Bunkerchan Migration Thread


We’re now finally getting around to moving to Bunkerchan. A lot of people have wanted to do this for a while, and if we don’t move soon, the final nail in the coffin of Holla Forums will hit us before we do. There is an approaching surge of newfags when 4chan inventively either becomes riddled with ads, pay to win or simply shut down due to no money. Our current moderators have neither the ability but not even the will to deal with the shitposters we ALREADY have, let alone what’s coming our way.

As many of you know, Holla Forums is riddled with high levels of stormfaggotry, which is why most comrades only stick to this one board. Because of this, there isn’t really a reason not to simply move to a chan dedicated to leftism, where we can claim our own interest boards. This is simply us putting the power into our own hands, as not only do we not have influence on any board but this one on the whole chan, but we don’t even have real control over Holla Forums!

I’m sure anyone who has ever tried to contact BO will know that their complaints fall on death ears, and other moderators have even told me that BO hardly browses this board anymore (but I’m sure they will make a grand appearance in this thread, just by coincidence.)

Without proper moderation of our own board, our community will stagnate and die. It’s already started – I’m sure anyone relatively old to Holla Forums can tell – so I would consider a split between the content creators and the lurkers is worth it, although this would be temporary anyway, as it is up to us, the actual driving force behind Holla Forums, to set an example and show that we prepared to put power into our own hands.

It’s time we finally got around to actually moving – just not talking about it.

The Discord chat, Gulag, has already agreed to become a mainly bunkerchan oriented server, and this is where some of the most active posters and OC contributors on Holla Forums right now are. We are simply taking the good posters with us to Bunkerchan and leaving all the Holla Forumsfags and incompetent moderators here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who's 'we'? I never voted to move there and we've btfo or b& most of the newfags I've seen. Let the newfags dash themselves to pieces against us. Some might convert and hopefully stop throwing spaghetti all over the place.

fix site codemonkey

go away

I didn't vote on this.

It's down, way to go discordfags.


exactly why we should not go to bunkerchan

Why would we all move when we're reaching bigger numbers? People should just use both


this is some kind of super-meta Holla Forums style divide and conquer shitpost isn't it

That's like saying the rich are the problem, don't be so sensitive when people attack systems.


Good bye! Don't forget to write!

Except they're quite clearly not. Or at least their understanding of the system is so simplistic as to be useless.



*tips fedora*

especially if we purge idpol off both of them.

Are you upset friend? :^)

This is a gross misuse of the fedora meme. The fedora-tipper calls women "m'lady" and pretends to be some anachronistic gentleman. He is also a self-impressed hipster who thinks that he is smarter than all those jerk guys. Basically, he is Bunkerchan.

Keep moving, plebbitor.

Good, fuck off and dont come back

discordfags are literal cancer who should kill themselves

even worse than IRCfags

That site has a horrendous color scheme


Hmm, I would move if:

-the image sizing wasn't so fucked up. All of the images for starting threads are different sizes. Is it because I'm on mobile? I only use Holla Forums on mobile or ouroboros, so if it's not compatible with either of these things I don't want to bother.
-the website color scheme wasnt so eye-rendingly awful. How can you guys stand it?
-there was any discussion about American politics, like the cycled thread here.
-you didn't have to fill out a Captcha for every post you make. Wtf?

It's difficult enough to move an entire userbase of people, but while Bunkerchan has these issues, it's going to be nearly impossible to get anyone to move.

Nice try you fucking trot




Holla Forums seems to vacillate between about 530-650 users throughout the week, which is what we've been seeing for a while. So far there's no evidence of a wave of refugees yet.

In any event, I still think bunkerchan functions better as a backup in case leftypol does just go down in flames rather than trying to harangue everyone into moving over.

go back to Holla Forums


Fuck off


Good riddance.



JFC did bunkerchan killed your parents or something?



Bunkerchan has gone through several periods where people too unpopular or stupid to function here have fled to it and used it solely as a blog for "H-haha, leftypol sucks so much, amirite???", so I can see why people are adverse to leaving.


please take the tripfags with you, k thx bye

Especially AW, he really does not belong here and would be more happy to be among fellow redditors.

This tbqh.

Can't agree more.



the black background is inherently superior. it's much easier on the eyes

Honestly, all leftist chans and boards need to merge into a single, unified chan without any dominant factions. The issue with Bunkerchan is that the staff there basically wants to take over and remain the dominant ones. Sure, they've said that they want to put the board owner in charge of a Holla Forums board, but they will stay a step higher than BO nonetheless. At the same time they want to keep /left/, not wanting to forfeit their politics board for a single one. They've made the same offer to GETchan, offering to host /GET/, but they still remain the ones in power and they refuse to merge the random boards together.

Rather than reforming the USSC and making it bigger and stronger this time, they want to basically take all the leftist boards under their banner and their leadership. I should add that they used to be in favour of a merger, and there were talks to merge Bunkerchan, GETchan, /ref/, and Holla Forums into a single chan under a completely different name, but as the situation on the other boards began to go sour, Bunkerchan refuses to make any compromise. What we need is the system that GETchan put into place when Lunachan and /ref/ merged with them. This being that the previous staff of GETchan runs /GET/, the previous staff of Lunachan runs /luna/, etc, with all boards being on equal footing regardless of their size or purpose.

If this is the case, we can actually get more boards to join the cause. What would be fantastic is if we could get /ussr/ from Hikkach. That would be something amazing. But they won't agree to just becoming a Bunkerchan puppet. If we guarantee them their own board, their own moderation, and respect for their independence, then we'd actually have something to stand on. Bunkerchan started as a great idea, and I have been completely supportive of them, even while people have been condemning them, until recently. Bunkerchan needs to rethink this whole migration thing and start considering merging instead.

tl;dr: We need a merger, not a migration.

I support this post.

Literally the only leftist board that has any movement at all is Holla Forums. Merging would just be a lot of work for no compensation at all. The only reason other leftist boards even exist it's just to serve as backup when 8ch goes down for maintenance and stuff.

Holla Forums and /ussr/, as I just mentioned. Besides, the programmers and funding lie in Bunkerchan and GETchan. Holla Forums needs these other chans to survive if it wants to make it out there.

Compensation? I suppose being able to determine our own destiny means nothing to you? Are you really happy being flooded by Holla Forums shitposters day after day, being constantly raided, and having to answer to a higher authority?

Literally only Bunkerchan.


Who do you think you're fooling? Fucking sophists.

A battlefield always draws a crowd whereas an insular community turns out like bunkerchan. In other words, being on Holla Forums guarantees a certain level of exposure. Hate it all you like, but without shitposting we don't have user circulation and thus growth.

And someone always owns the board. It's always somebody's private dictatorship. I'd prefer an absentee dictator than an engaged tyrant, even if it means shit threads are everywhere – case in point is Holla Forums, right here, or any goddamn subreddit.

Just like you, they're filtered.


Support for the rebirth of the USSC!


Owner of bunkerchan here

Ask Me Anything


I'm sorry fam, but I really don't agree with migrating to somewhere that is cordoned off from outsiders. I don't want to become a torture chamber, and I don't want to become estranged from the community I like to engage and debate. Make a new 8ch board if we must, but I'm not moving to a single-purpose chan.

very nice parody

We could use Holla Forums as a 'outpost'

Bunkerchan just wants ANY mods in power. Right now it's the same as having none if we stay on leftypol. We would be open to moving to a different board but, bunkerchan is the best alternative.

unless we move to masterchan where we can truly have no mods

Was this thread just made by a random autist, or someone who is actually prominent on bunker somehow?

Random autist.

Yeah, no, I'm not into namefaggotry and the reek of honey.

I prefer the USSC idea. Different member boards can all do things their own way and ultimately carve out their own niche. Should be some kind of overboard or more concrete way of linking them too. This way we have clear alternatives when Holla Forums implodes and we can send more traffic to slow leftist hobby boards.

I'm 90% sure this is you trying to stir shit up, and months later still butthurt people laughed in your face rather than prove to be your presumed stereotype.

When this idea was launched, Holla Forums mods were running wild banning people bc of personal slights, while the entire board was chocked with Holla Forums baitposting. I've heard rumours that we've changed BO, but as things looked then - a necessary change of moderation seemed obvious.

I just want to clarify this, to not make bunkerchan come off as some sectarian grouping.

Your paranoia inspired me to make this however.

Still is chocked full of Holla Forums bait posting

Nigger, just do something like pic related. No need to overhaul the entire thing.

Truly sadness knows no limit :_:

USSC should be used for merging not migration

can pic be done comrades ?

This would be a great idea. It could consolidate multiple chans centrally without having to kill our homes through migration.




We should merge!!!


I'll tell you the one condition for bunkerchan to catch on:

The BO of Holla Forums makes a sticky telling everyone to go to bunkerchan and then locks this board, banning everyone, forcing everyone to go to bunkerchan.

the exclamation points mean I don't need a coherent argument

Here's a crude example of what a unified USSC might look like:


Mind you, it would probably be best to just tweak Bunkerchan a bit and repurpose it as a new chan altogether under the USSC domain, albeit under shared ownership, as in that image.



What the actual fuck are you babbling about?

You keep shilling bungholechan when the first 20 or so responses were to tell you to fuck off back to your torture chamber and to stop pretending to speak for this board.

I'm not OP, nor am I a migrationfag, which is something you would be able to tell if you actually read any of my posts.

good taste comrade

then migrate to your torture chamber and stop shilling for something most of us have told you we don't want

I just told you I'm not OP or a migrationfag. Can you read?

I just told you to migrate then. Can you read?

So those who don't want to migrate should migrate anyways? Your true colours are showing, bunkerfag shill.


I support these posts.

Didn't we try this a year ago? I mean I'm all down for the elitist clubs but it was just unbearable with the 1 post a week frequency.

Can be done. But it would be the inverse.

Reminder that Holla Forums is the fourth biggest board on Holla Forums and you guys wanna flush this down the toilet. A circlejerk on a dead website with three posts a week will not be an improvement.

You probably hate to hear this but the reason Holla Forums was so successful (considering how small the genuine far-left community is) was because Holla Forums exists and even gets some media coverage. Holla Forums functioned as an antithesis to Holla Forums, bringing people into the left that have been here just to browse Holla Forums. The fact that a radical political online community can exist without being full 1488 is what made this board juicy in the first place.

Please don't kill this.

I wish you retards would kill yourselves already

I didn't say "invite". Can you read? Holla Forums works as a catalyst for Holla Forums, move this board on an ugly fringe website and see any sort of movement fading into obscurity. Also, there was a decent number of converted Holla Forumsacks every month.

Because/pol/ exists Holla Forums has momentum wether you like it or not.

You have already answered all of my questions.


This is the goddamn truth. The undeniable, unabashed stupidity coming from Holla Forums is our greatest recruiting tool.


This. A thousand times this.

Not possible. How will I bypass the captcha?

Holla Forums won't die.

Get over it.

Why so you let tumblrinas post constantly about how triggered leftypol makes them?




What do you mean by tumblrinas? Because I don't


SJW's, people who think everything is "racist" and how you can never criticize minorities.

But no one on bunkerchan thinks that…

Enjoy your safe space away from the meanie racists