Regional bird, bug, and another early-game normal type revealed, as well as "Battle Royale", in which four separate trainers all fight each other simultaneously. Thoughts?
New Pokemon
Would it kill them to spice things up a bit? Do we really need yet another normal/flying bird to litter 80% of the routes with?
C'mon, give me a rock/flying bird or something, I don't give a fuck.
Solid bird, design looks a wee bit cluttered but I'm sure it'll grow on me
Bug is too bland to say
Weasel is shit
I'd like Grubbin to evolve into something fuckable.
Well, fletchling started off Normal/Flying and became Fire/Flying, so there's always a chance.
The beetle is definitely going to become Bug/Electric.
What will be the new Pokemon from this game that some people will become sexually attracted to?
It looks like it's gonna become Bug/Electric.
Completely pointless, as there will never be a bug pokemon cooler or cuter than this.
These look awful, holy fuck
I thought Yungoos was the worst of the 3, but that dumbass grin is starting to grow on me. It reminds me of Linoone, but not gay.
Looks like im getting the early game bug again
Could be Bug/Ground
Please GF?.. pretty please?
What, Nincada's not good enough for you?
Then what region are they native to?
Where the fuck do new pokemon come from, anyway?
The Generation 8 region.
I actually like this gen's pidgey.
Why do they keep BUG around as a type if they're just going to continue to shit on it? Shouldn't it have some valid role in the type system?
They were always there, the inhabitants just didn't see it at the time. Like how apparently no one had seen a Pikachu egg hatch before Gen II or no one noticed Clefable was actually resistant to fighting moves before Gen VI.
Where have you been, dude?
Gen V was a fantastic time for bug pokemon. Now, the first bug pokemon is still shit, but they went a long way towards making bugs actually fun to play.
Yungoos ability is fucking good.
Slap a red card on that fucker and go to town.
There's plenty of good bug types, this isn't Gen 1 anymore.
Scizor, Pinsir, Heracross, Shuckle, Armaldo, Vespiquen, Yanmega, Galvantula, Volcarona, and Genesect are all viable in their own right.
Out of the fucking loop I guess, time to go grab a gen 5 rom
I apologize for my ignorance
Well at least the battle royal segment shows the girl with a different shirt, so clothing customization is back.
Feel free to add Vivillion and Mega Beedrill to that list too.
For what it is worth, it had a niche in Ubers cucking Kyogre
They could at least mix up the types, for once.
Why not make Yungoos Normal/Dark or something? Fuck it, it's generation 7.
They'll probably make it once it evolves, most early critters last gen did change types upon evolving (namely the bird and the rabbit)
To my knowledge, that would be a unique type combination, right?
It's pretty much guaranteed to be Bug/Electric.
Bird looks good, the other 2 are objectively shit.
Is battle royal 2vs2 with every trainer controlling his own mon?
If yes then it took them long enough.
Free for all, apparently.
Interesting! Is there a version of this where they exclude unique legendary typings?
Not much use in a Fire/Water pokemon if it's just some weird steam legendary thing.
I still love poison pokemon, even if gamefreak doesn't.
I feel like that would be one of those combos that just will never make sense
On non-unique combinations that should also be excluded because the pokemon that have it are shit
Pokemon Sage was better
I really can't help but look at Pikipek and think of my little grass hummingbird.
Come on Gamefreak you had one job
Even if they kept the god awful Steel/Psychic type for the sun lion, the Dark/Fairy would have created an interesting duoality where each one is weak to eachother. Dark being Psychic and Steel being Fairy
Think about it, have Drudigon evolve into a Fighting/Dragon or dragon/Poison or even dragon/ghost
Make it the Dragon Eevee equivalent
How the fuck do you turn off autocorrect on Windows 10?
I mean beating, Dark beating Psychic and so on,
I really need to down-grade
In the old testament there was a very interesting plague where god combined a blizzard and a fire storm. I'm surprised we haven't seen those elements mixed more.
Doesn't matter when it has a lower framerate than the N64 zelda games
They could easily do something that lures travelers in blizzards with an open flame. I'm sure there's an animal or cryptid that does something similar.
Dunsparce evo/mega, tho
yeah, would like to see some kind of mix between Ice and Fire, but oh well.
Dood they flat out SAID player Customization is back
It's Metagross. A beefed up lion Metagross.
It's gonna be worse than Metagross-mega, isn't it.
Well, mega Metagross doesn't have immunity to stat changes, but yeah, probably.
You'd think it would have something like Flash Fire, but I guess not
The Sun isn't made of fire or gas.
It's Plasma.
Isn't there an ability that does exactly this? How is this new?
Clear Body is close, but not exactly the same.
Upon second inspection, it's almost exactly the same wording and everything, nevermind.
What the fuck?
You know what really bothers me?
They are claiming that one else has an ability like, when it is just a renamed clear body
There 2 abilities actualy, Clear Body and White Smoke
Can we rurn off the trainer screen narrow. Looks distracting.
Autocorrect? You're typing with a physical keyboard right? I've never had that problem with 10.
I'm willing to bet either their typing, their ability, or perhaps both change when they enter their super forms.
Check the official website.
That may be true for X and Y but do we really have any proof that it'll be true for Sun and Moon? One would think that would be one of the first issues that they would want to solve.
That would be cool, looking at Zygarde, that doesn't sound too imposible. I think they will be triggered by the use of a certain move
user, those are from the pokemon offcial site
If you want to argue that all matters that are high tempature relate to the fire type with Pokemon in mind, then my point falls apart.
But physically speaking, fire isn't inherently plasma. It can become plasma once hot enough, however.
t-thanks Gamefreak
Are we still sure is Hawaii and not Australia?
Nah, you’d see a LOT more rabbit-proof fencing on the world map.
you didn't watch the trailer?
The region is called Alola come on
Kill yourself retard
I have a question.
At the very end of the Sun/Moon segment, Masuda's translator talked a bit about "alternative shiny colors", but I'm not sure about that and wanted to check for confirmation, is there a way to see that part of the video again ?
All of them
Was the Rotom Pokedex confirmed to be usable in battle? An electric-steel typing with levitate would be godly. Plus, it could get flash cannon or something as its steel type move.
I'm guessing he was just referring to shinies being alternate colorations in the first place.
It would be cool if there was more than one shiny variation though.
Aww, too bad, it might made shinies more interesting, if they're randomly chosen through a palette instead of being a defined color.
I still want the 2nd gen choice with shinies being always competitively viable due to near-perfect DVs everywhere, that was an incentive to search for some.
That's the joke.
How do you niggers feel about this?
I like it, we have almost 1000 of the fuckers now and some of them have retarded typings that don't fit their looks. Memorizing all that isn't fun.
Fucking finally. We really need to be able to see EVs/IVs in the game, too.
I’d love if the Pokédex was something we had to totally fill out. Like EVERYTHING. Autistic JRPG-style These should show up only after you’ve used them on a specific type combination for the first time.
sounds like last night with your mom
I don't like that change at all but X and Y were piss easy without it and had no post game anyways
Bretty cool.
On the one hand, I feel like it's making it even more casual. On the other hand, that's pretty much the entire audience of Pokemon, and it is useful. As long as they don't stop and ask you 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO USE THIS MOVE?' if it's not very effective.
u guys really play this kiddie game? LMAO
I like it, especially because it's only added after you encounter a Pokemon for the first time (so you can still fumble on your first battle if you're not aware of its typing).
Also, Popplio learning a Fairy move, on top of one of the devs retweeting a post with that Tiger-masked wrestler…maybe support for these "leaks"?
I agree with your sentiment fellow poster
Fire Ground
Water Fighting
Flying Dark
it's a pokemon game, bruh
I don't say that in a bad way at all, I love the games, but I mean…c'mon
Remembering type effectiveness was one of the few things that took actual skill in pokemon. They really don't need to make the game even fucking easier.
Are you clinically retarded?
ye, ya forgot about thi
Modern education has left it's mark apparently.
What the fuck Hotwheels, that is not my image.
It's good. Might be an unpopular opinion here, but let's be honest, most folks play these games with a type advantage chart on their monitor/phone/pocket/etc anyway, this is just taking out a little tedium
That's pretty cool
Seems stupid to have that on 1x moves. And there surely won’t be a distinction for 4x or 1/4x, will there? Retards.
Fire ground
Grass flying
Water fighting
are the final types, there used to be media resources on the official site for these type icons
Actually, at least in here most everyone thinks that.
I think it is a neat addition. Well, I wish it was less ugly looking but it is okay.
And then there'll be people telling the Water starter becomes Water/Fairy because it learns Disarming Voice, and in the end it'll become Water/Ground
The bird looks like it'll become Steel/Flying. Bug looks nice, shame it looks like it will be Bug/Electric and the Mongoose will surely become part dark
First move chespin learns is rollout and first move froakie learns is lick, that didn't make greninja or chesnaught rock type or ghost type.
What do think the new starters will have for HA?
Still don't care until they confirm post E4 content is back.
Shit, I'd play it.
I like the bird.
They should just stop making anything that isn't a bird. The birds are always the best ones anyway, so just make an entire generation of birds.
maybe it means something like burn wont half its attack but still damage
If it's Ken Sugimori, I'm not sure of how much he programs but he's a wrestling fan. Taken from his twitter
Time to remind everyone of what we could've had
No one wanted your shit fan mons, user.
I said that's the point of Pokemon in the second sentence, bruh.
Damn I wish they would abandon that too epic for their own good and make fire/grass legendary for the sun.
Really they are trying too hard with their new typing.
If there will be next exploit or I will get my hands on cheat device I will make metagross and give him Solgaleo moveset, including special attack, and name him Oelaglas.
It will be glorious.
that annoys me more about these. If you're trying to make a theme around the starter trio (be it fake or not) keep it fucking consistent.
Knife throwers are a common sideshow attraction.
killin me softly nigger, killin me softly
So are they just slowly inching towards having straight up Pokemon warfare?
They already did that with a FFT-style game.
I know that, but try to reason with idiots.
Actually, it did if you had protean.
I hope so.
What is Pokemon Conquest?
A spin off.
Take me in oh tender woman
I want a damn radioactive Rock/Poison or Steel/Poison type!
I will not give up hope until it's 100% confirmed. All I can hold onto is the fact that Wottergate was a thing, and maybe these will be real.
Didn't the artist literally come out and post a whole bunch of concepts they had drawn up?
What the hell would Fire/Grass be weak too?
All I can think of is flying and poison.
I read that in Trump's voice
Supposedly, it was the image posted, but no one can actually source it or name the artist in question, and there is no signature on that picture so I'm still holding out hope, but it's bleeding out.
muh sneaky pebbles strike again
Grubbin is probably going to be cool when it evolves
Pikipek sounds like a Haitian genital disease
Yungoos is kinda weeeeeeak
I like bugs anyway so I have lost nothing from this
in summation
Radioactivity doesn't seem too likely in a game made in Japan.
why can't we have nice things
Grubbin will probably evolve into some kind of beetle pokemon considering that's what grubs turn into. I wouldn't put it past them to add a grub pre-evolution to Heracross or Pinsir
I wish they'd let you play a Bug Catcher model.
the hedgeheg
Also Scoliopede is fast as fuck and hits like a truck.
I'd fucking love that but;
4x Fire is easily bypassed with superior bug stats, and Leavanny bypasses Rock types.
Is there a Bug/Dark mon?
best buge
God damn, all those resistances on Poison/Electric
How the fuck does that one work as a design?
I agree
Put muk in Frost Rotom
There's options
how about wonder guard ?
No, forget it, it's unfixable.
I just want a huge spider covered in Ice crystals. It could shoot frozen webs or something…
life is suffering
weezing would work better imo
Frozen poison?
They better do it
How about some kind of Polar Bear??
Their livers have so much Vitamin A that eating it would KILL YOUUUUU
Poison/Fire sounds more like a CO2 cloud. Or they could go full conspiracy and use Chemtrails as the fire/poison pokemon.
Gardevoir is the best devoir
Weezing should be a Steel/Poison called Hakking or マタドルガス.
I always thought Muk looked like it was meant to be lit on fire.
Why user? Althought to be fair it kinda looks like gasoline.
He's Ground/Ghost
The normal form is ghost/ground. But it wouldn't surprise me that gamefreak did something like giving a megaevolution to Golurk and giving it the ghost/rock typing, just to not to make a new pokemon for the type.
Normal/Ice (Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?)
And Gyarados is Water/Flying, but then becomes Water/Dark when mega evolved
what's your point
Probably just me, but Leavanny is the best first bug evolution you can get, and Scolipede is very good too.
Rock is similar to ground so changing it wouldn't make sense tbh
Are they? I was playing Blaze Black 2 and I was wondering what Bug to fill out my team with.
Almost all of those are steel's resistances.
Leavanny gets Swords Dance, X-Scissor and Leaf Blade in one package.
Careful: Extremely Flammable.
aside from the ghost immunity, they all are
Didn't Steel gain a resistance to Ghost too? Normal/Steel is basically a downgrade.
Sort of pointless when my Serperior is the best grass starter I've ever seen.
This little contrarian fuck just eats every enemy for breakfast. I dug him without this ability, but with it? Jesus fuck, why would they make this monster?
It /lost/ its resistance. Dark too.
Steel lost it's ghost resistance in gen 6.
no, steel lost resistance
Why is Bug resistant to Fighting anyway?
You'd figure strong physical attacks would squish bugs
Have you tried to punch a fly user?
It's also because fighting-type is more akin to the hero type in japan, and bugs are associated to Kamen Rider. So a hero fighting anotger hero would usually hold back. That's also why dark-type (evil type in japan) is weak to both bug and fighing
They get cocky, so they hold back.
Have you never seen a kung fu movie user?
Only a true master can catch the fly with the chopsticks
Isn't it weak to ghost, too?
That's really funny. And very informative!
I thought Ghost was super-effective against fighting. Still, Ice might be the shittiest type ever.
fighting is immune to ghost
Ghost is immune to Fighting and Normal.
Normal is immune to Ghost.
It's the other way around.
my bad
It's easy to forget your type matchups if you don't play religiously.
Pokeafrica since it's clealry going to evolve into a honey badger
Oh and Quiver Dance lest I forget
You mean like they already did in Gen 3?
I swear I used to know them all. I haven't played pokemon since Alpha/Omega came out.
hey, beef, trying reading the thread first so you can include all these posts in one post
When did they do a normal/dark pokemon?
Lmao that id
pork is better
only to distance yourself from jews
but undercooked pork can be really fucking bad. undercooked beef is usually desirable
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
He was just Dark.
Not Normal.
Your breeding/competitive battling shit isn't going anywhere, don't sperg out.
But the grass starter is already grass/flying and that final evo doesn't look like a flying type.
Eh? user, most everyone here thinks that is a good change. Hell, I do so too. I am asking what you think, as in your opinion
C U T E !!
Eh, guess I overreacted, I'd just been seeing a lot of people screaming MUH CASUALIZATION in other places, and assumed this was another of those posts.
Ghetsis' Hydreigon knows Frustration and it has maximum power.
Why do you think it threatens to eat him?
Well, he had to have done something pretty out of the ordinary to get it to evolve a full ten levels early.
Easy explanation.
It's sexual frustration
Now I need a pic of Ghetsis and Hydreigon like this.
I want to dick a bellsprout. just look at that shit it's made to be nature's tight fleshlight
This art design is giving some mixed messages
Get out Bernie
Unova, as Trump is from NY
He'll evolve into Electric/Normal and then Just Electric or something, he's final evo will be pretty high energy
If my mom's weasel was that fucking pissed at all times we'd have to put it down. It makes Asura's Wrath look like mild irritation.
It makes American Kirby look like Japanese Kirby.
Tomb Stone
Oh and here comes the furfags ready to derail the thread
user are you ok
the whole "forms"/"mega evolutions" thing is so fucking gay
The new battle royal is bad to the point that most people will likely keep doing 2v2 to emulate 1v1v1v1 free for alls.
The cutest of them all
What makes you say that?
It automatically ends after the first person loses and then calculates the winner based on some weird scoring system instead of going to the last player standing.
The winner is the trainer who gets the most knock outs, not the last Pokemon standing.
Do you at least get a shitload of bonus points for being the last one standing?
No. And it's only possible to be the last one standing if the other trainers go down to 1 mon each, and you knock out all 3 other mons with the same move. So that will basically never happen.
How will explosion/recoil damage work in this new mode?
There is no last person standing. Once the first person loses, it automatically ends.
I… why?
If one person loses, it ends right there. No room for another person to do it.
It's literally better to keep doing the bootleg 2v2 free for alls.
That sounds retarded
It sounds retarded because it is.
I think it's to prevent people from just hammering the first guy to lose a Pokemon which seems like it would be an issue.
You gotta accept that risk when you're going into a free for all.
That sounds exactly like what it's encouraging
Because the first person down loses/wins the entire match
It's clearly so that nobody is left without any pokemon while everyone else fights, because nintendo has to hold everyone's hand always even if it ruins the game for others
Is this just a multiplayer thing or is it in the story, too?
There's no reason for it to be in the story, unless the player is the one that dies first
This is pretty neat.
After every game in gen 6 being pure liquid shit, this only looks worse somehow.
There's a better chance of Sage coming out in the next decade than Sun/Moon being good in any way.
Did someone say Poison/Steel?
I'd fucking love a pokemon that has a dex entry about how it causes forest fires or something like that.
It'd be good if there were subcategories of "first to fall" and "last trainer standing"
Fucking tentacool had a similar ability (clear body). Who do they think to fool?
Phi pls
these are pretty cool. i actually like that bird, i dont usually care for them very much.
many feels were had that day
Make it happen
pic related
Meanwhile TCPi is enjoying the free advertising. Thanks memes.
would main full English
What the fuck
Wow do they really have nothing else better to report on than a fictional animal with a vague similarity?