Ghana to remove Gandhi statue following university protest because of Indian freedom fighter's 'alleged racism'

What does /leftpolitics/ think of this? Has post-colonial theory gone too far?

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It's all spooks

Gandhi existed though.

tbh Ghandi was a shit. His support of the caste system shafted a hell of a lot of people.



If you want to take down Gandhi statues this is the right reason:

Thats not what spooks mean.

how do u know


Gandhi is a 'fixed idea'?

He can be

Are you seriously serious about this?

We live in a moralizing totalitarianism:

This isn't about whether Gandhi's statue should be removed or not, it's about the reasoning behind its removal ("alleged racism").
In other words: fuck Gandhi, we should be talking about what has happened to contemporary politics.

He was against untouchability, he had a more complex attitude towards the caste system as a whole.

Are you being ironic?

Yeah, this statue that is just sitting there is the issue that Ghana needs to be addressing right now. It is clearly the single mist important problem facing the country and its people.

Fucking dumbasses.

Yep, and electing Hillary is the most important thing for women across the whole word. Trickle down feminism and droning mothers of suspected terrorists is the real change we need.

lads how is it unreasonable for a bunch of black people to not want a statue of a guy who hated black people

Lol stupid nigger subhumans

Fuck Gandhi and his white western middle class cult of pacifist followers.

Gandhi helped prolong Indian independence by pacifying would be revolutionaries and he even condemned freedom fighters for using violent mean to achieve their goals.

The British merely ran out of bullets and faced an increasingly violent India, they had no moral qualms in exterminating dissidents of a population that even the progressives of Britain thought of as subhuman, it was just impractical to continue doing so as the Indian resistance movements ranks continued to swell.

Name one time the British actively set about trying to exterminate Indians.

Gandhi and MLK are the anti-gun, anti-violence gods of liberals, the less they are fetishized the better

Gandhi is a classic case of librial wet dream

He made a revolt that should never be called revolution that changed nothing in the Indian society, same hierarchies same material conditions, oh only brown skinned rulers this time


I didn't say the British were trying to rid the Earth of Indians, they were just seen as worthless, either slaves to procure resources out of India or obstacles preventing said exploitation.

Anyway of the many heavy handed atrocities the British committed in India, here's one:

Maybe they should have protested more peacefully, then the soldiers might have put down their guns.

Why am I not surprised.

I will give them that Ghandi was a racist
But at the same time, this makes me think of Americans who wanted to remove statues of MLK because he didn't fight for women's rights - he was a race reductionist apparently.

'THERE'S OTHER THINGS THAT ARE MORE IMPORTANT' is not an argument, you do know this, right?

something something something spooks

i get what you're saying, but disliking someone for something they were is not the same as disliking someone for something they weren't

Good, fuck Ghandi

As India becomes a capitalist super power they lose their oppression points and are now nothing but proto-Europeans.

First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then you win,
Then they take down your statue

He can be>>970554