Well it looks like Trump has blown it...

Well it looks like Trump has blown it. Time to develop a strategy to subvert liberals and alt-rightists given a Hillary administration.

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A polymorous alpha bi-romantic kiss-sexual…. i thought that was supposed to be cool nowadays.. but i guess it's only cool when it is virtual

I love that they are pretending like they had never read or heard anything that he said prior to the election cycle. This is so bullshit.

Here's what he said for reference.

Hillary defended Bill's rapes and laughed off about a rape victim in a legal case

Hillary literally called Assange to be droned

Where is the outrage?

Hillary is an assertive woman who needs to stand her ground in a mans world. This notion that women all need to be sweet and nice is deeply woman hateric.


Truly Trump is a master of memes.

Can this really bust his chances?
Man, murricans are so weird. If a candidate had said such things in my country people would be celebrating how much of a manly man he is instead of getting outraged.

Yes, Hillary is such a woman, she will put on a strap-on and fuck the world harder than the men did.

It's not even about memes, it's panic hidden under the thin veil of scorn and self-rightiousness

Not an American, but I doubt this will be the end of him. Everything he says is automatically counter-balanced by the eternal presence of Shillary's corruption in people's minds. And while he may lose a few voters, Clinton is probably losing them at a comparable rate, maybe even higher now that wikileaks has started with its artillery.

I don't expect non-americans to understand but we're very prude as a society, both on the right and left. The women will feel disrespected, the protestants and Catholics will be offended, as will most of the married people. It's not looking good for him.

Shillary may be corrupt, but everyone already knows that and she's up 5 in the polls. Unless there are some serious new revelations about her before the election she has it in the bag.

It's the SJW's that can't shut up about how puritan america is that get more triggered by lewd banter than by the zenit of the oligarchical greasy poll climbers.

I don't deny they are also puritanical, but so is everyone here

That is some incredible timing for this story to break right the fuck now, isn't it?

I wish someone would pay more attention to the fact that HRC and Obama have sold weapons to KSA than #TrumpTapes.

How do you "grab" someone by the pussy?

How do lesbians have sex? With gay guys it works. It's just like legos. But with lesbos it's more like smashing the tops of buckets together.

They use dildos.

Yeah well that's the spectacle for you. What we need to do now is make sure we capitalize as much as possible on the next presidency

In America, the entirety of the media are kike effete pussies. Thus they don't want to get grabbed.


never change Holla Forums


You know Holla Forums if everyone sleep's with somebody's else's wife then everyone becomes a cuck, right?




Oh yeah? I think they might find it a bit funny, at least in the case of dildo jokes, because of their sensitivity to the charge that deep down they really want to be men. Perhaps even the reverse is just as true, where men are the sufferers of the paranoia of not measuring up to the symbolic phallus.

Maybe we should just clean house…

This ordeal reminds me of the poetry by Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr.

You make it sound like you expected a possible Trump victory to change things for the better

Yeah, that's what really pisses me off. Before the 80s the left was edgy as fuck, they were openly talking even about "sexual liberation" of children. Today precisely the "left" would be outraged at this, they have turned into the guardians of morality and order, thus replacing the right which is now reemerging as the only opposition to the system in the form of far-right.

I hear ya.

The culture war is an endless swirling whirlpool of shit.

i think most people don't care all that much but it still sinks his chances because now his campaign is back in chaos and he's already behind in the polls

Also they are still the biggest moralfags out there, their very cuntservative nature doesn't allow them to be any different. The only difference now is that the "left" is also very retarded and spooked.

the right is not in opposition to the system. At all.
I think it's a wonderful thing that the left has the opportunity to make itself the defender of human decency and human dignity
The vulgarity of the nationalist right, as it has never been about moral duty and restraint, the siren call of fascism is "Hey let's lynch some black men and rape some black women (in the case of the KKK) , Hey we'll fight for the fatherland but you can have some fun too, rape some jewish girls and so on"
Ask the bosnian nationalists, or most nationalists. They don't want a more rigid society of duty and restriction, they think modern society is to restrictive "I can't even beat/rape my wife in this politically correct society"

kys pedo scum

Which country do you live in?




The alt-shite's intelligence level and motivations, ladies and gentlemen.

Jesus, I used that example precisely because it's obnoxious and clearly shows the difference between then and now. At that time it was provocative, now it's blasphemous. If you want a different example then how about the fact that homosexuals now have conservative family values, while back then many of them were against marriages and relationships as such and in favor of sexual friendships.

I love the pedo issue precisely because certain people can't even stand to have the topic broached. The same people will later argue against moralism.

No they don't, unless this is one of those "we had to destroy the village to save it" arguments

It's faux outrage. He didn't say anything that normal people don't say all the time. I would say this is a case political correctness. Similar to when americans where pissed about spending money in middle eastern wars, yet if a politician said he was against invading Afghanistan it was political suicide. American's have a bizarre fetish with believing one thing but think our leaders should say something else.

the edgy left still exists m8.
I wish it wasnt called "edgy" though. To me the moralfags that are against love of children and non-human animals are the sick fucks.

saudi arabia literally did 9/11 and this is not a meme

This board is still far better on this then most other places on the internet. Which is in sharp contrast to how it was just a few years ago, where arguing against the age of consent or a significant lowering of it was a common position on internet forums. The internet truly has been overrun with normalfags.

Hahaha when I listened to it I was like come on is this the campaign ender just Trump showing off to another guy?. He has said so many shit that is so much worse than this but this gets blown up. I can only imagine mainstream media is doing this to cover up the whole deal with the Clinton leaks.

Out of all the things the mainstream media could've picked this has to be the most retarded thing.

No haha. We've all encountered these type of macho like conversations, I don't find anything out of line in his statement. The way he handled that Muslim sharia dude at the DNC was incredibly stupid though and the way the media put it I do understand if that might've costed Trump a bit.

Depends which polls you look at. Brexit was a month before election was away at like 38% and remain at like 58% according to most polls and just a few days before election like 56% to 43%.

Greece referendum polls said 60% would vote for EU, 60% ended up voting against.

A lot of these companies that do polls are very dishonest. Reuters / IPSOS are serial manipulators of polls, they are not to be trusted. The country which I currently reside in (Netherlands) they also always produce bunk polls that the media declares as official while their methods to poll are garbage.

But what I do see is that Clinton is struggling to fill up a room with 100 people while Trump is pulling arenas full of people. So I do believe Trump is holding the advantage.

It has been argued in recent papers that left vs right isn't really there anymore. It changed to globalist and anti globalist.

It doesn't matter how much socialist policies you incorporate in your economic, domestic and foreign plans, if you're against mass immigration from third world countries you're far right in Europe. A good example would be PVV in Netherlands who have mostly socialistic policies but they still get labelled far right because of their harsh stance regarding the Muslim issue the country is facing.

right and left aren't ideologies.

By the way Holla Forums is retarded if it comes to ideology. Some hate Hitler some quote him. Some hate religion others embrace it. Some think weird shit about Jews others don't. Some hate woman others don't.

Just seems a collective of people who hate one (or more) things about society.

You are talking about 4/pol/, right?
Cause 8/pol/ is full on stormfaggotry.

There are people (everyone) right now on /sjwpol/ who will vote for Hillary who belongs in prison (or a noose) because Trump said mean things.

He's doing exactly what he was chosen to do.

I live in a perennial blue state, and I hardly see any signs, slogans, stickers, etc. for Clinton. There are some, but it is absolutely nothing like it was for Obama, Kerry, Gore, or even Bill Clinton. Nobody but liberal feminists and LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ activists gives two shits for her. However, everyone hates Trump with a burning passion except for his supporters. I have honestly never seen an election where both candidates were so universally loathed before.

This nigger gets it. Trump is the only candidate who could possibly lose to Clinton.

Who do they hate with more passion though? I'd say it's Trump rather Clinton. Of course by "they" I don't mean a single unified group that hates both at the same time.

not even wrong. New leak shows DNC and Clinton's team planning to push either Trump or Carson, before Clinton even had the nomination. Is this the most corrupt cycle ever or are we just seeing the inner workings for the first time? Either way, democracy is a joke and a failure.

They couldn't even manage a contested primary, with Rubio/Jeb losing their home state to Trump, Cruz had skeletons in his closet with his links to that weird "Jewish Christian" fundamentalist sect his dad runs, and Kasich? Really?

there's a difference between primary voters and general election voters

just because you do well with one doesn't mean you'll do well with the other


Lurk more, nigger.

Incorrect, everyother republican nomine would have lost

How is this shilling? Certainly it shouldn't matter to us who wins besides how it changes our approach to pushing our agenda.

The MSM has been #WithHer from the start - did you forget the constant anti-Sanders shilling in the primaries, i.e. "Why non-white voters hate S█████", "Why S█████' 'brocialism' worries female voters" etc?

If someone else had been nominated we'd just be hearing the other Republican candidate's gaffes and dirty laundry being aired 24/7 - the only difference being that with Trump its easier for the MSM to hide behind the "He's an existential threat to everything America stands for!" excuse

I doubt it, considering all the scandal's that have it her.

Oh, sure Trump gets more hate, but only because he makes more noise. Everyone already knows the shit that Clinton is up to, but she has just kept quiet about it. More importantly, the media outlets that her backers own have kept quiet about it.


Did you watch primaries, no-one cared about any of the other candidates except for a means to signal against Trump. That was they had in terms of support. No-one cared about Jeb Bush, no-one liked Cruz except for evangelicals and Rubio was difficult to remember.

What, you think that someone who looks like a clown in the primaries can not get elected with enough financial backing? You must have missed the Bush Jr. campaigns.

lol we share both memes faggot.

And after the '90s "Clinton scandal" in the minds of the average Democrat voter = "crazy right-wing conspiracy theory". Look at the email scandals

Holla Forums, you really are fucking stupid.

Doesn't matter, the anti-hillary vote would have won even if the opponent was unmemorable

George had some karisma and ran against Al Gore, one of the most boring and annoying men on the planet. That race was also tight. He only won the electoral college

Democrats aren't the only ones who needed to vote for her in order to win. She needed independents too. Young people wouldn't have turned out for her and all the independents would have voted republican as long as the other candidate didn't have any major scandals.

The goal is to shit on both candidates to wake up the american people of the bourgeois """"""democracy"""""" meme

Yeah, but voting unmemorable candidate isn't a middle finger to the political elite. That's what makes Trump so special, it's an expression of people's anger and cynicism.

Dude, there would be no point in voting for Rubio. He was a gay neocon who would have given up on every core issue. Cruz has some rather nutty religious ideals he goes by. Rubio is a complete carrer politician, no-one protest vote for him. There would not have been a difference between voting for him and Hillary.

That's not what people see. They see you has dishonestly critizing the other candidate to pretend you have some semblance of neutrality/objectivity.

yeah and a fat lot of good that did you

That's bourgeoisie democracy for you. There's no point in voting for Trump either.

It ousted the neocons, with Trump a lot of these people have actually self-purged. Bill Kristol is now a Democrat, the same goes many neocons

Well that didn't happen snopes.com/hillary-clinton-freed-child-rapist-laughed-about-it/

But Bill seems to be as bad as Trump anyway

Its almost as if once you earn over 10 million dollars you are entitled to mountains of cocaine and underage sex

Politics isn't just about what is immediately implemented by some politician but also about people's attitude with regards to the system, e.g. how much they're willing to consent and not resist. Voting a clown persona is ridiculing the system, even if that politician will change nothing. People are fed up and at some point will enforce the change one way or another if the same trends continue.

If the cuban missile crisis didn't lead to nuclear war, we're not gonna have it with russia any time soon.

true, but that's been out in the air for a while now and unless a video surfaces, trump is gonna get his ass handed to him

Pretty much.

Are we talking about the same guy who awkwardly hit on Angela Merkel?

And that's why I rooted for him in the primary. But if Trump looses now it means the right wing anti-establishment movement will be able to count it as a win, which is bad for us. Of course it might actually undermine them even more if trump wins, depending on his actions. So I don't really care who wins now.

Woah, some shitty humor site that says she wasn't laughing at the case itself but about the SO WACKY moments involving it sure proves anything.

But you know, her call for Assange's assassination was just a joke.

That must suck.

All of a sudden the media is giving Trump reasonable standards and record analysis. Although it's so late in the game for the media to do this without seeming so ridiculously partisan. This is such an obvious, coordinated diversion from Wikileaks, maybe some Lumpens will notice it.

Trump will now go full anti-media, Bill-Clinton-Smear mode and Hillary-Wikileaks mode if he's smart. Going defense is what Republicans want him to do, but that just guarantees a slow death. And Republicans want that.

Where the fuck was wikileaks when B████ was still running

That's a spicy pizza!

oh god please tell me that image is fake

who the fuck is Milo


Maybe they didn't have them back then? They didn't release all of the Podesta emails yet, maybe that's why the newer ones are missing (they're likely more spicy).

we should make the "grab her by the pussy" a meme

someone shop trump's face in here

An attention whoring e-celeb that isn't indicative of mainstream homosexual activism.





assmad Holla Forumsyp cuck detected

People respect authority and respectability. It's a good thing that people view the "left" (you mean liberals) as the role models and moral people in the room.

Fixed that for you.

>Old People respect their own authority

I think that's a more correct way of putting it, they raise holy hell when something is perceived to slightly impinge their interest but generally go with "morality" and "respectability" memes because they see that as serving their own interest, they see themselves fitting those social roles.

t;ldr they got fucked and spooked out hard as kids and now their not gonna let anyone take the shit they waited for

It's also partly that republicans are retarded about campaigning

Anyway you guys might think the wikileaks things are significant a but the media has gone full Madame President. There is 0 mention of the leaks. I mean literally 0. A total abandonment of their journalistic pretentions. To them, the purpose of the 5th Estate is to guard America against a trump presidency because he said crass things.

All this has buried the revelation of some of Hillary's speeches.