He starts out with the account of a little girl that is managed by her mother and put out misleading information, which was then quickly deleted. This account is likely being used to form the public opinion to shill for an invasion of Syria.
He then describes the involvement of the government, which controls multiple verified sockpuppet accounts.
More proof that twitter is compromised, along with the handpicked comments under Trumps tweets.
Ryan Roberts
Gavin Smith
Tim Pool is a good guy, I wonder when he'll suicide himself with two shots to the back of the head.
Jason Richardson
Well, he's probably bluepilled on a lot of things, but he seems to care about journalistic integrity. That's something.
Ethan Walker
He maybe bluepilled, but that sort of makes him the perfect candidate to redpill people. Being a leftist/centrist or whatever he is and then going to sweden and exposing all the terrorism and crime committed by mudslimes will make it hard for your average joe or salvageable leftist to refute his findings.
Easton Robinson
I know, I've been saying this for quite a while, but a lot of anons on Holla Forums have this instinct to react rather emotional to people not agreeing with them instead of thinking about how to use them properly. The slippery slope is real and therefore we should rather care about how to pull the audience of people who are to the left of us right, instead of fighting them head on.
Jack Mitchell
tim seems genuinely unbiased, and like a pretty cool guy, he has some ideas i don't agree with sure, but there aren't many journalists around like him, i hope he does well tbh.
Christian Phillips
This, I've never understood why people get so angry at bluepilled people. More than anything I feel bad for them, they are completely oblivious to how bad everything is, and sooner or later they will find out how fucked everything is. I'd rather most people go through the process most of us have, swallowing the hard truths so that when shit really hits the fan, like it might real soon, people will be more prepared for it.
James Perez
It's also rather silly, when you think about how many of us were bluepilled before we came to Holla Forums. Sure there are people here who have always been rather to the right, maybe some have even been taught about the kikes by their parents(I'd think that group is rather small though), but the majority were in different states of being bluepilled in the past. Frankly I think most of the total dismissal of bluepilled people(let's just kill em all), comes from people who don't understand Holla Forums, because redpilling people and showing them the true path is one of our core axioms.
Jose Gray
Mason Jones
Because they willing turned themselves into domesticated human cattle. Because they want to turn others into domesticated human cattle.
Lucas Green
He'll be one of us eventually. He's putting himself down that road.
Tyler Cruz
It wasn't willingly in any meaningful way if it was done to them when they were children without the alternative ever being presented to them. Before I started arguing with people on /n/ a decade ago, I was a bluepill. If by chance circumstance I'd been using a website other than 4chan, those uncensored discussions with people about jews, Hitler and the Holocaust would have never happened.
Willingly. What a joke.
Justin Davis
This. How can it be a willing choice when there were never any other choices presented and everyone who attempted to show you otherwise was branded untouchable?
We have had four generations ruined completely, if not more than that.
Sebastian Evans
Great post.
Isaiah Edwards
Thank god, there are still people who think on this board.
Elijah Allen
Fuck. You know what? You're right about the first point, I'll concede that. I was being to emotional about it. I still can't reconcile the fact that when presented with the truth, your average bluepilled normalfaggot will almost always reject it and double down on their beliefs.
Kevin Peterson
That's why we call it redpilling user. It's about swallowing the hard truths, and it's not easy at all. Idk about you, but I remember going through the redpill process and it wasn't an easy or enjoyable thing to do. You begin to realize that the very government that is supposed to protect you couldn't care less if you or your family die, and all of western civilization die for that matter. It's a completely natural response for people to ignore the facts, because at the end of the day people just want to make a living, find a spouse and have kids, or just generally have a happy life. At this point I care a lot more about the future of my kids, if I live to have any, than I do for my own future. Other people don't seem to realize that the younger generations, and future generations, could be brought into a dystopian future that only gets worse every year. People don't WANT to think about that and I don't blame them, but i feel compelled to try and help these people from ignoring reality until it's too late.
It isn't a matter of having the "correct" ideology any more, it's about getting people to realize how fucked the world is.
Aiden Cruz
I understand. I just took a step back and realized how much I've demoralized/blackpilled myself. I forgot to have faith in my fellow man.
Jackson Price
To be fair, we will have to cut down some bluepilled people in the future. Redpilling everyone won't be possible for psychological and more importantly logistical reasons. I think the most important thing is that we at least try to redpill our own people and to save them if possible.
Nicholas Phillips
I get that, just try to remember, no matter how buried and subverted it is, humans are amazing. When enough people wake up good things WILL happen and a proper revolution, peaceful or not, will happen. At least that's what I believe. The only problem is that humanity is always in a constant battle with itself against those that would be corrupted by money and power.
Over the past half century or more humanity has been in it's greatest slumber ever with millions of people being hopelessly bluepilled and asleep, but that just means the awakening will be all the more monumental and influential. If we all come out of this alive humanity will have it's greatest period of growth and prosperity that it probably has ever had.
Angel Gutierrez
I agree, I don’t know what his personal ideologies are and that is a sign of an actual journalist.
This seems likely but I hope he remains objective rather than becoming another pundit sympathetic to our worldview.
Austin Bennett
Indeed. At this point I don't care what he believes. His unwavering commitment to truth makes him good in my book. He'll be one of us eventually.
Ayden Green
Interesting. I knew that twitter itself fucks around with its users, but a deepstate involvement / shilling makes the whole thing worse. Especially, since today, people rather trust in authenticity than in professionality. Mainstream media is valued less than twitter posts. You can see that with Trumps tweets. This angle will allow them to control more of the counter narrative.