What kind of vidya will we be able to play under Communism?

What kind of vidya will we be able to play under Communism?

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The kind that do not use DRM

video games wouldn't exist. they're a form of escapism that only exist because of alienation and bourgeosie culture

Good ones

Vidya are part of the spectacle that removes people from political engagement, they will be abolished.

Grand strategy

Good grand strategy, not ideology-filled liberalism simulators

None. Nazism will allow you to play grand strategy though


So in your spare time do you read theory or do you just stare at the wall worrying other people might be having fun?

i fuck. try it sometime, nerd

Sorry, sounds like a form of escapism that only exists because of alienation and bourgeois culture

half life 3

Absurd. Leisure, entertainment and culture are human rights.

The corrupting influence of private profit in vidya is extremely clear to anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention. This is a barrier to be overcome in reaching the apotheosis of the art form.
Honestly, you can diagnose just about any industry-relevant problems in terms of the contradictions of capitalism

Sex is a part of the spectacle that removes people from political engagement, it will be abolished.

Tetris and Dorf Fort, obviously. Also that Crusader Kings and Blade Universallis: Total War game that everybody wants but it's not in Porky's best interest to sell us individual, incompatible components of it.

You mean in hypothetical communism? I hang out with people in my community, obviously, "alone" time is for more meditative stuff like reading. There's no alienation anymore, I'm not isolated, individualized, or anything else that would require a cheap shot of the spectacle.
Right now? I don't play vidya but I'm part of the spectacle in other ways.

It seems a lot of people imagine communism as few isolated changes that won't affect everything else.

I don't know but I know that only the most passionate devs will make video games under Communism, that's for sure.

Rolled 6 (1d6)
Oh, you guys are serious.. wow. Games have always been a part of human culture, there is no reason to believe this will stop under communism.

None as it will be state censored. Probably not even available due to electrical grid failure like in African countries.

Read zizek

All the vidya

really makes you think

Human rights are defined by the one who can guarantee them to be upheld. Otherwise there would not be human rights.

What would be a corrupting influence in modern gaming? Overpiced downloadable content packs, rushed releases and other stuff you might say, however under another economic system these cons wouldn't really go away either.

We're obviously not talking about games in general.

Well, considering how most triple A titles today take small armies of programmers working for years, I don't think we'd see as many like that. Those video games exist purely to make huge profits, and I wouldn't see how and why the production of games on that scale would come together after the profits are removed.Instead, I think we'd be seeing games made by smaller groups of people/friends, working on them in their free time. I'd personally love this, provided isometric RPGs make a real comeback.

Most paradox games are fucking shit though, since they're basically made to pander to SJWs and Swedish political correctness. How the hell do dindus in Africa have the same tech level as the Chinese? It's pure retardation. Not to mention a bastardization of medieval history. I'm planning on making some mods that reflect the true scenario.

Incorrect. They're made to bring in boatloads of cash.

I didn't mean to imply that either. But since games aren't separate from our culture, but a part of it, it follows that as long as computers are a part of our culture, games will be played on them.

(No, that doesn't follow at all, that's a fallacious syllogism. Two parts of the same whole are not necessarily connected, in other words, it is not necessary that computers are used for playing games or that games must be played on computers.)
Anyways, computers won't be used as tools of the spectacle, they will automate routine mental work. Like I said before, in their spare time people will hang out more, so there's going to be plenty of games to play that are direct experiences as opposed to video games.
And even more importantly, true boredom will return, the one that produces exploration and experimentation. Right now we don't really experience enough boredom because it is instantly satisfied by the spectacle, such as with video games.

Situationists are cancer

Hopefully nothing with cancerous fucking anti-consumer bullshit.


What are you talking about? Arab dominated regions should have "Muslim" levels of tech certainly. Which bits of Africa are depicted as advanced as China?

If I recall correctly there are some arboreal regions that have tech growth like the Indigenous American civs too which is a lot more backward and slower than the Chinese.

And why is India not sharing the same tech group as the Muslim world? They were essentially the same sphere till the British arrived. The Ottoman, Persian and Mughal Empires were very politically and economically intertwined, it makes no sense for Muslim dominated India to have its own tech group.

I'd love to see Satannazi's interpretation of history

I'm surprised day one DLC and early access isn't on there.

You don't have to be a situationist to use some elements of their critique in specific cases like this. And saying that books are part of the spectacle is just ridiculous.

And do you really imagine communism to not radically change the whole culture and produce a new one? Just look at the historical example of capitalism itself. If we really break with it and not just implement a softer version of it then we can expect another massive cultural shift as well.

They couldn't possibly just be cranking out a cheapo product that is massively flawed in historical accuracy, gameplay, ugly borders, crackhead AI, Clippers Cement and Booze Meem and has more bugs than a bag of medical waste. Yes, it is far more likely that they carefully programmed a game to be masterfully PC, but shit at everything else.

Maybe he's talking about a mod? I played Aksum in one of the buggy Steppe Wolf mods and they had twice the tech level as Rome.

What makes you think it's going to be any different from the typical Nazi masturbation view of multiculturalism destroyed the Roman Empire and white supermen from Germania and Scandanavia had to restart human advancement?

Oh and brown people were always dumb savages, never mind that Islam wasn't always a thing or that the majority of "white" people in the world people prior to Caesar (being generous, I could argue as late as Diocletian) lived among the trees or in mudhuts made of dung and straw.

To be fair it is definitely PC in one area, you are not allowed to commit genocide.

Johann even made a butthurt defence of why has deliberately not made it a feature of any of the games and that he never will.

Which is fucking retarded for the Medieval Era especially, how can I roleplay as Muslims but not be allowed to decimate non-Muslim lands or simulate a slaver state economy like in the Charlemagne period when European coastal towns almost vanished?

Speaking of raiding Muslim slavers, it's funny how Vikings can commit raids when Muslims were doing the same thing (I guess Viking are too white too be considered noble savages). Albeit Viking raids don't have any slaving involved in the game (Crusader Kings 2 I'm referring to).

They patch the game accordingly if you post on the forums.

I for example noticed that in EU3, that the English held onto Normandy well into the end of Elizabeth's reign when it was lost during her predecessor's Mary I's reign and they updated it for the next patch.

Or how Chandigarh in Panjab (India where they speak Indian you know), didn't exist till after the British left.

Having said that, they should get it right the first time and not get their customers to do it for free. That and it doesn't address how core game mechanics like the feudal and capitalist economies don't function as they should.

To be the devil's advocate raiding and pillaging is mostly associated with Vikings in the public., so I assume the Swedecucks just wanted to add a bit more flavour to playing as a Norse tribe by limiting raiding to pagans (i.e. Vikings) and Hindus apparently (wtf).

It's a shame we'll probably never see Victoria 3 - and if we do it'll probably be complete dogshit

Under the best circumstances you could play games cloned in the west, don't expect

How will you guys have time to play video-games, when you are slaving away in a salt mine for Kikes?

Only autistic genres like grand strategy, 4x, simulators, roguelikes, eroge, and minecraft.


Games like Mafia III

Woah buddy. Don't talk about job creators like that

There won't be any ban. Nobody will even feel the need to play vidya under communism because there will be no conditions (alienation) for such needs to arise.

Entertainment certainly isn't an "artificial" need created by capitalism

We're not talking about entertainment in general, there will be far better, broader, as well as different forms of entertainment in the local world itself. The only reason we lock ourselves to screens and virtual reality is because the world around us is so alienating and nothing has any purpose.

all of them, for free.

All vidya will be open source.

yes, actually

I wish these "decadent bourgeois escapism" fags would take about ten seconds to actually think through what they're saying and pull their heads out of their "theory"-laden assholes.

That being said.

This thread is fucking cancer. OP should be banned, the thread deleted, anyone who didn't sage should be banned. Why do you fucking morons keep posting in "WILL DERE B X IN GOMMUNIZM?!?!?!" threads? You fucking twats would run at the most literally obvious trap if it had some stupid fucking bait to grab you that said "THIS IS BAIT" painted all over it. Fuck you. Fuck all of you.

Nobody said anything about electronics as such. All these mindless reactions just show that you guys simply can't imagine any other culture than capitalist one. You actually like capitalism with all its nihilistic consumerism and hedonism, you just want the warm feeling of justice, like every other petite bourgeoisie writing for the guardian and the like.

But the eastern bloc had vidya, are you seriously suggesting that the arcades of the eastern bloc were bourgeois?

Socialism doesn't guarantee I'll never have a bad day again. There are still going to be days I feel shitty because I accidentally slam my hand in a car door, lose an argument, screw up at work, get rejected by somebody I want to fuck, or get shotgun diarrhea from a random stomach bug. Socialism will not mean an end to all suffering, just most suffering preventable by material means.

I'd argue that vidya shouldn't be b& because their potential use as a teaching/propaganda tool in how the world used to be and why that was crap, both in their content (Paradox games you play Porky 90% of the time, justifying imperialist wars with religion or diplomatic huttburt; CoD-offs are the modern equivalent of Hotspur), and in the way they were originally sold (the MMO model of the player paying to work a repetitive second unpaid job for company mining town scrip, DLC, slandering and hotpocketing people who make valid criticisms, paid shills, always-online Steamshit where games you've purchased are held hostage to your good behavior, drive-damaging DRM, dating sim characters refusing to sleep with you if the game detects it's pirated, etc.).


You're a dumbass, you have no idea of any of the words you just said, your opinion has been thrown in the garbage.

I don't know why you think this, if anything the opposite is true: capitalist production results in vast amounts of shitty shovelware titles being churned out every year (just take a look at steam). Most of the people working on shitty small projects aspire to bigger things and only continue making shovelware because they lack the resources and connections to do anything better.
In the absence of commodity production and all the hindrances it creates I think we'd see some truly enormous projects form, created by globe spanning networks of developers.
I know it's the sort of thing *I* want to work on.

While I'm certain new forms of entertainment will emerge in a communist society, I very much doubt the old forms will disappear: after all, pre-capitalist forms of entertainment still continue to exist in capitalist society (albeit in a commoditised form). What's more likely is that older forms will change due to the disappearance of market forces.

As for locking ourselves away to engage in asocial forms of entertainment: I very much doubt I'm going to stop reading books because of unhindered access to social forms of entertainment. ;)

Once the profit motive is gone, I'm sure we'll see less crap like Steam, rushed unfinished games, disposable cinematic experiences, day-one DLC, etc. Basically there will be less incentive to fuck both the developers and the players.

One of the conclusions of that recent worker coop report is indeed that coops tend to be larger than traditional businesses.

I'd prefer it if actual good top-down RPGs made a comeback and isometric trash was buried for good already.