Hey fam I'm just starting to learn how deep Judaism runs throughout the past couple of millennia. I've been heavily into the jesuit theory for years, and have always palmed off powerful jews as 'hofjuden' i.e. Court jews working for the pope/opus dei. I am totally lost with all of this, and I need to understand the differentials that the jews use to create this massive impression of church power. We are watching history unfold before us, with Israels plan to hijack the world via occupying Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and erecting their degenerate new age uni-religion in western culture.
I don't give a shit about scripture anymore, it's all a psyop. It's a cage of lies for the oblivious. I need to know the true context in which my life exists, as I am starting to realize that everything I previously knew is said lies.
assume that everything christian-related needs to be gassed along with the kikes, and go read Nietzsche. problem solved
Charles Ramirez
Fair enough, Christian occultism, esotericism and hermeticism is heavily jewish integrated and Gnosticism/neo-paganism is a cultural astroturf of European heritage.
According to E. Michael Jones, Nietzsche was an agent of the jewish sexual liberation movement who died of self-incurred syphilis. Why suggest him?
Also, any general opinions of the jewsuits?
Eli Campbell
Considering Hollywood made that pro-Jesuit movie called Silence where two jewish actors played Jesuit priests, I'd say the Jesuits (Like all Christian sects not counting the Gnostics and Seventh-Day Adventists) are kiked.
Gavin Garcia
Nietzsche is for pussies who can't handle Schopenhauer.
Charles Howard
it was a pro-nationalist japan and anti-christcuck movie to me, even if unintentionally
"Genealogy of Moral" is a must-read above Mein Kampf, I couldn't care less how mad / sick / cucked the guy was
William Nguyen
A catholic doesn't like Nietzsche - color me surprised
Robert Brooks
Not much there. some Euro nations with a paucity if jews are fond of saying "our jesuits are your jews," and that seems to be true. You'll also see them wrapped up in things like liberation theology and communism, esp in south america (see: the current pope). There's always been a rumor that after the Inquisition, Spanish tried to encourage Marranos/Crypto-Jews to join the jesuits, but at least at that time it was dangerous, hard work and as you can imagine, that's not an area where Jews excel. If you really look into the sources, you'll find this isn't true.
The Jesuits have their own leader called "the black pope" who is first to know when a new pope is elected and lots of strange shit going on. Is there a concrete link between them and Jewry? I've never found one. To get the truth, one would need access to to the Vatican archives (which no one will ever get) and see exactly what the Jews did to get Vatican Council II called, how John Paul I died, and why Cardinal Ratzinger retired (which has never happened before since Avignon papacy.
If you were a Catholic, the only acceptable form of Catholic to be is a Sedevacantist– a small offshoot that holds that the papacy has been illegitimate and under captivity since Vatican II, and there has been no real pope since then, and all the Popes since and including John XXIII have been imposters propped up by the Jews. This is actually the sect Mel Gibson follows.
Bentley Fisher
The Jesuits were actually based for some time. In their oath to God and the Pope, they say two things of sognificance: - They obey the pope. In other words, the popes will is above yours. - They are given a dagger with which they have the obligation to "kill" all evil from the world if they encounter it.
However, in the past 100 years the Jesuit order has undergone various reformations. The jesuits were known to be a good blend of progress with a lot of respect to the traditions. However they had a bloodywar agains't Freemasonary, in which, they lost. If you meet Jesuits, you will see that most of those that are very old and ARE NOT american, are incredebily based and very good people. However, most american younger jesuits are worthless cucks.
About the order itself.. well I'm one who says a group of people is those who form it. Right now its 30 % good jesuits. The rest are cucks.
Samuel Rodriguez
Atheism works out so well, just look at Communism and Europe. So progressive.
Also, Nietzsche was a literal cuck.
They're basically the SEAL Team 6 of the Vatican. They used to be good, though recently they seem to have become a infiltrated with edgelords and communists. Read
Sage for d/c
Kayden Walker
admitting that christianism is AIDS doesn't imply that atheism is the solution
maybe it takes one to know one
Andrew Baker
Checking those holy trips. I don't even consider Catholicism to be Christian, but someone has to check em.
Landon Perry
There isn't a single European country that is majority atheist.
Matthew Foster
Tip harder, fedorafag. It’s the jews. Not the jesuits. That’s one of your oldest tricks.
David Gonzalez
He caught it from himself?
Bentley Walker
Sage and report.
Landon Morgan
Jesuit order was started by crypto jews Another tentacle of the octopus
Nathaniel Harris
not sure tbqh fam. Jews seem to be the enemy but then we must always consider the book of Revelations as a road map.
Evan Ward
There is positive mention of the Jesuits before the first suppression of them. They civilized South American natives and built a very successful peaceful society around agriculture that was hated by all who wanted to exploit the indians for slave labour.
They were the polar opposite of a Jew, Jews in Poland sought out to manipulate the Polish through encouraging the peasants to get drunk so they could exploit them economically. The Jesuits in Paraguay sought out to free the indians from their vices and taught the indians to cultivate a tea (yerba mate) as a replacement to alcohol.
So before the first suppression, it was a good institution.
Oh yeah, because Scorcese was such a pro Catholic that a Catholic group set fire to a theater in which his film was showing.
Jonathan Baker
You post this all the time. Schopenhauer gave up on life.
Embrace the Overman faggot!
Anthony Ramirez
Who the fuck is that retard? Nietzsche died of brain cancer like his father. The syphilis meme was anti-Nazi propaganda.
Andrew Scott
Man this hasn't helped at all
Jack Davis
Not sure how they are now, but it's mighty curious that their suppression kicked into high gear right around the time the Jews were solidifying their grip on Europe. Might be an honest to God coincidence and the Jesuits might have been Jew-tier back then not really sure, it's just something to consider.
Kayden Walker
No not really but it has sparked my interest in the jesuits, something to research over Easter.
Wyatt Fisher
Nietzsche Internet Defense Force quit it would you
Jewgled 'sedevacantism antisemitic' and got some interesting hits. Have you listened to the debate between Michael Collins Piper and Eric Jon Phelps (zionism vs. IHS)?
Any opinions on Pepe Orsini?
Fix your bot dude ffs, this is either a shitty bot or you are just reeling over the fact that people are having a scholastic discussion that ultimately ends up favouring your point of view anyway autist
I think it's better to try to understand why the Jesuits came into being in the first place. The Holy Roman Empire went under centuries beforehand, with the doctrine of constantine and what not. If the jewish attack on gentile religions was under way before Christ was even around, wouldn't it be controlled opposition at that point in time? Why would Jews need to suppress Jesus in the first place if he was 'their king' or 'their true messiah'?
I've always had an aversion to nietzsche, and I trust my gut on these things. If he wasn't a kike, he might as well have been. Nihilism is a shitty philosophy, and "beyond good and evil" as a concept is an entirely jewish "ends justify the means" outlook.
Jacob Morales
Nietzsche wasn't an advocate of nihilism, he was wrestling with it. I wish this misconception would die.
Parker Ward
what? nigger, where are you from? are you from Antarctica or something? you've been living under the rock for the few past centuries, right?
Ryan Cook
checked Jews hate nothing worse than Christianity. Based Christianity is literally their kryptonite because it entirely unravels their religion by nullifying the talmud and creating their specialness into a servant role to the goyim. They hate it. They aren't even allowed to say Jesus' name or draw any crosses. Believe me. Kikes hate nothing more than Jesus. He's the anti-kike.
William Ward
The Friends of Jesus are absolutely kikes and the most kiked up sect of Catholicism that has truly destroyed the church from within.
Gavin Green
So by that logic the jesuits 'society of jesus' are the sole enemy within the church of the jews? It would make more sense to me that jews who infiltrated the church set the Jesuits up as an astroturf movement. However that would imply that the church itself ever had established a true domination over the Talmudic cults in the northern hemisphere.
The 'hofjuden' concept is interesting though. In the perspective of Jews literally running the world, the Rothschild dynasty are the virtual godhead of the kike/Masonic universe. Though, according to Jesuit-theorists they are hofjuden of the Vatican, their bankers no record keepers.
Anthony Hill
christianity is just a mind hack for the goyim's mind to be slaves to kikes. The gospels are fake news brah. Judaism is racial supremacy for kikes backed by made up bullshit stories in their religion. Jesuits are just an arm of the ultra cuck spaghetti church
Thomas Bell
No, they hate Europeans going back to their Pagan roots far more. They use christians all the time. Christians killed more Europeans over differences in interpretation of the stupid book of lies than any other race. Modern day western imperialism in the middle east on behalf of Israel is literally the middle eastern crusades 2.0. Kikes using good European cuck christfaggots to fight their wars for them
Nathan Gray
I'm currently reading though the masterpiece that is Adolph Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar. If you want to learn more just look into who's side they were in in WW2.
Jacob Morris
anyone know what their 'falling cross' symbol is supposed to mean ? i know its one of their symbols picture this without jesus
Juan Myers
In regards to the significance of the Balfour Declaration. The Jews in Europe and the Jews in US got together and decided to use the US to bring down Germany if Britain would give them Palestine basically. Is there anything else to it or other points to be made? Good sauces request as well. not trying to hijack the thread but there's no qtddtt
Leo Lopez
I think that the Vatican holds legal power and rules nations while the "Jews" hold the power of the purse and control banking. Judaism may be a facade for the Jesuits or maybe it really is kabalists; I'm not sure.
Connor Morgan
Recent major Jesuit accomplishments
Any questions? Fatimia did nothing wrong.
Liam Gomez
And nothing of valor was lost.
Nolan Williams
I'd rather be a "Nordicuck" then a Abrahamaphile.
Luke Campbell
I'm pretty sure the Jesuits originated in Venice. Venice was always the nemesis of the papacy.
Colton Richardson
it's an X
Ryder Cox
From what I understand it Jews used Muslims to invade Spain then Christians threw the Mudslimes out but the Kikes stayed in Spain. They started to infiltrate banking and Politics so this lead to the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition lead to Jews trying to pretend to be Spaniards. These crypto-kikes where called Marrano's. Ignatius of Loyola was a Marrano (aka a crypto-kike). The Jesuits at first did alot of good to stay in Spain's and the Churches good graces and to gain political power. But it was ultimately the Jesuits who pushed for Vatican II and Liberation Theology that has corrupted the modern Church. The actual truth of the matter is also a bit unclear because Lutherans hated the Jesuits because they tried to work to prevent the schism and lead the Counter-Reformation.
Xavier Cox
Joshua Morales
E Michael Jones is worth reading even if he may be mistaken about Nietzsche. The fact that you don't even know who he is means you should lurk more. Your post is the equivalent of me asking who Kevin B. MacDonald was. Also read Culture of Critique newfag.
does it really fucking matter? you're both white stop fighting.
Grayson Richardson
that's like saying Japanese and and Chinese and Koreans are the same
Liam Campbell
Found this interview with schlomo Alex Jones and Michael Hoffman, talking ever so softly about Judaism for about 80 minutes - https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q1aVYQrwvU? I noticed a lot of subtle implications about judaism being 'just another globalist movement', and watched some more of Hoffmann material such as 'Judaism discovered'. This guy is a deep shill for the jews, just taking a lot of his points and contrasting them with the other prominent researchers that focus on judaism in particular you will find that he is trying to subvert listeners away from seeing the true evil of the jews. You will notice that his catch phrase for the Jews is Judaics, and then ties that word to his other catch phrase 'cryptocracy/cryptocrats'.
The reason why I share this YT video is because usually AJ will get ultra defensive against anyone who attacks judaism, but oddly enough this interview goes very smoothly despite AJ looking very nervous at the start.
It's fascinating to discover the depth of astroturfing in our times, because one can take this guys works and study the recent efforts of the jews to subvert the truth movement into the 'globalist' modality that is obviously in place to distort the realisation of jewish control. Indeed it is true that we should appreciate and endorse their efforts to shill and attack us, because we ultimately learn more about them and end up accumulating more people with the common sense to navigate through the distortions.