Arthur Takes a Stand... for BLACK Americans

Can someone explain to me what "Black Americans" are even supposed to be in Arthur's universe?

Looking at John Lewis looks like an Aardvark like Arthur is except with bigger lips.

Am I supposed to believe there is more lip-based racism in Arthur's universe between Aarvark variations compared to Bunnies vs. Aardvarks or Monkeys vs. Aardvarks?

Sometimes they tie things too closely to IRL issues and forget they are a bunch of anthropomorphic animals of different species.

This only just debuted yesterday on PBS, any idea how it leaked November 29 last year?

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Hooktube or webm ya filthy fucking faggot.

No user, you just have severe Autism.

How do I copy a YT to HT?

NM figured it out.

Here you go folks.

Loving there is a setting to not autoplay. I hate cacheing before I decide to watch.

Jesus Christ, how fucking new are you?

no wonder Trump wants to defund PBS

Brain is actually a nigger. He even celebrates Kwanzaa. This is canon. So I guess the bears are Black Americans in The Arthurverse.


Is it just me, or has the animation gotten really shitty in this show? At least having a good proportion of the people at the sit in being hooligans is accurate.

Why does John Lewis sound like Mike Tyson?

Black people all look and sound alike.

Its a fucking kids cartoon guys

Dubs confirm

I remember this show as being a huge piece of shit. Every single character was an unlikable cunt.

sup mr enter


meant to write who is that

Says the furfag that types like a child.

So that makes nonsensical agenda pushing okay?

Is Arthur really pushing for Black History? Have they finally submitted to marxist indoctrination?

Do you think I was joking about Brain celebrating Kwanzaa?

OP stop talking to yourself.