Discuss all and anything relating to China here.
Chinese politics, Chinese sphere of influence, Chinese geopolitical, you name it, let's discuss it.
Discuss all and anything relating to China here.
Chinese politics, Chinese sphere of influence, Chinese geopolitical, you name it, let's discuss it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Mainlanders a shit
Is Freemasonry is still banned in China? What is the relationship with Globalists? What about Zionsts?
Any group or movement that isn't loyal to the CPC (run by them) is banned, considered a threat to national security, and is monitored by the Public Security Bureau and the MSS.
Freemasonry is banned because the CPC couldn't garuantee it's loyalty.
Christianity is controlled by the CPC and the Vatican can't influence it, hence why Vatican City doesn't recognise the PRC.
I'm but a simple econfag, anyone interested in that angle? Its economic power doesn't seem to have translated into a political one but I don't pay that much attention.
You know you lost the Korean War?
Hide the thread then.
You lost Chosin and were pushed back when the USSR couldn't do anything.
Salty and pyrrhic doesn't change history.
Economy and politics go hand in hand.
All big business in China has links to the CPC.
Many of them got loans and assistance due to connections or military background.
Lots of vital industries are state controlled and protectionism is pretty high.
However they do manipulate currency for economic and trading advantage.
Has anyone here ever visited China?
Yes. I can speak Mandarin Chinese and I'm a westerner.
It's a very well run place. The CCP deserve a lot of credit for what they've done. Ignore the endless ">mainlanders" "muh Hong Kong/Taiwan" stuff - it's just posturing by people who know nothing about the region in general. The equivalent of the non-whites on /int/ who post ">X >White" threads to try and fit in and pretend they understand the dynamics of inter-ethnic relations in parts of Europe.
And I hate Asian Americans, so I've got no skin in this game in terms of defending Asians in general.
Wew lad. I think that your place is with the horsefuckers and dogfuckers at >>>Holla Forums or cuckchan
This sort of petty nationalism is precisely why the Jews are able to galvanize Americans into wars with people like Syrians, who have no quarrel with America.
Born there, emigrated young, set up business, westernised.
I've got some good understanding of how things work.
Have some skin to defend Chinese only - japs are weird and Koreans are Jews in general.
Hide the thread if you don't want to learn and understand other countries politics.
Better to learn and understand than screech at what you don't know.
Not sure if shill or drunk with delusion. I spent 5 years in China and it's an utter fucking shithole with piles of garbage on every corner and miles and miles of empty buildings, while rents continue to skyrocket. You can't eat outside because restaurants sell all the old thrown out food to the mafia who then cooks the oil out of it and sells it back to restaurants at bargain basement prices, this is called "地沟油“. They have 3 police searching down every little Chinese lady that uses the subway while mudshits and niggers walk by with impunity. Go anywhere near a university and shitskins are sitting outside on benches drinking all day and night while terrified Chinese walk by and the police are nowhere to be found, but the police are more than happy to harrass and arrest the little farmer selling oranges without a permit 20 feet away.
And yes mainlanders are shit, everywhere they go everybody hates them. Take a trip to southeast Asia some time, mainland Chinese tourists are bigger niggers than the locals. Actually just take a trip to any normal Chinese city like Suzhou or Xi'an to them shitting in the street at levels that would make Indians blush.
Fuck off commies. You are the tool of the jew. You're not welcome here.
China's political/economic system is neither capitalist nor communist. It's best described as "Chinese".
I could do without the air pollution, though.
What area of China did you live in, if you don't mind me asking?
I spent a few years in Shangdong, visited Heibei, Yewu, Shanghai, Beijing, and visited the countryside a few times.
I watched a Chinese film at the cinemas today, it was surprisingly decent.
Would recommend
Maybe in the bigger cities. Stay out of those, anyways. City life is cancer, no matter where you go.
It's as bad in the medium sized cities. I spent over a year in Wuhu, Anhui, the people are practically yellow niggers minus the violence.
medium sized and small cities*
There's a joke about Henan people in China. It's our equivalent of the Florida man.
Stereotyped as cunning thieves they're rude and drunk and do stupid shit for stupid prizes.
Beijing is pretty bad after dry seasons since the mountains surrounding it stop airflow.
Have you tried living in the northeast? Get away from the south.
I've only ever lived in HK and Singapore. Visited Beijing for a couple of months though. Been to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou - Nanchang too.
Where? Where exactly? I spent two months in Beijing and went to each ring-road part - There wasn't a single part that was as dirty as London.
You've obviously been watching some bullshit like ChinaUncensored. Do you realize that the 城管 (city management) get shit no matter what they do?
If they drag a fruit seller selling his stuff illegally off, the ordinary people accuse them of being harsh and cruel. If they allow him to sit in the middle of the road and do that shit, then motorists come along and lambast them for not maintaining order/clear streets.
Complete and utter bullshit. If you actually believe India is a better run, better managed country than the PRC then you're either a paid shill or a retard. In fact the comparison between the PRC and India perfectly highlights why authoritarianism > liberal derpmocracy every time.
I-I'm being trolled right (that's for international schools)?
Also, outside of East Asia, who is China's BFF?
Usually I would have ignored this thread, but I'm tired of everything being about Syria and american elections so please let's leave it out.
Yeah, what a lot of people don't get about Beijing's smog is that it is compounded by the fact the land surrounding Beijing is arid and dusty as fuck. It's that bad precisely because the surrounding environment is so damned inhospitable.
Chink honorary sandnigger here. AMA.
ah. I haven't visited Guangzhou or Shenzhen, but I'd like to someday to pickup some cheap electronics
Watch sepentza and similar youtubers if you wants better idea.
The China uncensored guy is a hack if you're watching him.
Education costs a lot, hence the huge number of international students.
I'd say Australia, Iran, Pakistan, African countries are on fairly good relations.
Serpentza is a legitimately cool guy, it makes me sad when he gets qifu'd by some Chinese who happen upon his videos and assume he's "anti china" or something. He's even-handed and seems good natured. Also has a good sense of humor.
Give up user, this Holla Forums has become 4cuck Holla Forums, where only screeching and idiocy reigns, there is no will to learn, i'd suggest emigrating after the recent reveleations about the moderation.
Yeah, a buddy of mine enjoys watching the videos because he's a really down to earth guy about things.
It's a shame a lot of the stores are paranoid about westerners.
There's a good number of people that visit pol not to screech and have stupid discussions, and like to learn about other cultures and politics.
I don't know how badly pol has devolved, but I think there's some genuine discussion to be had.
Have you fallen for the Han meme?
u wut m8?
The CPC meme to move Han Chinese into Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang to marry and breed the local ethnics out of existence.
They get paid and receive benefits if they do.
Who is your favorite figure from the CCP user?
And how do you feel about Xi's recent crackdown? The rules for party members are super fucking strict now. I mentioned in another thread how even non-party member civil servants need to submit their wedding party plans to the local CPC office to make sure it's not too extravagant.
You cannot bang the islam out of a muslim m8. The child will be muslim since the other side of the family usually lacks an organised faith.
Deng and Zhou knew what they were doing. I think highly of those responsible for the Nixon visit to China and the subsequent trade that Mao's successors built on.
Xi's crackdown was much needed and I see it as a scheme that'll strengthen China greatly through reforms.
I know the southern Chinese mosques are under watch of the PSB/MSS, but I don't know how monitored Uighers mosques are. I know there's a lot of tension since some Muslims bombed and attacked a mosque there with machetes.
Agreed. I feel the question is whether it is sustainable or not from one administration to the next.
just you wait motherfucker, the nationalists will rise again
Anhui is not the south, I lived in Guangdong and Fujian as well. I never lived in the northeast but visited extensively. I really saw no evidence to contradict the going theory about China being a shithole.
Xi's (((crackdown))) was a way for his group of jewish slaves to international bankers to take control from Jiang's jewish slaves. Everything Xi "cracked down" on his group is guilty of and complicit in. And, of course, he didn't actually "crackdown" on the real problems - international finance, globalists, jewish private firms and hedge funds, etc., he "cracked down" on his old corrupt buddies in a typical third world power play.
If China is third world, then what does that make the US?
America's cities are zones of endemic criminality that would never be tolerated even in a third-tier city. It can barely even engineer its own bridges or railways anymore.
Nice Jiang trivia, did you read that in CNN's special edition? Or the BBC?
I have first hand experience of the CCP - an ex girlfriend's father was a mid-level functionary in Jiangxi Province's educational committees, it's an open secret that many luxury restaurants have gone out of business as a result of the new rules that have been introduced.
Cantonese are truly the niggers of china
Different country, different system.
I think if the US or other countries cracked down like this, it wouldn't be sustainable. But CN is run on 5 year plans so maybe they can make it sustainable.
I don't know what to think of the Qing.
On one hand they lead to the disaster of the weakening of China, but the Boxer rebellion prevented China from being colonised.
At last, what can one say?
cantonese is truly an abomination of a dialect.
t. 90iq white person
Rauf out roud.
Well yeah.
The goal of the CPC is to breed them out of existance and heritage, then monitor and restrict access to Mosques/non-Han culture.
Similar to how Israel approaches Palestinians.
What the fuck are you talking about ?! people are having a good discussion in this thread, nobody is shilling or shitposting.
All of the chinese ive dealt with are some of the most redpilled people i know. They have a good idea of how the world works. That being said the average chink can be convinced to buy/do anything if they think other chinks are buying/doing it too.
I hope to one day travel to china , ive slowly been learning mandarin to do so.
It's fairly common to see blind, ultranationalist posters on Holla Forums than previously before.
Whilst it's reasonable to be proud of their own nation, they're deluded by ignoring everything that does exist.
But there is genuine, quality discussion here which is good to see.
If you get a chance, take a visit to Qingdao and it's beaches and try it's beer. I've been there a few times, it's a great place in my opinion.
Are you Uighur, also what is your opinion on the Sunni/Shia schism and sectarian politics?
It's actually more than just the doing of the CCP. The many muslim ethnic groups are either being (((modernised))) by peer pressure, or being turned into Wahabi-kikes by (((Saudis))) who are allowed to teach their courses and build new mosques by the government in exchange for cheap oil. Either way, the unique indigenous muslim cultures are going away for good, just like what's happening in many other muslim communities in east Asia.
I worked at a small mom and pop Chinese restaurant for 5 years. Nice people, paid shit, but I enjoyed the leniency and work there, also free food.
The husband was a very nice and competent person, always talked about how "Greet and powafol" Mao was. His wife is literally the stupidest and most inept person I have ever met, still a nice lady though. Their kids are totally Americanized, I always told their two 12 year old twin sons to lay off the anime and minecraft videos on their ipads and stop acting like faggots and toughen up a bit since they were stereotypical beta asian dorks, don't want to see them go through hell in High School.
Memes aside, they were greedy (I don't blame them, guy works _every day_ for 13-14 hours), but nice people.
It exists because two groups of slimes effectively deified different groups of people in islamic history. Taking any human too seriously is in my opinion some form of idol worship, including Moe (PBUH). For most muslims it wouldn't even matter if it wasn't for meme (((scholars))) on youtube going nuts about it all the time.
Have some halal memes my friends |:^)
despite being full of chinese is China the closest thing to a National Socialist country?
It's socialism that benefits it's nationals only, and enforces trade to ensure money enters the country, and protectionism of it's own people and trade, and ensures state sovereignty by assuming control of industries and groups that are vital to the state.
It sounds familiar, and it's the closest you'll get to natsoc.
What? Chinese people cut corners and try to cheat you as much as they can when you're not looking? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.
Makes you wonder what a Chinese Jew would be like.
Technically they're the Second World. Still commie, last I checked.
Truth, Germanfag here.
I have been living in China for years, been to the US a couple times and most of the US outside of suburbia looks rundown as fuck + crazy overpriced.
Brooklyn is favela style buildings next to new condos, which is weird as fuck. Most of Manhattan looks dodgy as well.
The building quality sucks in China but unless you go to some industrial gutter tier zones the place is clean enough and extremely safe (I lived in Shanghai and Chengdu).
China is a lot better than it's image. People and the gov generally leave you alone, which can't be said about Germany where the gov is always all up on your ass.
i will live to see my island die wont i
How do you not sperg out by the constant flouting of ze rhoolz in China?
I'm an autist, shit makes sense to me.
When I came back to Germany everything thinks I'm an even bigger asshole than I was before though.
Deserve everything you get for not voting the KMT.
Don't try to get into sensitive positions whilst doing things that affect national security.
Easiest way to get the secret police watching you is to be involved in things that threaten national security and can subvert people.
Here's how it works:
Some jobs, like teachers are checked on very often.
If secret police to think you're subversive, they'll take action.
Chinks stink and should be killed
thanks for your constructive criticism
A containment thread. How leftypol.
bump from the last page
Bad pollution, people are dumb and will believe everything. Young girls interested in BBCs. I knew a Chinese couple with the girl actually tried black cocks – they live in Guangzhou.
I am Chinese myself but can't say too much good things for China.
Is China based or should it be nuked?
can't nuke what can nuke back.
You can consider us based because we're the closest thing to natsoc currently existing in a major power.
I've only seen fat and ugly girls with niggers.
The PRC is one of Israel's most powerful partners in Asia, according to Wikipedia.
why should we care about countries that are non white
zuckerberg married a chinese woman, rothschild relative did the same.
there's heavy accusations of involvement of jews in the economic development
because you can't take on the world alone
pol is a place for discussion of politics, news, happenings and current events. nothing about race, religion, ect.
But you're not. You're not even close.
NatSoc was about uplifting the people, both physically and mentally. Their entire MO revolved around the Promethean desire to overcome, exceed, and ascend. In short, apotheosis, in all aspects of life and spheres of endeavor.
China's the polar opposite. Your elite is no different than any other on the planet, existing only to enrich itself at the expense of the legions of slaves that toil endlessly for the rulers' personal gain. Memes aside, you lack empathy, compassion, altruism, and foresight toward your own in-group, let alone others (or the environment). You butcher your co-ethnics overtly through predatory capitalism, and covertly through state-run propaganda that's no better than any other brainwashing cult. You're the polar opposite of progressive, in the Nietzschean, fascist term.
Insects. Ants. Sub-humans. The legacy of a thousand failed dynasties, stretched over the corpses of millions like a faux-epidermis clinging to the rotting, necrotic flesh of some decomposing leper that can't seem to expire. You were beyond irrelevant during the Middle Ages, and only the White man's idiocy allowed you to catch up in technology. We should have cleansed you when we had the chance. Instead, traitors and kikes prevailed, and you were built up while our own nations were economically strangled.
China as NatSoc. Don't make me fucking laugh.
Really nothing more than a bunch of autistic commie drones that took to jewish talmudism like a fish to water. Centuries of bureaucratic dysgenics will do that to a population.
What's the famous Chinese proverb? The nail that sticks out gets hammered hardest?
In short, fellate a shotgun, you overpaid piece of PRC shilling shit.
I hope a viral payload wipes out your entire misbegotten, slant-eyed race.
I agree user!
But you're not. You're not even close.
Read the greentext closer and carefully.
One of few countries that is socialist only for it's nationals. It's the very definition of national socialism.
Whatever you're defining as NatSoc has nothing to do with what really is NatSoc.
Good attempt to move the goalpost.
No it's not. NatSoc was based on Promethean ethics (classical aristocratic Hellenic morality) - its socialism was just the quickest and most efficient way of galvanizing a shattered population. You know nothing of it, and feel nothing about it, because you're biologically incapable of empathizing with it. It's literally impossible for you or others like you to understand that socialism isn't the materialistic coddling of stupefied masses, but the helping hand toward those who were rubbed raw by the capricious indifference of Fate. It's meant to build up the Volk, not spread handouts among party aparatchiks and their supplicating orbiters.
I'm sure Uncle Adolf had suicide nets for his factory workers as well, amirite? :)
Please teach me about the ideology of my forefathers, O wise rice-goblin from the mystic East!
Cite a source.
National Socialism is literally in the name.
Nationalism and Socialism.
Great larping, reminds me of Ironmarch and the European Heritage Community.
With Burgers slowly becoming Brazil it looks like china will again become a world power. What will this mean for europe?
destruction of the european union and favourable trade agreements.
National socalism was based off of german idealism
Those things don't mean what you think they mean, my stunted little friend.
Then fuck off and leave. This board isn't for you; go shill your yellow cancer somewhere else.
Fucking asian jews. You all need to be gassed.
In part. But it had its backbone in Prussian authoritarianism and militarism. And all of them had an incurable case of lacanophilia, especially the old guard. I can't remember where I ran into it, but there was a magnificent essay on the roots of NatSoc's beliefs, and its connection to Hellenic values. Mainly the pre-Christian aristocratic ethics that Nietzsche spent so much time harping about (not trying to D&C with religion, just saying). Try the Occidental Observer, it might be there. I wish I could give you a direct link but my brain decided to go into 'fuck you' mode.
hide the thread then.
The irony is Ironmarch and the EHC were all exterminated by Holla Forums users for being too deluded and nostalgic.
"German idealism", "Promethean ethics", all these buzzwords don't mean anything.
They're hundreds of years old theories and ideals that're long lost. They're so forgotten and outdated hardly anyone remembers the names on the dusty books of some pseudo-nostalgic tales of when things were different.
The future is now old man. Get with the times. Prussian authoritarianism doesn't exist and never will exist again.
Why? I enjoy humiliating yellow vermin like yourself.
You're blinded by your own ignorance. It's laughable, actually. There's no hard divide between fascists, despite what sub-groupings they belong to. We intermix and refine our ideologies in the fiery crucible of debate. Holla Forums (gratz on finally getting it right!) never 'exterminated' anything; and nostalgia is not a pejorative, you post-modern, jew-sucking, plastic-producing, gutter-oil-swilling asian cuck. Pining for better times is a mark of greatness, not shame. But you wouldn't know anything about that, since your entire race is the textbook definition of mediocrity.
They're actually fairly rigid terms that define specific things. Do some reading - it's a wonder what one can learn.
You sound perturbed. Did I hit a nerve? Almost like you're… afraid.
I'm barely 30.
Sure. Not hard to do, since the pendulum is swinging to the right.
You're right. They were too soft. Just like the NatSocs. Once we win this war, once the White man takes control of the darwinian crucible that's Earth, the best you flea-bitten mongrel savages can look forward to is a slow and steady economic asphyxiation followed by a technological moratorium and quarantine. We'll choke you to death. Slowly. Methodically. Then we'll wipe the ashes away, and purify the befouled land you shat up playing with tech that was never yours to begin with.
Sleep well. You're living on borrowed time.
pol doxxed and attacked Ironmarch and humiliated the EHC by having a turkroach infiltrate their group.
That's gonna be a new quotable it's so cringe enducing.
I did. They're 150 years out of date, have no impact on today's politics and society, and never will have any impact anymore.
Report back when there is noticable progress. So far grass is still green, sky is still blue, water is still wet, Jews are in power, China leads in exports, and your ideals aren't enacted.
I'm living on your time. And after I've outlived that, I'll live on my own time.
I'll sleep soundly. MAD ensures time between great nuclear powers are unlimited.
You mean Holla Forums. Contrary to what you think, this place isn't a hive mind. What one segment of the user base does for lulz isn't automatically the manifest destiny of the whole board. Anons troll on their own time. Doxxing a bunch of namefags and e-celebs is so unimportant that it barely pings the radar. You're not only a dumb chink, but also a complete newfag, because none of us give so much as a flying fuck about e-drama.
Why? Slave labor and cheap exports are your country's lifeblood. What do you think would happen if the West woke up one day, decided to go full automation, and pulled out of your chinky ass? You'd leak splooge all over the floor while crying for the sugar daddy's dick to be put back in.
Face it, you're fucked. Utterly and irrevocably. Your economy is a bubble built on bubbles, and automation is creeping along whether you like it or not. Once it reaches parity, expect to see some truly impressive chimpouts in chink-land. You're far from self-sufficient, nor can you become so because that entails building up a middle class that wants a piece of the pie - something your jaundiced PRC overlords will never agree to. Hell, they're buying up entire chunks of Australia and Canada, while relocating their families and sending their kids to school there.
You're. Fucked.
It's only a matter of time.
Politics follow popular opinion, and it changes more quickly than a whore's client list. You can't be naive enough to believe that the current state of things will continue into perpetuity. Either you're dumber than a bag of bricks, or you're trolling.
Overton window is shifting. We'll get there… eventually. Rome wasn't built in a day.
You're so limited. So boxed in. So lacking in any higher human creativity. You think nukes will save you? That they're the ultimate deterrent? That nothing else is on the table? The age of bio-terrorism is dawning. The UN is shitting its pants. One man today can engineer in a year what an entire government team couldn't do in a decade, just some years prior. All it takes is a particularly virulent bug with long incubation time and low symptom profile, and you're fucked. Even harder than already, anyway.
One little virus that can, and there goes China, India, Africa…
Poof! No more! :)
Is the movie "Silence" about portuguese jesuits in japan forbbiden to watch in China?
In tl;dr how does PRC rule over so many people at once, regarding logistics?
Isn't that movie set in Japan?
PSB and MSS.
Mass surveillence and systematic crippling of anyone capable of doing harm.
Similar to the STASI, anyone that is in a sensitive position is monitored, and anyone willing to do harm has series of small accidents or incidents that prevent them from doing harm.
Various PSBs in every local town handling local issues. Serious things are handled by Intelligence agecies and Black operations by the MSS.
pol isn't a hive mind, but any group that has formed out of pol has been practically dismantled or atleast beaten down.
TRS, FTN, even the "alt right" or "pol youtubers" are scrutinised and shunned. Every one of pol's leaders or representatives has a knife slid into their back by their very brothers.
I'll give you an answer when you make the first step of a journey of a million miles. You haven't even as much put on your shoes.
See above. Rome wasn't built in a day, but your utopia won't be built ever so long as your "enemies" stand.
You won't get there, ever. Get it in your head.
Waiting. They said that about Ebola but that was contained in reasonable time.
I'm waiting for a credible threat. Everything you've said is theories and ideals, grand tales of things that could occur.
But there's no power backing it. It saddens me to see someone so dedicated to their ideal but not open minded enough to see how little power and feasibility it has.
when i reached the 100 chinese girl sex partner count i obtained this weird aura and no chinese girls fall on my dick.
i went to an old chinese lady spiritualist and she said she need to test my cum to be sure so she sucked me off and swallowed, but then she said i was all good but that i should come back for regular tests.
i am not convinced. what is wrong with me?
This is a quality post that is very very much rooted in truth ville
This is a shit post rooted in delusions and false fantasy realities.
Take note newfags the difference between a woke omega pilled person and a lost cause that won't figure it out till it's too late.
We don't have 'leaders and representatives', you colossal mong. Why can't you get that through your thick skull? This place is a decentralized think tank, nothing more. I'd suspect you were trolling, but the comment you made earlier in the thread about only ugly chink sows dating niggers means you're probably a legit PRC shill.
You can't deny your entire economy is built on a house of cards. And automation is moving forward pretty fast. The West is fucked as well, but we're more civilized and less brainwashed than you fags. If the lights go out here, our minorities will radicalize, and that will galvanize the White population against them. Overnight fascism.
As for you yellow hordes, holy shit are you fucked once 80% of your population loses that single fistful of rice they currently have access to. I'm guessing they're gonna skin the PRC stooges alive.
You're pretty adamant about driving home that whole demoralization angle. Why are you trying so hard? Nothing you say has any effect. I know you're probably paid to shill, but there are more receptive places than Holla Forums. Try the TRS sodomites, they have a thing for yellow fever, you'll fit right in.
Ebola probably wasn't cooked up in a lab, and if it was, they used 50-year-old tech. Honestly, there's nothing any nation can do against a bio-engineered virus designed to kill people on an industrial scale. The only reason ISIS isn't cooking up anything similar is because they're idiotic goat-fuckers. It's also telling that there hasn't been an attack on Western soil by 'terrrorrristz!!' using biological weapons. Fucking circus, all of it.
Automation is here. Biological terrorism is coming. These are facts. Either can fuck your shit up. Both will ensure you get Shoah'd in record time! :)
But this board is for peaceful discourse, and we do not advocate such things.
Tick tock, chinklet, tick tock…
ebola was a test run tbh
they were making sure they can quarantine and keep the virus out of white countries.
we are quite at the stage where we can create a virus or use nano tech to destroy all non whites based on genetic markers. but we will get there. if you have noticed the increase in genetics based research and personal tests. bill gates even took dna from every single third worlder he injected with vaccines. soon my friends. soon.
It's Friedrich List / American system.
like the ideas of Trump.
Maybe he'll redeem himself in the end. I'll chisel a monument to him if it turns out he's playing 1488D chess with those vaccines.
Make the asianmasculinity, anti-white male usa americuck feminists angry, and shilling for the beta losers of asianmasculinity larping as hapa bullshit and inventing anti-white male memes while the media of democrats party still trying to racially trashing white men, forcing white women and trying to be non-triggering, soft and please anti-white male haters, niggers, asianmasculinity, all the trash, we need to change this beta culture in USA
I'm not from USA and i want to give my globalist influence to USA become alpha males instead of losers with white women because i want better movies, videos and everything to feel proud and masturbate instead of castrated beta femdom feminist usa cuck culture forced by democrats party
Change this
I'm in your side Holla Forums but i have high sexual drive and can't accept beta culture or be manipulated by losers of asianmasculinity or niggers or accept shit from democrats party don't wanting to make their horrible voting base angry while trying to trashing racially white kids who born being white and man (Horrible for them, they want white people dead) because don't represents money, power, votes, for their disgusting party.
I want to give positive influence for USA because i don't want to be shamed because of USA trying to force in the whole world some beta anti-white male culture while trying to be cynical with white women and anti-white male garbage just to be non-triggering for niggers/asianmasculinity groups while for years making every kind of freak garbage against white men even white men being most desired and white women and women of other races wanting white men but it's not good for the democrats party who need anti-white mlae hatred and even fantsize about white women being poc or part of other group, tribe, ethnic racial group in their manipulation to get votes, money, power
Die democrats party
I'm not even from USA since you can see my bad english and i'm proud of this since i feeel disgust of you being owned by DNC but i like my friends on Holla Forums and i would prefer to become gay for other white men than cuck for DNC. Since I'm attracted to other white men too but i don't like the idea of penis or be fucked so i feel disgust of this but i like to see attractive white men but i'm not gay i just like them.
I'm waiting for any evidence of your delusions to be backed up by power.
Nothing you say or do matters if there is no power behind it.
It won't be in your lifetime. Or your children's children's childrens.
I wouldn't count on the timer.
There's all the time in the world.
Alright thanks for reply
This is now Holla Forums's opinion (if you disagree you're Jewish :^))
that's pretty much the opinion of the really deluded pol users.
how to control goy:
-label un-kosher things as "very jewish" while posing as goy
-goy goes to war with it
-jew wins again
Restoration of Celestial Empire when?
Are there even any legalists or traditionalist movements in the Mainland, or are they just underground movements. I know there are some people who tries to restore the Hanfu in Xi'an as national clothing, but CCP be like "muh bad han chauvinism" even tho Hua culture is the only worthwhile preserving
easier to learn that simplified shit. if you don't want a backward script just adopt jiyin zimu, oh fucking wait Zhang Binglin was a traditionalist, and that won't look good on the commies who can't even implement a simple writing system
There is nothing much to say, really. The insect leaders put up the insect population as slave workforce to the jew in exchange for the jew providing them with white technology they can only mimic but not invent.
Now that there isn't much more technology to steal their apparent progress will end and they will stagnate into a shitty chinese knockoff of the west. With no more artificial progress china will from now on be completely dominated by the base insect behavior; breeding and spilling outwards for resources, like a typical infestation. This will inevitably lead to conflict with the other insects and it will keep on going until they are in conflict with whites and get fumigated.
Anyone know any good history books about China that specifically discuss the presence of Australoid peoples in the southern part of the country along with other aboriginal groups
Are you kidding me? National Socialism was about unquestionable loyalty to your people and your fellow man. Everyone must help.
If chinks find a young girl dying in the streets they stop to check if their car will clear her before running her over, as to not damage their undercarriage. Chink lives are worthless to other chinks. They are the polar opposite of everything the National Socialists were, and don't have an ounce of what Europeans would call humanity.
Yeah, no. On the surface it might be, but the symbols still show up enough for it to be really fucking obvious that they're still here. Visit Wangfujing when UBS is holding one of their regular orgies in -a fucking church- and tell me I'm wrong. At the very least Beijing has a nigh-terminal Martinist infestation.
You faggot, it's just been outsourced. You should see Arcadia, CA or Vancouver. Also, any and all real estate anywhere in the entire fucking world. The outflow levels of currency are still enormous in spite of the increased controls. Ergo, the people sending the money out are above the law. Therefore, it follows that they are probably party members. China really does exist for the purpose of benefiting Chinese nationals through a functional modern socialist system!
When the currency properly valuates relative to the completely insane and now deliberately hidden M2 and Soros makes a shitton of money shorting it, I'm sure you'll still be here arguing that the jews were outsiders the whole time.
^ Knows.
When people deliberately go into government for the express purpose of making money and being at the top of the social hierarchy, that is not a government that exists for the benefit of its nationals. That's feudalism, you dipshit. Which, 5,000 years of glorious history later, China still hasn't actually moved past. There's still a national civil service exam. It's still hugely popular. I wonder why.
They're trying to fix their shit in R&D. However a combination of their own shitty IP enforcement and lackluster education system have held them back. They don't actually have rule of law, because "muh CCP," so this problem is essentially unsolvable. All of the judges in China are so shitty and such a national embarrassment that foreigners automatically get to file at higher-level courts. They have over 600 Supreme Court justices and the majority are women. The reason? The pay is crap, there's no opportunity for political advancement, and they get plenty of free time. Last I heard Basic Court level Justices are paid around 400 RMB per month. But their conviction rates are still 98% compared to Japan's 99%, so I guess you can't accuse them of wielding a rubber stamp instead of a gavel.
Somebody's practicing regular rituals at the Taoist solar shrine in Ritan Park in Beijing. There's no way some of the locks are that clean and the security is that tight if nobody's going in there. I feel like the Chi workers who are always there probably know what's up, but I'm not asking. There's certainly something weird going on here with the Taoists.
China has problems. Overall, they really aren't better or worse than those in other countries. The whole world is a mess, China included. China does well at recognizing when certain group priorities need to dominate over the individual. When shit needs to get done, it gets done fast. The censorship and monitoring is out in the open. In some ways makes it at least a bit more respectful of it's subject population. They don't take crap from big Pharma and big Ag, the way the rest of the world has.
But the complete and utter lack of transparency in just about anything the CCP does means that you're essentially taking it on faith when the government tells you they stopped stealing organs from people / being horrifically corrupt distended assholes. Which means that any claim that the Chinese government exists for the primary benefit of it's people is essentially unverifiable. So, I've really go to disagree with you there, Chinafag.
The depths of the chink intellect. No wonder confucianism works so well on them.
It's encouraging to see more people having come to this realization.
we cant afford to be too nice again this time around
we can be nice again once the whole planet is white
The Chinese should be exterminated. They're like insects except insects don't create heavy metal pollution.
wrong pic, OP