I just want some actual good stories with clear paths from beginning to end that don't pretend to be some oh so important political soap box that needs to be heard and taken seriously. It's exactly why I moved almost completely to manga. The Japs have their issues but they at least have some amount of integrity when it comes to their comics. Rarely ever do I buy a trade paperback of an american comic anymore.
The problem has never been a race issue or a woman's issue. It's just an issue of morons who don't know how to write being in mediums they don't actually care about then ruining the fun for the people that actually followed the hobby in the past.
did you miss 2014/2015 ?
if you don't want their brand of "diversity" then you are a nazi GooberGrape
Get with the times grandpa Adolf
Kill yourself OP.
The times are terrible and change needs to come.
Wew lads… Just let it die. Let it all die. Especially Marvel.
pls no gamergate turned into something autistic
Goobergoblin turned into shit the moment they came across some shady connections between Digra and DARPA. Unless they discover some kind of connection between Ms Raghead comics and Common Core indocrination, this isn't going to be the same.
Holla Forums please
>they are still assravaged about GG
le mao
It's not them, its more or less leftovers mucking around on Holla Forums because they got on Holla Forums for shitposting too much.
No, it fell apart when a bunch of money hungry ecelebs tried to take hold away from the imageboards and a bunch of SA goons attacking anything gg related because they weren't in charge.
swc plz go
Oh fuck off you faggot, you don't have to be Holla Forums to have observed this shit.
Why has Holla Forums been flooded with retards like this for the past few months?
Seemed like everyime someone started digging into that deep web of nepotism and connection between thinktanks and government agencies and all that shit with Boyer, one of the literally whos and the usual band of suspects would blitz the net with another round of drama and bullshit. I'm surprised that no one fucking mentions that Zoe Quinn's Mom worked with the government to push Common Core, which tied into the plan to dumb down vidya into an educational art form so cunts like Bill Gates could push an agenda to literally dumb down generations of children so 3rd worlders could compete… and when you think about our workforce problems and the outsourcing issue and how all of that ties into "WE NEED IMMIGRANTS!!" the shit only gets wilder.
GamerGate was a rabbit hole that terrified to many faggots and kept them from jumping in.
The real "comicsgate" would've been when manga was starting to take off, but that was back in 00's and mainstream comics lost that fight. Hard.
Now the market has shifted in Japan's favor and the Big Two are nothing but poorly managed IP farms for their parent companies. Marvel's ham-fisted oversaturation of low quality diversity books is just a sign of their already dwindling competency.
What fucking shit? Niggers in books? SJW shit? We've fucking discussed that shit to death three times over. It's getting fucking tiring to explain it to you faggots. You and OP come in here throwing a tantrum over something that doesn't fucking matter at all.
It fell apart when Holla Forums pushed them into "culture wars" bullshit and got them gobbling down grand unified conspiracy theories, as nicely illustrates.
Oh, so that's why gg became nothing more than KIA led incessant screeching for "ethics in games journalism". NotYourShield was the fucking peak of GG and it all fell apart immediately afterward because Holla Forums and reddit wanted to cuck to trannies and niggers.
The fucked up thing is that the people behind common core have stated that it's aim is to "fight white privilege" and Bill Gates has invested heavily into aid for 3rd world countries, as well as investing in Common Core as part of an agenda to give minorities a leg up. Would be nice if this was just the mad ramblings of a UFO enthusiast who believes Bigfoot and the Lizardmen faked the moon landing.. but good GOD man.. Academia is fucked in ways that are horrifying to think about. As bad as you may think it is at the college level, it's even worse at the administrative level.
It's been more than that. I remember one year we had a "comicsgate" thread every month. SWC kept trying to rile up people with trivial bullshit and if you told him to fuck off, he would cry to GG and those fags would flood Holla Forums.
It was a nightmare.
Everything you were just whining about over your Holla Forums boogeyman.
Christ, can't say anything without being accused of being someone's politisperg boogeyman anymore.
Can't argue with those quads. Whoever is dismissing the real truth why Gamergate went to hell (and why whatever Comicgate is going the same way no matter where it reach) with "ackchyually it's about muh ethics" and faggots like (((Milo))) and Sarcuck of Quadroon is probably a semite shill or a gullible idiot.
[Superhero] Comics have always been a jewish State department propaganda device, so why the fuck would you want to "save" it, unless you wanted to use it yourself?
It's good that idiots keep trying to push "comicgate" because any time someone uses the term seriously you can pretty much dismiss anything the person is saying.
This guy is both talking about some supposed comicgate AND is still assmad about gamergate, so you know he's a special kind of retarded.
The problem here is real issues being talked about by people who come across as lunatics. This is something that's been happening more and more frequently thanks to the internet, so what happens is, a problem exists, some incoherent dumbass gains notoriety making crazy videos about it, and then the people involved can just point at these idiots and say "look, this is the kind of person who believes these things about us!". They don't even need to make their own controlled opposition to make them look better when the people who supposedly are trying to do something against them make such a good job themselves.
Exactly, nice trips.
There IS a "real" Comicsgate happening now, which has it's own hashtag #movetheneedle. It's exclusively on Youtube, though, and thus is entirely "eceleb" driven, and thus vastly inadequate from a chan or Holla Forums perspective. The movers and shakers of the movement even call Jews "White".
Whatever, it's still making some amusing salt, and distracting a handful of vocal faggots away from bigger issues.
Captcha: CGI Jou
Pointless at this point. People will just refuse to listen to you from the get go, or pigeonhole you into a strawman to knock down.
State your opinions clearly, leaving little room for misinterpretation. Don't start forming gay little clubhouses, or allow the enemy to impose an untrue persona on you.
It only takes one idiot or one fabricated idiot to coin some stupid term and ruin it for everyone else.
baby sister when
Lazy faggot
Nigga, what did I just say?
Even if you want to actually do believe in a jew conspiracy, Holla Forums has the most retarded way of getting about it. Sitting in place and shitposting. Brilliant.
This is why I don't believe that the vast majority of Holla Forums in any way believe in the conspiracy. Because if it truly was the case they would act way smarter. Keep information more hidden, avoid discrediting their own movement, use reverse psychology. or they genuinely believe that worshipping kek is their absolution.
While you're not wrong, you're also not entirely right either.. As much as Holla Forums is largely ineffective, these past few years have got a lot more people talking about the JQ, questioning the holocaust, talking of (((cohencidences))), and taking note of all of the "how do you do fellow white people?" bullshitting they love to do. They aren't getting shit done, but they have a weird sort of influence. Getting people to take notice of the eerie frequency that jews constantly push overt degeneracy is something that the Holla Forums of 5 years ago might have never thought possible. Now, whether or not that ever amounts to anything beyond snide twitter shitposting, who's to say?
The comic industry was built by Jews. Jews aren't the source of the malaise affecting comics, it's incompetent outsiders being hired for cheap by placeholder management trying to cut corners, trying to survive by cutting expenses instead of MAKING MONEY, which is how winners like Stan Lee roll. Say what you like about Lee, but he never squeezed the last drop of blood out of his own company like the present slobs are, he made money like a pimp because he understood his own fucking business like they don't.
Thats through the failures of SJWs more then ANY action of Holla Forums. Your just UTTERLY lucky that SJW's are this incompetent. Why am I even here? Did I hear Holla Forums logic and think "Yeah that makes sense?"
No I'm here because the SJWs have made any sort of non-political dialogue near unattainable so this is where I go to let off steam.
And guess what? Unprofessional shitposting just pushes people away. The only people that will end up caring are more unprofessional shitposters. And at that point your in an even worse off place because you continuously lose credibility.
You have garnered some sympathy, but thats miniscule compared to the gains that the SJWs have made through much superior manipulation tactics. Man those guys studied up their bullshit. They hid up political ladders for years and slowly changed the dialogue over the course of decades.
In a scary way, the SJW philosophy, detached from the morons that live it, is really akin to 4D space chess. Like some kind of psychic mind parasite.
Compared to the psychic mind parasite 4D space chess, Holla Forums is playing reactionary memetics boggle.
What? Are we thinking about the same SJW’s here? The pathetic Majin Buu looking blubberkin that quiver like Jello the moment you misgender someone or deadname a tranny, or even say “tranny” in the first place? These are the master manipulators? Not the people who got a major presidential candidate to prattle on about Internet Nazis and got the ADL to declare that a cartoon frog is a symbol of White Supremacy?
No those are their perfect patsies. The Professors and the controllers of academia, that stood in those positions accumulating power for decades and decades, and subverting the whole system.
The SJW trannies are just the puss bursting out of the boil. As long as they control the Academia they will be victorious because they just have to wait out a critical threshold. Enough Brainwashees exit out and they can just sweep the polls.
thats where you're wrong
Wasn't that the idea? Did you expect Holla Forums to start bombing things or something?
You have the kind of influence more to reassure yourself of a level of unearned importance.
Her is the deal: even if some racial based activism is going to accomplish what you want-Its not going to be in anyway connected to Holla Forums.
I don't consider most of those people SJWs. Those are straight up Marxists. They know what it is they're doing.
SJWs are foot soldiers, useful idiots. They don't actually understand where all of their hashtags and virtue signaling is eventually leading us. They don't care. They want to look good, maybe impress that blue haired girl they've been wanting to get off with. They're normalfags following trends, nodding along to their authority figures.
I don't identify with Holla Forums. I don't care if they get to take the credit for saving the world when all is said and done.
I care about spreading the right ideas, and getting people talking. Holla Forums is just a channel. One of several.
What really makes me happy is to see stirrings among the normalfags. When that one podcast I listen to for light entertainment suddenly start talking about how much they hate SJWs out of nowhere, or when I see some edgy non-PC graffiti on a bathroom wall.
Your first mistake was ever mentioning them at all, second mistake was that you krpt mentioning them and not on the actual issue at hand.
Keyboards broken user.
Wow Holla Forums you're larping really hard today aren't you.
The Jews? I'm not really talking about them. Not just them, anyway.
Anyway, I think you're missing the bigger picture. One person might read Holla Forums. Another person might find them just a little too crazy, and instead end up listening to Sargon or Jordan Peterson or someone more religiously oriented.
These people are all being reached through channels suited to their liking, and the effect is that society starts to pull away from this black hole of insane far-leftism that we've been spiraling into for the past god knows how long.
I suspect when all is said and done, we wont be gassing anyone, but we may have returned to a saner middle ground.
No dumbass, you mentioned Holla Forums and responded to our native political autist that loves larping as Holla Forums. Every time someone mentions either board, the thread details tk kingdom come. You gotta be really stupid or really new not to notice this.
user, we're supposed to be talking about comics and their corruption not some shitty ecelebrities, reporting for non-Holla Forums bullshit.
When would you like your state mandated anal rape? Dont worry it doesn't matter at all.
You wont have any comics when you're dead, dickhead.
Yeah, this whole thing seems to be designed from the bottom to appeal to shock-jockeys who want to get that sweet superchat money. The minute I heard Capn. cummings doing a stream on it, I just gave up.
Lurk more, newfag.
Others have pointed it out but I just want to reiterate. Comics "journalists" are just trying to force the issue on this, saying that Comicsgate is happening but obviously isn't. They're basically baiting in the hopes that it materializes so they got something to spin more articles on.
Part of the reason they're doing this of course is to pass blame onto the customer and retailer for complaining about SJW comics. They know the animosity and pent up resentment is there from fans that feel affected but they aren't going to be honest about that. The biggest tell of this is how they are going after the retailers.
This reminds me of a thread from a couple of years back when we still had the ocassional SJW and betacuck apologist on this board. In the thread it had a podcast recording with someone interviewing a comic book store owner who was openly blaming the comic book industry for their decline because store owners were typically ordering bulk amounts of issues because they used to sell, but because of the decline in sales because of SJW shit, they were starting to make losses. This also explains the shift in comic book stores adapting to survive by catering to different interests because selling comics like they used to, isn't enough. The SJW and betacuck had the same reaction as the person in the article. Ironically they admitted that the comics are worse than before by ultimately blaming the store owners for not adapting sooner but not before throwing out every other excuse.
If an actual comicsgate does happen it will happen over something far more glaring and obvious, or if naming the SJW becomes far more expected. I'd sooner expect for a competing publisher to the big two to materialize. Either one would be fine by me but ideally both would be great.
Ah, so you're a shitposter. Thanks for admitting it.
These people want to flood your home with people who are going to kill you. You get that right? I care about comics too, but there are more important things when you start to see the big picture.
Die communist.
I like D&C.
He seems like a nice enough guy.
Faggots never learn.
user, this is comics and cartoons board, only a fraction of the shit your sewing matters to us. This is Holla Forums not some other shitty board.
Again, you bring up Holla Forums as if they mattered.