Who could've thunk.
No wonder (((they))) need a steady stream of new ones.
Children of immigrants in Sweden have fewer children than native swedes
Fucking racist climate!
I don't believe this though tbh.
MSM "research" should bannable on site.
Read it one more time please. It says "children of " meaning those who potentially have parents which might have produced more then the native swedes.
If this trend is real then it would mitigate what their parents did long term.
What the fuck am I reading?
Sweden actually has some of the best birth rates in Europe (only behind France and Ireland IIRC) and while I don't think immigrants have less children, it's not that much more than natives. The highest birth rates are in regions with few to none shitskins (far north, rural central south)
Birth rates is something you need to worry about in Eastern Europe, Italy and Germany.
In Germany the Turks here actually reproduce slightly under the replacement level (1,9 children per couple i think). The problems is the arabs and other minorities (african niggers and poos, which we at this moment still have relatively few of compared to other countries) who reproduce like rabbits. the refugees are not a problem in that regard yet, as nearly all are single men and with all the brainwashing going on, there are very few German women who would actually touch them with a ten foot pole let alone reproduce with them. thats why all the rapes because liberal brainwashing goes only as far.
so in short we need to stop importing new rapefugees, send all the rapefugees who came here recently and in the decades before( arabs came as rapefugees as well thanks to Israel) packing and then start a programm together with Turkey to take all their scum back who came here in the 70s and 80s. We need to work out a deal with King Roach for a depopulation programm and make it clear that all the Roaches who dont want to participate will get sterilized.
It could all be done so easily its not even funny. yet here we are in this mess. Thanks (((Jews)))
we in Germany would be fine with the lower birthrates for some time IF we wouldnt be constantly flooded with the trash of the entire world.
But yeah, the endgoal is reaching around 65 million puire Germans in Germany and then stabilize the birthrate at 2,1 Children per woman. As Long as we dont get our Eastern Germany back from the Poles, there is no reason to aim for 80 Million again
Thing is noone wants them back and you'd have to gas our oldies as the overaging problem is real.
Germans are great people and it benefits humanity as a whole to have as many as possible of you. It's just an insult to humanity that there can be a billion niggers and a billion Indians and less than 200 million Germans (counting all the diaspora).
Didn't blacks get all kooky when they don't get sun 24/7
tbh, it has nothing to do with maintaining a labor force and everything to do with easily-drafted footsoldiers for the Winter War; it really doesn't matter to the (((elites))) whether the muds have kids or not, because they intend for most of them to die in Finland.
yeah but the oldie problem will solve it selve sadly enough. what i wanted to say is that at Germanies current size, 65 million REAL Germans would be more than enough. When we get some colonies or we get our eastern parts back we can talk breeding up again
Nothing to worry about Goyim. Their statistics are wrong they stopped making ethnic statistics.
The world has too many people don't mind that they're subhuman shitskins and there's not enough resources for everybody this would be solved if every nigger just died and it's just a natural part of living in the city despite that coons get tax money from whites to breed
The media and academia belonging to God's chosen people really needs an excuse to keep you from noticing what's the cause here.
Poles would kick your shit in lol.
Winter-chan sticks around in Sweden apparently. Thank you Winter-chan!
Fake news and fake propaganda. There is no reason they would have less children.
They have 5 children per family min.
Goverment just stopped tracking it.
Probably bullshit to be honest, but there is the possibility that the children of immigrants are (((westernised))) considerably. Meaning they're still massive degenerates, but also materialistic atomized degenerates who can't be bothered to reproduce.
Not that this really matters, because a suicidal immigration policy will lead to the extinction of native swedes, high shitskin birthrates or no.
My anecdotal research says that this is false, always see somalis with 5-7 kids running around.
yeah Poles are really mighty warrioirs we all know that Janusz
That said, I can totally buy westernized rapefugees turning into degenerates and not having kids.
how's it going, shill?
Hello Dr. Andersson / Persson / Obućina or student of the above.
I notice that your study relies heavily on official government statistics (Swedish register data) despite the fact that your government has been shown to routinely lie to you. I also notice that you rely on your "own calculations" but that you do not deign to explain your methodology in your paper. Care to fill us in?
Also, don't expect the people on this board to take EU funded studies seriously. Not without some pretty hard evidence.
The Japs are not highlighted they are orange
My mistake. I thought it was red at a quick glance
Yeah, but let's assume Muhammad 1 gets 20 children by for wives, their children will have 3 children by 1 wife, 1 coalburner. Their children might have 1-2 children. This is all assuming none of them dies in gang wars
It just seems to me like it's a quick burn, but if (((they))) get them to critical mass they might overcome it
Np,it was a slapdash job, I have to do a better one.
Die. What a shitty map.
Kill them all there is no range "lightly to heavy" just death.
Sweden needs invasion and liberation (as does most of Europe) idk anything about Portugal other than Vasco da Gama was from there and they used to be good at sailing.
The point is non-whites have to go for many reasons 2 of them are overpopulation & resource scarcity. Of the non-white areas India, China, Africa,the middle east, and Latin America are the major population problem areas.
Inject pyridine (or throw it in drinks) and good bye sperm mobility. I think they have something in mind with GMO, maybe this is why Russia banned them outright.
This is definitively untrue, the darkies have more children than native swedes and they have them earlier in life.
Why would you exterminate the all time champion kebab removers who openly fly swastikas while lifting daily?