I'll admit. I fell for the trump phenomenon shit too, just like alot of people did.
We should have known this would happen. I mean fuck, he never kept the fact that he was a zionist cuck a secret.
I feel ashamed but I also see the revelation that no amount of voting will save us.
How is voting in a rigged system going to benefit us at all?.
Voting will not fix this
Other urls found in this thread:
The jews control this democratic system. In what logical reality would they let us vote them out of power.
Hey Moishe whatcha sliding
Obvious slide/blackpill thread is obvious. Also this faggot doesn't even realize we have IDs
I do know there is IDs I just wanted to add something else.
Also for all you altright idiots, please explain What's bad about "blackpilling" if it is true.
They're even defending the fucking wall. Wake up. What is left.
There's always a chance Trump declares martial law at his next rally.
10/10 defeatist.
Have some hope, sure Trump fucked up with Syria but we need to have hope that he will still keep his other promises, if he doesn't then we do something.
I bet if they said they can't afford the wall because of new military developments in syria you'd still be saying the same shit. They're already talking about Defunding the wall.
No, if the wall doesn't happen I'm dropping Trump, I've said this many times.
I'm not blackpilled because we got fooled, I'm blackpilled because we'll take it.
These new shills are either bots, or they're the same meat bags as before but now with one less layer of sanity. There's no other way explain an operation this transparent. Where did their smarter handlers go that actually had a grasp of subtlety?
Your wife said you better get your ass home and fix Jamal's laptop or you're not getting out of your dick cage for another year.
As someone who didn't vote for Trump (mistakenly voted for Medcinal Dude Weed thinking he was Ron Paul 2.0), I have actual arguments.
He had a past history of friendships with the Clintons and liberal positions, he never gave much of a thesis on WHY he all of sudden despised her and stopped being liberal, he is a piece of shit in his personal life, his blatant lies about his (lack of) Christian faith border on blasphemy, he brags about screwing over his business partners (more to the point, I reasonably feared the American people were just his business clientele), and he made millions off of abusing eminent domain to seize property not for public use, but for private use.
But you know what? He's actually doing a better job than I expected, and I like most of what he's doing. If the next 3 years and 7 months are like this, I'll vote for his reelection. Here's why…
He's working with Rand to shut off Paul Ryan's Scamcare bill and get an actual Obongocare repeal in.
His missile strike on an empty Syrian airfield just to make the Chinese president shit his pants was pure gold. It was too little, too late to help ISIS, but it made China mroe cooperative in the Final Solution to the North Korean question.
He's blocking out the rapefugees and enforcing immigration laws. He's also blocking federal funding from libcuck sanctuary cities and universities. His handiwork so far is even more ballsy than what I thought Ted Cruz would have done, and that guy makes a career off of kicking hornet nests.
Simply put, he has a checkered past, but he got his one shot to be president, and he's made the most of it so far. And the liberal salt mine is worth its weight in gold.
There are no good politicians, just as there are no good Jews.
Of course, the alternative was worse… But whats the point of a system if it doesn't serve the people, your people?
It has no purpose but your downfall.
Put down the kosher sandwich and learn to shoot.
This is very forced.
holy shit they're just getting shills off the street now
I just wonder what everyone is going to think if he gets us into war. I didn't vote for him either and I too like what he is doing so far but get his dick out of your mouth for a second; he's already contemplating war in Syria, what makes you think he doesn't actually want war in Syria? Because the 60 Tomahawk missiles he shot didn't do jack shit? After all the revelations about US military infrastructure being outdated, unmaintained garbage? Please.
Shill slide thread, defeatist cuck technique. Reported and saged. Kys OP, your job is below a prostitute or a cleaning lady.
Should have voted for Ron Paul. Now you got jew friend.
sliding what retard? there are hundreds of topics on a single page, they last for weeks, nothing can be slid you jackass.
Jesus Christ, you faggots needs to get Trump's dick out of your mouth.
He's broken several promises already. He's about one promise short of losing everyone who can see this objectively.
The burden of proof is on anyone pro-Trump to show that he's not just another kike neo-con. His actions so far have indicated that he's another lying cocksucker.
He hasn't come through on any of the major promises and has gone back on several of them.
I no longer have to prove that Trump is a neo-con niggerlover. Now you have to prove he isn't.
And, the shill reveals himself
I think it's a valid post. Back in October I had a friend that reluctantly switched to Trump, he was formally a Bernie supporter and had been turned off by the Trump "grab 'em by the pussy" comment but then ending up voting for him and yet hated Hillary more. He stated one day that if Hillary was elected President he felt like killing everyone that ever pissed him off. If voting doesn't work, and no President can change the direction of the country, what are our final choices…. honestly, go to jail, or be killed by police? I myself at times wonder what the fuck the agenda is, unlimited lifetime tourism and America is the destination for the all of the undesirables who hate us world to overrun???
I think these people are all law enforcement types. Honestly, Trumps base of 72,000 police officers nationwide will stand behind him no matter what he does because 1. they keep their jobs, and 2 they are getting more and more powerful while every citizen is getting weaker and weaker.
I voted for Trump you jackass.
I've decided to make a list of all the promises Trump has broken within his first 100 days.
Lel, nope.
Top kek.
He's not even talking about it.
Good one, not a word about it.
Hasn't done jack shit.
Am I missing anything?
Sorry… forgot one.
Never happen now.
But I do have one promise he has kept.
Well done, Donald. You managed to keep this promise.
He made it legal for ISPs to sell information on its customer internet use. I think a big tax break is on the way for our wonderful corporations.
Don't forget 10%-13% and 15%-20% Tax rates for personal and business
Still going strong. travel ban or not, its in his power to do something without an executive order.
To be fair, he never promised not to.
I'm just sticking with things he specifically told us he would or wouldn't do that he has already lied about.
But the ISP thing is pretty shitty, but I don't keep up on much of it. Anons were saying mixed things, some said it was no big deal and some said it was.
For now, he's broken more promises than he's kept. Only 2 things I can think of that he's actually done that he's said he would do.
He killed TPP and there are more jobs. But there usually is an economic boom during a president's first few months in office and we aren't sure that Hillary wouldn't have killed TPP. She said she would, but we don't know for sure.
I can take a lot of shit and forgive it in the bigger picture (deregulation, letting Carl Icahn go full kike and make hundreds of millions setting policy, the ISP shit) but Syria is not one of them, that is like the glue that holds the rest of the shit together, you must have a non kiked foreign policy or there is literally no point, people were coming around to the idea worldwide, this was a huge fuck up.
Lurk moar you enormous normie faggot
five anti trump post lets see how we can correct this. since there are probably several trump critics lurking we need to spam other threads up the catalog first. After a waiting period we either
a. dumb pictures referring to the shill accusations
b. agree with the critics but then bring our exact same talking points.
c. shitpost
d. let the mods bumplock or delete it
tough decision
shills pls go
nihilism is the drug of the cultural marxist.
we actually stand for something. how about you fuck off back to your shitty depressing meaningless existence.
Look mate, if you thought Trump was going to be Literallyhitler then sorry, you were sadly mistaken from the very start. Nobody on Holla Forums should owe him any allegiance whatsoever, "God Emperor Trump" was just a meme to help him get elected. We only ever wanted to use him as a vehicle through which to normalise White Nationalist discourse. Now, thanks to the Trump campaign Holla Forums memes and talking points have been diffused over wider audience. But now that he's in office, he is ZOG, literally. We don't need to feign owing any allegiance to him any more. Trump is the centre now, but we still push right.
promote what you actually stand for
You're the shill. Burden of proof is on you to prove Trump isn't a lying cocksucker.
Now prove he isn't lying about the things outlined here
No thank you.
Let me guess "I'm a big blue faggot who thinks I should suck a dick anytime somebody smiles in my face."
How dare people criticize an elected official whose job it at the very least appease his base and explain himself.
I think most "nihilist blackpilled" people would fuck off back to their "meaningless depressing existence" except that meaningless existence is the same one you live so there's nowhere to go faggot
So you've finally come to realize that Trump lied about much more so far than he has followed through with.
Good. Now start thinking rationally and admit that you're in love with his personality and the camaraderie you've found with fellow Trump supporters and you're too afraid to forget about that and have integrity about your decisions.
You ever wonder why we're anonymous? Ever wonder why there is no real-life interaction with other Holla Forumsacks? It's because it's the only way to have integrity about your decisions. No post history, no reputation or friends to impress. All that's here is a collective of ideas with numbers assigned.
That's why you're afraid to call out Trump and we aren't.
We have id's here you turbo faggot, try your big speech again when the other guy comes back.
shhh, don't tell the kike how the site works, let him reveal himself for all to see
I guess I didn't think it was a slide thread. Shit thread, to be sure, but I don't see it as being a slide thread.
From the begining we were only hoping he was a stepping stone. Then the God Emperor memes were fooling normalfags. However, you are right. Trump is the Pat Bucanhan of the modern era (Embed related).
Other NatSoc groups were thinking that Duke was fooling himself, that all these people were stupid for thinking Trump could be anything. Were they right or wrong? Some links:
You're a woman aren't you.
Gas yourself. Trump is a complete faggot compared to Buchanan. Buchanan has denounced Trump's bullshit in Syria.
Do you not understand who Pat Buchanan is?
I'm saying that the Jews used similar tactics against Pat in '96. Both are honest men with values and are proud Americans not in the "Secret Club" of politicians. As my embed shows, he's not controlled op but just a man with values. The Jews don't like this. Trump is the same in that respect.
The embed was blocked in my country, here's one that works.
Trump is a man of values?
Trump is a fucking lying piece of shit as of right now. Trump is a billionaire New Yorker and Buchanan grew up poor.
When shit broke out at Buchanan rallies, he shoved them off stage himself.
Don't compare Trump to Buchanan. You sound like an idiot. Trump is doing the work of kikes right now.
Voting as a whole is ineffective but it is a loose indicator to the public of the opinion of people that are actually motivated enough to be politically relevant and therefore is important if you think your opinion matters
We've had this same concerntrolling demoralization thread ever since Trump entered the race back in 2015.
Trump was actually going around in the 90s denouncing Buchanan as le evil nazi.
My daughter was born in 1996. I was 31 then. The world has certainly gone down hill since then, for me and a lot of people I knew then. What really pisses me off now compared to then is the wealth I see displayed by Chinese nationals. The middle class was shrunk from the top down and the bottom up by Mexican immigration. The populace was directed then to invest in Real Estate to assure their futures and 401k retirement programs and both markets collapsed due to the Jews control of the financial markets. I see a lot of these Trump cool aide drinkers and I think I thought like them 25-30 years ago and never saw the bus coming. I'm all for war with Russia and China and I hope the US loses because then I will have freedom, freedom to drive 15 miles over the speed limit and maybe smoke pot in my rocking chair.
All your new threads, can't slide this. Bumplock is the only solution.
At least you know how to change your ID now, OP
I would have as well. Welcome to waking the fuck up and getting redpilled, Mr. Saul Silverblatt.
This has to be bait, people this stupid can't have a job talking to people.
i'm just doing your job man. you can't get a fake concensus already. too many people angry. they're really angry btw.
Voting itself may be irrelevant, but winning people over is relevant. We must keep spreading the red pills. Whatever course history will take from there on, we must increase our chances.