If you want happiness, if eudaemonism is your goal in life, then you had no business progressing from the so-called 'blue pill' aka obliviousness, to the 'red pill' aka informed but hopeful status in the first place.
Black pill is the final destination. It is the cold hard admission of all current realities, and more specifically, it is an assessment of the situation where the truth is that you are not winning and it will be hard to turn it around
For that very reason, people here and elsewhere decry "blackpilling" because they like to lump it in with some sort of defeatism, but at its very best, blackpill is the most brutally honest assessment of what is currently face. Redpill is generally some hopeful halfway house, where people puff up past greatness for some attempt to put wind in their sails and make them feel good, and this anti-blackpill mentality reeks of all of the reasons you would see someone like Hitler and Goebbels keep telling the Germans "the fight is not lost," even when they knew it was. They knew it was lost, but they knew the population, when faced with such blackpills, would become like most of the weak herd does: broken and depressed. As leaders, they didn't want that, they wanted their masses to remain optimistic, and to go on fighting to a heroic end.
But, even in the end, at the very end, when Goebbels told Hitler "think of Frederick the Great," Hitler responded "that was a very different time." Defeatism? No, that was a blackpill reality, an admission that while it's fine to have heroes and daydream now and then, you must face the realities of your current situation, or else you only create more vulnerabilities for an enemy to pounce on your soft spots that you yourself chimerically tended to.
For this reason, every leader of every great warrior race always took the same approach, because it is always the exception and never the rule, that those who can handle absolute cold reality and still keep a firm back, is an absolute minority of warrior stock.
OP whines about his girlfriend leaving him. Let me say to you what Hitler said to Otto Wels and the SPD in the famous Hitler vs. Otto Wels debate: "you are sissies!"
Whenever I see someone whining about blackpills, I pity them, for they are really failed bluepillers who regret the redpill, and never wanted to really have the reality of the world in their heads; they walk envious of those born with gifts, they never had the spine to deal with the fight to be the most prestigious man possible: the one who forges gifts out of nothing.
That man is the only one respected in history. People look at Trump's sons and any honest man thinks "spoiled trust fund faggots that know how to pick out a tie." People look at Bismarck and the Prussians as iconic because they forged something out of nothing with a combination of intelligence (genetic), intellect (your so-called redpills and blackpills if need be), and a spine that never bent.
The first way out of any slump you might have about all of this reality is simple: forgo any hopes of a pretty future, face that you could be fighting in vain, and the fight itself is worth it.
The SS – with the aid of Julius Evola as an intellectual who worked with Himmler and them – fostered this ideology, the so-called Black Order, and they lived and breathed with an inner principle not of wanting some pretty bitch wife, or some pretty cottage with flowers, but that they were true to their inner core as living icons of what they called a 'Culture of Violence.' Violence for violence's sake.
Their mentality was that of the ancient warrior stock, their closest precursors ideologically were the Prussians and Spartans, both who shared this worldview that you stay absolutely honest about the situation and don't get depressed, you fall on your sword if need be, the legacy of the Iliad – the original bible of the West, as Goethe put it – because we all die.
And if you want a sweet life, where you die some old fuck in diapers in a nursing home with a nigger CNA wiping your ass, the get the fuck out now, and go research fashion trends.