NYT: Tillerson accused Russia of influencing EU elections "using the same methods it employed in the U.S."
How long before he calls for regime change in Poland and Hungary for not letting in refugees?
NYT: Tillerson accused Russia of influencing EU elections "using the same methods it employed in the U.S."
How long before he calls for regime change in Poland and Hungary for not letting in refugees?
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We've been CUCKED !
Somehow they got to him. They twisted his arm, blackmailed, threatened, and made him their golem.
Im not saying it didnt happen, but what a great source op.
You fucking niggers are literally wasting your time here.
You're wasting your life.
I'm pretty sure they're using some kind of mind control weaponry on him.
Everything seemed to change after that day he stumbled out of the room without signing the EO.
sage because sick of these threads
Checked for the honeymoon is over and divorce is imminent.
This. Honeymoon was great.
The salt was delicious. Brought out some pretty good keks.
But it's over. It's time to go to work and Trump is late on his first day after the big promotion. Not good. Maybe some good will come of his presidency if he doesn't get us all nuked and actually builds the wall.
Anything less than what he promised his voters is not enough.
Is he basically implying that his own electoral victory was potentially unfair? How deranged one must be to suggest this?
He already blew it.
He promised us an end to sanctuary cities in 100 days and no more foreign wars of nation building, and neither of those appears probable.
Perhaps Trump simply went senile a la Reagan and is now easily manipulated
THIS IS 128884051510061601600015556D CHESS LADS
WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you going to go on a spree taking justice in your own hands or what?
Just watch things get worse?
What if the real Trump is dead and they are using his clone now?
ITT shills replying to shills
We can't afford to shroud ourselves in excuses. We must face the hard truth, which is that Trump is a cuckservative civic nationalist who loves Jews.
Any dog whistles he did, anything like that, it must be dismissed, because dog whistles mean nothing relative to actions, and all his actions suggest his dog whistles were just that - whistling to attract bitches to serve him.
The dogs are no more use, and so the golem discards them when told by his master. We shall be dogs forever if we cannot be wolves when wolves are what is needed.
at least you tried
Just watch things get worse, I'm afraid. Wolves are pack animals, and they rarely thrive on their own.
What are you going to do?
Tillerson is one of the highest ranking presidential mouthpieces.
You didn't even try.
I agree. I only hope that a few things can now be salvaged from his presidency.
If nothing else, I learned that you don't vote for ANYONE who says they will be good for Israel. Not even if you think he's dogwhistling. Because he's not.
If we can change the demographic back to white just a little and get the wall built, we have a chance.
But I'd just be fooling myself to think any of those things will happen at this point. He hasn't followed through on the other shit he was supposed to do, so why would I believe he's going to start now?
Embrace the chaos. It's all part of the plan.
Be active in my local political party and help support candidates who like Trump are more nationalist and will help push our country away from the apocalypse that you are so willing to let happen.
Go to endchan if you want to spend all day whining about how everything is lost. That or go out and kill as many niggers and kikes as you can before getting shot.
Oh, lad… No.
Check the demographic age pyramid - without massive deportations of those here legally, the illegals mean nothing.
And just think what another war will do… Trump was a release valve. Let that pressure out, then demoralize the shit out of the remaining Whites - thats who elected Trump - and start a war that ensures Democrat support in 2018 and 2020.
Shillary might legit get her shot, and she's actually a best-case scenario, one might argue at least. Point being: Pressure released, Whites demoralized, libshits fired up, Dems win the legislature back and then the presidency and that, dear user, is how America died.
There are no good politicians. You will not win this via voting.
nu-Holla Forums sucks.
When was the honeymoon? I only remember the wedding ceremony.
you've been punked
I am the swamp
I live in a gold house
I make fun of cruz the mouse
while acting like a goose
the zog is on the loose
they call me golden goy
I ain't nothin' but a jewish boy
I promised to build a wall
I promised to imprison hillary
I called her crooked
now my approval numbers fall
my voters want me in a pillory
I am crooked
The 180 shift in Trump's policies definitely is staggering. Shills and legitimate critics will try to retroactively claim that his entire campaign was an act to get into office, but his Presidency actually got off to a really strong start until just about 2 weeks ago. The first muslim travel ban, the Gorsuch nomination, increased deportations were all extremely encouraging and until very recently he was pledging to support Assad in Syria and help Russia combat ISIS.
Then like I said, approximately two weeks ago the baby gassing false-flag came out and Trump suddenly went full neocohen when only a month ago he was praising Assad. I don't know whether it's bribery, blackmail or mind control but Trump has definitely…changed, and it's reflected by the shift in his staff from Bannon and Flynn to Kushner and McMaster.
He was most likely blackmailed. Remember he did board the Lolita Express once.
You're shilling the Jew Times and claiming someone else is a shill? You need to be fed broken glass.
You must be responding to the wrong poster, but OP was citing Ann Coulter's twitter which referenced a direct quote from the NYT. No one is claiming that NYT, Wash Post, etc aren't jewish propaganda machines, but a direct quote is a direct quote. Unless you're suggesting Spicer didn't actually say Russia was manipulating EU elections then the source is irrelevant.
Russia manipulating EU is pure Jew and Liberal propaganda to fuck Le Pen, if this cunt Tillerson is mouthing this bullshit to all and sundry, then Fuck this shit. Trump is supposed to be helping Le Pen.
With Ivanka when she was really young, at that.
Wat? So he's saying Trump wasn't elected fairly?
> (1)
He had to appear legit in the first few weeks, lest he risk an uprising. Once he'd settled things down though, it was safe to move forward on his actual agenda - which had nothing to do with the shit he talked about on the campaign trail.
Donald Trump is a globalist.
You think he's loyal to Trump, or Matthis? The latter was against the travel ban because based muslims should be let in from terror hotspots.
It's not cuckoldry as long as there's a chess board in the room.m
There's only a dreidel now.
That actually explains a whole lot.
Ugh… I didn't know that last bit. Can't stand Yael Kushner, but sad to think she might have become the mess she is today thanks to daddy pimping her off to dirty old finance kikes.
Then why is he on the team?
Why does the whole team consist of former nevertrumpers, zionists, golman-sachs employees and democrats?
Does this mean Trump has no control over his own government?
Literally every single one of Trump's picks has turned out to be shit, the only possible exception being Sessions, but even he's been rather shit as of late.
Ann Cunter is a whore, I trust Trump!
Wasted dubs btw, if Hitler was alive he would be backing up Trump. I feel it in my bones.
Do you think they tricked him into fucking an underage girl?
The evidence at hand certainly seems to suggest that either Trump 'sold out' or was never anything but a puppet to begin with.
You ever seen Howl's Moving Castle?
There's a scene there where they show the king, and that's what I wager the vibe is as regards Trump.
You have to go degenerater.
Trump had no control over the Government at all, the whole apparatus revolted, the CIA, NSA, Penatagon, they got rid of Flynn, replaced with a total neo-con McMaster.
The whole point we were waiting for was for him to get control then eveyone bends the knee, but too many jews spoil the broth, and he's not fighting the deepstate anymore.
The only thing Trump has is Sessions, and God bless that man, but they will try get him out soon too.
If Western Europe isn't interested in being a willing lap dog for ZOGistan's expansionist wars, then would Trump really help her? Remember, France has a history of being wishy-washy on NATO participation – from both the left and the right.
I don't know how many people have actually looked up Sessions' positions on immigration instead of just reading HuffPost black propaganda, but the guy has openly and repeatedly shilled for a "points system" of immigration like Canada and Australia. Sessions is a fucking cuck.
You just don't understand the genius of it all OP.
The shills are playing 3-D Stereophonic Virtual Chess with the Jews while Trump is jerking off into a plastic cup in the corner!
It all makeees sense when you think about it.
Everybody says that in public, they use it to deport all illegals and make the public see the law and order play, the spics ruining your country line doesn't work in zogland.
You can say that again.
Well, there you have it.
if he was globalist all along why globalists spend billions against him?
Something happened
I want to fugg smugburd
OK and what about this?
Why should US taxpayers care about Ukraine conflict? – Tillerson to French FM
Things are all over the place, nobody knows who is saying what exactly and faggots like you don't want to try to make things clearer, you just repeat what the media says – and the media is against Trump and against Russia.