Perfect films don't ex-


most reddit thing I've seen all day, thanks user





Jurassic Park is only relevant as a historical monument for achievements in special effects. And compared to today's CGI Jurassic Park's CGI is still shit, no matter how much it "holds up". It has no other value except the few moments of Jeff Goldblum.


Now that's just wrong

Thought you guys were gonna go off on Potter but you're going off on JP and Fellowship
So what would you consider perfect ? Shit like Conan the Barbarian and the Thing? Please tell me.

none of these films are perfect. fellowship is the closest though.

no film is perfect but you can not be a sperg and take things literally hp and fellowship are both great

I watched all the Harry Potter movies recently and maybe only two of them are Perfect Films. I wasn't really paying attention too much so I can't say which ones for sure.

Jurassic Park was ALMOST perfect if not for one thing;

tbh I stopped reading after "Jurassic Park"

two of them being perfect is pretty high praise, I think they are all good to great, i would actually consider 3 of them perfect though

Really makes me think


no one said it wasn't amazing for 1993. But for 2017 it's shit. Go back to reddit you faggot.

But films rarely have good CGI. Shit like Thor and Justice League look like complete ass.

What are you, like 10? Do your parents know that you use this website?

This """""""""""""""""website""""""""""""""""""" posts about tranny porn anime and star wars/capeshit

And Gremlins came out in 1984 and E.T. came out in 1982

Practical effects are significantly better than CGI and it's not because of nostalgia bullshit. There are actual, legitimate reasons why practical effects are better
1.) Practical effects give the actors actual physical props to interact with which allows for deeper method acting

2.) Practical effects appear more grounded in the films environment because the stage lighting itself is interacting with the props. With CGI all lighting must be added artificially and it's not always perfect and adds an extra layer of expense

3.) You CAN get away with cheap/shitty looking practical effects because the audience will be more forgiving by the impression the prop gives off. If CGI is bad then you're fucked because the audience will just see that you didn't give a fuck

Of course CG is overall cheaper so fuck it thanks Kikes

ET looked like ass all around tbh.
And it's about utilizing

Speilberg knew how to use the CGI and using the rex in rainfall masks the CGI and it has aged really nicely.

Yes Jurassic Park mixed good practical and special effects aided by great soundtrack, sound mixing, sound editing and editing.

It was a combination of animatronics and digital compositing

Note how the stage lighting still naturally cascades off the Dinos body

Yea for all the shit speilberg gets he knew how to make the film look amazing when it came out and the same for the lost world, afterwards you can see with jurassic world when i director doesnt give a shit about aesthetics and lighting and making it look realistic

The problem comes from CG making specifial effects work lazy. Most studios probably outsource special effects to Pajeets nowadays. It's what creates cucks who say "Lol just turn your brain off to enjoy it!" Because otherwise the suspension of disbelief is pretty much gone. All the unnecessary digital touchups in Capeshit movies is partially why I can't sit through more than 5 minutes of modern capeshit.


>>>Holla Forums

not an argument


But it actually is an argument

Back to reddit

Some of the effects in this film still look great today. Even without the recent 4K hdr print.

the only fucking good harry potter movie is the third movie

It looks good but i can now note its age, the Rex feet and his stepping stone look smudged, the particles of the environment and of the Dino body change drastically

But they are all good

with all the anime threads I'm not convinced anyone over 20 posts here

If there was a bottomless pit of disappointment Holla Forums would still hit rock bottom.

I'm 26

I'm 86.


I didn't like the 6th one. They just fuck around instead of finding out who the Half Blood Prince is and only near the end of the film does it become good.

The sixth one is so comfy, that atmosphere. Completely underrated. Thats why its so great its actually their most normal school year they've had and it slowly goes to shit


Dinosaurs are gay
Wizards are gay
Midgets are gay
fight me loser

myabe only because youre dumb a faggot. Jurassic Park is a testament to filmmaking because it used every tool at its disposal to create a world in our minds so well. Not only do we get a feel of what dinosaur life was like on earth but we get to feel what it would be like if we were dropped into that existence. The story itself is a masterpiece as a sci-fi thriller. The movie quite literally deals with the theme of fear in the most extreme way possible. Evolutionary do you know how fucked we would be living in a world infested with dinosaurs? Its amazing when they deal with the velociraptors too because of their cunningness vs the bigger dinosaurs ferocity. Its okay to be a fucking normie retard.

on top of that you dumb faggots things are relative. The story was so well thought out and executed like cmon wasn't it awesome how they axtracted the dna from mosquitoes and when they were in the desert and he was a grumpy digger that wanted to scare the kid about velociraptors. the graphics have a true purpose. its not fucking OMG EPIC MORPHING SNAKE MACHINE THING TOTALLY FLIES INTO A BUILDING A DESTORYS IT AND THEN GOES AND ATTACKS THE TRASNFORMERS CREW MEEMBER #189 FROM MOVIE TRASNFORMERS 8 : REVENGE OF thE FaLlen PrOTEcTERz

I believe you posted the wrong pics, OP.

Holy shit the symbolism.

That's because it was directed by Alfonso Cuaron who is famous/infamous for not giving a shit about staying true to the source material so that he has no limitations. All of the HP books are pretty flawed, as was "The Children of Men," and his adaptions of them were notably better because of the changes he made to them.

IIRC he never read either book, at least not until he had written the first draft of the screenplay, and he had each of the actors write him an essay about his characters and otherwise got a general summary of the plot/theme to go off of.


>Jurassic Park's CGI is shit is still shit
>is still shit
Tell me about "today's CGI" user, why has it improved so much?

fotr is above both of them though, stop trying to pretend harry potter is above being mindless libshit popcorn entertainment.

Did Clive Owen give him a blank page?

They all had changes made after Columbus

Stop pretending lotr isn't mindless libshit popcorn entertainment you young dumb piece of shit. His directing isn't amazing. HP is better directed than LOTR on average.

The beast looks so awful.

wow, they really have you guys out in full force eh?