Spicer just admitted that Hitler didn't gas anyone like Assad. Not even Hitler stooped that low.
Spicer just admitted that Hitler didn't gas anyone like Assad. Not even Hitler stooped that low.
Other urls found in this thread:
He then walked it back a bit. This really didn't need its own thread.
But that means he's claiming Assad gassed anyone, which is bullshit as well
That's a huge leap of logic.
Also this.
Hitler didn't gas anyone in a military context. Removing jews was just extracurricular activities.
He didn't remove any jews either and it costed him the war
But the ensuing salt does
Libs are going to demand Spicer's resignation, I guarantee it.
I hope you anons are enjoying this year's Passover.
Churchill made plans for gassing and releasing anthrax on Germany. Luckily never made it to the final operations though.
And now his bust is in the Oval Office.
I really hope he doesn't get replaced over this. His existence only entertains me now.
Seems pretty overt tbh
Do the MSNBC retards even know what chemical weapons are?
He didn't say Hitler did nothing wrong, but he did imply that the holoco$t is a lie
Holy fuck the memes
Hitler didn't use poison gas on his own people
What matters is that "Hitler gassed millions" is being brought back to headlines, in a time when even getting to the moon is questioned by sceptics.
They took a break?
Aaaaand now the media is going to kvetch over this one little historically accurate quote and ignore more important matters.
Really activates my almonds.
I guess the jews really are our greatest allies then, because they never shut up about it.
Do you even play 1488d chess? Low energy shills BTFO.
What is this "activating my almonds" meme I keep seeing today? It's not funny, so I can only assume from cuckchan or the redditors raiding us.
You think he was just trying to cheer us up over the whole Syria bullshit? Yesterday he didn't seem spicey at all and looked sad.
Just a quick note to any youngfags in this thread – "Even Hitler didn't blah-blah-blah" is a textbook kike-neocon line from the bad old days before Iraq.
Back then, the need was felt to make us all crazy and drive us into war against Israel's enemy, Iraq. So every (((news agency))) on Earth ran a video of Iraqi chemical weapons agents gassing a dog over and over again. The narrative was "even Hitler liked dogs! We should invade Iraq RIGHT NOW! Mazel Tov!!!!"
I'm not falling for this. Spicer is smearing yid agitprop, and no amount of taco removal on the domestic front changes that. This is a line straight from ((((((((((((Bill Kristol)))))))))))).
I called it on the other thread this will be a big story by tomorrow. I don't doubt they will demand Sean's resignation.
Also for relevance :
Chemical weapons were used (mustard gas) in WW1, Hitler was exposed in his time in the German Army he went blind and had constant eye pain and problems as a result. This is why he never used gas in WW2 but they expect you to believe he gassed kikes when he didn't gas the invaders that wanted to kill him.
Spicer just released this statement.
It's a /fit/ meme
With all the gg-tier tone policing going on over trump it should be obvious they're here.
Holy shit this is going go to bring back the story about how a bunch of jews admitted to lying about the number of deaths during the holocaust
It's old as fuck.
See it's just chess.
I mean, he's not wrong
Spicer knows the jews had it coming (even though it didn't happen)
you know they will.
Oh, guessing it something about a diet. Heard soaking them in milk helps with something and its good for memory.
Shareblue is among us. I wonder how they'll survive the rest of the week.
Remind me again how these guys are supposed to be the bad guys? Hitler and co. look like the kind of people you'd want a hug from.
I'd be sad too if I woke up on a monday morning and remembered that I had to go deal with those damn reporters.
holy shit that is the funniest use of parenthesis since (((hitler gassed millions)))
The desperation of you chesscucks is delicious.
Did he?
maybe he meant the Hall of Costs.
By their own meanings these two phrases appear to be identical. What's the problem?
he just implied the holocaust didnt happen retard
This must to be a really low blow after Trump ignored the Passover celebrations in the White House and didn't show up.
Dude he was more worried about sounding like 2003 bush and 2013 Obama. Saying Spicer dreads dealing with reporters is like accusing a butcher of dreading sheep. If you watch it again you see him try to avoid " weapons of mass destruction" by switching the words up a bit. How would you feel being compared to bullshit'n bush or kang nigger?
Jews created the second one themselves
Not really you retard.
You people are this btfo and it's only Tuesday.
They are jews the complain until they get money and you publicly humiliate yourself & bend the knee.
He said Hitler didn't gas anyone
His clarification was pretty great too. Basically said Assad was different because the Jews weren't innocent and weren't Germans.
My sides.
This was 100% not an accident, he's playing chess but with the base. It's an empty gesture that he walks back immediately and now the news cycle is about these bollocks,the press will play along and the dumb slaves will eat it up.
Good point.
A: That's not what tone policing is
B: tone policing is a goon meme
You will never get that 10bux back
I second this
It was some page out of a magazine, I think. Some nutritionist faggot listed his Bay Area-tier diet and it included "Activated Almonds". The meme engine was thus fed fuel, and the inevitable happened.
he said there was no way Assad could remain in power? is this ironic shitposting, i can't tell anymore
1- he said Hitler didn't gas anyone.
2- clarified his statement by saying he didn't gas his own.
Why do you kosher faggots only ever blame "muh ctr" or "muh shareblue"? Worried about offending your Jewish allies?
JIDF are the primary image board shills.
Germans weren't covered in lice like the stinky jews so they didn't need delousing to prevent typhus.
He said "in his personal opinion", which if you've paid attention at all, you'll know Spicer NEVER does that shit. He always refuses to give his own personal opinion on matters, and just states the White House's position.
The fact he made an exception today tells me he was giving the MSM something to latch onto, while also giving himself plausible deniability by being able to say it was his opinion.
Doesn't he know that the holocaust was the worst thing that ever happened in history? What an anti-semite.
Cultured vegetables took off a bit, too.
>>>/reddit/ is that way Chumpcuck.
So the whole Syria thing is a political game we have not seen the conclusion of yet. Makes sense.
Top kek
Yes, in an attempt to further shill a war against Assad he fucked up his wording and said that.
Truly a savior of the white race!
How does making fun of jews exploiting a lie to make shekels, validate the holocaust narrative?
What. the. fuck. are you talking about? Did Tillerson and Haley say that too?
It's like an SJW explaining 52 genders through a post modern dance interpretation.
How do you get like this? Do you actually believe this?
Right, we haven't gotten anything official with Syria yet. The theory that it's all smoke and mirrors between Trump, Putin, and possibly even Assad is the most logical one though when you put all the pieces together.
You doing it for free now user?
Then he also fucked up when he said destabilizing Syria. You Russians can't have it both ways.
Is the White House just trolling Jews at this point?
They probably are. But if you think they would point out that Trump is supporting Isreali interests and is a shabbos goy you aren't familiar with the shilling techniques that they use.
The "anti Trump shills" are mostly actual Holla Forumslacks, who feel like they won't be banned for criticising him anymore.
Fuck off gator
Anythin apart from outright denial helps to validate it.
Reminds me of how he snubbed them on national holocaust day too. Kikes can't catch a break.
The raid on shareblue's discord confirmed they're trying to look like regular Holla Forumslacks by using just enough truth to sound legit, while spinning this concern d&c tactics. That's why it's especially annoying this time around.
Even if you use bullets, they are also made of chemicals
Pro-Trump losers are getting desperate.
You sound like a bot
They hold daily press briefings don't they? Journalists and kikes are synonymous at this point.
Well I can only speak for myself. I've been critical of him for months, I just felt like there wasn't enough certainty to speak out. That changed a last week.
I bet. Reddit's been fucking pissed no matter what he does.
got it. carry on. shitposting this hard is about the only way it'll get through to people who fell for the dichotomy again.
Russian bot?
Hitler confirmed for top constructor of those holocaust centers
Not an argument, reddit!
Nah, he said destabilizing the conflict.
How were you not critical? Because you got memed.
When do we send all the jews to the holocaust centers?
I'm guessing it was to Deflect what he said earlier.
Sounds like a good idea.
oh my god, i can only get this erect
Nice argument…Not!
could be a slip of the tongue.
Look all you have to do is hold on to this and if Syria is destabilized you can spam this video and your capped post and scream I told you so all day long but until then lets see what happens.
Happy Passover anons.
So what did he actually have on his mind when he said
No freaking idea you could be 100% right
I wonder if this could start their fallacy breaking down.
He quickly corrected it. He was forced to correct the Hitler thing though.
Just saying keep an eye on the situation for a little longer.
At least you aren't delusional. I could be wrong too (and I hope I am), it just doesn't seem likely.
I wish he didn't backtrack.
me 2
In fact when confronted I wish he said the jig is up shlomo and proceeded to round up the jews, traitors/leftist, fags, shitsskins,etc. and sent them to a holocaust center.
If only……
Pretty sure he wasn't trying to sound like a nigger on purpose. For fucks sake the man just tripped up on words, he's human.
Allow me to ram this spork down your throat
Make your bets. Does he stay or not?
I Remember the time shortly after he entered office and the WH released a statement saying they are remembering all lives lost in the holocaust and they didn't mention jews specifically.
Then within a few days, some jewish group, the JTA said that the myth of the 5 million non-jews killed by the holocaust was invented by a jewish-nazihunter.
http:// www.donate.jta.org/2017/01/31/news-opinion/united-states/remember-the-11-million-why-an-inflated-victims-tally-irks-holocaust-historians
We need to blow this thing ove the top to redpill as much as we can.
He's fine. Other kikes don't even take the Anne Frank Center seriously. This is all just a convenient way to avoid acknowledging that he said Assad was worse than Hitler.
Couple it with the action trump has taken lately and it doesn't seem like he "tripped up" in the way that you mean.
Someone should spam the AnneFrankCenter with redpills on the Anne Frank story. A lulzy user may also want to spam Fuchur porn of Anne Frank if desired.
7am sounds gross.. drinking vinegar sounds jewish to be honest. Oy vey wine is too expensive.
I hope this weakens the jews and Sean Spicer keeps his job and becomes more powerful.
He'll stay because it's factually true and spinning chemical weapon use during the war into gassing parasites with Zyklon B will not work in their favor.
Challenging the fact Hitler did nothing wrong is suicide.
This is proof that I'm correct, I've had dubs twice now. :^)
These niggers aren't even trying anymore. I feel insulted.
Kikereport is silent on Sean so far.
Anne Frank wasn't even hot.
It's going to be a great week.
Of course not how many jews do you know who are hot also that witch is like 10 or something.
The more they bring this up the more curious people will get. They are digging their own graves.
MFW White house confirms Holocaust never happened and Hitler truly was the greatest leader ever
Is there anything they like to do more than kvetch? Backstab? Grabble? I think kvetching takes the cake.
They can be very sensitive about their jew features.
Holy fuck these people have no idea how wars work.
Hitler (and as a matter of fact anyone else in WW2) didn't use chemical warfare not because of any morality bullshit. All that shit flies out the window once you are actually in a war. People didn't use gas because even though it does good damage it is not an effective way to win a war. Most forces at the time were already equiped with masks and wind conditions could just blew the shit right back at your side.
Same goes for nukes, a lot of variables and not a lot of good long term results. You don't just want to destroy your enemies you want to be able to actually move into the conquered territory with half of your forces keeling over from the fallout.
Is the holohoax finally going to fall apart? Are the goyim going to learn that number has been revised down multiple times? Will it become legal to question the idea of jews surviving having a foot-long metal spike pounded through their skull?
If the holohoax falls apart, what next? Will it become public knowledge that Hitler was a devout Christian? That Judaism ended in 70 AD with the destruction of the Second Temple and "rabbinic jews" are basically just muslims pretending to be Jews? Are the Pharisees finally going to be removed from power?
At long last, is it Happening?
I'm already in full red pill mode all over normie parts of the net. I'm dropping thegreateststorynevertold.tv
Everyone else should be doing the same. This is an opportunity to wake up a bunch of people.
So, they boast about how they can throw people in jail for 20 years for holding a different opinion on something …… Sean was factually correct and they pull this shit.
This had better blow up in their face and result in these laws being removed in Europe (particularly within the former Reich).
That always cracks me up.
It's a religion, you can't change the terminology, You can't call the holy trinity the holy triforce, even if it means the same thing.
I'm crying at my desk at work. Jewish. Minnesotan. American. It hurts so much to see and hear daily reminders that my own government is my enemy. Why won't they stop hating me? Why won't they stop hurting me? Why don't they love me?
There is no way to spin his attempt at clarification. As hurtful as his original comments were, he then said that Hitler didn't even gas his own people. As though it wasn't that bad that Hitler gassed the Jews. As though they weren't his people. As though they were outsiders, as though they were the enemy, as though they were the "other." Which they weren't, but according to the nazis…they were. That's the exact way it was justified. That's exactly how the holocaust happened. That's exactly how Jews, muslims, GLBT, and other demographics become oppressed. Today. Right now. And it's the official stance of my own government.
Conservatives… you have no idea how much pain you are causing.
t. Giant ass-blasted kike cry baby.
Every faction had masks before WWII thanks to gas use in WW1.
Nice dubs.
That old Jew… jesus fuck… anyone that believes any of that shit has to be the among stupidest fucking people alive.
Hitler dubs and new copypasta?
Top kek where did you pull that comment from user? That is one shitter shattered yid.
He'll stay because this was obviously premeditated.
There's no way this is a coincidence on Passover and right when Trump decided to skip it.
David Irving's book "Hitler's War":
The General Staff suggested that Hitler allow the use of poison gas to combat the partisans—thereby countering illegal warfare with illegal weapons. Hitler would not hear of it—even though he was to say when the analogous problem of fighting Tito’s guerrillas in Serbia was discussed that the situation there was just like that in Russia : it would be impossible to be too tough with them. “We can only get our way by acting brutally and casting off all our European inhibitions.” Similarly, he flatly forbade the General Staff to study the problems of bacterial attack, except in a purely defensive light. What may have been a hangover from his own gassing experience in World War I kept him adamant to the end. Although the British employed phosphorus in their bombs, Hitler forbade its use in the Luftwaffe’s, as it caused skin injuries and its fumes were poisonous. Since German scientists had developed nerve-gases (Sarin and Tabun) and bacterial weapons to a degree of sophistication unknown to the enemy, Hitler’s otherwise inexplicable inhibitions were not without effect on the war effort.
Well by that logic, the vast majority of people are the stupidest fucking people alive.
Unfortunately, this is a correct statement
Nice copy pasta user. Saved.
wew lads, this is blowing up.
I see you're here to push the jew narrative of Assad using gas for pretext to carry out jew agenda for greater israel. No.
I mean really, who doesnt question how a 15 inch nail driven through someones skull, brain, throat lives, to then be hung by their arms impaled to a wall while having a serated knife necklace around their neck… fucking fuck
Passover has been blown out of proportion IMO, calling it a tradition when it started with Obama is meh~
Jews will kvetch about everything.
It will never happen. The kikes will literally gas all of us before they allow it.
When people's day to day lives aren't threatened by anything specific most people don't question political events or history.
the (((jews))) have done a very good job of giving people just enough rights and freedom that they are moderately happy most of the time and don't question anything as long as they get to come home and fuck their wife when tyrone isn't.
I love how they put (Hitler gassed millions) there because they think the people wouldn't be smart enough to get it. W E W.
I say we drop more bombs on Syria…in fact, we should just gas the entire middle east. Kill as many shit skins as possible. You are a shit skin sympathizer if you disagree.
ok but start with israel.
I forgot about all the Hitler comparisons the dems were making.
It doesn't matter what matters is Timelines. Anons really need to learn to start looking at timelines when trying to divine what in the fuck is happening. For example the Syria escalation is fucking weird because literally less than 3 days before the gas attack Tillerson was saying that Assad could stay in power.
Timelines Nigger.
Even IF you believe that hitler gassed the jews though it doesn't fucking add up. The general consensus is that Hitler killed 6 million jews. so how many millions did he gas? Am I to believe that, even if it was only 1 million, that 1/6th of the jews killed where gassed? That would take so much time and resources that they would barely have any means at all to fight a war, or at the very least their military strength would be drastically dwindled.
These fuckers are getting incredibly lazy
This was premeditated. The media is taking this hook, line, and sinker.
He's either trying to shore up his base among internet Nazis or he's sending a message to Jews over Syria, possibly both.
I would be okay with glassing the entire Middle East if it meant the complete and utter annihilation of Israel.
Yeah, as long as israel gets leveled I'm fine with it. I just don't want another middle eastern war at the zogs behest
lemme fix that for you
Oh boy, it sure would be a shame if someone saw that tweet and looked into what denazification was really like.
Well, if we argue about this in their context here, it doesn't matter if hitler gas'd 6 million or 600. He used a chemical weapon to do so. Which is what Assad did. However obviously it's still kind of a difference if you use it as a weapon or as a way to execute people.
I just like to imagine that guy at CNN or whatever who barged in and was all like "Guys, guys, retards on twitter don't get it and argue hitler never used chemical weapons in war like they did in WW1! They don't get that we mean the gas chambers! They don't get that gas is chemicals! We have to fix this else the discussion is gonna be derailed!" or something.
I'd be semi bothered, Syrians despite being ragheads don't seem to be all bad.
And now RIGHT afterwards Mattis comes out and says that we're not invading Syria and the strike was an isolated incident.
Seriously guys pay attention to timelines.
I'm actually relatively sure that a fair amount of muslims would be alright and could become civilized if it weren't for the constant meddling of israel to make them their extremist scapegoat, but the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
They're really doing this. Time to drop redpills on the normalfags. Start off with basic things. Just obvious contradictions such as: why the fuck did they change the sign at Auschwitz/etc. to be different numbers? Also, for the Christians, tell them how in the Bible numbers play a big role, 12 tribes, number of the beast 666, the divine number 777, forgive him 7 times 77 times (etc.). Then explain how 6 million (referencing other times they claimed 6 million getting killed) is just Jew speak for "a lot". This allows one to segue into deeper things.
I guess that for the ZOG a living glorious hero is worse than a already defeated glorious hero. I say BOTH were right, Assad AND Hitler AND Putin.
Tell that to Europe and places in the US they flee to.
Interesting Numburg show trial excerpt Albert Speer is being questioned.
I'm not talking about all muslims, I'm talking about Syrians themselves.
The media's overreaction on this is going to redpill at least thousands.
Even still I stand by what I said, but yeah Syrians are alright. Most of these middle eastern countries are just hundreds if not thousands of years less developed than the west, and I don't blame them for that.
Israel is both developed and a global menace and that is unforgivable
I've met a couple Arab Christians (Fuck ALL Muslims. I don't give a shit. All Mudslimes are trash and a threat to the West) in my life that were not particularly bad people, one from Syria and one from Lebanon, but frankly if it comes down to choosing between Israel's destruction and the lives of an unknown quantity of "decent" dune coons, I'm pushing that red button without any hesitation.
These are the same people that went after Trump during the election. He's not going to give them the time of day.
I would consider giving family for that.
That one I don't buy. We're not going to war 5ever unless there's more gassing, but they can produce proof of gassing on demand. I don't expect to go to war on thursday but they haven't forgotten about it. Whatever, we've had 70 threads about this, I know what you're going to say, you know what I'm going to say.
I like the way this is developing.
The jew controlled news over here in New Zealand is doing just that.
I hate these kikes and their puppets so goddamn much.
Wew, #1 topic on jewgle news for me. This has sent them into a shit-flinging rage.
Holocaust centers are what jews call their museums about the Shoah
It's ridiculous how every white country is expected to kvetch whenever the jews are criticized. I thought jews were white, and everyone knows you can't be racist towards white people :^)
Come to think of it, the opposite of that… something that MIGHT be worth doing now is going on Twitter en masse and saying "There was no such thing as a holocaust center!" - after all, the Lugenpresse apparently agrees with this message, and will repeat and amplify.
Having the general public repeatedly be told "there were never holocaust centers" and having that idea sink in could only be a good thing, in the long run.
That's incredible in a way but not very convincing coming from a nation using more despicable nuclear weapons. Syria wants to preserve their way of life. Give them nukes if you think chemical fumes are more repulsive. Surrendering to Judeo-Capitalism, which killed more white Christians than Hitler, is the most despicable thing Assad could do.
I fucking hate when these (((people))) switch from white to jewish on a dime. They have no fucking pride in who they are at all
I don't get why you faggots use this meme. Of course he did something wrong. He didn't get all the jews.
We know they're weasels, we just need to make sure everyone knows it as well.
gas masks are also easily mass produced
as in top tier masks go for 20 bucks on ebay straight out the factory
It's bait and the media took it.
So, you have conclusive information backed on an intelligent report leading up to your conclusion?
Effects of nukes on babies is not less despicable.
He didn't gas any jews.
Nips aren't people.
user that isn't a nuclear baby, it's just irish
The reality is that they are semites the same as jews… They lived in a house with an Iraqi refugee, he was raised muslim and read the quran but like a lot of guys he was a dirty dog, He was banging out quite a few asian chicks. One rich girl from china left him her brand new mini when she went back to china. He was like 5'6".
One time an asian girl he met on tinder was naked in his bed, he would start to fuck her and she would freak out and cry. So he would stop then she would ask him why he stopped and she wanted him to keep going. So he started again, she started crying and saying no, he didnt like it so he started to stop and she asked him to keep going and not stop. He fucked her while she cried and nutted and he said he felt bad even though she wanted it.. IT turned out shed been rapped and had these issues and then tried to continue dating him while making him feel guilty feelings and taking advantage of the fact that he basically fake rapped her ..
Tdlr: I got to see these mind games chicks play with normies. I think certain chicks date ethnics and foreigners because they can manipulate and us their ignorance of a new place. Imagine how many times you have to experience that shit before you flip and hate the west and long to be home.
The only difference with him from any other normie guy was the he was above average intelligence but would play stupid or ignorant whenever possible. All the roommates would have to constantly call him out on it.
but he didn't gas any jews, that's the point
wew what the fuck is that thing
Reminds me of the germans making a 'work camp' where jews were told they would be working to free themselves.
They were taught skilled jobs, machining and metal work, some working in chemistry. Some in maintenance, others managing the other jews and improving productivity.
They spent a full three months in training, even going to other factories and labs to learn the skills at great expense to the germans.
Then they set to work for another six months. Crafting, building, assembling, polishing all the parts.
Some worked on smaller, repetitive but still vitally important parts.
Eventually, after most of a year had passed, they had finished.
It was an interconnected pistol with hundreds of barrels.
One mathematically bright jew used his counting ability and counted the barrels. Then he counted the jews. One more barrel than all of us, what a coincidence. Then he realised he had not counted himself.
All of a sudden, the pistol fired all the hundreds of barrels and each jew was hit in the head and died a long, slow and agonising death - as the bullets the jews had built were designed to travel slowly through the air, and kill them over a matter of days.
When they had died, they guards melted down the pistol into steel, and then burned it until it had all gone.
Then they brought another set of jews and more materials to make the next gun.
Ol' Spicey is in top spot on twatter.
Also a webm
He may have told the truth, but he didn't mean it that way and this is bad PR. Probably won't do much bad though.
The best part is
The best part all this is it's happening during fucking Passover.
That's a jew. Jews are creatures who are known for their particularly ugly features.
I love you, please stay.
The video.
At least we know that for six years there was good in one part of the world.
People working together, improving their country day by day, a spirit of hope for a better world. The future they imagined may never come to pass, but their shared vision within that time will stay as a part of time forever.
He's a successful property developer from Manhattan. The man understands fucking with jews.
jesus christ user
No, "holocaust center" sounds funny as fuck. I will be using it now - "kindly proceed to the holocaust center for gas-related activities".
Honestly, how would people change when it comes to looking back on Hitler/germany if it officially came out that the Gas Chambers were just a bunch of post-ww2 propaganda?
Wow, America looks great
…the fuck?
You're my new favorite person.
Screencapped. We can never let this die.
It really is the cringiest thing now, even for leftists, to listen to the media believe the intelligence community when we are still in Iraq.
I love it
Notice the nose.
We should be all over this, every time they cry anti-semitism, adl, etc., shove that in their face.
Video related
That's interesting. Would the brainwashing even allow them to think differently, or would they find a way to justify their hate somehow?
I doubt that would happen, let alone due to unfortunate verbiage by Spicer. Though, if it did get out that the holocaust was propoganda, I believe many people will get angry. Jews (especially ones peddling the holocaust shit) would be rounded up.
On that note, I really, really hate people who, in general, think "nothing is going to happen" as a response to a big event or undertaking. Apathy in the face of adversity should be a sin.
How does "gas chamber" = "chemical weapon"
Did the Nazis drop chamber bombs to gas millions of jews as they slept in the ghettos?
Spicer is redpilled
You don't try to redpill normalfags by going straight to Hitler. What the fuck is he doing? There's muh PR and then there's accidentally revealing your powerlevel at completely the wrong time.
When called out on it, Spicy clarified by saying "Hitler didn't gas his own people." He IS right about that. Hitler gassed the jews, not his own folk.
Nobody was gassed during WWII. Fuck off back to wherever you came from, you fucking faggot.
I'm not sure if bluepill-fags will believe that. When I was in school, I was told that Hitler would kill anyone that wasn't blue-eyed and blonde
let this world die
I want to know where you read this. It would be better if you just came up with it. Thats hilarious.
Was it like the minecarts that catapulted the jews into ovens?
personally for me the apathy can arise from a sense of futility, even electing someone who had a non interventionist policy and nationalist ideas instantly fell back to neocon israel first foreign policy. It feels like there is nothing we can do, when even the president who get's elected changes his tune at the drop of a shekel.
he also said he didn't gas any innocents :^)
fuck you nigger animals are the best
Anyone with good SEO should try and get holocaustdeprogrammingcourse or tgsnt on the front page of Google searches for Spicer, Hitler, etc.
Not disagreeing, king nigger did the same
you are by definition, a degenerate
The time for a "Final Solution" is coming.
Why do you have a Jew on your picture?
Worse straw man attempt
If he's going to reveal his powerlevel why not just go ahead and make Esoteric Hitlerism the official state religion?
Mudslime detected.
Drive through bakery
Just imagine how demoralized they will be when they realize that their efforts were useless, some may kill themselves.
I was there! I experienced the minecarts too - luckily for me one barrel was faulty as the jew reponsible for making sure that barrel was aligned had been executed by being tied to a giant typewriter and beaten to death with the exclamation mark key over a period of weeks.
The minecart on the day I was sent to it hadn't been lubricated with the blood of jew babies, as they had been experimenting on turning the wombs of jew women into kangaroo pouches with which they were going to invade australia, so no babies had been born in weeks.
That meant that my cart wasn't travelling fast enough to eject me into the furnace, and I managed to escape by being so thin from lack of food, that I slipped through a crack in the door of the gas chamber and rode to France in a bag of pool cues that were being sent for Hitler to play with in Paris against Mussolini.
After sixteen days of being used as a pool cue, they ran out of chalk that had been made from the teeth of newborn jews, and went out to make some more. I used that chance to escape.
Yeah, any of you that are part of the go outside of Holla Forums redpilling brigade. Now's your chance.
Chess is for faggots
This is the greatest OC ever, thanks user you've made my morning.
What's the end game though? Trump fucking won already.
Well according to their lore, Hortler didn't user chemical poison in weapon form.
They have a rematch against us in 4 years. They take us seriously now and they plan to win next time.
I was taught the same. Had a "survivor" come in and speak to us in high school. I don't remember much because I could barely understand her yiddish nasal drippings she called a voice half the time. But there are a few things that really stood out, and after being redpilled I now see through.
One part of her story was how she had to shove bodies into the blazing hot furnaces, as a starved little jewish girl. She would say the same spiel about the magic smoke that the pope of the holohoax claimed, and that she would then have to go clean out the ashes when it was cooled down and how she found golden teeth and other assorted valuables.
Another was how, near the end of the war, she and a bunch of jewish women were made to sit in a derelict warehouse in the middle of the county side, naked, and assemble the bombs for the germans. They had to mix the gunpowder, the chemicals for the more specialized bombs and how if they weren't working fast enough they would be hit with a cold hose. She was saved from this fate by some US troopers just randomly deciding to check out the warehouse for no reason, taking down all the nazi's without suffering a single casualty in the process (Not even a wound) and then being given bags of food that the troops randomly had on them. Three of the other women died from having a slice of bread too fast. She eventually went on to marry one of the soldiers who saved her after all that. She also claimed that she had not had water in over three days, and he mouth was so dry she couldn't even open her lips. She claimed that she drank nothing but water from that day on because she didn't want to forget all the jews killed in the holocaust or something like that.
But the one thing that struck me as odd, even when I was bluepilled was the fact that she also claimed to have been sent to Auschwitz and had seen them throw babies up in the air over a pit for skeet shooting, laughing as a large open pit filled with fire was having the teenage boys thrown in.
Well done user
They were forced to work, what a horrible way to be treated before death.
Fucking lol'd
WON WHAT? Winning the election was just the first step of many. I had sorely hoped that it would never come to such a clusterfuck as the past few days, but it was inevitable that Trump would have to actually prove himself once in power. FUCK THIS. 600,000,000,000 DEAD KIKES.
Regardless of whether Trump is a kike shill or not, the fact that MSNBC actually had to include that "Hitler """gassed""" (((millions)" is bad. The Holohaox is losing its magic. Kids today don't give a damn about the Holocaust, especially the nonwhite ones. Their goal of destroying the white race through relentless immigration will also destroy the immunity they have.
Fair point. I just cant imagine what they'll evolve into if anything different at all.
Pretty sure thats what we were told at school too
How can my sides survive this holocaust?
This has been said a lot but I guess it bears repeating.
Normal people are aghast at these sick fantasies of the holocaust. Even the craziest fuckers on Holla Forums look at this shit and think "I wouldn't even do that to a nigger". White people don't think like that, and it's why so many whites take the holohoax atrocities so deadly serious.
The truth is these things are what jews would do to the "goyim" without a second thought. The degenerate masturbation daydreams like the jerk-off machines, dipping people in acid, forced sex-changes etc are all just jewish power fantasies.
Never forget the kind of things these people want to do to your children.
Same here. I remember a speaker coming to my class and singling me out, I had very light blonde hair when I was younger, and stood me up and said I'd be a poster boy for Nazis.
Sooooooo……..how much kosher salt will be had over this one, and, what is Spicer trying to distract us from? Those US troops slowly leaking into Syria?
Oh yeah, I heard them kvetching on the radio. Funnily enough, they only mention the six million. Not that there were any other "victims".
Fucking kikes. Keep doing God's work Holla Forums, expose these sheenies for what they are.
Uh-oh. Sounds like an tentacle of AIPAC.
1488D chess user…1488D chess.
I'm glad you are here then.
Met some cool Danes some years ago, one guy looked around at our group of six or so and said "we are all Aryan masterace here", felt good.
Shareblue confirmed.
Ok. But my inital queastion is how will these kikes with Technicolor-hair fecalposting on a Taiwanese etching forum impact what you're saying? Bernie has no chance of winning now and Jeb! is too far behind in the race.
Also I'm asking how are they affecting us right now, not the next election.
you know that 7 year old syrian girl's mother who tweets about wanted Trump to bomb syria, is a turkey plant and her mother follows the AnnFrankCenter(US) strange isn't it.
I know the title is probably just fun hyperbole, but he's just stating a fact. The funny part about this is that now we know how much of the country thinks that gas chambers are chemical weapons
and look what happened user HAHAHAH
The all-seeing eye of Solomon is looking at a holocaust denier, so special forces can go in and separate the hand (isis) from the arm (israel).
THAT'S a fucking WEW sonny
No, you stupid nigger.
A chemical weapon is a munition of any sort that weaponizes chemicals designed to harm, injure, or kill people. A gas chamber is not a chemical weapon.
That gets me every time. It's as if we forgot about this thing which was repeatedly shoved down our throats throughout school and at least once every year.
Oh boy, (((they))) will explode. Not to mention this is just before Passover.
Also remember that holocaust means burnt offering, as in a complete sacrifice. Jews also wanted to wear the star themselves.
And rightfully so. The older I get the more it looks like we are never going back to another planet.
Currently he gave nasa a mandate to send men to Mars, with the "goal of 2033" aka never. If something like that doesn't get done in one presidential term it doesn't get done.
See, he's just saying Assad was responsible for the attack, calling Assad a monster and demonizing him. He is not even conceding the possibility that Syrian forces bombed a terrorist facility that had the gas in it. So, according to the Trump Administration, Assad is worse than Hitler and we should go take him out. Anyone still believe Trump is the God Emperor?
Trump is either:
Badly mistaken.
As bad as Obama, but a lot more subtle.
Take your pick.
I'll pick filtering you.
It's also not something real. And theoretically I could throw it at you.
Pretty sure the term weapon extends beyond ammunition
Close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and say "I see nothing and I hear nothing" that goes against my faith in the God Emperor.
Oh no, I know that already. I know I couldn't trust a jew to tell me what time it was without him telling me a lie or trying sell me a watch that he got through totally legit means that in no way included stealing them from his dead grandfather. I understand that you can't trust these rats at all. But it's just a little anecdote that I had about an attempt at further brainwashing and unbelievable claims.
It's funny, even among my estranged/former social group, some of them knew that jews were bad news, and I even broached them on why they think they had been kicked out of so many countries in their long history and they always assumed it was because jews were greedy assholes who liked to take peoples money. Of course, they're right about that but they never really thought about it that much even when I tried to bring up the fact that there were cries of Antisemitism after one rally where Trump called out the international bankers for cheating the American people. I kind of just gave up after a while, but I will have to try one more time with at least one person who is willing to listen to arguments unlike the others who sperg out and think communism is the best thing ever, there should be no borders ever and anyone who wants their country to stay their country is Hitler for the wrong reasons.
No, /fit/'s use of activated almonds predates this. This guy was just trolled by /fit/ into saying that (or said it tongue in cheek because he's a closet /fit/izen)
This meme is old as fuck
is probably the only option, imo if he had been an insider the (((media))) wouldn't have been so fucking blindsided. chances are they're threatening him with his kids lives or something.
I'm more worried about Rex Tillerson tbh, he doesn't seem to be in line with that agenda
Your (((narrative))) died yesterday. Feel free to continue all you like, you won't get paid.
At least think about what you're saying before you hit post, shill.
Execution by lethal injection confirmed "chemical weapon attack against own people"
what happened yesterday that I missed? Trump pushed for war with NK, China, Russia, etc. and still blames Assad for a chemical attack that never happened. what are you on about?
What if Trump skipping passover and allowing Spicer to make that 1488 comment about Hitler was a message to Kushner to shut his jew fucking trap and let Bannon work
dubs dont lie
it doesn’t meter. we have have an opportunity to red pill normies on holocaust centre. Trump is not important, he is just current CEO of USA corporation.
They just gave us opportunity, we should use it.
So its gotten to the point that anyone who doubts or criticizes Trump in any way is automatically labeled a shill and ignored. Turn off brain. Have faith in Trump. Put fingers in ears. Label everyone who disagrees a shill.
back to discord faggot
what if youre a drooling retard for believing thats how politics works. if trump was actually making decisions (hes not) he would tell kikener to gas himself asap.
Technically, yes, but that's not how the term chemical weapon is defined. A chemical agent specifically has to be deployed via some sort of ammunition, anything that can be fired, detonated, scattered, or dropped, actually weaponized. If the chemical agent isn't actually weaponized, it's just not a chemical weapon.
Your oven is just one pull out of its socket from transforming your own house into a gas chamber. Let your car run in your garage and you'll effectively turn it into a gas chamber. Neither of these things are weapons. So, when Spicer says 'Hitler didn't use chemical weapons', he's completely right. Unless Hitler deployed gas via munition, he literally did not use chemical weapons.
Leftists have reached an entirely new scale of retarded to think that gas chambers are chemical weapons when nothing is being weaponized. It's just as dumbfuck retarded to say that a nuclear power plant is a nuclear weapon
Then why would he remove Bannon from the NSC?
Because Bannons job of ousting the mole was already done.
Dude, everyone gets called a shill and a faggot all the time. It's an imageboard. Calm down.
Oh wait, you wouldn't know that because you spend all your time in a discord for a subreddit.
it depends on intention. Teacup can be a weapon..for example. highly effective
Never been on /fit/ much so that's why I asked. But that's one of the cool things about Holla Forums, we're made up of people that frequent all the other niche ones.
Be on the up and up, bin that teacup.
There are fact checkers writing articles about Zyklon B right now
Only hollywood storyline where a dyke got corrected
Brief History Lesson
Adolf Hitler server as a soldier in the First World War. He suffered the effect of chemical weapons in his own person, in fact, when the war ended he was interned at a hospital recovering from the effects of them. He was temporarily blinded.
Perhaps as a consequence of this, Hitler vehemently opposed the use of chemical weapons and explicitly prohibited their use during war.
You are right. I love this timeline. Lel, my soul sings.
The days of yids being invincible are coming to an end. Their endless kvetching OY VEY YOU HURT ME APOLOGIZE, victimhood capital, and outrageous lies are coming to an end. Whee!
it is hyperbole.
Jared Kushner didn't go to the seder either, was he sending a message too?
Someone pointed out that Shi'ite muslims are usually at the receiving end of attacks by terror organizations such as ISIS that are almost entirely comprised of Sunni muslims. Most terror organizations are Sunni, actually. I have no idea why that is.
Holy shit you're right.
This is why I just filter most posters that even mention shareblue
These kikes are scared and angry
OP is a fucking retard
Did you even watch the fucking video?
This is anti-Assad, not pro-Hitler.
What do shareblue and jews have in common?
They get scared when you name them.
Nobody cares, shill.
My sides.
They have different views on practising islam (as religion). Also, there are Shi'ite terror organizations. It depends who classifies them.
De-escalate the conflict. He meant de-escalate. You can argue Freudian slip, or that he has been using both words regularly. Everyone will have a take based on whatever their presuppositions are. This can only confirm what you already believe, it won't change it
Found the shill
My sides can't take much more.
None of those things were ever said, nice narrative.
toppest of keks
So, communism is an inherently islamic ideology?
If any if us were in the spot light i can see us trolling like this though
Also they seem to have taken their time doing all that. How on earth did they find the time to kill so many. Seriously I remember getting redpilled on the hoax. It doesn't even require a political position, you just need to refuse to suspend good and natural human reason so your brain can accept the bullshit narrative. Holocaust is bs not because kikes lie (though they do). It's bs because it is literally IMPOSSIBLE.
(((they))) want to make it anti assad and anti hitler. But we will make it pro assad and pro hitller. It is great opportunity
We understand what (((they))) tried to do. But we will do something better. We will hijacked it and create something better
You know what I just realized?
They haven't been kvetching about AG Sessions for a while, and the whole "Trump is Russian" shit is wearing out as well.
Wew, feels good being on the right side of history.
Don't you mean (((Hitler Gassed Millions)))?
He knew the pain of being gassed from his trench fighting days. It's kind of amazing he didn't resort to it against Leningrad or Moscow, while their air defense was ass.
You can usually tell the genuine from the shills because the Holla Forumsacks try to maintain some degree rationality. The shilling presents the false dichotomy of ZOG or God.
I swear to god, it's like Trump slowly feeds them another new thing to flip out about every now and then. Like a trail of crumbs leading to a trap.
Pretty convenient that now we'll have the Eternal Sixty Gorillion in the news for the next month. Any bets on what's gonna get pushed by the MSM to coincide this inopportune statement?
Thanks for the hysterical laughter, and may your own personalized gas chamber use a specialized combination of mustard and laughing gas instead of regular Zyklon B.
Hitler was a good and honorable man. He was gassed, vowed never to do it even to his worst enemies, and kept his word. The ONLY bad thing about Hitler is the Holocaust. Take that away and suddenly his entire reason for BEING becomes desirable to even the bluest of pills.
Today Shall always be known as the day Drudge put OY VEY As the MAIN HEADLINE!
Now it all makes sense.
Because Spicer said this
Jews and leftists react like this
But gas chambers aren't fucking chemical weapons as explained
In order for it to be a chemical weapon, it needs to utilize a fuze/primer, propellant, cartridge, or any sort of projectile. If it isn't utilized via munition, it's not a chemical weapon. Such a distinction should be obvious, but we're dealing with Jews here
They now have to shift the conversation onto an unrelated field where the point of contention is if Hitler gassed people or not. Not even via chemical weapons, just gassed anyone in any way in general.
tl;dr Typical Jewish tricks
I thought the "HUUR RUSSIANS" was doing more damage to them honestly. No one I know believed that shit.
Exactly, and anyone internet savvy enough to have a twatter or follow it will likely catch it. Either consciously or subconsciously.
I don't see them winning this one honestly.
To deny reality?
Can we change the board banner to (HITLER GASSED MILLIONS)
To be fair I was in a gas chamber as part of my CBRN training and the doors weren't screwed shut ( Simple open/close office like door ) with double insulated windows. These chambers were designed to accommodate CS gas.
Can you explain why you're half sitting and the hands in that position?
There's a difference between those execution chambers and your CBRN training:
They weren't trying to execute you you stupid fuck
You would know right? Your grandfather told you all about how he died in the camps when he was just three years old, am I right?
Mmmmm excellent posts, user, thank you. I was ready to have my granules ground but you really smoothed my jimmies.
That activates my almonds.
That perturbs my pecans.
That begins my brazils.
That finishes my filberts.
That harries my hazelnuts.
I was referring to the ones in the different states like Mississippi.
Anything can be a weapon. You are talking about means of delivery. Which can be various. For something to be a weapon it needs an intention to be used as weapon.
My bad user, the influx of JDIF these past few days has me on edge.
Bill Whittle called it the "Clinton Lie Ratchet." They would lie-lie-lie, till the lying wouldn't work, then click the ratchet to a new lie and work it, slowly driving the bolt down.
Soon enough they're gonna strip the threads and the truth will explode out like hot oil from a drain hole.
Yeah, but poison gas would kill anyone nearby once the doors were opened. Especially in the floor-plans "victims" created, where there was hardly any ventilation.
It will be too late by then.
Yeah but that gas isn't deadly. If you have something that is extremely dangerous you have to contain it. Otherwise you will just gas yourself.
For instance one puff of sarin gas comes out of a chamber and like half the camp including the guards would have died. Idk about zyklon tho.
To use it for our own means. We already have info-graphics (for example)
>Can we change the board banner to (HITLER GASSED MILLIONS)
use this (((hitler gassed millions)))
They tried to blue pill me in high school about the holohoax in high school. (((Teacher))) told all students to stand. Then started saying things like if you were Jewish sit down, if you were Russian sit down. If you have a disability sit down, then she started dating crazy shit like if you've ever broken a bone sit down, if you don't have blonde hair sit down, don't have blue eyes. Then started getting specific like if you're wearing a brown shirt sit down.She said Hitler would have sent everyone seated to the gas chambers. Myself and 1 other guy was left standing so right then I knew Hitler was okay to me and really did nothing wrong. I also thought, wait hitler doesn't have blonde hair what is this bitch trying to do? Hitler had brown hair. It was then I started to question the Holohoax and how it was forced on us from a young age.
Zyklon B was a pesticide. It had to be used in enclosed spaces because the pellets had to be heated up before the gas is blown into the chamber. That being said, Zyklon B was lethal TO LICE. It was used to gas beings 1/10th the size of a grain of rice. That's what Zyklon B's lethality was. That's why the gas chambers had wooden doors because they were for putting clothes into and delousing them.
Somebody in this thread better say Hitler was gassed by the British during World War 1
Plus, there was a hospital next to a supposed death chamber at Auschwitz. Or was it the camp commandant's quarters?
the number of questions about Assad's removal were superior than in any other topic in these past briefings.
and the number of answers in which Spicer offered plausible deniability is large as well.
being this the war to remove Iran's pipeline deal, and being it that Russia wants Iran's deal, but needs Syria if either Iran's or the Saudi's deal comes forth, I think that this answer by the USA was prepared with Russia and was being pushed to be much severe and long lasting by the Saudis and Israel, the attack was ineffective and did not reach a final conclusion in destroying the air base.
questions were asked as to wether this supposed false flag was comparable to the false flags back with Saddam Hussein, wich tells us the answer that is being pushed by the Zionists is definitive war to remove Assad, and move on to remove Iran.
again, this is definetly not chess.
chess, as well as marvel's heroes propaganda stories, are of black and white, good and evil, all my research tells me that is a kid's story, and this is far more complex.
sometimes the will of a single individual can lead to a more complex strategy of subversion, a simple zionist acomplishment can be delayed by years by for example, managing to not let some key player get fully influenced by them, while working on the greater good, or not let them be in a position to be easily blackmailed.
Maybe they did in his mind, you ever consider that, you antisemite?
My fucking sides
Except for NOT Holocausting the Jews
If he had the backing of the intelligence community on that claim it would make his statement less believable in my mind.
I'm still looking for all those weapons of mass destruction they promised us a while ago.
I didn't even notice he specifically said "innocent people" holy shit. Passover's going great so far.
Apparently Hitler really does think you're an okay and skeptical guy.
Zylcon B hasn't got the concentrations to harm anyone in anything in other than a closed space, that's my point.
>Trump: Hey Spicer, I need you to claim Hitler never gassed anybody during your press conferences today.
>Spicer: What?! The jews will call for my skin! The press will brand me a Nazi and all my friends will stop talking to me!
>Trump: Nah dude, trust me, my son-in-law is gonna hate it.
I….. don't find this scenario very plausible.
I'm more inclined to believe this is just another carrot to dangle in front of the press so Trump can get more shit done. Especially now that Gorsuch is in.
It's more like Spicer is the final piece of the Bannon-Miller(lel)-Spicer populist triumvirate. Also Sean is a Commander in the Navy Reverses.
Lets just be honest with ourselves. Have you seen Spicer's twitter? Hes just shitposting irl again.
Well first, you need to stop confusing "Hitler didn't use chemical weapons" with "Hitler didn't gas anyone". These two statements don't share the same meaning. It's true that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons, but that someone saying that doesn't mean that they're also saying Hitler didn't gas anyone.
Everyone's freaking out over something that is actually true
thats some next level meta shitposting
Checked and Kek'd.
Did you ever see his chimping out about Dippin' Dots on twitter? I think Sean is actually more offended about Dippin' Dots being shitty than the Holohoax.
It's obvious what he meant given the context. Anyone who thinks his comment was in support of "holocaust denial" is a moron.
no, its the implication and what the media turned it into that can be used against them.
The thought of that genuinely makes me laugh.
Cyanide gas isn't particularly deadly either. Yes cyanide will kill you… in high doses. In low doses your liver will break it down just fine. Cyanide is naturally occurring in lots of fruits and seeds, our bodies are evolved to break down small concentrations of cyanide just fine.
Yeah, they're shifting the argument into something completely unrelated to what Spicer actually said
It's just as I said here
thanks cody
You don't deserve those dubs
It's true. Sean went through a period in 2010 where he proclaimed "Dippin Dots is NOT the ice cream of the future" because they don't have vanilla.
Dippin Dots was on the wrong side of history tbh fam.
That's pretty cheeky.
My sides
Everytime a jew posts shit like that, you should alwad with the "hello fellow White people" meme.
Let (((them))) know those tricks don't work anymore.
Dippin Dots BTFO
*Always respond
I love this webm. I wish somebody would remake it with the subtitles in the black letterboxed part at the bottom to make it easier to read.
Am I the only one who thinks Vanilla is the best ice cream flavor? Either that or Cookies n Cream
Its also the best sort of hentai too.
I know it's you Sean.
Oy vey goyim he denied the holocaust! Hitler used chemical gas did he not?
My fucking nigga.
You are correct. Vanilla goes the best with rootbeer. A true Patrician's desert.
I like lemon and banana tbh
acceptable but you're probably a Wop
Ive seen that video pretty ballsy motherfucker either way.
Top fucking tier. I forgot these existed. My life just got a little happier
Fuckin' plebian tier shit. Try some hand churned salted caramel almond w/vanilla and then tell me that isn't the ice cream of the future.
It works because it makes them pay closer attention.
Same here. Haven't had one since I started working out. Tempted to cheat now.
Rocky Road fam. Rocky Road. If you're going to eat Icecream sometimes. Which is very fattening and should only be considered a treat. Then it needs some chunky chocolate flavor in it.
I felt this coming when Steve king got shut down with a Hitler talking point at the RNC. I felt like we could be talking holohoax in a year or more.
I think my tastebuds got borked when I ate that sheep brain when I was five.
What's up Sean?
Pure mint is the best anyone who disagrees is a homosexual.
Why don't you just brush your teeth instead
Black Cherry Ice Cream is the most American form of Ice Cream Warfare.
Seems as if Jews are really thirsty for a sequel to their beloved Torah.
I love nuts but I can't stand them in ice cream or cake. Literally anywhere else and they're fine, but I can't eat any scoop of ice cream loaded with nuts
You faggots are still worshiping Hitler and still doing nothing but posting Anime on the internet and dank memes
DEPROGRAM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spicer is speaking euphemistically: by "dippin' dots" he's referring to the zyklon B pellets hitting the floor, and that these methods won't be used in the future.
Like most modern wars, chess is for kikes. It's been pozzed pretty bad over the past two centuries.
In the old days, the Aryans who played chess expected the game to be played in a certain way. Your opponent was respected, and it was better to lose a game to him than to resort to weasel-ish tactics. Declining the King's Gambit was a good way to reveal your Semitic ancestry. Such a tactic betrays the type of person who would make up fake gas chamber stories about their adversaries!
This was the Romantic school of chess. They had high likely National Socialist ideals about how the game should be played. This all changed when a kike came along and decided to disrespect our time-honored Aryan traditions. As it turns out, being a greedy Jew lets you get ahead. By being a greedy kike that refused to play the game honorably, (((Wilhelm Steinitz))) won a great many games. This 'discredited' the idea of being a good sport, and the Romantic era of fun chess was brought to a close.
THe demise of the Romantics was followed by the 'classical' (modernists) and 'hypermodernist' (just fuck them) trash styles. They're both fundamentally Jewish play styles. Modern chess invites the player to ask: "What kind of Jew are you? How do you want to spread diversity and multiculturalism to the enemy army?"
Now chess is just about memorizing lines and patterns because it's super serious. There's no honor in it. If white plays e4, black will play c5. Why? Probability, goy. Just like in modern wars, we engage in wholesale slaughter of the enemy. Our decisions are based upon what will allow us to kill the most enemy units!
Only on the day of the white man's final victory will chess be made great again. Polite sage for OT
Assad literally didn't do anything wrong, so now we know for sure Hitler did less than nothing wrong
how's your passover going bro?
Mein neger. Dubs confirm.
Anime is the future, my dude from TRS.
This really is the final proof that the holocaust didn't happen if you think about it
Salted Caramel Almond Master Race. Get on the train or get fucked.
Just because it's a holiday doesn't mean your work should reflect that fact.
Shit taste my man
That souns like it'd really activate my almonds
Oh boy I love having strings of caramel stuck in my mouth because it cools so fast on the ice cream even if it's hot
That piques my peanuts tbqh senpai
Sorry lads. Back to the ole Holohoax meme factory?
I'm fine talking about ice cream and holohaux memes honestly.
Yep, Especially when it ends in the baby making.
Still waiting on the doujin though of Ivanka cucking Kushner with another woman inside that nazi themed FEMA HQ.
Lord Emperor Bannan Muadib will rise against all obstacles to cleanse the world and create the glorious world he is destined for.
He will lead us in the coming holy war, he will grant our mech-suits the power they need to crush our enemies.
I actually like discussing /ck/ topics with Holla Forums because it always turns into a matter of which food is most aryan. We can go back if we want but I don't mind this either. I think we've easily dissected the whole issue anyway. Spicer said Hitler didn't use chemical weapons, Media brings up gas chambers, prove gas chambers aren't classified as chemical weapons, media shifts goalposts even though the argument is already over.
Filthy fucking kikes. This whole thing has made my head hurt by just how stupid it is. Even a normalfag could pick up the fact that gas chambers aren't chemical weapons. I could go for some fucking ice cream now
Boggable detected.
Also if you don't pour coffee over vanilla icecream get that shit out of my face.
He's such a fucking sperg, it's what makes him so lovable.
Who actually eats this garbage?
He's such a fucking sperg, it's what makes him so lovable.
I only just realized this is over the course of five years.
This fucking timeline.
I just think its overrated. I'd rather have sex or piss off kikes on the world wide web.
And I'm all out of sex.
Relying on vanilla is horrible. There are few outlets of ice cream that supply proper wholesome vanilla bean ice cream. Black Cherry, Butter Pecan, anything but dumpster vanilla. Proper Vaniall distributors have been put of of work.
Apparently Sean doesn't go for anything less Ubermensch then
It's like a burrito in a cup.
Have you even tried this shit, you double niggers?
This shit is on another fucking dimension. This flavor transcends reality. It is the ultimate combination of flavor profiles in the universe.
At its core, salt and sweet are two flavors that compliment each other, a factor taught in basic cooking. The saltyness brings out the rich flavor of the sweet, and the sweet neutralizes the salty at the same time. Caramel is a perfect example, because its smooth yet thick texture is completely empowered in taste by the salt.
But thats not it. Now you've really activated my almonds, motherfucker. The earthy flavor of almonds is a delightful, satisfying crunch toppled with the slight bit of roasted skin that completely changes the game with this fuckin' nut, man.
You have the perfect trifecta which goes together. Crunchy, salt, sweet, toppled into silky vanilla ice cream that brings it all together in one, you ungrateful son of a bitch. This is the circle of life in palates. This is God's first choice of ice cream when he goes down to Joe's Sundae Bar when he's craving only the best of fucking flavors in the multiverse.
Nothing beats Salted Caramel Almond. Nothing.
You guys are talking about ice cream, I just want fucking OC of ICE-chan deporting people.
Makes sense.
Pity that sense, fact and truth mean nothing in regards to these puppeteers.
OK I just read the rest of your post and I found out I could hate Jews more.
When was the last time you were at a proper ice cream shop that wasn't selling some queer convoluted ramen-flavored faggotry? When ice cream ceased at Marblehead I went full 1488.
JEWtube. com/ watch?v= uap0G wBYdBA
I was so fucking angry I walked out. Fuck that place.
Hey, motherfucker. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Also that looks bretty good even though it's caramel. To be honest, cookie dough ice cream is up there next to mint chocolate chip on my favorites.
Talking about ice cream and the Holohoax at the same time would be what the Spiceman would have wanted. In this regard, what is the most Aryan dessert?
There's your problem kek
This thread has so many cool ideas. Thanks Spicer.
I did this since I was a kid. I hated chocolate.
I bet you were one of those kids that ate those nasty chocolate chip waffles too
To add to that I always got the notion I was supposed to hate vanilla for some reason, and being the kid I was, I always did opposite of what was pushed on me to be the norm.
Just imagine if this continued every day.
The world would be incredible. We'd walk outside with a smile on our faces.
The Ice Cream wakes up many normalfags. They like to speak in food. I've watched it change first hand.
This is the gayest shit. It's like the poeple that complain in vidya that something is OP and declare it shouldn't be used. I can see you from here disconnecting your router repeating
Not only is "honorable" chess never going to become the norm, at some point a quantum computer is going to solve it and whites will always win or blacks will always force a draw. Forever.
G..Guys, Eva Braun looks a whole helluva lot like a young Angela Merkel.
Are the rumors true?
Dunkin' Brands was part of Allied Domecq until its purchase in 2006 by a group of private equity firms - Bain Capital, Thomas Lee, and The Carlyle Group.
Those tasted like niether
Bulgarian yoghurt with pine honey.
Hey man I was a poorfag growing up, Blue Bell was all I had didn't have many choices
Ice cream is as far as I'll go, that sounds disgusting.
It's always the Reich time for Hitler Brand Ice Cream™
Every. Fucking. Time.
Get rid of the caramel and change the almonds to walnuts and you have my attention
This will be the reason I cite for the Kangaroo Courts I hold on the DOTR. I want it historically noted that the kikes took my ice cream from me.
At last, the final frontier is revealed.
Really makes me think.
No, we need to get rid of you.
Being a poorfag doesn't mean you can't set up outing around your state for superior ice cream palace. Ice Cream is much like vineyards. Very white and confusing to the opposition.
So damn hungry…
whats really funny is this isnt much more crazy than actual (((first hand accounts))) of swallowing jewlery to hide it, giant machines that fried people with 6 million Mw of electricity (and frys them to ashes), tank engines used to gas people on cattle cars, minecarts, dragging dead bodies with walking canes, etc. Youd think jews would at least try to make the bullshit stories sound legit.
But I guess they treat stories like haggling, they start out high balling you like a mother fucker, then at worst, only kinda fuck you over somewhere in the "middle". Like the lampshade stories they just left behind after it was debunked over and over.
I'm ok with this.
The ride never ends!
Damnit. Capped. This is fucking art
I've seen more direct Americans from nowhere on Omegle.
Nice to see you on the other side.
Don't let your children near the brainwashing centres.
Was it autism?
Well I'll be honest, I'm not even surprised anymore.
My best contact told me to be meaner.
I'm dying in my gym right now and people are staring you fucking faggot thank you
Pretty sure I met a Holla Forumsack today. Not certain though. We just got on the subject of the holohoax and both expressed how we thought it likely never happened and that Hitler doesnt seem to be such a bad guy. Didnt sperg with any memes or irl shitposting so Ill have to see where this new found friendship goes. Shadilay anons. This briefing is easily top 5 material.
Wew lads.
It's beautiful.
Caramel on ice cream is shit and you fucking know it. You know it in your heart to be true
I still remember the threads on Holla Forums. Damn time flies.
Looking at Omegle is entertaining. Show up and they are already spastic.
I like it
you are taking both words separately, "chemical weapons" is its own definition. it's not a case of whether both words apply in their own respective meanings but the word set "chemical weapon".
the same way ya can't take a bureau, in a federal building, where an employee investigate stuff, and call it the "Federal bureau of Investigation"
Methinks they doth protest too much?
First post
You still got it, chaim.
My experience of this meme was of all the shills and shitposters with their "really makes you think" posts.
This was eventually used mockingly by pol and slowly adapted over time.
Stuff like: really gets the neurons firing, rly maeks yu thonk, etc.
Eventually someone combined the fit meme you're noting with the "makes you think" meme into "really activates those almonds" and it stuck.
That's my experience with the evolution of this meme.
Is it time to turn this into an omegle raid thread??
If you retards haven't figured it out yet, the Trump administration does things like skipping the passover dinner, calling out fake bomb threats against synagogues, and now this. Meanwhile, when it comes to policy decisions that ACTUALLY MATTER, like non-interference in Syria or deporting a significant number of illegals, he's firmly aligned with Team Kosher. Basically, he can buy off all the bootlickers with winks and nods. 4D-chess means you get played too, dingus.
It took you all day and this is the new shit you idiots come up with?
Pleb nigger taste, the lot of you
If anyone here has seen how that place works. Absolutely.
Did shilliboo miss the thread about places turning into ghost town because of deportation?
This situation is ripe for sewing seeds of holocaust doubt in the normieverse
Shiliboo is ignoring a lot of things we've learned right now. Post more aryan qts.
You're not attracting regulars. Feed upon your won all you care.
It's been pretty glorious to see those camping GM faggots get taken down several notches.
Seems legit. What the fuck I hate drumf now :D
Oh now, a good day for industry.
I think it also has to do with the fact that their narratives got completely shattered by Spicer yesterday, and now it's like pockets of shilling here and there. Fucking hilarious honestly.
Whatever you say there Shlimazl.
Check'd, m8
You sound tired user. Why dont you get some sleep.
They know they are losing their milk and butter.
No, he was always autistic. I'm really looking forward to Trump eventually coming out and accusing everyone in the media of being "ableist" like they called him for making fun of that one reporter. This one's a longcon.
These might not be normie-friendly but they might spark some ideas.
It's perfect.
i was thinking this too but then i realized how else was trump going to show force? He chose them because we're not trading with them and it's not happening in the future.
What if he was just a sleeper cell of autism? The signs were with shit like dippin dots, and cosplaying as a Gundam. Then our memes fully awoke him.
you disgust me
You have to look outward,
the place they fired the weapon was called the "Bonus Room"
It sounds like Satan to me, might as well embrace (((transhumanism))). If it becomes solvable it loses all the charm, chess would become like Rubik's cube, just follow the instructions and soon kids uploading videos to youtube about how to win in less than 40 moves. Go will probably follow the same path, I just hope to be dead by then.
This is magic and what yiy leftists play
Who are they kidding? My father wants you all dead.
who posted a link to here on reddit?
you dumbasses.
Your taste in ice cream is bad and you should feel bad.
If White explorers in Africa or America pretended to be gods in order to fool the stupid mudskins and then reverted to being White people when they returned to Europe, you wouldn't say that the White people had no pride in being themselves. No, they're just playing a trick on subhumans. It's just like that with Jews.
That's why fighting games are superior
Time to kill adventagious faggots.
This isn't different than 1996
Dude, SFV pissed me off so much I quit fighting games for good, but hot damn that match between LTG and Viscant will always have a place in my heart.
Shut it down
kys faggot
I agree with only one exception, blue moon
Most of them disappeared after watching their fellow cuckolds get doxed and then delete their lolsocialmedia presence. Receiving P/DMs from other faggots crying, "Fug they're going after my family now!" has a chilling effect.
Anyone who isn't a dumb faggot who spouts recycled imageboard rhetoric should know this whole act is to create mayhem in our nation and designed to make us fight amongst ourselves. It's pure divide and conquer.
This is so depressing to witness. I know nobody will act on such intentions until a huge economic collapse happens, then we're all body bags for the ZOG.
I've been playing GG and haven't checked out SFV. Why do so many people hate it?
Fucking kosher cucks
I missed the (1)'s.
Here's a list:
It's bad.
I find that a bit of sarcasm works fairly well on twitter, pic related by tweet.
It's a minor press release walking it back. Meanwhile the headlines are blazing with "Hitler didn't use gas weapons." Spicey Memes confirmed for /ourguy/
i-i- don't speak German user,,,I'm but a simple Scots-Irish Southern burger, didn't mean to trigger you friend
Even Drudge says "Oy vey!"
The kike won't let me post it.
I don't think anyone respects some faggot who camps around an imageboard and tries to silence anyone who feels like expressing themselves. You're a weird autistic waste of trash for discussion amongst anonymous users.
It wasn't directed at you but at my fellow Germans, friend :)
danke germanboo just remember, dixie did nothing wrong :^) Sherman was the devil
But what do I know?
I doubt even one of these faggots know from Umma Gumma
Oh I know that. I'm Southerner myself. Austria, the Dixie of the German Reich.
Listen, this is the US of A. Russia can be an allie or not. Many are ready to kill and keep killing.
No, go on. Keep acting like a hysterical schizophrenic off his meds.
SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!
thanks for not forgetting to check the hotsheets user
Reported for being an obvious kike shill.
That's some quality Holla Forums approved post right there. Good job scaring away anyone with a decent mind. Guys, is this an oldfag. I heard I need to be careful around these types.
He's still claiming Assad ordered the gassing of little children. He really needs to shut the fuck up. Trump needs another official spokesman, having only Spicer do the talking all the time is a bad idea.
Kushner pls
The way you talk is straight from a discordia IRC though.
I would never want to be associated with such a nefarious sounding group. Is discord some hacking program? What the fuck happened to you faggots using mumble or some other generic voicechat program?
Can anons still drop red pills on twitter, or are everyone's trash accounts basically (((gassed))) at this point.
How do I get past phone verification? I'm a cheap fuck I'm not going to buy a phone number for a single SMS and all the "receive free SMS" sites are blacklisted.
Confirmed for not even checkin the hotsheets.
Confirmed for not even trusting the hotsheets.
Lel, how new are you fags?
Fuck off, outlier. You think you can blend in by posting "le animoo girl" images?
But I have always been here all along.
Not as new as you apparently.
I would laugh and point out the obvious but I think it would fly over your head.
Check out the comments: rt.com
britbong here, now with american spelling
user still doesn't know about the hotsheets
pic related. calls himself an oldfag,I'm going to lurk Holla Forums and then play some vidya, maybe watch some redbull extremesports, g'night
PLEASE, someone send this to Travers Hommel on Goybook, he has surrounded himself with champagne liberals and they will attack me, even if I private message him - I need some chinks in his newly acquired libshit armor.
Aren't they all?
Jake Tapper has told Spice to 'Go visit the Holocaust Museum'
The low hanging bullshit these fucks harp on, facts don't matter, you have to say it exactly like they do or your ruined.
We could discover an underground cavern full of prehistoric creatures tomorrow and these geek-culture faggots would still find a way to make it about themselves.
Pure cohencidence!
Holy shit my sides!
Hope I'm not too late to pop in and have a hearty kek at this.
So liberals are mad that Spicer referenced Hitler in regards to a political figure he didn't like.
Do they have no shame, or do they not even realize the irony?
Good morning, you're just in time.
California uses chemical weapons, user.
Maybe Trump isn't ourguy, maybe he's still ok. It's early to tell.
What we can confirm is that kek is still the one really in control of the situation. Our chaos god works in mysterious ways.
The outrage over this so clearly indicates how critically important it is for their control of the narrative that Hitler remain this unconditionally absolute mythically evil incarnation.
Holy shit, we should come up with lines to say to bait the jews into outrage. "Well not even Hitler ate a child while it was still alive."
You can stop with the concern shilling.
Even Hitler didn't use children as human shields.
Made a slight modification.
Even Hitler didn't fire missiles at countries without first declaring war.
Bullshit, it's not a terrorist attack to destroy a military base
That's why no one was ever prosecuted for launching that slim-line drone at the pentagon.
So…all of the combat photographs from WWII showing troops without gas masks, such as the one 9696444 posted, are faked? Wasted trips.
Face it, the Allies didn't use gas because they didn't need to, but did want a cause for moral outrage to sell to civilians (yes, the NUKER demonizes the gasser and that makes sense to normies).
Hitler didn't use gas because he was a Jewish Zionist Rothschild agent who was throwing the war. Gas is cheap and isn't so problematic that it wasn't used consistently and effectively in WWI. It got Hitler, didn't it?
Oh my bad, that photo was WWI, wasn't it? Serves me right for trying to be smart. Sorry 9696444. I should have trusted the trips.
Want to know how I know you're not from here?
whats the source on that email??
Holy living Christ they pay you people far too much money for what they're getting
ctrl+f "hitler"
remember that "8ch.pl
take a look at the excellent public rule page of their website. tell me it isn't better than any rules you have ever read for a Holla Forumsitically incorrect board.
there is a massive plague of censorship being disgustingly forced upon the users. why do all three board logs look almost exactly the same?
all the board owners of Holla Forums Holla Forums /polk/ HATE when you post the board log. they depend on the fact that common users don't realize it exists and have banned people simply for linking it!
what you will find in the board logs day to day, not to mention what's in each archive is absolutely disgusting censorship, worse than what has been seen on reddit, youtube, facebook, google, 4chan, and more! you use Holla Forums to avoid this exact kind of bullshittery!
/polk/ Holla Forums Holla Forums appear to have identical moderators and board owners.
Much obliged user.
One of my pictures from Franc for your trouble.
Did Spicer already forget the 6 Trillion™?
Of course not.
He implied they weren't innocent.
Even Hitler did not grab women by the pussy at the height of his power.
They are in the middle of doing squats in a gas mask. It's designed to get your heart rate up and breathing heavily. Any leaks in the mask and you'd be coughing and unable to breath. It's designed to give you confidence that your gas mask works. Hence the training evolution called "confidence chamber" and not "gas chamber".
She could've been if she just got in the goddamn oven
fucking kek
Shit, I didn't see this coming and I should have. I had a chuckle
The pretejnd to be anons.
Hitler and Jesse Owens were best friends.
Ah, here's the post I was looking for.
Well done Spice, well done! People telling him to crack a history book makes me laugh. Looking at grandpa's diaries and his absolute hate for jews after WW2 will tell me more than history (indoctrination) books in indoctrination facilities EVER will.
He better not be fired or quit, I will lost my shit.
Well, your heart's in the right place.
Bullwinkle and Lamb Chop? WTF am I looking at?
Radical Moose-Lambs
It's fucking amazing.
The truth and authenticity of your holocaust testimony is undeniable and illegal to contest in many countries.
in other news the Hitler label has peeled off Trump.
Do you slather it with mustard too, you degenerate fuck?
When will this shitty easily disproven /christian/ meme die?
The swimming pool, soccer field, theatre, and your dubs are accurate in that pic.
sorry kiddo that is a Cross I am not willing to die on. Putting any faith in democracy was a mistake.
next they gonna tell me rat poison is a chemical weapon too
that quote form the Table talks is not in the original German text. It was added in a modern English Translation and is spurious at best. The other quote from Chapter 11 of Mein Kampf is not a refutation of Christianity. Most importantly German culture was a marriage of the Christian and Pagan roots. This false dilemma that one must embrace one and reject the other is to ignore the Gestalt of what it means to be German.
He's right. Zyklon-B requires heat to slowly release gas for delousing clothing. It could not release gas fast enough to kill groups of jews in cold rooms during the dead of winter.
inb4 body heat.
Remember when one of Trump's sons said "warm up the gas chambers" and everybody thought he didn't know how gas chambered worked? Turns out, he knew exactly how Zyklon B works.
This is your brain on Jonestein.
That's so weird. I had the same experience.
How many other blond anons here were bullied in high-school being told that they were a Nazi poster-child?
Fucking kek.
Either the jews are lying or they really are demons with claws strong enough to scratch concrete.
It literally fucking isn't though. You fucking walnutkike.
Kek, that was a common joke made about me. But it felt like a validation most of the time. There was one short and dark haired guy who always tried to pick a fight in my class. Me and another guy who has the same features as i do used to diss him with "well look at you short little subhuman, are you envious of our aryan genes?"
Some people
(((They))) might argue that:
-It was mold or some film on the walls of the gas chambers which was soft enough to scrape off with your fingernails.
-The trapped jews scratched at the walls until their fingertips gave way to the bone underneath, which they might argue is strong enough to scratch the concrete.
I bet he's the kind of nigger that things that honey and peanut butter tastes bad on bread.
but not actually gassing them is what hitler did wrong
My man. Only PB and banana tops it as far as peanut butter sandwiches go
Checked and kek'd.
can we prepare some meme ammunition to defend spicy? clear explanations about the difference between chemical weapons/agents, sourced macros about hitler hating chemical weapons because of his experience with them in world war one to explain what he meant by this to leftists and the media. As well as very easy to understand thoroughly sourced anti-holohoax redpill macros for normies that question the 6 gorillion because of this.
I'll try to make some myself but they'll be kvetching about this one for a while and we need to make back our losses from this whole syria incident
The holocaust never happened, but it should have. Assad is worse, because the gas attacks never happened, but he can still fix this.
I'm not even mad, the incompetence is astounding.
Why would he want to kill civilians with the gas attack? It never happened and the worst thing he could do would be attacking for real, because the kikes will kvetch so hard about it that it causes WW3.
Assad is based right now and he should keep BTFOing ISIS the conventional way, because he will win this.
The funny thing about that is, from a investigative prospective (can't say logical since a logical perspective requires a world of pure truth and falsehoods, which our world might be, however, the world of our "verifiable" claims is not, and thus has ambiguity) one would only have to show one lie or contradiction in their narrative to show that one can't necessarily trust their claims on this.
E.g. 6 million is impossible by scientific means and is also just Jew speak for "a lot". This wittles it down to: but some died die he killed people. One can then show evidence that allied bombing and typhus would've killed many, however, you'd have to concede that there is no way to confirm that the amount who died due to the allies/typhus is exactly the number killed. One might then deal with the notion that they've met a survivor, they even had a tattoo. Show them the thread (reddit image posted here before) where a man with a tattoo had been caught lying about having died in the halocaust. The existence of such a case, at minimum, proves that it is possible for one to lie under such extreme circumstances. Corroborate this with the fact that there are more people claiming to have survived the holocaust than, under any reasonable assumption, would've been able to get away. To not be completely reliant on assumptions however, show that the amount who survived the holocaust plus those proposed to have died during the holocaust is too big when compared to the total amount of Jews in the region. The question then may come to that of motive, why lie about the holocaust? One then need only show how, even from the Podesta e-mails, the usage of WWII have given the Jews carte blanche on being the victim. Futhermore, one could state that it made certain the existence of Israel, their desired home state, and its protection from invading forces by the U.S.
At this point, any reasonable person who can follow facts would at least understand something is wrong and should have developed enough doubt in the narrative to question more. At this point the Nazis will still bear a mark of shame in their mind, however, they will be wondering about the narrative, possibly rationalizing "just some died, however, they exaggerated to benefit, how horrible". At this point is when the true difficulty would come in. To show that there was not a single desire to turn the concentration camps into death camps for what ever quantity of people. To do this, it would be best to explain the interaction Jews had with most countries in their history such as the Romans. They were given their subsection of a society but would pay tribute onto the host. Upon coming to understand the Jewish-Host relationship, one can then go into the squabbles that rose around WWI and WWII. The amount of depth covered can be as much as desired, but one must make sure to keep the person's interest. The purpose here is to explain why they were put into camps. If the person thinks that act itself is horrible, one must explain it is a natural thing for a nation, in particular for that time period (considering everyone did it), to do to possible enemies/terrorists/people of whom you believe have committed a crime against your people. From this point, one would have to get into the actual evidence showing that the concentration camps had other activities such as pools, etc. One must admit ths doesn't deny they didn't kill anyone, however, one should find it strange for a place that has all these recreational type tasks to be a place of death. At this point, it's all up to you and their ego in determining the truth.
Remember, what props something up is physical evidence, testimonial evidence, and circumstancial evidence. If one can show sufficient physical evidence is false, it lends itself to questioning the testimonial evidence. If, in addition, there are sufficent contradictions in the testimonial evidence, it lends itself to questioning the validity of the proposed circumstancial evidence. All of these lending themselves towards the destruction of the constructed narrative.
I know all that, but we should inform the rest of the world using this story and it's inevitable failure
I replied to myself on purpose, the second reply is me saying I'll actually do the things I'm asking of others in the first as I'm not lazy simply busy
Rustled some goon jimmies I see.
The only good goon is a broke goon.
kys Weebcuck
You're right. I said what I said for the sake of argument. Though if he DID gas the Sunnis, I wouldn't hold it against him.
I know Holla Forums likes to give people a hard time for "reddit spacing" but holy shit user, that needs to be broken up for simple readability; like so:
Im actually really disappointed in Holla Forums, must be 4cuck refugees lingering about? Half the thread and youre the first person to point out how and why what spicer said was exactly 100% correct. Of course, even if you believe that the gas chambers existed, the gas wasn't used indiscriminately on a battlefield, and the population in the camps werent citizens, they were treated as partisans, a fifth column.
I wanted to bring up the fact that Hitler was so against using gas on enemies of the Reich but he was totally willing to use them on Jews?
A tweet I sent out on the Breitbart earlier today, sadly, I'll never know if anybody was curious enough to think enough on that then dig into it themselves.
I'm pretty certain that's all common knowledge here. Hell, even 10 years ago when I was a normalfag that was common knowledge. I learned in public school that the Germans never used poison gas on the battlefield because Hitler was gassed in WWI.
t. Another Scots-Irish Southerner.
Also, I just want to say that sprinkles on anything is fucking degenerate. They always ruin the texture and if they're not fucking tasteless, they're too fucking sweet.
Fuck sprinkles
That's some next level bullshit.
Fuck Sherman and his march to the sea, Georgia user sounding off living in Virginia right now though, but Savannah is home
I got stuck in ATL for 3 days once and came to the conclusion that modern science is worthless if it can't bring Sherman back from the dead so that he can burn Atlanta again.
Whoever gave you a sense of identity, mistaken.
I'm so sorry
many of us would, to clean it out at least, then not replace the nigs
It actually IS the original german text. and It's been confirmed by both Carolyn Yaeger and David Irving two of the greatest holocaust and WW2 historians that are WN'ists.
I see this bullshit posted by too many christcucks, I need to make infographs proving something that anyone who opens mein kampf will know is true.
David Irving on the Table Talks
David Irving considers them to be authentic, if not poorly translated. They had changed hands several times and had been used in Nazi Trials in nuremberg.
Wiki Artickle on the Table talks also Considers them authentic
Stormfront thread on hitlers table talks
Two posters "Carl von Clausewitz!" and "The Last of My Kind" are saying its a forgery enitrely on 'religious grounds', yet
NIGHT OWL says they are authentic, and match with Offical Nazi Party Distributed Phamphlets.
Also the "Hitler is a christian" hoax comes from a jewish processor in germany.
n 2003, two challenges appeared to this consensus view. One was from Richard Steigmann-Gall as part of his wider thesis that, "leading Nazis in fact considered themselves Christian" or at least understood their movement "within a Christian frame of reference."[37] He argues that several passages in the Table Talk reveal Hitler to have a direct attachment to Christianity,[38] to be a great admirer of Jesus,[39] and "gave no indication that he was now agnostic or atheistic"—[38] a worldview Hitler continued to denigrate the Soviet Union for promoting.[40] Steigmann-Gall maintains that Hitler's "view of Christianity is fraught with tension and ambiguity" and Hitler's Table Talk shows an "unmistakable rupture" with his earlier religious views,[41] which Steigmann-Gall characterizes as Christian.[42] He attributes this to Hitler's anger at his failure to exert control over the German churches, and not anger at Christianity itself.[43] Steigmann-Gall's wider thesis proved highly controversial,[44] although as John S. Conway pointed out, the differences between his thesis and the earlier consensus were mostly about the "degree and timing" of Nazi anti-clericalism.[45]
Neger, I…
I just say Scots-Irish because I don't have a complete list of my ancestry, I'm still working on it.
However, I am predominately Scottish, so that the surname is a clan recognised by Lord Lyon King of Arms.
I intend to have children with a woman of like ancestry, and not pollute Aryan stock with my Celt genes.
Because fuck your snow nigger shit, misty islands of the Highlands forever
Julius Agricola was a faggot
interestingly Carlyn Yaeger Agrees that the Table Talks are Authentic
she says only Ricchard Speer says they arent. Also she mentions christians are upset about hitlers comments, the problem is they are authentic and his real opinion of christianity
more on richard speer here
He says it is mostly a hoax but doesnt provide the detailed information that irving does, i think it might be somewhat true but i doubt that it is pro-christian in the end
Richard Speer is a jew, and his wikipedia page interestingly doesnt confirm it outright.
We can try to return to the older ways, or at least dream of making it so.
What's that old quote?
"Every day I look out upon Atlanta and I see what hundreds of thousands of Southern men, women, and children died to prevent."
The South? Or Scotland?
The modern South is naught but a negative parody of itself. You know what I mean.
That's a clique I've heard called "Chebos", at least.
The "Southern Frat boy" is another
It isn't necessarily because it's a bad society, it's a (((poisoned))) one. Intentionally and deliberately led down that path after Reconstruction.
Perhaps don't makes claims until you check out your family. Too many burgers fall for the scoot-potato meme.
I know the heavy Scottish to be absolute.
I'm not going to lie and claim I'm hoping to find as little Irish as possible.
The South
It always irritates the hell out of me to see the rebel flag with shit written all over it or some fucking picture on it. Not to mention the whole "pop country culture" The South is stuck in nowadays.
I will admit I am guilty of the Nautica style shirts and flip-flops, but then again on the coast is was usually just old t-shirts instead and sunglasses while going out on the boat, all that other shit I don't do any of it, I find it an embarrassment.
One day we will restore the glory of The South eventually, The Old South is sadly an Old Dream I think.
I'm not familiar with it user, do you have a source for it? Sounds like a Northern general/officer realizing their mistake.
NEVER heard that discussed in school, really, anything about hitlers experiences in ww1 is endearing and sympathetic towards him. Two time decorated courier during trench warfare, experiences gas attack, traumatized him so much he refused to use it on his enemies on the battlefield. Yeah no, these are basically hatefacts.