But remember, Work is a muh privilege and you should be grateful for this opportunity to sell your labor.
1/5th of Japanese workers are at risk of dying from overwork
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It's their culture, it's what they want.
And the other 4/5th is dying from underwork.
How do they have such a high life expectancy? Imagine if they weren't classcucks, they would probably live forever.
Japan also has an insanely high smoking rate too.
It's crazy how they can live so long.
Fish and sea weed.
Give me a work-free do-what-you-want commune and they'll run right back to their corporations.
It's not an active, explicit want, it's a deeper want, like the want that makes some people seek out abuse partners.
So much wrong in such a tiny sentence.
Das rite.
It's just hooman natur.
don't forget the societally-engrained alcohol abuse
On the bright side, JCP is only getting stronger and stronger.
If humans have no nature, they would be perfectly satisfied with whatever system they live in, thus there would be no alienation, nor any reason for communism.
That's pretty neat propaganda. The art looks like something out of a WarioWare game.
For those who are wondering, the "villains" depicted here are "Black Company" and "Black Part-Time Job". "Black" as an adjective is often used in Japanese to describe businesses that engage in particularly abusive practice, most notoriously unpaid overwork.
There's more here, it's a pretty well-done website:
good job retard, don't you have to damage control for Trump right now?
And the next generation of japanese youth are largely sick of it from what I've heard
I thought everybody knows about rampant NEETism there?
superior genes tbh
Good diet
Good genes
Humans have no specific nature. Their nature is individual, created from their environment and experiences. 99.99% of the population, including little blond Johan, could be raised in a cannibalistic baby raping nigger tribe and would grow up perfectly fine with it.
Which means there is no such thing as alienation and that marxism is therefor fundamentally wrong.
Where the fuck did you get that? Are you implying marxists believe alienation to be human nature? Are you shitposting? Are you fucking dumb? you're fucking dumb
If a man would fit perfectly fine in whatever he is raised, than how can he ever be alienated?
What if any given type of society can teach you to desire two different things that contradict one another? What everything was made of contradiction?
Good job. Dialectics 101 learned.
It's a contradiction to state that there can be both alienation, and a perfect for everyone in any system that they are raised in.
No, the marxist version of alienation is "estrangement of ones humanity", it's the class system contradicting with human nature.
Communism is seen as desirable because it is currently the most optimal thought system of following a material analysis of capitalist socioeconomics. However, this same material analysis concludes the basic statement that the world is ultimately made of contradiction, and that even communism must therefore either constantly change or it will find itself replaced by an even more optimal system.
I was referring to >>96961699
Which means there is no such things as estrangement for our humanity, and therefor no alienation.
yeah, that's why he's wrong.
It's both. Humans have some inherent needs and tendencies, but are also extremely plastic. And the inherent human needs are capable of being suppressed by conditioning, but this causes distress and unhappiness (alienation)
Japan is an example of why ethically homogeneous populations are successful
and suicidal?
And having a demographic crisis
Japan is an example of why capitalism can't be successful for the mass of people
Also, where's the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the Asian race
This documentary is amazing.
i wish i knew japanese
also there's a large amount of virgins
If this is the pollack who's proud of never having kissed a girl, then that's probably a plus for him.
That's because of capitalism. All the more reason why socialism for one ethnic homogeneous group will work