Cosmo! Wanda! I wish for full communism!
You can't defy human nature timmie
Here you go
are you saying that makhnolia was a communist society?
Was it not?
Sorry timmy, can't let you do that.
Most Ukrainians in the so-called "Free Territory" saw Makhno and his comrades as terrorists and/or bandits.
"But property is theft"
You tell me:
Spoilers: Makhno's 'free territory' and his practices were as anarchist as the United Soviet 'Socialist' Republic was socialist.
Literally no one likes you people.
Makhno had his own secret police, true fact.
False. I like leftcoms. They're the post-left anarchists of Marxism ;^)
Literally no one likes you n1x.
Nobody likes Anarcho-Nihilists in general.
Hell, nobody likes Anarchists in general
All according to plan my fam
Anarcho nihilists are anarchists on meth
And the problem is?
A fair and unbiased account of Anarchist Ukraine I'm sure.
Makhno's buddies also terrorized and butchered Jews.
Actually I personally prefer Anarcho-nihlists in general.
The fairies can't rearrange society like that. It would take things away from people!
Honestly, the show's thing about wishing for certain objects only getting teleported rather than materialized is weird. If it's literally magic, put little rules on it, and or least have it be consistent.
Jimmy Neutron was better btw.
Video embed
Defiantly not biased at all, im sure.
top kek, this is exactly how the show would handle it
dear god, it's worse than i thought
Christ, you really are a babe in the woods here
I'm not here to be liked. If, as I suspect is the case for you and many others here, your motivations for participating in a discussion forum is to be 'liked', to pick and choose from many different leftist tendencies like they're a favorite color, to circlejerk in a lack of actual discipline in educating yourself, then it truly is even less of a concern of mine whether or not people like me or not. I wouldn't want to be in good company with such vapid people, and I'm glad to rustle jimmies all day here on Holla Forums knowing that, given enough time, /one/ of you will have to one day feel like they should actually educate themselves on even the most basic tenets of the communist movement or their own ideologies.
I'm sure you'd be very glad to embrace Makhno's own diaries as the basis for knowing what went on in '20s eastern Ukraine and wouldn't give me this circus of butthurt, wouldn't you? (This is especially funny since Makhno's own diaries detail anything but socialism in his 'free territory', and are the closest sourced thing to even sound remotely positive about it. It's also even worse when you read the diaries of some of his closest partners and comrades, like in PDF related.)
Your hate makes me stronger!
"Stealing" stolen goods to return them to their rightful owners generally isn't regarded as theft.
Literally the opposite of the truth. Makhno shot an anti-semite in the face.
I'm not saying that the Free Territory was actual Anarchism or anything like that. What I am saying is that Trotsky clearly had a vested interest in making the Black Army look bad so his accounts aren't worth much. Neither are Makhno's tbh.
You know, a lot of people make fun of MLs for saying marxism is scientific but you know what? They're right. It assumes a bunch of shit, and also has inductive reasoning issues.
t. physicsfag so I'm allowed to say this.
So what sources would you trust?
Perhaps we could find some common ground first and then see whether the interpretations differ?
I can respect that. I'm a chemfriend and it's always nice to have kindred spirits in leftyworld.