did after?

I don't even like Mike, but Jesus Christ guys really? This literally nothing but a purity spiral orchestrated by D&C shills who want to make sure we are incapable of holding ourselves together. You're acting like communists.

They're back.



No, they haven't.

TRS is a shitshow.

The purity spiral is right. Purity spirals continue forever. The only ones left will be the only ones worthy of deliverance.


Threadly reminder that TRS must be destroyed.

Ashes and Echoes



TRS is not white nationalist.




That's it, pumpkin. Go back to shitposting your life away now ;)

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. TRS has always been shit and you know it.

Well somebody is certainly doing the shilling.

When I was in high school I had a friend who was Jewish, whoops, guess I'm out.

Since were confessing sins here, I should let you know that I'm actually Irish, and while anyone who knows jackshit about DNA knows that Ireland has the most pure European haplogroup, thanks entirely to their isolationism, I've been told by the anglos that the only true white race is British, so I don't belong here on that account either.

Never been to TRS or listened to their shit. I'm just here because you're spilling your spaghetti all over the place and it's fucking hilarious

Did you marry that jewish friend and stay with them even after supposedly being redpilled?

lol no one can fuck with that. Holla Forums BTFO.

Wait, really? Where are you seeing that?

Why so militant if you just don't like something?

where are proofs

It was confirmed that a significant portion of the shill raid was the work of spencer. I wouldnt be shocked at all if trs was involved.

How does one look at download counts?


Yeah, you are out.

You're overlooking it. It's about how they shill for jews, acceptance of jews and tolerance of fags.

Spaghetti must be spilled.

There is nothing else.

Probably. They're always like that.



And that's why Richard Spencer should be shunned.

He's a plant at best. He's a rich twit who is only racist because he's a faggot who likes white twinks.


Threadly reminder that TRS must be destroyed.

I respect your trips, but honestly all this sperging of yours has made me want to check out TRS more than any amount of shilling ever did.

Good job I guess


I don't want to be defending Mike, what do you actually expect someone to destroy a 10-year marriage over that? It's easy to claim you would, but could you really? I'm not saying it was right, but when Mike realized he couldn't hide it anymore they decided to get a divorce, it shows weakness from him for not doing it sooner, but he's not trying to defend her which to me seems more important.

We know you are a TRS plant or some buzzfeed kike just stop you are overdoing it.

That was another lie, they're still together.

pic related

Kek what a retard, I bet you are one of to those pale toothless hicks parading with swastikas.

Im going to check trs just to show you how little smalldicked fags like you matter to normal people.

Okay. Go ahead. You'll be severely disappointed.


It's more important as to where the donation money went and if they kept the IDs of people who donated.

If they're not lying about the divorce altogether.

Nigger, I'm one of the most prolific posters on this fucking board when the mods don't ban me for being blackpilled.

You bow the fuck down. Get the fuck out. Never come back.

Ashes and Echoes

Then go back there.

This makes a big difference. If he divorced his wife when he figured out she was a kike, or when he got redpilled, then he's ok in my book. That takes massive balls.


On that note if I recall someone's daughter is married to a kike and that particular daughter just happened to order strikes on Syria.

What's wrong with being militant?

Nice try, OP. Join with me in destroying these racists, fellow Nazis :^)

get out

But he didn't. He knew she was Jewish the entire time. If he didn't, he's retarded and he deserves ridicule for that alone.

You DO NOT marry a Jewess and NOT know she's a Jewess.

Never been there but if someone makes a nazi (it is a slur) chimpout like a literal nigger then they must be doing something right

Please stop, my sides can't take it.

because they got what they deserved already and haven't attacked us again since that we know of.



Why don't you go back to Israel, you redtexting faggot?

Why? Why do you hate them so? I understand if you dislike the listeners because they raided Holla Forums, but they appear to have fucked off for the most part. If you hate Mike for his kike wife, then do you hate Trump for giving his daughter away to a kike? Personally I don't.

You really think an appeal to mercy is going to work?



Oh, I thought you were white and had empathy, sorry.

Because you have no self-respect.

Empathy for what?

The post quality from everyone is this thread is absolutely abhorrent. TRS has mostly long since fucked off. A sudden resurgence in this and the entirety of this thread is going to lead me to believe that it's a diversion away from the current influx of CIAniggers, Holla Forums, and March Against Trump. If there is an actual problem with TRS, go into their forums and chats and acquire proofs of such, which shouldn't be too difficult because they're guaranteed going to kvetch about it. Post it in this thread, and if it's not a fabrication, that'll give me the word and we'll fuck their shit up like last time. The dongs are ready at the flip of a switch. Until then, this thread is fucking garbage and we need to fuck up the shit of all the others that have come here within the last week. TRS is fucking nothing, and we'll fuck them up like they're nothing.


Empathy for those who got themselves involved with TRS that weren't really part of the whole pool party bullshit like FTN.

No, because it's none of my business. Or it shouldn't be, but Kushner seems to like sticking his nose into the white house too much.

If Ivanka and Jared just fucked off and kept to themselves, there would be no issue.

Why the plural, there's only one nigger spilling his redtext.

Oy vey, my secret 8ch post is leaked!!!!

No, they didn't fuck off. They're still here and you know it.

I hate them because they're fake as hell and compromised all the way to the top. Just like I hate Richard Spencer, Jack Donnovan, and every other e-celeb.

Burn. Them. All.

All. Night. Long.

No. Never.

Ashes and Echoes

Liar Liar.

Set yourself on fire.

But, for the most part you're right. But there's nothing saying we can't just hit all the targets at once with a massive attack.

Sounds Jewish.

But I'm not a virgin, though… They know my story just as well as anyone else. It's in the pastebin.


I don't actually. If you have proof of it, I would like to see it.

Still waiting on someone to tell me the TRS definition of white nationalism.

But user, you don't understand! These people who seem to have come out of nowhere, who have no arguments, and whose posting style sticks out like a sore thumb are telling us that FTN is the enemy. What more do you need? If the autistic redtexting of good ol' >(71), who has a 0.00% chance of being a shill, doesn't convince you, then I just don't know what will!

kek, good

Why would I empathize with losers like that?

You're talking about the highest political office in the U.S., it's your goddamn business.

It's true, doesn't he know the mutual userbase of this board and TRS are like how plebbit and 4chan were back in 2009/10?

The proof is in all the >>(1) posts who try to defend TRS.

I'm being diplomatic and trying to approach from what I assume is his standpoint.

Getting your butthole stretched foesnt count

I've met Jazzhands Mc Feels. He isn't Jewish. However, he and all the other TRS inner circle was aware of and complicit in the jewing of the TRS community. They all knew that Mike's wife is jewish. If Fash the Nation just does their podcast and doesn't raid and shill here like TRS does then we wont give a fuck. We have nothing fundamentally against White Nationalists doing a podcast, however, TRS and Mike's crew are NOT White Nationalists. They are an obvious fraud and everyone who supports them while knowing what we know is also an obvious fraud aka Spencer, Damigo and the rest of the Alt Kike.

Why did you even meet with them in public? What good did it do you?

A lot of the faggots that actually bought into the Alt-Right meme and tried to make it a thing were the ones that did an instant knee-jerk reaction towards the airstrip strike like snakes in the fucking grass. If these faggots are going to shill le dump drumpf I have absolutely no problem in glassing them.

Mate, if you're actually serious, you have got to stop doing this. It's really cancerous. And don't worry, they really are fucking nothing and we'll gas them and their (((based nationalist Jews))).

I want to ask a question is the guy with polish IP who creates threads on 4chan in support of Spencer also present in this thread.

I know user id ab8207 with 73 posts is a british IP guy who clashes with polish IP over there.

wow let's watch another thread where shareblue and antifa pretend to argue with themselves while we all sit bemused at what the fuck they're doing because they're pissed someone is signalling against regime change in syria. fucking hell could this shit be any more obvious. I mean fuck TRS but still this shit again. and you know the fucks who made this thread will shit up the board distracting from important topics for another month or so. seriously fuck off antifa and fuck off shareblue. or is it thepurityspiral doing this?

It was in private. At the time I was involved with an activist organization because I thought they were legitimate. Turns out they aren't legitimate so I left a while ago.

You're right, it is my business but it shouldn't be. I should have said that in the first place. Ivanka and her kike husband can't keep their mouths shut, but if they did, it wouldn't bother me that Trump's daughter married a kike. That's unfortunate, but it's her decision. The issue again is, they can't keep their mouths shut.

If I wanted to read cuckold fanfiction I'd just go to plebbit.

Oh my god why does anyone support someone who isnt The Kosher Donald?

Have you heard of the maxim "play the argument and not the man"? Even if somebody who on a personal level has serious shortcomings puts forward a good argument, the argument is, in and of itself, still a good argument. TRS, in the year and a half or so I followed them on a regular basis, didn't cuck on the JQ in spite of Peinovich's dubious personal situation. I didn't agree with them on everything, but they never said anything genuinely ideologically objectionable. If you think they did, please do let me know what it was exactly.

And yes, the medium does actually matter. Imageboard culture is only going to spread so far on it's own. To carry the message to a wider audience, you need more normie-accessible mediums, like podcasts and facebook pages.

Turning on a popular pro-white media outlet whose message doesn't differ from your own in any meaningful capacity just because some of its denizens had the audacity to promote it on a public NS imageboard is retarded and petty. It doesn't even come across as being based on any actual grievances, just petty, immature spite.

You have to go back.

Yes, and whom does their activity benefit? Does it benefit us or does it benefit it benefit the Leftist and the Jew? Do they advocate friendship to Israel, or toleration for Jews, or pro-nigger stances?

"Cui bono?" is all you need to ask, and it is only the Jewish power-structure that would benefit if we adopted your stance on TRS. Their association with non-Whites is not to be applauded, but we live in the society we live in, and your demand for perfection only sabotages our aims.

You can read about it on their site: a White ethnostate, the exclusion of non-Whites from our social programs, the deportation of beaners, the exclusion of Jews from public life, the relegation of homosexuality to the shadows. Oh, but I forgot: we have to be against all of that because one of them read a book by Sowell once so shut it down.


And the dorito shaped like the pope's hat was a miracle.

Come on user. You can do better.

Bitch don't even try. For over a year now doubting or questioning Trump resulted in a flurry of angry (you)s AND probably a ban from this board. Meanwhile Trump has taken Jew cock to the hilt at every opportunity and you faggots excuse it away with shitty memes about chess. This guy apparently married a Jew 10 years ago before he understood any of this and you dedicate your board to ruining his life for two weeks and I'm supposed to take you seriously? Yeah, Holla Forums isn't one person. But there was a fuckload more than one person calling for this dude's head while simultaneously sucking Trump's cock.

Didn't Red Ice or Spencer accidentally dox woes?

Polcucks are no better than reddit scum

But now that dicky now supports gabbard it's alright amirite.Two wrongs makes everything right.

Hi James Futurist. Go back to TRS where you belong faggot.

No, I will not come to your "pool parties".

Its hillarious how you kvetch all the time about da joos but worship a kosher neocon.

No. Never. I will not stop screaming.

Deal with it.

You're retarded. You can't tell my IP. You're not a mod, and even then the IP's here are in hashes.

I use VPN's. And I'm from Alabama. And I haven't been back to cuckchan since 2012.

Ashes and Echoes

Why would you even do that to begin with? Why be in an "activist organization"? That's just asking to get arrested…

That's just a fancy way of saying handwave his hypocrisy and look the other way.

No. I don't care. You must be pure to produce a pure argument. A flawed man cannot have a flawless approach. End. Of.

Doesn't matter what they said or didn't say. Doesn't matter how many people they redpilled, they cucked on the JQ when it came to Mike. If you cuck once, you cuck forever. End of story.

The purity spiral insures that only those who are worthy make it out.

I don't care. Spite is all there is. There is nothing else.

Burn. Them. All.

No I can't. Stop expecting things from me. Nobody else here who knows my posts does.

(waste of dubs James)

Doesn't matter. Everything is shit and you know it. Nothing good has ever happened and you know it. Do you really want to go down this road, boy?

Threadly reminder that TRS must be destroyed.

They only want those so that Dicky Spencer can molest people.

0/10 trolling effort

Good on you, user. Spot them out and take them down.


That is a gross exaggeration. Yes there was a strong pro Trump bias on this board just like there was on TRS. Legit Trump shills and general election cancer flooded this board and took the god emperor meme way too seriously. If you Trust TRS and Enoch despite their Jewish connections but, you don't trust Trump for his Jewish connections then you are a hypocrite. Trump criticism is everywhere on this board and has been the entire election and will continue to be on this board.

Did i hit a nerve there? Kike nationalists.

Why are you formatting your posts like such a faggot?

Why do you care?

That's just the point, user. Nobody can be trusted, and I don't get why anyone else hasn't picked that up as their default position.

fuck off TRShill


All I expect is for a claim to have proof. I expect that of anyone making a claim, not just you.

Threadly Reminder that TRS must be destroyed.


Tell me, after you post do you say "Roll Tide?"

I was talking with that faggot a few hours ago and he used that exact same line on me there on their shitty TRS discord. The mods were telling people to not go to Holla Forums and they are deleting anyone who posts a link from Holla Forums and banning those who do so because they don't want their stupid fan base to become aware of TRS's illegitimacy.
We weren't doing anything illegal so I wasn't worried about getting arrested.

You could be completely right in everything that you say, but since your posting style is so cancerous, no one is going to listen to you. Stop being an autist.

because he can't form paragraphs long enough to grab attention so he must format it differently.

This is paranoia, very common in inbred whites.

you sound familiar

Because I would like to know why you're formatting posts like such a faggot.


Just how much life-ruining do these masochistic kikes need?


Hello Murray Rothbard.

I don't care if you expect it or not. It's all on >>/trs/

No. I don't say that phrase while I'm in the state. I only shill for the Tide when I can get away with pissing of yankees about football.

And it doesn't matter if you can view my IP or not. I fucking DARE you to do something with that information.

No. Never.


Nobody reads my posts anyways, so I'm going to scream how I want to, where I want to, and when I want to.

If you don't like it, come track me down and kill me for me faggot.

This is why.

Ashes and Echoes


The enitrety of it. They must be ruined so hard that nothing left of them exists in the physical realm.

That's how you know it's a TRSoddomite.


Or is he some kind of lolbergtardian thinker? I'm only that paranoid because of the events of my life, man.








autism is bad m'kay

He is, but you're still a cuck you faggot.

Did I say that? Of course not. Those who have been proven to be literally married to tranny pushing marxist kikes cannot be trusted. Blind faith is very common in 2 digit IQ niggers like yourself

Can you explain how "Ashes and Echoes" relates to you formatting your posts like a faggot?

The Higher Ups Faceberg group were completely divorced from the forum, which was explicitly Holla Forumsacks.

The forum not putting up with Enoch's kike wife when the dox dropped is the reason the schism happened in the first place. People demanded he step down and leave the movement, and instead everyone who complained had their account purged and all their content deleted. Everyone with actual principles left the website after that, and either went back to posting on Holla Forums or went back to posting on TDS, depending on where they originally came from.

The disappointing thing about this is that FTN has decided to stay with TRS instead of striking out on their own. Enoch and his Alt-Right brand is radioactive now, and McFeels and Halberstram are sinking their own ship by mooring at his dock.


Life itself is bad.

How am I a cuck? Define that. Point it out.

Just because I'm paranoid with a touch of schizotypal trauma doesn't mean I'm cucked.

Heh. Discord.

I'm shocked that James remembers me at all. And no, I'm not a murder/suicide waiting to happen. I'm a carefully planned and meticulously researched suicide waiting to happen. I'd never hurt another white person that matters in an effort to take myself out.

Besides. I can't shoot myself until I either see the Nuclear Flash. If I don't, I might just not. I might just inheirit my grandfather's sailboat and fuck off somewheres.

Lurk. Fucking. Moar.

I've always posted this way.

Spot on post.

You can be in b4,but you'l also be here after.

I'm right and you know it.

I know people who are in the Facebook group inner circle who are still ANCAPs

I would unironically track you down and kill you for this.

Fuck off nigger kike. I enjoyed the rape of Mike Enoch but FTN dindu nuffin.

I'm going to listen to them. Are you angry, ashes and echoes kike?


Fucking Wyatt is such a traitor. I want discord names so I can spam them with Mass Messages.

That was the charge they banned me over, that I spammed mass chat messages at people as I was hunting out degenerates on the site.

Oh hey the whore is back again, eh? Holla Forums pretty much permafucked TRS in round one, most of the namefags ran off back to reddit. They still endorse and shelter that tranny and kike loving Kike Eunuch and will kiss his ass no matter what
Morrakike tears were priceless though
Yeah unless there is potential for lulz I am not interested

First it was

TRSodomites never fucking learn. Just kike my shit up fam.

That's bullshit. I'm not saying they deserve get doxed or anything, but they're as bad as the rest of the TRSodomites.

Did anyone ever say anything about based Jews?

Then get to it. I live near Gadsden, Alabama.

Happy hunting! Liar.

You can listen to them all you want. Watch what happens.

And for the record. I'm always angry. Always miserable. Always screaming.

Hail the Midnight Lord.

Check their discord chat. There are lulz to be had, if only you would look.

I fucking hate TRSodomite and the alt-kike but this thread is pure cancer.

Because you post and sound like a person who genuinely likes to see something he loves get fucked and keep on coming back seeing how this thread has gone for you.

Also 4u.

https ://

Today, you are no longer a faggot. Also, why not kill a kike while you're at it?


Yes, Kike Enoch himself.

fucking kek

Why have you always formatted your posts like a faggot?

You know uncle Adolf's personal driver and 15 of his commanding corps were Jewish right?

I mean it makes sense that so many were left due to the lack of a holocaust.

All those are kikes. Try again.

Remember. All shrinks are Jews, Marxists or Marxist Jews. Every last one of these fucks gave upon me and shuffled me to a different therapist when I was a kid.


Because that would be illegal. And I don't live near any actual Jews.

I have other shit going on. Like my job.

Because everything is shit and you know it. Beacause the board has always sucked, no matter what board it is. Because nothing can ever improve. Because I hate you.

Deal. With. It.

It's almost like he doesn't understand that all shrinks hate white males and will attempt to have a conservative hospitalized before they do anything else. Or try to convince you to kill yourself.

And that's why he lost. You cannot tolerate Jews for any reason whatsoever. Every last one has to burn.

ITT: Zon Ashes and Echoes uses legitimate arguements in lieu of nihilist propaganda triggering autists, cucks and shills in the process and becomes based

That doesn't make any sense either. I don't love anything, so how can I want to see something I love get fucked?

I hate love. I hate fucking. I hate sex. I hate existence itself. There's no angle for you here.

Almost as if my springboard "nihilism" as you call it was nothing more than a way to make sure Holla Forumslacks were always angered by it and reject the ideology on default, while simultaneously venting the poison in my soul that the voices in my head scream at me so my IRL family doesn't hear it.

Don't lie. Nobody would ever think of me as based. Ever. I'm simply another user in the pit.

You're a fucking dead end man. What a loser.
Worse than a cuck.

I remember being 14

There just might actually be some extreme minority of Jews who have the potential to be "on our side" but we shouldn't give a shit because their tribe is at least 99.99999% our eternal enemy and, Mike's wife who's day job is to make transexuality and marxist media is NOT nor are Trump's Jewish connections. I think Hitler was far too soft on the Jews to be honest.

Please keep going, this is gold

The reason the NSDAP was so particularly effective was BECAUSE they got Jews to Jew their own. Just like how kikes are using liberal whites to fuck whites over.

Obviously kill / breed them out later.
Forgot to add the most crucial part.

Just stop posting man, it's embarrassing.

Whatever. Women are ruined forever and you know it. Once a behavioral sink occurs, it ruins subsequent generations permanently.

You can never erase feminism now.

And even then. Sex is degeneracy. Sex is bad and so are you. If nobody ever had sex, everyone you hate would have never been born.

Do you get it yet?

Nigger. I'm 28. I'll be 29 in June. I've felt this way since I was seven years old. Everything about my life, everything I see, read or hear or think reinforces that belief.

What do you have? What else is there? Show me. I dare you.


It's a way for me to make bad arguments using the shit that the voices scream at me. That's how I deal with all the internal agony I have.

So why do you care?


Doesn't matter who did what or when.

Never. Ever. Tolerate. Jews. For. Any. Reason.

I don't care if you're embarrassed.

Cringe. Fucking. Harder.

Why would laws matter in the event of a nuclear holocaust?

Now that's genuinely 1488D Chess.

He still got a point though, faggot

You said you live in Gadsden, right? Is this where you go to school? It's only 2:35 so you shouldn't be home yet, am I going to have to call them up and tell them that user has been playing hooky?

http:// gms.

God's light is not in California. That place has been forsaken to the sodomites and brown hordes.

Maybe because I'm that autistic. And I don't expect to survive long enough in such an environment to actually do anything.

Don't lie. It's just a formatting trick.

And? I don't care. Everyone has always hated me anyways. Doesn't matter.

Nigger. I'm 28. Go ahead and give it a shot. You don't even know my real name.

Why do you think Holla Forums being shit is a reason to format your posts like a faggot?

Confirmed for shilling via spam, you get gassed along with TRS.

There's not really a reason. I just do it this way. The Voices demand a certain level of screaming, and this is how that gets done. And, I know it triggers the fuck out of people like you.

Nobody really reads my posts or cares about the content, anyways. Everyone always filters me. It's Fate. It was like that before the demands to post this way were made by the Voices.

Now. Before I leave for bed, I'm going to post one last thing:

Threadly Reminder that TRS should and ought to be destroyed, down to the last man.

This law applies to all boards on any imageboard, faggot.

/tg/ always sucked because magical realm, waifus and quest threads.

Pretty much every other board has something like that as well. And of course, Waifufaggots ruin everything.

So the one saving grace from TRS threads was "well at least merchant minute was good right?"
So this is the fag making merchant minute? Bitching about how conservatives didn't gay marriage and tranny acceptance quick enough.

We should have been suspicious of them from the start, with how the Faceberg group was closed off to everyone who wasn't one of Enoch's personal butt buddies.

It was also, in retrospect, a pretty big warning sign that the Faceberg people referred to the forum users, who were always the real hardliners, with derogatory nicknames. At the time, we all just assumed it was friendly shitposting.

Also, this shit with TRS is a great example of why throwing open the floodgates to places like Plebbit and halfchan is a terrible idea. I used to be one of the most prolific posters on that site, and yet in the threads that logged the shilling and D&C, I don't think I recognized any of the users except for Wyatt.

I mean, really. Berrypick? Yuge? In all the hundreds of hours I spent posting and writing, I never saw any of these people. Who the fuck are they? And why are they on a private Discord plotting shit?

Ever since the crackdown, it feels like the entire brand has been overrun with Civic Nationalists, Ancaps, and poorly-disguised Antifa spies practically overnight.

TRS has become r/The_Donald tier.

And now we've lost Fash The Nation to them as well.

There's nothing left of value in the Alt-Right movement. The only things that remain are edgy cucks, sperglord fedoras, and the likes of Enoch and Richard Spencer, who were never really on our side to begin with.

Shit like this is why you point a gun in the face of anybody who comes around telling you to compromise and soften on your principles in the name of appealing to a broader audience. TRS used to be Holla Forums with articles and better writing. Now it's an Auxiliary Wing of Plebbit.

But you do realize that people would actually listen to you and not filter your posts if you didn't spam with such a shitty format, right? You're being self-defeating for no reason.

What the fuck does Holla Forums or /tg/ have to do with anything? This is Holla Forums, you fucking idiot. I don't give a shit what any of those fuckers are doing on their own boards. Perhaps you should stay there with them.

"The Voices" tell you to be a massive faggot? These are voices… in your head?

FTN is pretty good. They just go over what's been happening in politics. There's no autism or memes.
I'm sure some anons would still have liked to help you dox them, though. You should have just asked nicely instead of going full "fellow whites".

Fuck that memelord, the one saving grace was Chateau Autiste.

Those are just some good goyim who trust TRS. That was in the big TRS server. TRS ran the narrative that Holla Forums/pol/ is equal to antifa because if you say negative things about TRS even if they are true then you are anti White bla bla bla and more bullshit to try to damage control until Mike admitted that everything was true but, they still go with it. They told their user base to not go to Holla Forums because they didn't want their user base to find out that they are all frauds

My almonds are activated.

The guy who posts obsessively in these threads got called out a while ago for being the "reddipol drumpfcuck" poster on Holla Forums. He was naming his files the same and using the same phrases. Maybe he was drunk again.

I meant that you had a point, faggot

Duh, he's schizo.

Most spics in the USA are christcucks

hahaha you poor, stupid hick. You're a poser. An uneducated, time wasting, larping online, bitch nobody.

How very jewish of you.

Oy vey, I bet he doesn't even live in New York.



Even better:
Hello EVE Online.

If only he was an enlightened podcaster.

So it went from some kind of controlled op to a cult ?

he openly admitted to fucking a durka in one of his merchant minutes

here is the main problem with his post
nigger IQ detected
TRS deserves what they got, dont start shilling over here again you bunch of faggots, we aren't alt-kike and we aren't your friends.


Coming from a guy who's entire gimmick is that he reads news articles in a jew voice.
Getting piss drunk and yelling about intellectual property for three hours isn't making content you fucking boggables.


Did someone say Jimpact?



Except that's not what happened.

What happened is, the e-celebs (the "Higher Ups" Faceberg group) were never White Nationalists. The forums were. Enoch and his buddies didn't like this, in spite of marketing their content explicitly to Holla Forums and White Nationalism, so they opened the forums up to free recruitment from places like Reddit. This flooded it with Milo fanboys, r/The_Donald cucks, and other similar edgy CivNats. This created groups inside the forum that were not Holla Forums in nature, but Ancap or Miloists.

Then the dox dropped, and the forum exploded into a flamewar, and everybody who held to their principles got expunged.

Those people who are talking shit about Holla Forums, making cringy Horseshoe-theory comparisons to Antifa, and arguing for organized raids are not people who "belonged" to the original TRS forum culture. The original forum was literally just Holla Forumsacks. These people are outsiders who were let in to try and soften the tone of the forums more towards the liking of the Higher Ups.